20 research outputs found


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    This research is motivated by the role of student organizations at SMAN Bina Bhakti Sapat in INHIL Regency regarding how to habituate students\u27 social care character to activities carried out by student organizations at SMAN Bina Bhakti Sapat. The formulation of the problem of this research is what activities are carried out to familiarize students with their social care character, supporting and inhibiting factors and what are the solutions or evaluation mechanisms for these inhibiting factors. The aim of this research is to find out how students at SMAN Bina Bhakti Sapat adapt their social care character to the implementation of student organization activities. Data collection techniques in this research are observation, interviews and documentation. The informants in this research consisted of 10 (ten) people, namely school principals, student representatives, OSIS coaches, scout coaches, spiritual coaches, PIK R coaches and heads of organizations including OSIS, Scouts, PIK R and Rohis. The data analysis technique in this research uses qualitative methods with a descriptive approach. The findings in this research explain that there are many student activities to improve the character of social care and students are accustomed to carrying out their activities from several existing organizations such as OSIS, Scouts, Rohis, and PIK R, where the OSIS organization is the student organization that is most familiar with students\u27 social caring character because of the many social activities and many activities that can be collaborated with other organizations with several supporting factors to help familiarize students in improving their social caring character. Furthermore, evaluation and solutions are also in line to overcome factors inhibiting student activities at SMAN Bina Bhakti Sapat

    Thermoplastic Matrix Material Selection using Multi Criteria Decision Making Method for Hybrid Polymer Composites

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    Multi criteria decision making (MDCM) methods are amongst the approaches available in aiding composite designers to make the final decision especially during the material selection process where multiple solutions are present and various requirements are required to be satisfied simultaneously. Thus, in this paper, material selection process of thermoplastic matrix using MDCM methods for hybrid natural fiber/glass fiber polymer composites is presented. The aim is to identify the most suitable type of thermoplastic matrix to be used in the hybrid polymer composites formulation. The Weighted Sum Method (WSM) is applied in the selection process of seven candidate thermoplastic matrix materials based on the product design specifications. The overall analysis highlights that low density polyethylene (LDPE) is the preferred matrix for the intended application based on the highest scores obtained compared to other candidate materials. A signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio analysis was further performed to validate the initial selection results where LDPE once again outperformed other candidate materials with highest S/N ratio score in the noncompensatory approach

    Nilai-nilai Pendidikan Islam dalam Novel Adzra’ Jakarta Karya Najib Kailani

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    Abstract: This research is a library research with a qualitative approach. The primary data source in this study is the novel Adzra Jakarta by Najib Kailani, while the secondary sources are various books related to the field under study. Collecting data using observation and documentation methods. Methods of data analysis using descriptive analysis methods. This study aims to determine the content of the message about what is contained in the novel Adzra Jakarta by Najib Kailani, both in the fields of aqidah, sharia, and morals. The research results in this research are that the novel Adzra Jakarta by Najib Kailani Sarat will preach messages from the fields of aqidah, sharia, and morals. Among them: Da'wah messages in the field of aqidah in the novel Adzra Jakarta include: Allah is eternal, Allah is able to save, Allah is the creator of everything, Allah is all-forgiving, faith in hell Da'wah messages in the field of sharia in the novel Adzra Jakarta, include: halal and haram, prohibition of killing, prohibition of touching the opposite sex who is not, mahram, prohibition of marrying non-Muslims, reading the Koran eliminates turmoil, prohibition of drinking khamr, methods dress a Muslim woman Da'wah messages in the field of morals in the novel Adzra Jakarta, include: arrogance, courage to convey the truth, deception / lies, morals in arguing, ukhuwah Islamiyah, zhalim, attitude of mercy, respect for older people. Abstrak: Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan (library research) dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Sumber data primer dalam penelitian ini adalah novel Adzra Jakarta karya Najib Kailani, sedangkan sumber sekundernya adalah berbagai buku yang berkaitan dengan bidang yang diteliti. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi dan dokumentasi. Metode analisis data menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam yang terkandung dalam Novel Adzra Jakarta karya Najib Kailani, baik dalam bidang aqidah, syariah, maupun akhlak. Hasil Penelitian dalam penelitian ini yaitu bahwa novel Adzra Jakarta karya Najib Kailani Sarat akan nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam baik dari bidang aqidah, syariah, maupun akhlak. Di antaranya:  Nilai pendidikan Islam dalam bidang aqidah yang ada dalam novel Adzra Jakarta meliputi: Allah maha kekal, Allah yang mampu menyelamatkan, Allah sang pencipta segala sesuatu, Allah maha pengampun, keimanan kepada neraka. Nilai pendidikan Islam dalam bidang syariah yang ada dalam novel Adzra Jakarta, meliputi: halal dan haram, larangan membunuh, larangan menyentuh lawan jenis yang bukan, mahram, larangan menikahi non-muslim, membaca al-Qur’an menghilangkan kegalauan, larangan meminum khamr, cara berpakaian seorang muslimah Nilai pendidikan Islam dalam bidang akhlak yang ada dalam novel Adzra Jakarta, meliputi: kesombongan, keberanian menyampaikan kebenaran, tipu daya/kebohongan, akhlak dalam berdebat, ukhuwah islamiyah, kezhaliman, sikap rahmah, menghormati kepada orang yang lebih tua

