566 research outputs found

    An evaluation of a two year cognitive intervention programme in technology education for Key Stage 4

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    We reported (in Vol. 1 No 2 1996) an interim evaluation of the effects of a small-scale cognitive intervention programme in technology. The subjects in this study were 120 Year 10 students (15+) attending a girls comprehensive school in an inner London. Education Authority. The students were randomly placed in eight all ability classes according to the normal school practice and policy. Three experimental classes (45 students) and five control classes (75 students) were identified. The new head of design and technology had targeted this year group in order to try to raise achievement of a group of students in a domain which had not previously performed as effectively as had been expected. The teacher would be taking the three experimental groups designated 10.1, 10.2, 10.5. Two other teachers would have the responsibility of teaching the five control classes. Unfortunately we were unable to establish a control group being taught by the teacher of the experimental groups.The model that was adopted for the study utilised principles from Cognitive Acceleration through Science Education (CASE) (the five pillars), from Instrumental Enrichment and from the Somerset Thinking Skills project. The essential feature of the study was to concentrate on enhancing the students' thinking, reasoning and problem solving capability with the teacher acting as a mediator and director of the activities and of the discussion that occurred. (For details see pp 121-124 Vol. 1 No 21996). The results suggested that the intenention was having a positive but modest effect in technology achievement on the experimental classes, but that there was little or no effect in other areas of the curriculum that we were investigating. This article is a follow-up to the original paper and presents further data showing the effects of the inteNention after the full two years of the programme. The subjects, design and methodology adopted throughout this project are described in the original paper (Hamaker et al 1996).The established groups with their corresponding teachers are summarised in Table 1. Each of the experimental classes had one core technology lesson replaced by an inteNention lesson each fortnight. Class 10.2 had a further graphical communication option replaced by an intervention lesson each fortnight. The five control classes received a normal allocation of technology core and option lessons. The tests and measures used for analyses are similar to that already described (Hamaker et al 1996). Further clarification on the nature of these tests and measures can be obtained from the authors of this article

    Radio astronomical polarimetry and phase-coherent matrix convolution

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    A new phase-coherent technique for the calibration of polarimetric data is presented. Similar to the one-dimensional form of convolution, data are multiplied by the response function in the frequency domain. Therefore, the system response may be corrected with arbitrarily high spectral resolution, effectively treating the problem of bandwidth depolarization. As well, the original temporal resolution of the data is retained. The method is therefore particularly useful in the study of radio pulsars, where high time resolution and polarization purity are essential requirements of high-precision timing. As a demonstration of the technique, it is applied to full-polarization baseband recordings of the nearby millisecond pulsar, PSR J0437-4715.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Radio Astronomical Polarimetry and Point-Source Calibration

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    A mathematical framework is presented for use in the experimental determination of the polarimetric response of observatory instrumentation. Elementary principles of linear algebra are applied to model the full matrix description of the polarization measurement equation by least-squares estimation of non-linear, scalar parameters. The formalism is applied to calibrate the center element of the Parkes Multibeam receiver using observations of the millisecond pulsar, PSR J0437-4715, and the radio galaxy, 3C 218 (Hydra A).Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, to be published in ApJ

    Bootstrap resampling as a tool for radio-interferometric imaging fidelity assessment

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    We report on a numerical evaluation of the statistical bootstrap as a technique for radio-interferometric imaging fidelity assessment. The development of a fidelity assessment technique is an important scientific prerequisite for automated pipeline reduction of data from modern radio interferometers. We evaluate the statistical performance of two bootstrap methods, the model-based bootstrap and subsample bootstrap, against a Monte Carlo parametric simulation, using interferometric polarization calibration and imaging as the representative problem under study. We find both statistical resampling techniques to be viable approaches to radio-interferometric imaging fidelity assessment which merit further investigation. We also report on the development and implementation of a new self-calibration algorithm for radio-interferometric polarimetry which makes no approximations for the polarization source model.Comment: Accepted by AJ; 41 pages, 13 figure

    Capillary pressure of van der Waals liquid nanodrops

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    The dependence of the surface tension on a nanodrop radius is important for the new-phase formation process. It is demonstrated that the famous Tolman formula is not unique and the size-dependence of the surface tension can distinct for different systems. The analysis is based on a relationship between the surface tension and disjoining pressure in nanodrops. It is shown that the van der Waals interactions do not affect the new-phase formation thermodynamics since the effect of the disjoining pressure and size-dependent component of the surface tension cancel each other.Comment: The paper is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of A.I. Rusano

