2,791 research outputs found

    Combined cerebellar and bilateral cervical posterior spinal artery stroke demonstrated on MRI

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    Combined cerebellar and spinal ischemic stroke is a rare, critical condition. We report a patient with combined cerebellar and bilateral posterolateral cervical spinal cord infarction due to bilateral stenosis of the vertebral arteries. MRI is the method of choice for imaging this condition; diffusion-weighted imaging of the spinal cord gives reliable results

    Quasar outflow energetics from broad absorption line variability

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    Quasar outflows have long been recognized as potential contributors to the co-evolution between supermassive black holes (SMBHs) and their host galaxies. The role of outflows in AGN feedback processes can be better understood by placing observational constraints on wind locations and kinetic energies. We utilize broad absorption line (BAL) variability to investigate the properties of a sample of 71 BAL quasars with P \thinspaceV broad absorption. The presence of P \thinspaceV BALs indicates that other BALs like C \thinspaceIV are saturated, such that variability in those lines favours clouds crossing the line of sight. We use these constraints with measurements of BAL variability to estimate outflow locations and energetics. Our data set consists of multiple-epoch spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and MDM Observatory. We detect significant (4σ\sigma) BAL variations from 10 quasars in our sample over rest frame time-scales between < 0.2-3.8 yr. Our derived distances for the 10 variable outflows are nominally < 1-10 pc from the SMBH using the transverse-motion scenario, and < 100-1000 pc from the central source using ionization-change considerations. These distances, in combination with the estimated high outflow column densities (i.e. NHN_{\textrm{H}} > 1022^{22} cm−2^{-2}), yield outflow kinetic luminosities between ~ 0.001-1 times the bolometric luminosity of the quasar, indicating that many absorber energies within our sample are viable for AGN feedback.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables, 1 supplementary figure, accepted to MNRA

    Macroclumping as solution of the discrepancy between H{\alpha} and P v mass loss diagnostics for O-type stars

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    Recent studies of O-type stars demonstrated that discrepant mass-loss rates are obtained when different diagnostic methods are employed - fitting the unsaturated UV resonance lines (e.g. P v) gives drastically lower values than obtained from the H{\alpha} emission. Wind clumping may be the main cause for this discrepancy. In a previous paper, we have presented 3-D Monte-Carlo calculations for the formation of scattering lines in a clumped stellar wind. In the present paper we select five O-type supergiants (from O4 to O7) and test whether the reported discrepancies can be resolved this way. In the first step, the analyses start with simulating the observed spectra with Potsdam Wolf-Rayet (PoWR) non-LTE model atmospheres. The mass-loss rates are adjusted to fit best to the observed H{\alpha} emission lines. For the unsaturated UV resonance lines (i.e. P v) we then apply our 3-D Monte-Carlo code, which can account for wind clumps of any optical depths, a non-void inter-clump medium, and a velocity dispersion inside the clumps. The ionization stratifications and underlying photospheric spectra are adopted from the PoWR models. From fitting the observed resonance line profiles, the properties of the wind clumps are constrained. Our results show that with the mass-loss rates that fit H{\alpha} (and other Balmer and He II lines), the UV resonance lines (especially the unsaturated doublet of P v) can also be reproduced without problem when macroclumping is taken into account. There is no need to artificially reduce the mass-loss rates, nor to assume a sub-solar phosphorus abundance or an extremely high clumping factor, contrary to what was claimed by other authors. These consistent mass-loss rates are lower by a factor of 1.3 to 2.6, compared to the mass-loss rate recipe from Vink et al. Macroclumping resolves the previously reported discrepancy between H{\alpha} and P v mass-loss diagnostics.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in Astrononomy & Astrophysic

