555 research outputs found

    Psychological distress among nursing staff during COVID - 19 Period in isolation hospitals in Khartoum state at 2020

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    إن الضائقة النفسية وعدم القدرة على التعامل بشكل فعال مع الضغوطات والاضطرابات العاطفية الناتجة عن المواجهة الفعالة والوباء COVID-19 وضع العالم بشكل عام في موقف حرج. هذه الدراسة عبارة عن دراسة وصفية مستعرضة تهدف إلى قياس الضغط النفسي بين الممرضات والممرضين , تألف حجم العينة من 58 ممرضة و ممرض . تم جمع البيانات عبر الإنترنت من خلال استبيان فردي وتحليل البيانات بواسطة الحزمة الإحصائية للعلوم الاجتماعية (SPSS). أظهرت النتائج أن ما يقرب من ثلث المشاركين (29.3٪) كانوا على الأرجح مصابين باضطراب خفيف و (20.7٪) كانوا على الأرجح مصابين باضطراب شديد


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    Citizenship represents a highly appreciated identity for any individual living permanently in specific environment. It gives her/him when optimally equipped, a peace of mind, a sense of belonging, cross cultural communication, daily life stability, and hope for a promising future. However, what observed in reality is a mixed of distorting aggravating conditions that negate most learned civic beliefs, conducts, and values. Hence, citizenship education is seen ineffective since was incapable to instill in students by means of meaningful programs and methodology the significant knowledge, skills and professional will to counteract individually and in small groups emergent violence, destructive outlaws and barbaric attitudes. Consequently, the main concerns of this article are presenting two research tasks, first: a Multiphasic Citizenship Blended Acculturation Program that incorporates the contemporary Info-Communication Global Age with, 1: A Taxonomy of Social Civic behaviors and values, 2: Trio Types of Citizenship Acculturation: national, Regional and Global citizens, 3: Digital ICTs and 3Rs' skills conducive to citizenship acculturation, and 4: A Model for Individual Human/Civic Rights. And second: A nondirective learning- teaching Methodology of Citizenship Acculturation

    Learning Trend Methodologies from BC Greek Sophists to 2000s’ Blended Open Source Schooling: A Comparative Analytic Study

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    The period of recorded history extends to 5,000 years BC, where Sumerian-Akkadian script confirmed the fact of being the oldest discovered record of coherent writing from the preliterate period around the 3000 BC (SE Alcock, 2001; Woods, 2010). Since that date of early basic literacy of human history, B.C pioneers, philosophers, leaderships and professionals exerted every efforts to advance their local environments in politics, state identity, public administration, urban centers, culture and faith, education, innovative thoughts and arts, and civic daily life. Consequently, B.C significant ancient states and civilizations arose and flourished into world sovereign empires, exceeding in several fields their contemporary counterparts the so-called “Big Powers” in the 21st century A.C. Even these “Big Powers” proved helpless in resisting the invisible virus “Corona”, which caused the death of hundreds of thousands of persons, and is threatening millions of others in facing health problems or termination later. The status of world states (powerful or marginal) is determined by the quality of its educational systems. Further, the future of civic and productive students as adults is dependent upon the rigor of schooling methodologies, which encompass: learners who are dedicated to learn; teachers who guide and teach; peers who are collaborative learning partners; curricula, which are served by textbooks and material in the classrooms; methods, techniques and technologies as communicative tools of education and management messages; and school environments, which physically host most education factors, processes and services. Hence, this research article examined the educational methodologies cumulative from BC Sophists to the ICTs revolution at 2000+ A.C. a Comparative analytic review was conducted to specify the advances and setbacks accrued during the extended 500B.C-2000+A.C years in the lives of generations as future crucial professional, leaderships and pioneer assets of society


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    This report basically discusses the project research and basic understanding for one of the elements in the chosen topic, which is The Study of 2D Thermal Distributions Using Fluent Simulation Program for Passive Solar Concept of Low Rise Building. The general objective is to study the Green Building features for low rise residential building. This lead to the specific objective of the project which is to analyze the temperature distribution inside a low rise terrace house and simulate using Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) program in order to compare the temperature distribution pattern. The method established was using the CFD simulation program, named Gambit and Fluent, with all the parameters and conditions set to obtain the temperature distribution in 2D dimension. The Green Building features were proposed into the subject rooms by modifYing the window dimension and proposed the air chimney at the room's ceiling. The results indicate that the temperature inside the master and single bedroom was reduced when the window dimension is increased and the proposed air chimney help to ventilate the room better. The study also shown that the simulated data was reliable compare to the measured data with an error less than 1%

