4,859 research outputs found

    3-D radiative transfer in clumped hot star winds I. Influence of clumping on the resonance line formation

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    The true mass-loss rates from massive stars are important for many branches of astrophysics. For the correct modeling of the resonance lines, which are among the key diagnostics of stellar mass-loss, the stellar wind clumping turned out to be very important. In order to incorporate clumping into radiative transfer calculation, 3-D models are required. Various properties of the clumps may have strong impact on the resonance line formation and, therefore, on the determination of empirical mass-loss rates. We incorporate the 3-D nature of the stellar wind clumping into radiative transfer calculations and investigate how different model parameters influence the resonance line formation. We develop a full 3-D Monte Carlo radiative transfer code for inhomogeneous expanding stellar winds. The number density of clumps follows the mass conservation. For the first time, realistic 3-D models that describe the dense as well as the tenuous wind components are used to model the formation of resonance lines in a clumped stellar wind. At the same time, non-monotonic velocity fields are accounted for. The 3-D density and velocity wind inhomogeneities show very strong impact on the resonance line formation. The different parameters describing the clumping and the velocity field results in different line strengths and profiles. We present a set of representative models for various sets of model parameters and investigate how the resonance lines are affected. Our 3-D models show that the line opacity is reduced for larger clump separation and for more shallow velocity gradients within the clumps. Our new model demonstrates that to obtain empirically correct mass-loss rates from the UV resonance lines, the wind clumping and its 3-D nature must be taken into account.Comment: Astronomy and Astrophysics, accepted for publicatio

    The Metallicity of the Redshift 4.16 Quasar BR2248-1242

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    We estimate the metallicity in the broad emission-line region of the redshift z=4.16 quasar, BR2248-1242, by comparing line ratios involving nitrogen to theoretical predictions. BR2248-1242 has unusually narrow emission lines with large equivalent widths, thus providing a rare opportunity to measure several line-ratio abundance diagnostics. The combined diagnostics indicate a metallicity of ~2 times solar. This result suggests that an episode of vigorous star formation occurred near BR2248-1242 prior to the observed z=4.16 epoch. The time available for this enrichment episode is only ~1.5 Gyr at z=4.16 (for H_{0}=65 km s^-1 Mpc^-1, Omega_{m}=0.3 and Omega_Lambda ~< 1). This evidence for high metallicities and rapid star formation is consistent with the expected early-epoch evolution of dense galactic nuclei.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures. Prepared in AAStex. Submitted to the Astrophysical Journal Revised version: added 1 referenc

    VLT + UVES Spectroscopy of the Low-Ionization Intrinsic Absorber in SDSS J001130.56+005550.7

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    We analyse high-resolution VLT+UVES spectra of the low-ionization intrinsic absorber observed in the BAL QSO SDSS J001130.56+005550.7. Two narrow absorption systems at velocities -600 km/s and -22000 km/s are detected. The low-velocity system is part of the broad absorption line (BAL), while the high-velocity one is well detached. While most narrow absorption components are only detected in the high-ionization species, the lowest velocity component is detected in both high- and low-ionization species, including in the excited SiII* and CII* lines. From the analysis of doublet lines, we find that the narrow absorption lines at the low-velocity end of the BAL trough are completely saturated but do not reach zero flux, their profiles being dominated by a velocity-dependent covering factor. The covering factor is significantly smaller for MgII than for SiIV and NV, which demonstrates the intrinsic nature of absorber. From the analysis of the excited SiII* and CII* lines in the lowest velocity component, we find an electron density ~ 1000 cm^{-3}. Assuming photoionization equilibrium, we derive a distance ~ 20 kpc between the low-ionization region and the quasar core. The correspondence in velocity of the high- and low-ionization features suggests that all these species must be closely associated, hence formed at the same distance of ~ 20 kpc, much higher than the distance usually assumed for BAL absorbers.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Highly Ionized Collimated Outflow from HE 0238 - 1904

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    We present a detailed analysis of a highly ionized, multiphased and collimated outflowing gas detected through O V, O VI, Ne VIII and Mg X absorption associated with the QSO HE 0238 - 1904 (z_em ~ 0.629). Based on the similarities in the absorption line profiles and estimated covering fractions, we find that the O VI and Ne VIII absorption trace the same phase of the absorbing gas. Simple photoionization models can reproduce the observed N(Ne VIII), N(O VI) and N(Mg X) from a single phase whereas the low ionization species (e.g. N III, N IV, O IV) originate from a different phase. The measured N(Ne VIII)/N(O VI) ratio is found to be remarkably similar (within a factor of ~ 2) in several individual absorption components kinematically spread over ~ 1800 km/s. Under photoionization this requires a fine tuning between hydrogen density (nH) and the distance of the absorbing gas from the QSO. Alternatively this can also be explained by collisional ionization in hot gas with T > 10^{5.7} K. Long-term stability favors the absorbing gas being located outside the broad line region (BLR). We speculate that the collimated flow of such a hot gas could possibly be triggered by the radio jet interaction.Comment: Minor revision (accepted for publication in MNRAS letter

    Macroclumping as solution of the discrepancy between H{\alpha} and P v mass loss diagnostics for O-type stars