    Constraining FeLoBAL outflows from absorption line variability

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    FeLoBALs are a rare class of quasar outflows with low-ionization broad absorption lines (BALs), large column densities, and potentially large kinetic energies that might be important for `feedback' to galaxy evolution. In order to probe the physical properties of these outflows, we conducted a multiple-epoch, absorption line variability study of 12 FeLoBAL quasars spanning a redshift range between 0.7 and 1.9 over rest frame time-scales of approximately 10 d to 7.6 yr. We detect absorption line variability with greater than 8 sigma confidence in 3 out of the 12 sources in our sample over time-scales of 0.6 to 7.6 yr. Variable wavelength intervals are associated with ground and excited state Fe II multiplets, the Mg II 2796, 2803 doublet, Mg I 2852, and excited state Ni II multiplets. The observed variability along with evidence of saturation in the absorption lines favors transverse motions of gas across the line of sight (LOS) as the preferred scenario, and allows us to constrain the outflow distance from the supermassive black hole (SMBH) to be less than 69, 7, and 60 pc for our three variable sources. In combination with other studies, these results suggest that the outflowing gas in FeLoBAL quasars resides on a range of scales and includes matter within tens of parsecs of the central source.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figures, 2 supplementary figures (attached at the end of the manuscript), accepted to Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    A High-Velocity Narrow Absorption Line Outflow in the Quasar J212329.46-005052.9

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    We report on a variable high-velocity narrow absorption line outflow in the redshift 2.3 quasar J2123-0050. Five distinct outflow systems are detected with velocity shifts from -9710 to -14,050 km/s and CIV 1548,1551 line widths of FWHM = 62-164 km/s. These data require five distinct outflow structures with similar kinematics, physical conditions and characteristic sizes of order 0.01-0.02 pc. The most likely location is ~5 pc from the quasar. The coordinated line variations in <0.63 yr (rest) are best explained by global changes in the outflow ionization caused by changes in the quasar's ionizing flux. The absence of strong X-ray absorption shows that radiative shielding is not needed to maintain the moderate ionizations and therefore, apparently, it is not needed to facilitate the radiative acceleration to high speeds. The kinetic energy yield of this flow is at least two orders of magnitude too low to be important for feedback to the host galaxy's evolution.Comment: 20 pages. In press with MNRA

    Systematic treatment of displacements, strains and electric fields in density-functional perturbation theory

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    The methods of density-functional perturbation theory may be used to calculate various physical response properties of insulating crystals including elastic, dielectric, Born charge, and piezoelectric tensors. These and other important tensors may be defined as second derivatives of the total energy with respect to atomic-displacement, electric-field, or strain perturbations, or as mixed derivatives with respect to two of these perturbations. The resulting tensor quantities tend to be coupled in complex ways in polar crystals, giving rise to a variety of variant definitions. For example, it is generally necessary to distinguish between elastic tensors defined under different electrostatic boundary conditions, and between dielectric tensors defined under different elastic boundary conditions. Here, we describe an approach for computing all of these various response tensors in a unified and systematic fashion. Applications are presented for two materials, wurtzite ZnO and rhombohedral BaTiO3, at zero temperature.Comment: 14 pages. Uses REVTEX macros. Also available at http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/~dhv/preprints/xfw_sys/index.htm

    Spectroscopy of SMC Wolf-Rayet Stars Suggests that Wind-Clumping does not Depend on Ambient Metallicity

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    The mass-loss rates of hot, massive, luminous stars are considered a decisive parameter in shaping the evolutionary tracks of such stars and influencing the interstellar medium on galactic scales. The small-scale structures (clumps) omnipresent in such winds may reduce empirical estimates of mass-loss rates by an evolutionarily significant factor of >=3. So far, there has been no direct observational evidence that wind-clumping may persist at the same level in environments with a low ambient metallicity, where the wind-driving opacity is reduced. Here we report the results of time-resolved spectroscopy of three presumably single Population I Wolf-Rayet stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud, where the ambient metallicity is ~1/5 Z_Sun.We detect numerous small-scale emission peaks moving outwards in the accelerating parts of the stellar winds.The general properties of the moving features, such as their velocity dispersions,emissivities and average accelerations, closely match the corresponding characteristics of small-scale inhomogeneities in the winds of Galactic Wolf-Rayet stars.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures; accepted by ApJ Letter
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