    Effect of hydrodynamic interactions on the distribution of adhering Brownian particles

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    Brownian dynamics simulations were used to study the adhesion of hard spheres on a solid surface by taking the hydrodynamic interactions into account. Special attention was paid to analyze the configuration of the assembly of adsorbed particles. These results were compared to configurations generated by the extensively studied random sequential adsorption (RSA) model. In our case the adsorption probability for a particle is almost uniform over the entire available surfae. This surprising result shows that RSA provides a good approximation to generate adsorbed particle configurations

    Instrumental and Analytic Methods for Bolometric Polarimetry

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    We discuss instrumental and analytic methods that have been developed for the first generation of bolometric cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarimeters. The design, characterization, and analysis of data obtained using Polarization Sensitive Bolometers (PSBs) are described in detail. This is followed by a brief study of the effect of various polarization modulation techniques on the recovery of sky polarization from scanning polarimeter data. Having been successfully implemented on the sub-orbital Boomerang experiment, PSBs are currently operational in two terrestrial CMB polarization experiments (QUaD and the Robinson Telescope). We investigate two approaches to the analysis of data from these experiments, using realistic simulations of time ordered data to illustrate the impact of instrumental effects on the fidelity of the recovered polarization signal. We find that the analysis of difference time streams takes full advantage of the high degree of common mode rejection afforded by the PSB design. In addition to the observational efforts currently underway, this discussion is directly applicable to the PSBs that constitute the polarized capability of the Planck HFI instrument.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures. for submission to A&

    A very brief description of LOFAR - the Low Frequency Array

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    LOFAR (Low Frequency Array) is an innovative radio telescope optimized for the frequency range 30-240 MHz. The telescope is realized as a phased aperture array without any moving parts. Digital beam forming allows the telescope to point to any part of the sky within a second. Transient buffering makes retrospective imaging of explosive short-term events possible. The scientific focus of LOFAR will initially be on four key science projects (KSPs): 1) detection of the formation of the very first stars and galaxies in the universe during the so-called epoch of reionization by measuring the power spectrum of the neutral hydrogen 21-cm line (Shaver et al. 1999) on the ~5' scale; 2) low-frequency surveys of the sky with of order 10810^8 expected new sources; 3) all-sky monitoring and detection of transient radio sources such as gamma-ray bursts, x-ray binaries, and exo-planets (Farrell et al. 2004); and 4) radio detection of ultra-high energy cosmic rays and neutrinos (Falcke & Gorham 2003) allowing for the first time access to particles beyond 10^21 eV (Scholten et al. 2006). Apart from the KSPs open access for smaller projects is also planned. Here we give a brief description of the telescope.Comment: 2 pages, IAU GA 2006, Highlights of Astronomy, Volume 14, K.A. van der Hucht, e

    Benchmark Parameters for CMB Polarization Experiments

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    The recently detected polarization of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) holds the potential for revealing the physics of inflation and gravitationally mapping the large-scale structure of the universe, if so called B-mode signals below 10^{-7}, or tenths of a uK, can be reliably detected. We provide a language for describing systematic effects which distort the observed CMB temperature and polarization fields and so contaminate the B-modes. We identify 7 types of effects, described by 11 distortion fields, and show their association with known instrumental systematics such as common mode and differential gain fluctuations, line cross-coupling, pointing errors, and differential polarized beam effects. Because of aliasing from the small-scale structure in the CMB, even uncorrelated fluctuations in these effects can affect the large-scale B modes relevant to gravitational waves. Many of these problems are greatly reduced by having an instrumental beam that resolves the primary anisotropies (FWHM << 10'). To reach the ultimate goal of an inflationary energy scale of 3 \times 10^{15} GeV, polarization distortion fluctuations must be controlled at the 10^{-2}-10^{-3} level and temperature leakage to the 10^{-4}-10^{-3} level depending on effect. For example pointing errors must be controlled to 1.5'' rms for arcminute scale beams or a percent of the Gaussian beam width for larger beams; low spatial frequency differential gain fluctuations or line cross-coupling must be eliminated at the level of 10^{-4} rms.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, submitted to PR