585 research outputs found

    Effects of Different Laser Pulse Regimes (Nanosecond, Picosecond and Femtosecond) on the Ablation of Materials for Production of Nanoparticles in Liquid Solution

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    Ultra-short laser pulse interaction with materials has received much attention from researchers in micro- and nanomachining, especially for the generation of nanoparticles in liquid environments, because of the straightforward method and direct application for organic solvents. In addition, the colloidal nanoparticles produced by laser ablation have very high purity—they are free from surfactants and reaction products or by-products. In this chapter, nanosecond, picosecond and femtosecond laser pulse durations are compared in laser material processing. Due to the unique properties of the short and ultra-short laser pulse durations in material processing, they are more apparent in the production of precision material processing and generation of nanoparticles in liquid environments

    A Synthetic Review of Contraceptive Supplies in Punjab

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    Use of contraceptive supplies around the world has given couples a chance to choose the number and spacing of their children and has had remarkable lifesaving benefits. Healthy time and spacing for pregnancies is helpful for mother’s and newborn’s health. Yet despite these efforts, contraceptive use is still low in Pakistan. In this paper an annual comparison of contraceptive commodities in Punjab obtained by Bureau of statistics and Pakistan Development statistics has been made. A consolidation of contraceptive commodities of first quarter of 2015 in Punjab in collaboration with Policy and Strategic Planning Unit (PSPU) and Integrated Reproductive Mother, Neonatal and Child Health (IRMNCH) & Nutrition Program of Punjab has been discussed. Suggestions have been given that how use of FP services can be improved through filling gaps for the implementation and evaluation of FP2020 initiatives. Family planning commodities requires a strategy for bridging the gaps to overcome the unmet needs

    Diffusion d'une onde électromagnétique par un objet cylindrique de conductivité quelconque

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    Détermination des coefficients d'ionisation de matériaux à grand gap par génération multi-photonique

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    In the last few decades, the use of wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductors (silicon carbide SiC, gallium nitride GaN, diamond, etc…) has become popular in the domain of power electronics. Their electronic and mechanical characteristics made of the WBGs a good alternative to the traditional silicon. However, additional studies are mandatory to improve the breakdown voltage, static and dynamic losses, and the performance at high temperature of the WBG devices. In this context, two specific experimental benches OBIC (Optical Beam Induced Current) -under development- are set up during this thesis. OBIC method consists to generate free charge carriers in a reverse biased junction by illuminating the device with an appropriate wavelength. An OBIC signal is measured if the charge carriers are generated in the space charge region. After a first phase of preparation and adaptation of the experimental environment, OBIC measurements led to demonstrate the multi-photonic generation by illuminating a SiC junction with a green laser (532 nm). OBIC measurements allowed giving an image of the electric field at the surface of the diode: OBIC presents a non-destructive analysis to study the efficiency of the peripheral protection and to detect the defects in the semi-conductor. Minority carrier lifetime was also deduced by studying the OBIC decrease at the edge of the space charge region. Ionization rates were extracted using OBIC method; these coefficients are key parameters to predict the breakdown voltage of the devices. OBIC measurements were also realized on the GaN, and two-photon generation was highlighted by measuring an OBIC current in the diamond when illuminating it with a UV laser beam (349 nm).L’utilisation des semi-conducteurs à large bande interdite (wide bandgap ou WBG) tels que le carbure de silicium SiC, le nitrure de gallium GaN, le diamant, etc… s’est répandue dans le domaine de l’électronique de puissance ces dernières décennies. Leurs caractéristiques électroniques et mécaniques font des WBGs des solutions alternatives pour remplacer le traditionnel silicium. Cependant, des études supplémentaires sont indispensables pour améliorer la tenue en tension, les pertes statiques et dynamiques et les performances en fonctionnement à haute température des composants WBGs. Dans ce cadre, deux bancs expérimentaux OBIC (Optical Beam Induced Current) spécifiques « en cours de développement » sont mis en place pendant cette thèse. L’OBIC consiste à éclairer avec un faisceau laser de longueur d’onde appropriée une jonction polarisée en inverse, des porteurs de charge sont alors créés par absorption photonique. On peut alors mesurer un courant induit par faisceau optique (OBIC) lorsque les porteurs sont générés dans la zone de charge d’espace. Après une première phase de préparation et d’adaptation de l’environnement expérimental, des essais ont mené à la démonstration du principe de génération multi-photonique en éclairant une jonction SiC avec un faisceau vert (532 nm). L’analyse des différentes mesures OBIC nous a permis de construire une image du champ électrique à la surface de la diode : une analyse non destructive pour étudier l’efficacité des protections périphériques des jonctions et pour détecter les défauts dans la structure cristalline. Egalement, la durée de vie des porteurs minoritaires a été déduite par l’analyse de la décroissance du courant OBIC au bord de la jonction. Les coefficients d’ionisation sont également déterminés par la méthode OBIC, ces coefficients sont des paramètres clés pour la prévision de la tension de claquage des composants. Nous avons réalisé des mesures OBIC dans le GaN, et nous avons observé un effet d’absorption bi-photonique dans le diamant avec un faisceau UV (349 nm)

