8 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui perbandingan efektivitas pemberian hormon prostaglandin komersial yang berbeda terhadap persentase berahi dan kebuntingan kambing peranakan ettawa. Kambing betina yang digunakan mempunyai kriteria umur 2,5-3,5 tahun, sehat, tidak bunting, minimal 2 bulan pasca partus, sudah pernah beranak, dan mempunyai bobot badan yang relatif sama. Di samping itu digunakan 2 ekor kambing jantan untuk membantu deteksi berahi. Hewan percobaan dibagi atas 3 kelompok perlakuan, masing-masing kelompok terdiri atas 5 ekor kambing. Kelompok perlakuan I diinjeksi dengan 2,5 ml Lutalyse (dinoprost tromethamine 5 mg/ml dan benzil alkohol 1,65%), kelompok perlakuan II diinjeksi dengan 0,5 ml Prostavet (etiproston 5 mg/2 ml dan ethylen dioxy 15 mg/2 ml), dan kelompok perlakuan III diinjeksi dengan 1,5 ml Capriglandin (dinoprost tromethamine 5,5 mg/ml dan benzil alkohol 12,0 mg/ml). Penyuntikan dilakukan 2 kali secara intramuskuler dengan interval 10 hari setelah penyuntikan pertama. Kambing-kambing yang memperlihatkan gejala berahi dikawinkan secara inseminasi buatan. Diagnosis kebuntingan dilakukan dengan menggunakan USG 30 hari setelah inseminasi. Data onset berahi dianalisis menggunakan analisis varian, sedangkan persentase berahi dan kebuntingan dianalisis secara deskriptif. Onset berahi ketiga kelompok perlakuan masing-masing adalah 40,8±0,57 36,0±0,57 dan 50,4±1,52 jam (P0,05). Persentase berahi pada ketiga kelompok adalah sama yakni 100%, sedangkan persentase kebuntingan pada kelompok I, II, dan III masing-masing adalah 100, 80, dan 60%. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa onset dan persentase berahi tidak dipengaruhi oleh ketiga prostaglandin komersial yang berbeda tetapi berpengaruh terhadap persentase kebuntingan kambing PE

    PCS-9 Effect of Freeze Drying of Follicular Fluid from Waste of Aceh Cattle Ovary on the Estradiol Concentration

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    Aceh cattle are one of the many cow’s species that are widely preserved and distributed in Aceh Province. This species is the result of a cross between Bos sundaicus and Bos indicus and has been designated as a native Indonesian class of cattle in 2011 by the Minister of Agriculture of Indonesia through the decision of the Minister of Agriculture number 2907 / Kpts / OT.140 / 6/2011 [1]. Aceh's cattle population in 2017 in total was 627,629 species [2]. Slaughtering the cows results in the obtaining of byproduct or waste such as ovaries. The ovarium of female cows is one of the complement results of animal slaughter house which is infrequently used. In fact, the ovaries comprise follicles which contain many active compounds inside the follicular fluids such as insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), estrogen and progesterone [3]. Freeze drying/lyophilization is one of the preservative process which are generally used in food and non-food processing. This study was conducted to determine the effect of these methods on the concentration of estrogen in follicular fluid

    Weed control efficacy and soil activity of a new promising bioherbicide ‘WeedLock’

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    The development of plant-based bioherbicides has gained the interest of researchers and acceptability from the farmers to control weeds in order to reduce their overdependence on chemical herbicides. Therefore, this research investigated the efficacy and soil activity of WeedLock, a new plant-based bioherbicide. In the efficacy study, WeedLock was applied at 672.75, 1345.50 (recommended dose), 2691.00 L ha-1 over the untreated (control) on weeds in mixed-culture (Ageratum conyzoides L., Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn., and Cyperus iria L). For soil activity, Zea mays L. seedlings were grown in different soil textures, namely clay, sand, sandy clay loam, and peat soil and WeedLock was applied to each soil type at 1345.50 L ha-1 with a pipette as a soil drench method. After 21 days, the plants were harvested, including roots and the soil in trays that were previously sprayed with WeedLock, and the trays were further maintained for 1, 2, 4, 8, 12 and 16 weeks, respectively, before new seedlings were grown on the same soil. WeedLock at 1345.50 L ha-1 showed severe injury on weeds and produced 98.15% weed control efficacy compared to untreated (control). For soil activity, WeedLock did not show any significant decrease in growth and development of Z. mays, and the injury scale was 1.00, which means all leaves of Z. mays remained green, and the plants were actively growing on the WeedLock treated soils. Thus, it can be concluded that WeedLock has excellent weed control efficacy with negligible soil activity

    Mechanical properties and acid resistance of oil palm shell lightweight aggregate concrete containing coal bottom ash