    Materials Selection of Hybrid Bio-Composites Thermoset Matrix for Automotive Bumper Beam Applicationusing Topsis Method

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    Materials selection is among the fundamental process involved in automotive product development. Yet, the decision making task is very challenging considering the involvement of multiple conflicting criteria which need to be analyzed simultaneously and selected from list of candidate materials with varying attributes between them, thus multi criteria decision making (MCDM) method is often employed in solving the issue. In this paper, the TOPSIS multi criteria decision making method was applied in the materials selection process of determining the best thermoset matrix for hybrid bio-composites towards the application in automotive bumper beam. Three (3) candidate thermoset materials namely polyester, vinyl ester and epoxy matrics were analysed based on eight (8) performance criteria extracted from the pre-defined product design specification of the bumper beam component. Results from the selection exercise showed that polyester resin is the best thermoset matrix for the hybrid bio-composites construction based on the highest relative closeness to the idea solution score compared to other candidate materials. The use of TOPSIS method was also found able to provide systematic and justified decision making process in gaining the best solution when multi criteria requirement are present and need to be satisfied concurrently


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    Pembukuan sederhana sangat diperlukan untuk mengevaluasi serta mengukur kinerja dari UMKM. UMKM Fandafa Group yang terletak di Desa Pungging, Kecamatan Tutur, Kabupaten Pasuruan masih menggunakan metode pencatatan manual sehingga belum tersusun dengan baik. Hal ini mengakibatkan kegiatan usaha sulit berkembang dengan baik. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut, KSM-Tematik Kelompok 101 melaksanakan pelatihan pembuatan pembukuan sederhana. Pelatihan ini bertujuan memberikan petunjuk bagi UMKM Fandafa Group untuk mengoptimalkan profitabilitas, analisis stabilitas serta tingkat pengembalian modal usaha, pengendalian operasional dan pengambilan keputusan. Metode yang dilakukan dimulai dengan memaparkan materi dan pentingnya pembukuan sederhana. Tahap selanjutnya yaitu pelatihan pencatatan pembukuan sederhana yang terdiri dari buku kas, persediaan barang, inventaris barang dan laporan laba rugi. Hasil dari pelatihan ini Fandafa Group mengetahui pentingnya dan cara membuat laporan keuangan bagi Fandafa Group agar lebih terstruktur sehingga dapat menganalisis kinerja usaha yang pada akhirnya Fandafa Group dapat mengoptimalkan kinerja usahanya

    Pengadaan Tempat Sampah Sebagai Wujud Mitigasi Bencana Di Desa Sungai Kuning

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    Desa Sungai Kuning, yang terletak di Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi, Riau, Indonesia, menghadapi masalah serius terkait kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat akan kebersihan lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis permasalahan sampah di desa ini dan memberikan solusi melalui pembuatan tempat sampah sebagai upaya mitigasi bencana dan mengurangi dampak penyakit akibat penumpukan sampah. Melalui metode observasi hasil survei menunjukkan bahwa kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat dalam membuang sampah pada tempatnya serta minimnya tempat sampah di tempat umum menjadi masalah utama. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan ini, tim KKN melakukan pengadaan tempat sampah dan mengatur peletakan tempat sampah secara strategis untuk mendorong masyarakat membuang sampah pada tempatnya. Melalui pendekatan mitigasi bencana, program pengadaan tempat sampah ini diharapkan dapat mengurangi penumpukan sampah di Desa Sungai Kuning. Kesadaran masyarakat Desa Sungai Kuning terhadap kebersihan lingkungan masih rendah, tetapi melalui program pengadaan tempat sampah dan upaya pemberdayaan pengolahan sampah, diharapkan dapat mengatasi masalah sampah dan menjaga lingkungan desa agar terhindar dari bencana yang tidak diinginkan