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    Recent studies of O-type stars demonstrated that discrepant mass-loss rates are obtained when different diagnostic methods are employed - fitting the unsaturated UV resonance lines (e.g. P v) gives drastically lower values than obtained from the H{\alpha} emission. Wind clumping may be the main cause for this discrepancy. In a previous paper, we have presented 3-D Monte-Carlo calculations for the formation of scattering lines in a clumped stellar wind. In the present paper we select five O-type supergiants (from O4 to O7) and test whether the reported discrepancies can be resolved this way. In the first step, the analyses start with simulating the observed spectra with Potsdam Wolf-Rayet (PoWR) non-LTE model atmospheres. The mass-loss rates are adjusted to fit best to the observed H{\alpha} emission lines. For the unsaturated UV resonance lines (i.e. P v) we then apply our 3-D Monte-Carlo code, which can account for wind clumps of any optical depths, a non-void inter-clump medium, and a velocity dispersion inside the clumps. The ionization stratifications and underlying photospheric spectra are adopted from the PoWR models. From fitting the observed resonance line profiles, the properties of the wind clumps are constrained. Our results show that with the mass-loss rates that fit H{\alpha} (and other Balmer and He II lines), the UV resonance lines (especially the unsaturated doublet of P v) can also be reproduced without problem when macroclumping is taken into account. There is no need to artificially reduce the mass-loss rates, nor to assume a sub-solar phosphorus abundance or an extremely high clumping factor, contrary to what was claimed by other authors. These consistent mass-loss rates are lower by a factor of 1.3 to 2.6, compared to the mass-loss rate recipe from Vink et al. Macroclumping resolves the previously reported discrepancy between H{\alpha} and P v mass-loss diagnostics.Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in Astrononomy & Astrophysic

    Effects of CMB temperature uncertainties on cosmological parameter estimation

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    We estimate the effect of the experimental uncertainty in the measurement of the temperature of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) on the extraction of cosmological parameters from future CMB surveys. We find that even for an ideal experiment limited only by cosmic variance up to l = 2500 for both the temperature and polarisation measurements, the projected cosmological parameter errors are remarkably robust against the uncertainty of 1 mK in the FIRAS instrument's CMB temperature monopole measurement. The maximum degradation in sensitivity is 20%, for the baryon density estimate, relative to the case in which the monopole is known infinitely well. While this degradation is acceptable, we note that reducing the uncertainty in the current temperature measurement by a factor of five will bring it down to the per cent level. We also estimate the effect of the uncertainty in the dipole temperature measurement. Assuming the overall calibration of the data to be dominated by the dipole error of 0.2% from FIRAS, the sensitivity degradation is insignificant and does not exceed 10% in any parameter direction.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, uses iopart.cls, v2: added discussion of CMB dipole uncertainty, version accepted by JCA

    Land Use Change in Europe- Scenarios for a Project Area in East Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic

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    This study identifies plausible scenarios for land use changes for a project area located at the coexistent borders of Poland, the Czech Republic and East Germany. The time frame is 1992 to 2050 with an intermediate step in 2020. The basis for the scenarios is an analysis of the driving forces for land use change in the context of the study area. The main emphasis here is on the EU's Common Agricultural Policy and trends in agriculture and forestry in the three countries of the project area. In addition former land use change, spread of urban areas, the state of mining areas, recreation and nature conservation and policies related to land use planning are of importance and therefore analyzed for each country. The direction of land use change between 1960 and present was a decrease in agricultural land and an increase in forest and 'other' area, which mainly consists of urban area and area for infrastructure. Recent changes in the Common Agricultural Policy aim at reducing overproduction an cut spending in general. The prevailing tendency is to liberalize the agricultural sector to shift from product tied payments to direct payments to farmers for social, environmental or cultural duties. Since the political changes in 1989 the three countries of the project area have undergone significant economic and structural changes. East Germany as part of Unified Germany and part of the EU has experienced the most drastic restructuring of the agricultural sector with the main feature of major job losses and production decreases, especially in the livestock sector. Similar developments, though not as radical, can be observed in Poland and the Czech Republic. The first Scenario, "Large Scale Increase of Wooded Area", anticipates the introduction of a free market economy to the agricultural sector. No more subsidies are required for agriculture. Large areas of marginal farmland have to be taken out of production. The price of land decreases. Farmers will either afforest their farmland or sell it to non-agricultural uses like urban development, recreation or nature conservation are options for farmers. A quantification for the project area foresees by 2050 a decrease of agricultural land to half of its size in 1992, a doubling of forest and an increase of 'other' area by 80%. Scenario 2, "Alternative Agricultural Products", assumes a shift from food production to nonfood products, mainly biofuel and incentives for an extensification of agricultural production. Subsidies, that are still required for the agricultural sector, will be kept. The overall policy aims at keeping the land open, avoiding uncontrolled spreading of urban development and providing prospect for development and employment in rural areas. The main characteristic of Scenario 3, "Europe as Food Exporter", is an increase in the demand for agricultural products, which by approximately 2010 triggers a increase in the world market price for food products. Reasons for this are population and wealth increase, especially in China an south east Asia, combined with environmental constraints like water or fertile land scarcity and erosion. As a result agricultural production in Europe becomes prosperous in the frame of a free market environment. No further subsidies are required for the sector. Until 2010 the development is similar to Scenario 2. Scenario 2 and 3 show only modest changes in land use patterns, but the agricultural production structure differs. Scenario 2 focuses on a mixture of food and non-food products, while in Scenario 3 all available farmland is used for food production after 2010