    Small-Signal Analysis of High-Performance VCSELs

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    In this paper, a comprehensive model to describe the small-signal modulation response of ultra-high performance single- and multi-mode vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs), with modulation bandwidths exceeding 30 GHz, is presented. Traditionally, utmost simplified dynamic models are used to extract dynamic figures of merit from single-mode edge-emitting lasers. These methods are later on also applied to evaluate the dynamic performance of VCSELs, even though these devices have a very different geometrical layout and modal confinement. However, to understand the dynamic performance of high-speed VCSELs, a model supporting the transverse and longitudinal mode profile, and the driving current inhomogeneity in the active region, is needed. Therefore, multi-mode VCSEL rate equations are established here. Moreover, to access the dynamic figures of merit of these devices, a comprehensive analytical fitting function based on our carrier reservoir splitting approach is derived. Thus, because of the high carrier and photon densities inside these optimized VCSELs, the common carrier reservoir splits up as a result of numerous effects such as mode competition, carrier diffusion and spatial hole burning. These and other effects have a tremendous impact on the small signal modulation response shape and bandwidth, and also on the current distribution profile in the carrier reservoirs. Compared with our recently reported work, this novel model presented includes the effects of gain compression and inhomogeneous current injection between the different lasing modes. Consequently, it is found that the further tuning of our multi-mode VCSEL dynamic model, to include these effects, yields a more physical and consistent figures of merit of high-performance VCSELs.DFG, 414044773, Open Access Publizieren 2019 - 2020 / Technische Universität BerlinDFG, 43659573, SFB 787: Halbleiter - Nanophotonik: Materialien, Modelle, Bauelement

    Study the Serum Levels of IL-17, IL-23, TLR-4, and TLR-7 Role in Immunopathogenesis in Patients with Moderate and Severe Psoriasis

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    Objective: Psoriasis is an immune-mediated disease* (a disease with an unclear cause that is characterized by inflammation caused by dysfunction of the immune system) that causes inflammation in the body. This study examined the relationship between immunological markers (IL-17 and TLR-4) and several socio-demographic parameters, including age, sex, disease severity, stress, smoking behaviours, BMI classification, and dietary preferences, in patients with psoriasis. Methods: Psoriasis on patients at the Imam Al-Hussein City Hospital in Karbala Province, Iraq, psoriasis from December 2022 to April 2023. The participants were healthy individuals and newly diagnosed, untreated psoriasis patients. Pregnant women, those with chronic conditions, and those receiving psoriasis medication were excluded. A case-control observational study was conducted, using convenience sampling to select participants. The PASI scoring method was used to evaluate four body areas, and the sandwich ELISA method was used for immunomarker analysis. Results: The study found significant dispirited in the severity of psoriasis among individuals, with 54.44% presenting with intermediate symptoms and 45.56% showed severe manifestations. The moderate and severe psoriasis patients were classified into five age cohorts. The severity of psoriasis correlates with age, with those with severe psoriasis being older. Socio-demographic features revealed a greater prevalence of moderate patients than those with severe psoriasis. The study also found a significant association between greater BMI values and severe symptoms, smoking behaviours, elevated stress levels, and higher consumption of processed foods. Immunological markers such as IL-17, IL-23, TLR-4, and TLR-7 were also examined, showed significant variations between control participants and those with moderate and severe forms of the condition. These findings contributed to understanding the determinants impacting psoriasis severity and its clinical implications for patient care and therapeutic interventions. Conclusion: Psoriasis patients make up a significant part of the study population, with higher smoking, stress, and healthy food habits. There was no significant difference in BMI, disease severity. of immunological markers IL-17, IL-23, TLR-4, and TLR-7 showed a significantly increase


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    The alteration of the strength of the quadriceps and hamstrings after six months of reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) induces a decrease in performance and can cause injury. Hypothesis: The muscular strength of the operated side of anterior cruciate ligament after 6 months of surgery shows some muscular weakness in the quadriceps and hamstrings in comparison with the healthy side. Motor performance will be dependent on the total recovery of muscle strength of these young athletes. Purpose: This study evaluated the isokinetic muscle strength parameters after 6 months of anterior cruciate ligament rehabilitation in young athletes. Methods: We measured muscle strength of 50 patients, 6 months after surgery after ACL reconstruction. The parameters used to evaluate the strength of the quadriceps and hamstrings were the: peak torque, average power, total work, max repetition total work and the ratio agonist / antagonist (AGO/ANTAG). They were studied at various speeds: 120, 180.300 degrees / sec. Results: muscle strength in the operated side after 6 months of conservative treatment shows a deficit only at the level of the quadriceps muscle in comparison with the healthy side. Conclusion: hamstrings are recovered more quickly than the quadriceps