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    Muara Cengkareng Drain merupakan salah satu muara yang termasuk ke dalam 13 muara yang masuk ke area Teluk Jakarta. Sepanjang aliran sungai Cengkareng Drain banyak terdapat pabrik dan perumahan yang dapat menyebabkan pencemaran pada badan air. Pencemaran yang paling mengkhawatirkan adalah pencemaran oleh logam berat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kadar logam berat Hg, Pb, Cd pada sampel air laut dan kerang di Muara Cengkareng Drain hingga lokasi pertambakan kerang. Hasil menunjukkan kadar Hg pada ketiga lokasi sampling berkisar antara 0.001-0.002 mg/l. Kadar Hg dan Pb pada sampel kerang hijau adalah sebesar 0.12 dan 0.4 mg/kg. Kadar Pb tidak terdeteksi pada sampel air dan kadar Cd tidak terdeteksi pada sampel air dan kerang. Kata Kunci : Uji Kadar Logam, Berat, sampel air, kerang.muara Cengkareng drain Cengkareng Drain Estuary is one of the estuary that is included in the 13 estuaries that enter the area of the Jakarta Bay. Cengkareng Drain along the river there are many factories and housing that can cause pollution in water bodies. The most alarming pollution is pollution by heavy metals. The purpose of this study was to determine the levels of heavy metals Hg, Pb, Cd in samples of seawater and shellfish in the estuary until Cengkareng Drain clams aquaculture site. The results showed Hg levels in all three sampling locations ranged from 0001-0002 mg / l. Levels of Hg and Pb in mussels sampled were at 0.12 and 0.4 mg / kg. Levels of Pb was not detected in water samples and the levels of Cd was not detected in water samples and shellfishKeywords :Test levels of heavy metals, water samples, shellfish, Cengkareng Drain Est

    Habitat quality assessment in the Royal Belum rainforest, Malaysia using spatial analysis

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    Royal Belum rainforest contains various flora and fauna species, however, the assessment of habitat quality is still lacking. This study aims to develop the habitat quality zone in the Royal Belum rainforest. The downloaded Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS CI satellite images in the year 2020 from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) were processed using supervised classification and exported into vector data in ArcGis 10.8. Land use, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), buffer, and land structure were then analyzed. The result shows that the highest percentage and density of the land use of the Royal Belum rainforest is vegetation. Buffer zone analysis identifies the risky area for habitat in the range of 1km and 5km from the built-up area. The area within the buffer ring should be protected from building and construction to ensure habitat quality in that area can be maintained. This study will give a better understanding of land use and vegetation index assessment for future planning in the Royal Belum rainforest. Therefore, habitat quality assessment is an important tool that can help to identify areas of high-quality habitat that are crucial for the survival and reproduction of target species and to prioritize these areas for conservation and management

    Finite Element Analysis of Conceptual Lumbar Spine for Different Lifting Position

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    The Lower-back pain (LBP) which is caused by lifting loads manually is one of the common issues faced by industrial workers. The objective of this paper is to determined the maximum stress and displacement on human lumbar by using computer aided engineering (CAE) software called Msc. Patran/Nastran. The 3D modeling of the lumbar spine from transferring data points of 3D scanner is reconstructed. The stress used for lifting loads from 20 to 60 kg is ranging between 2.52 to 74.1 MPa. The results showed that the end plate at 5th lumbar is experiencing the maximum stress development. This analysis is relevant to the industries especially manufacturing sector in order to provide a direction for ergonomists in the modification of jobs for workers who perform manual lifting. In order to gain a higher precision, it is suggested in the future that the lumbar spine is to be built based directly on a loaded CT scan and biodynamic loading situation with vibration and impact


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