69 research outputs found

    systemfit: A Package for Estimating Systems of Simultaneous Equations in R

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    Many statistical analyses (e.g., in econometrics, biostatistics and experimental design) are based on models containing systems of structurally related equations. The systemfit package provides the capability to estimate systems of linear equations within the R programming environment. For instance, this package can be used for "ordinary least squares" (OLS), "seemingly unrelated regression" (SUR), and the instrumental variable (IV) methods "two-stage least squares" (2SLS) and "three-stage least squares" (3SLS), where SUR and 3SLS estimations can optionally be iterated. Furthermore, the systemfit package provides tools for several statistical tests. It has been tested on a variety of datasets and its reliability is demonstrated.

    systemfit: A Package for Estimating Systems of Simultaneous Equations in R

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    Many statistical analyses (e.g., in econometrics, biostatistics and experimental design) are based on models containing systems of structurally related equations. The systemfit package provides the capability to estimate systems of linear equations within the R programming environment. For instance, this package can be used for "ordinary least squares" (OLS), "seemingly unrelated regression" (SUR), and the instrumental variable (IV) methods "two-stage least squares" (2SLS) and "three-stage least squares" (3SLS), where SUR and 3SLS estimations can optionally be iterated. Furthermore, the systemfit package provides tools for several statistical tests. It has been tested on a variety of datasets and its reliability is demonstrated

    Optimal distributed multiparameter estimation in noisy environments

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    We consider the task of multiple parameter estimation in the presence of strong correlated noise with a network of distributed sensors. We study how to find and improve noise-insensitive strategies. We show that sequentially probing GHZ states is optimal up to a factor of at most 4. This allows us to connect the problem to single parameter estimation, and to use techniques such as protection against correlated noise in a decoherence-free subspace, or read-out by local measurements.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Control-System Stability Under Consecutive Deadline Misses Constraints

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    This paper deals with the real-time implementation of feedback controllers. In particular, it provides an analysis of the stability property of closed-loop systems that include a controller that can sporadically miss deadlines. In this context, the weakly hard m-K computational model has been widely adopted and researchers used it to design and verify controllers that are robust to deadline misses. Rather than using the m-K model, we focus on another weakly-hard model, the number of consecutive deadline misses, showing a neat mathematical connection between real-time systems and control theory. We formalise this connection using the joint spectral radius and we discuss how to prove stability guarantees on the combination of a controller (that is unaware of deadline misses) and its system-level implementation. We apply the proposed verification procedure to a synthetic example and to an industrial case study

    systemfit: A Package to Estimate Simultaneous Equation Systems in R

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    Many statistical analyses are based on models containing systems of structurally related equations. In cases where cross-equation disturbances are correlated, full information methods are required (Zellner, 1962). If exogenous variables are stochastically dependent on the disturbances in the system, then instrumental variable estimation methods should be used (Zellner and Theil, 1962) The package systemïŹt provides the capability to estimate systems of linear equations within the R programming environment

    Communication Centric Design in Complex Automotive Embedded Systems

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    Automotive embedded applications like the engine management system are composed of multiple functional components that are tightly coupled via numerous communication dependencies and intensive data sharing, while also having real-time requirements. In order to cope with complexity, especially in multi-core settings, various communication mechanisms are used to ensure data consistency and temporal determinism along functional cause-effect chains. However, existing timing analysis methods generally only support very basic communication models that need to be extended to handle the analysis of industry grade problems which involve more complex communication semantics. In this work, we give an overview of communication semantics used in the automotive industry and the different constraints to be considered in the design process. We also propose a method for model transformation to increase the expressiveness of current timing analysis methods enabling them to work with more complex communication semantics. We demonstrate this transformation approach for concrete implementations of two communication semantics, namely, implicit and LET communication. We discuss the impact on end-to-end latencies and communication overheads based on a full blown engine management system

    OS-aware automotive controller design using non-uniform sampling

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    Automotive functionalities typically consist of a large set of periodic/cyclic tasks scheduled under a real-time operating system (OS). Many of the tasks are feedback control applications with stringent performance requirements. OSEK/VDX is a common class of automotive OS that offers preemptive periodic schedules supporting a pre-configured set of periods. The feedback controllers implemented onto such OSEK/VDX-compliant systems need to use one of the pre-configured (sampling) periods. A shorter period is often desired for a higher control performance, and this implies a higher processor load. For a given performance requirement, the longest sampling period that meets this requirement is the optimal one. Given a limited set of pre-configured periods, such optimal sampling periods are often not available, and the practice is to choose a shorter available period—leading to a higher processor load. To address this, we propose a controller that cyclically switches among the available periods, thereby leading to an average sampling period closer to the optimal one. This way, we reduce the processor load and are able to pack more control applications on the same processor. The main challenge in this article is the design of such controllers that takes into account such cyclic switching of sampling periods (i.e., use non-uniform sampling). The controller needs to meet specified performance requirements (settling time) and system constraints (e.g., input saturation). Such a non-convex constrained controller optimization problem as raised in the OS-aware automotive systems design has not been addressed in the traditional optimal control literature. A novel approach based on adaptively parameterized particle swarm optimization (PSO) is proposed to solve it. Using the OS-aware controller design with non-uniform sampling, we show that a higher number of applications can be packed on a processor, which is of particular interest in the cost-sensitive automotive industry

    Formale Methoden zur Systemperformanzanalyse und -optimierung

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    With increasing system complexity, there is growing interest in using formal methods in wider range of systems to improve system predictability and determine system robustness to changes, enhancements and pitfalls. This paper gives an overview over a formal approach to system level performance modelling and analysis. A methodology is presented to cover distributed multiprocessor systems as well as multiprocessor systems on chip. The abstract modelling allows early design space exploration and optimization. We investigate an example multimedia application and optimize the usage of the shared memory to reach an optimal performance

    Influence of different abstractions on the performance analysis of distributed hard real-time systems

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    System level performance analysis plays a fundamental role in the design process of hard real-time embedded systems. Several different approaches have been presented so far to address the problem of accurate performance analysis of distributed embedded systems in early design stages. The existing formal analysis methods are based on essentially different concepts of abstraction. However, the influence of these different models on the accuracy of the system analysis is widely unknown, as a direct comparison of performance analysis methods has not been considered so far. We define a set of benchmarks aimed at the evaluation of performance analysis techniques for distributed systems. We apply different analysis methods to the benchmarks and compare the results obtained in terms of accuracy and analysis times, highlighting the specific effects of the various abstractions. We also point out several pitfalls for the analysis accuracy of single approaches and investigate the reasons for pessimistic performance prediction