    Assesment of Vegetation Cover Status in Dry Lands of The Sudan Using Social and Terrestrial Data

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    The current study was conducted in 2015 in Bara Locality, North Kordofan, Sudan. The study area has experienced recurrent drought spells since 1970s of the past century. The main objective of this study was to assess and map the vegetation cover in the area using social, terrestrial and remotely sensed data. To accomplish the above mentioned objective, the study was based on qualitative and quantitative data. In qualitative data, household survey was conducted in which 100 respondents were randomly interviewed. Quantitative data was collected using terrestrial inventory and satellite imageries. In terrestrial inventory, 22 ground control points (GCPs) were randomly registered using GPS in order to get general overview of the land cover of the study area. In each GCP, tree species by number was inventoried within an area of 1 ha. Remote sensing data, covering the target study area, were acquainted using LANDSAT5 imageries (2014) with spatial resolution of 30×30 m. Results of the household survey revealed that only 13 shrub/tree species mentioned by 45% of the respondents, while only 9 woody species were identified, belonging to 8 families from terrestrial inventory. The results of the household survey, 45% of the respondents, indicated that vegetation cover was very good 20 years ago. The study categorized the present land cover as woody vegetation (19%), Acacia senegal stands (5%), shrubs i.e. Leptadenia pyrotechnica and Acacia nubica (18%), small scale farms and grasses (19%) and sandy soil and dunes (39%). The results of the land cover distribution indicated that vegetation cover decreased by 24% while sand/sand dunes was increased by 21% from 1985 to 2015. The study concluded that the study area is under threat of land degradation that may lead to depletion of vegetation cover and decline land productivity. Pengukuran Status Penutupan Vegetasi di Lahan Kering Sudan Menggunakan Data Sosial dan TerestrialIntisariPenelitian ini dilakukan pada tahun 2015 di Lokalitas Bara, Kordofan Utara, Sudan. Lokasi penelitian telah mengalami masa kekeringan yang berulang sejak dekade 1970-an. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menilai dan memetakan tutupan vegetasi di lokasi penelitian dengan menggunakan data sosial, terestrial, dan penginderaan jauh. Untuk mencapai tujuan dimaksud, penelitian ini menggunakan data kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Untuk data kualitatif, survei rumah tangga dengan wawancara terhadap 100 responden yang dipilih secara acak. Data kuantitatif dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan inventarisasi terestrial dan satelit citra. Untuk inventarisasi terestrial, 22 titik kontrol (GCP) didaftar secara acak dengan menggunakan GPS untuk mendapatkan gambaran umum dari tutupan lahan daerah penelitian. Pada setiap GCP, jumlah spesies pohon diinventarisasi dalam area 1 ha. Data penginderaan jauh yang mencakup wilayah studi diambil dengan citra LANDSAT5 (2014) dengan resolusi spasial 30 × 30 m. Hasil survei rumah tangga menunjukkan bahwa hanya 13 jenis semak/pohon yang disebutkan oleh 45% responden, sementara hanya 9 spesies kayu yang terindentifikasi, milik 8 keluarga dari inventarisasi terestrial. Berdasarkan hasil survei rumah tangga, 45% dari responden menyatakan bahwa tutupan vegetasi yang sangat baik 20 tahun yang lalu. Penelitian ini mengelompokkan tutupan lahan saat ini ke dalam vegetasi berkayu (19%), tegakan Acacia senegal (5%), semak yaitu Leptadenia pyrotechnica dan Acacia nubica (18%), pertanian skala kecil dan rerumputan (19%), dan tanah dan bukit pasir (39%). Hasil dari distribusi tutupan lahan menunjukkan bahwa tutupan vegetasi mengalami penurunan sebesar 24%, sedangkan proporsi pasir/bukit pasir meningkat 21% dari 1985 ke 2015. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa daerah penelitian berada di bawah ancaman degradasi lahan yang dapat menyebabkan penipisan vegetasi tutupan dan menurunkan produktivitas lahan

    Performance Investigation of Grid Connected Photovoltaic System Modelling Based on MATLAB Simulation

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    Photovoltaic (PV) systems are normally modeled by employing accurate equations dealing with a behavior the PV system. This model has Characteristic of PV array cells, which are influenced by both irradiation and temperature variations. Grid-connected PV system is considered as electricity generated solar cell system which is connected to the grid utilities. This paper characterizes an exhibiting and simulating of PV system that executed with MATLAB /Simulink. The impact of solar irradiances as well as ambient temperature performances of PV models is investigated and noted that a lower temperature provides maximum power higher so that the open circuit voltage is larger. Furthermore, if the temperature is low, then a considerably short circuit current is low too
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