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    Excessive use of natural river sand causes degradation of river environment scenery and water quality as well as certain flora and fauna in the area. At the same time, continues generation of by-product from palm oil industry and coal power plants namely oil palm shell and coal bottom ash calls for the utilization of these waste in material production rather than disposing it as waste. The present research investigates the mechanical properties and acid resistance of oil palm shell lightweight aggregate concrete containing coal bottom ash as partial sand replacement. Four types of concrete mixes were casted by using coal bottom ash as partial sand replacement from 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30% by weight of sand. All specimens were air cured until the testing age. The compressive strength and splitting tensile strength of concrete were tested at 7, 28 and 60 days. The resistance of specimen against acid attack was evaluated by measuring the mass loss and compressive strength after concrete cubes exposed to sulphuric acid solution. The results show that OPS lightweight aggregate concrete exhibit higher compressive and splitting tensile strength also enhanced acid resistance upon inclusion of 10% of coal bottom ash as sand replacement

    Prediction of electrical and thermal power of a PEM Fuel cell by programming using MATLAB-Simulink / Mohd Hafizuddin Hamdan

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    A final year project topic has been selected. It is about "Prediction of Electrical and Thermal Power of a PEM Fuel Cell by Programming Using MATLAB-Simulink". The main propose of this project is to simulate and predict the electrical power produced by the Fuel Cell in a certain condition such as operating temperature, pressure, and other input parameters that operate the PEM Fuel Cell. In extra, the losses power of the Fuel Cell in term of heat also obtained. By the way, the heat waste will be treating by cooling system in the thermal power. Hence, the Fuel Cell's temperature will be ensuring in the appropriate range (50 - 100°C). The project started by obtaining the mathematical models of the electrical and thermal power from previous researches and journals. Then, all the parameters that involved in the mathematical models will be identified. In further actions, the mathematical models will be converted into MATLAB-Simulink models. Once the Simulink models generated Grapical User Interface (GUI) will be follow. The results obtain will be validate by doing some own case study and comparing them to related journals that related to this study

    Schools days impact on traffic flow in and around school area: case study of Sekolah Kebangsaan Gombak Utara

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    the study is to assess the impact of school location on the traffic flow during peak hours around the school area in Gombak

    Bioherbicides: An Eco-Friendly Tool for Sustainable Weed Management

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    Weed management is an arduous undertaking in crop production. Integrated weed management, inclusive of the application of bioherbicides, is an emerging weed control strategy toward sustainable agriculture. In general, bioherbicides are derived either from plants containing phytotoxic allelochemicals or certain disease-carrying microbes that can suppress weed populations. While bioherbicides have exhibited great promise in deterring weed seed germination and growth, only a few in vitro studies have been conducted on the physiological responses they evoke in weeds. This review discusses bioherbicide products that are currently available on the market, bioherbicide impact on weed physiology, and potential factors influencing bioherbicide efficacy. A new promising bioherbicide product is introduced at the end of this paper. When absorbed, phytotoxic plant extracts or metabolites disrupt cell membrane integrity and important biochemical processes in weeds. The phytotoxic impact on weed growth is reflected in low levels of root cell division, nutrient absorption, and growth hormone and pigment synthesis, as well as in the development of reactive oxygen species (ROS), stress-related hormones, and abnormal antioxidant activity. The inconsistency of bioherbicide efficacy is a primary factor restricting their widespread use, which is influenced by factors such as bioactive compound content, weed control spectrum, formulation, and application method

    Weed Control Efficacy and Crop-Weed Selectivity of a New Bioherbicide WeedLock

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    Plant-based bioherbicides could be an effective alternative to current chemical herbicides for sustainable agriculture. Therefore, this research evaluated the weed control efficacy and crop-weed selectivity of the new plant-derived bioherbicide WeedLock compared to commercial herbicides in glasshouse and field conditions. In the glasshouse, the herbicides applied were WeedLock (672.75, 1345.50, 2691.00 L ha−1), glyphosate isopropyl-amine, and glufosinate-ammonium (1, 2, 4 L ha−1), over the untreated (control) on six weeds and four crops. In the field trial, typical weeds were allowed to grow at a uniform density across plots (2.5 × 2.5 m), and WeedLock (1345.50, 2691.00 L ha−1), glyphosate isopropyl-amine, and glufosinate-ammonium (2, 4 L ha−1) were applied along with untreated plot (control). A randomized complete block design was set with four replications for glasshouse and field experiments. WeedLock at 1345.50 L ha−1 showed efficacy similar to glyphosate isopropyl-amine and glufosinate-ammonium at 2 L ha−1 for Ageratum conyzoides L. in the glasshouse. Applied herbicides killed all tested crops except Zea mays L. at 1345.50 L ha−1 (WeedLock). WeedLock showed more than 50% efficacy at 35 days after spray, while 65% was produced by glyphosate isopropyl-amine and glufosinate-ammonium compared to the untreated plot (control). WeedLock has excellent potential to control weeds in both glasshouse and field conditions and showed a non-selective character