    Body weight and body conformation of Cyprus Shami and Boer goats in Malaysia

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    Thirty Boer and 30 Cyprus Shami goats were measured for their body weights, height at withers, body length and heart girth. Each breed was divided into three age groups: group 1 (6-12 months old), group 2 (12-18 months old) and group 3 (more than 18 months old). Means for linear body measurements according to age groups were compared between Shami and Boer goats. There was a highly significant differences (p<0.005) between Boer and Cyprus Shami goats in term of each body measurement and body weight. In the present study, to predict the body weight of Cyprus Shami goat, the combination of three parameters of linear body conformation can be used

    An exploration of mobile money transfer service adoption among Islamic bank customer in Somalia = Penerimaan perkhidmatan pemindahan wang mudah alih antara pelanggan bank Islam di Somalia

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    The world is changing rapidly due to technology, which is becoming an increasing necessity in the daily lives of people. Mobile Money Transfer Service (MMTS) is an alternative form of cash money that demonstrates the concept of electronic payment. Dahabshiil Bank International and Salam Somali Bank adopted MMTS in Somalia in partnership with a telecommunication company provider for MMTS. There has been no prior study conducted on the important factors affecting the adoption of MMTS among Islamic banking customers in Somalia. Based on the extended Theory of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived trust and perceived risk are used as predictors. The main objective of this study is to explore the customer acceptance on the important factors that influence the MMTS adoption among Islamic bank customers in Somalia. The target population of the study is Somali residents who use the MMTS and have bank accounts. This research, using statistical methods, collected data from 404 customers. The result of this study shows that the factors that influence the adoption of MMTS are perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived trust, which were found to be positive and significant while perceived risk was negative and significant. ********************************************************** Dunia berubah dengan pesat disebabkan oleh teknologi, yang menjadi keperluan yang semakin meningkat dalam kehidupan harian setiap orang. Perkhidmatan Pemindahan Wang Mudah Alih (MMTS) adalah bentuk wang tunai alternatif yang menunjukkan konsep pembayaran elektronik. Dahabshiil Bank International dan Salam Somali Bank mengamalkan MMTS di Somalia dengan kerjasama syarikat penyedia telekomunikasi MMTS. Tidak ada kajian terdahulu yang dijalankan terhadap faktor-faktor penting yang mempengaruhi penggunaan MMTS di kalangan pelanggan perbankan Islam di Somalia. Berdasarkan kepada Teori Penerimaan Teknologi (TAM) yang diperluaskan, kegunaan yang dirasakan, mudah difahami, diyakini dan dipercayai serta penerimaan risiko, digunakan sebagai peramal. Objektif utama kajian ini adalah untuk meneroka penerimaan pelanggan terhadap faktor-faktor penting yang mempengaruhi penerimaan MMTS di kalangan pelanggan bank Islam di Somalia. Penduduk sasaran kajian ini adalah penduduk Somalia yang menggunakan MMTS dan mempunyai akaun bank. Kajian ini, menggunakan kaedah statistik, mengumpul data daripada 404 pelanggan. Keputusan kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penggunaan MMTS adalah mudah digunakan, dilihat sebagai kegunaan, kepercayaan yang dirasakan didapati positif dan signifikan manakala penerimaan risiko dianggap negatif dan signifika

    Assessment of Insect Abundance and Diversity in Paddy Fields Cultivated with Beneficial Plants, Turnera trioniflora

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    Beneficial plants such as Turnera can be a good shelter and provide a food source for insects. The presence of insects, especially natural enemies in paddy fields is very important because the insects help in natural pest population control. However, detailed studies on the composition of insects in paddy fields cultivated with Turnera plants are still lacking. Therefore, a study was conducted in Besut, Terengganu to determine the population abundance and diversity of insects in paddy fields cultivated with the beneficial plant, Turnera trioniflora. Two paddy fields were selected as sampling plots which cultivated with T. trioniflora plants (Plot A) and without T. trioniflora plants (Plot B). For each plot, three Malaise traps, five yellow pan traps, and five pitfall traps were used to collect insect samples on a weekly basis during the paddy planting season (February-May 2021). Samples collected were brought to the laboratory for identifying processes up to order level. Results showed that a total of 3818 individuals of insects consisting of 10 orders (i.e. Diptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Hemiptera, Orthoptera, Thysanoptera, Odonata, Mantodea, and Blattodea) were successfully collected from both plots with a significance different (p &lt; 0.05). Among them, the Diptera dominated the number of individuals collected at 52.12% (n=1990) and followed by Hymenoptera at 16.87% (n= 644) and Lepidoptera at 12.40% (n=474). Whilst the Blattodea order was the least abundant with 0.07% (n=3). Plot A and Plot B recorded a total of 1995 and 1823 individuals, respectively and no significant difference (p &gt; 0.05) of insect abundance was recorded between both plots. However, the diversity of insects in Plot A was slightly higher (H’=1.57) than in Plot B (H’=1.23). In conclusion, the insect’s abundance and diversity in a paddy plot cultivated with T. trioniflora plants was relatively higher than in a paddy plot cultivated without T. trioniflora plants. This study has provided a set of basic data on the abundance and diversity of insects in paddy fields which is very helpful for further studies on the relationship between T. trioniflora beneficial plants and insects

    Teori dan praktis kaunseling kelompok kontemporari

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    Manusia menghadapi pelbagai cabaran kesan daripada globalisasi yang melanda seluruh dunia. Impaknya kesihatan mental dan kehidupan manusia menjadi tidak berarah. Justeru, pengetahuan dan kemahiran bermasyarakat yang dinamakan sebagai Kaunseling Kelompok amat penting dikuasai oleh manusia pada hari ini. Menerusi Kaunseling Kelompok, sekurang–kurangnya masalah yang terpendam dapat diluah dan dikongsi bersama rakan–rakan lain bagi menuju kesejahteraan hidup. Buku ini mengandungi sembilan jenis Kaunseling Kelompok, iaitu Kelompok Terapi Pemusatan Klien, Kelompok Terapi Gestalt, Kelompok Terapi Analisis Transaksional, Kelompok Terapi Emosi Rasional, Kelompok Terapi Tingkah Laku, Kelompok Terapi Realiti, Kelompok Kanak–Kanak, Remaja, dan Dewasa. Buku ini sesuai sebagai rujukan utama kepada ahli psikologi, pengamal kaunseling, pelajar psikologi dan kaunseling di peringkat siswazah dan pascasiswazah, pendidik sekolah, pensyarah di kolej, maktab dan universiti atau individu yang berminat menambahkan pengetahuan dalam bidang Kaunseling Kelompok

    Texting slang: Misinterpretation in communication / Suriyati Ujang, Norhidayah Md Yusof and Hanani Mohamed Hamdan

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    Texting slang is defined as a language that is commonly used in messaging as a medium of an interaction among people. However, this language does not include emoticons. The examples of texting slang are LOL, ROFL, TTYL, etc. Texting slang is highly recognized as a language that is used by users on social media. However, miscommunication and misunderstanding are bounded to be happened to those who are new to the culture or certain groups. The objectives for this research are to check the proportion of users’ current knowledge in texting slang and to identify the relationship between knowledge of texting slang and misinterpretation. The study was conducted in a public university in the east coast of Malaysia, to see if texting slang is widely used among students and staff in this institution. During the survey, questionnaire was distributed in the campus in order to collect the data. The data collected using stratified sampling with the total of 335 respondents out of 2765 total population. Based on the findings, in terms of the users’ knowledge in texting slang, the results for the interpretation of the abbreviations and acronyms show that not all respondents know what the actual meaning of each abbreviation and acronym that were used. Next, it can be seen that there is a significant relationship between the knowledge of texting slang creates the misinterpretation of the text content among users. Thus, further research in terms of the users’ knowledge and misinterpretation regarding texting slang and how these two elements affect in users’ communication whether written and spoken, could be carried out in order to understand texting slang better and thoroughly