16 research outputs found

    Towards sustainable economic development via social entrepreneurship

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    This paper argues that social enterprises (SE) in EU Member States share at least following common features: the dominance of a social or societal objective over market goal, an apparent social responsibility, particularly in the field of profit distribution. However, numeric limits for the criteria of SE identification remain 'unclear': in the majority of cases there are no comprehensible requirements regarding the employment of vulnerable groups and the reinvestment of profits into social projects. Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, Italy, Lithuania, and Slovakia advocate accuracy and precision in dealing with the terminology surrounding SE regulatory and legal acts to the greatest extent. Being a significant facilitator of sustainable development, SE growth has a close relationship with certain macroeconomic factors. Our correlation and regression analysis clearly proves that there are certain factors of financial and social environment which have the greatest impact on the increase of the number of SE per 10,000 population, namely: Monetary Freedom, Income Distribution and Helping a Stranger. The first two factors show the impact of government regulation quality in business relation, including the links between employers and employees. The latter factor demonstrates an average social perception of so-called 'inclusion ideas' in different societies

    Measuring social justice in the light of effectiveness of public distributive policy

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    Purpose-Our paper stems from the basis of the fundamental principles of equity theory and other justice theories. It suggests integral index of social justice that includes two partial indices: observance of fundamental rights and distribution of socio-economic achievements. Design/methodology/approach – We employ the index method based on normalization of partial indices according to their impact on overall social justice. For computing the integral index of social justice (ISJ) we select countries with obvious links between economic outcomes and efficiency of social sphere regulation (16 EU Member States). We use the data from Global Competitiveness Report which are the most appropriate to components of partial indices. Findings – We assessed the level of social justice basing on the case study of the EU Member States which demonstrate the most obvious relationship of economic efficiency and quality of social sphere regulation. The research confirmed that the economic leadership of the countries has a close connection with social justice in the respective society. At the same time, targeting and ensuring the effectiveness of the state distribution policy in terms of availability of socio-economic benefits beyond the minimum social guarantees is still inferior to efforts aimed at creating an infrastructure for social support of the population and guarantees of fundamental rights and freedoms. Originality/value – We suggest a unique method that allows to identify the reserves of the state distributive mechanisms' improvement and to analyse the links of social justice of the living environment and doing business with the economic successes of the states. Our approach to determining the weighting factors and the composition of the indicators according to the social justice categories can be specified depending on the research objectives. © 2019, Bucharest University of Economic Studies Publishing House. All rights reserved

    Human capital factors and remuneration: Analysis of relations, modelling of influence

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    This paper argues that basing on existing theoretical studies of human capital factors fuzzy logic method shall be applied in in identifying their impact upon the interest on human capital use (wages). The suggested approach allows determining the factors impossible to describe through quantitative indicators, i.e. gender, education level, experience. Unlike traditional approaches, such as ranked assessments or investment cost indicators in the formation of certain human capital components, the use of the proposed methodology for analysing the link between human capital factors and remuneration allows applying real characteristics of the human capital of employees. Appropriate assessment can be the basis of modelling and correction of relations in determining wages and suitable decision-making regarding the development and changes in the structure of the human capital of the company. © 2017 The Authors. Published by VGTU Press

    Quality of life of the youth: assessment methodology development and empirical study in human capital management

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    Based on existing approaches to assessing the quality of life and similar concepts in human capital management, a quality of life index for young people is proposed. It takes into account the factors of four groups that determine the subjective satisfaction with the quality of life: Economic environment; Socio-political environment; Social environment; Natural environment. Partial factors and their corresponding quality of life indicators are adapted to the assessments of young people, whose needs and interests differ significantly from other age groups due to differences in the values of generations and features of economic activity at a young age. The methodology developed by the authors is based on taking into account subjective assessments of the level of satisfaction with quality of life factors, as well as their importance based on the determination of weights. As a result of testing the methodology, it was found that the most important factors for a positive perception of quality of life are the social environment, in particular, family relationships and health. Economic and environmental factors have approximately the same effect. Socio-political environment factors have the least influence. Due to material well-being and the quality of socio-political life, satisfaction with the life of employed youth is slightly higher (by 3%). Instead, respondents who do not work are more satisfied with social comfort. The integrated index of quality of life of the interviewed youth is 3,438 points out of 5 maximum. The methodology and results of the assessment are useful for the development of national and regional programs and strategies of human capital development due to increase the level of satisfaction of material, spiritual and cultural needs of young people

    ICT and economic growth: Links and possibilities of engaging

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    The paper deals with analysis and evaluation of impact of information and communication technologies (ICT) on economic growth at the different hierarchical levels. Based on global tendencies of ICT development and their use as a factor of competitive advantages, it is proved that sustainable socioeconomic growth has acquired features of permanent digital development. For developing countries steep ICT development can enforce new impulse of economic progress, which in turn, is proved by correlation analysis and modeling of ICT factors influence on the main financial results. Considering current ICT development trends in business (based on case study of Ukraine ICT use statistics as one of the developing countries) and their relations with financial results, the main policy making actions aiming at further economic development can be defined. They should be aimed mainly at Internet access outspread and web-technologies effective use, particularly in the field of e-commerce. © 2019 Mykolo Romerio Universitetas. All rights reserved

    Ukraine – Canada: Modern Scientific Studios

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    У міжнародній колективній монографії вміщено найновіші українсько-канадські суспільно-політичні, історичні, соціально-економічні, філологічні, культурно-освітні та педагогічні дослідження в галузі сучасного канадознавства. Видання складається з трьох книг: перші дві – українською мовою,третя – англійською. Подібне видання виходить в Україні вперше. Для науковців, аспірантів і докторантів, студентів, магістрів і викладачів факультетів міжнародних відносин, іноземної філології, історії, політології та національної безпеки, філології й журналістики, економіки та управління, педагогічної освіти й соціальної роботи, для осередків канадознавста в Україні, українських студій у Канаді, а також усіх, хто цікавиться дослідженнями україно-канадської співпраці в різних сферах

    Ukraine – Canada: Modern Scientific Studios

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    У міжнародній колективній монографії вміщено найновіші українсько-канадські суспільно-політичні, історичні, соціально-економічні, філологічні, культурно-освітні та педагогічні дослідження в галузі сучасного канадознавства. Видання складається з трьох книг: перші дві – українською мовою,третя – англійською. Подібне видання виходить в Україні вперше. Для науковців, аспірантів і докторантів, студентів, магістрів і викладачів факультетів міжнародних відносин, іноземної філології, історії, політології та національної безпеки, філології й журналістики, економіки та управління, педагогічної освіти й соціальної роботи, для осередків канадознавста в Україні, українських студій у Канаді, а також усіх, хто цікавиться дослідженнями україно-канадської співпраці в різних сферах

    Measuring social justice in the light of effectiveness of public distributive policy

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    Purpose-Our paper stems from the basis of the fundamental principles of equity theory and other justice theories. It suggests integral index of social justice that includes two partial indices: observance of fundamental rights and distribution of socio-economic achievements. Design/methodology/approach – We employ the index method based on normalization of partial indices according to their impact on overall social justice. For computing the integral index of social justice (ISJ) we select countries with obvious links between economic outcomes and efficiency of social sphere regulation (16 EU Member States). We use the data from Global Competitiveness Report which are the most appropriate to components of partial indices. Findings – We assessed the level of social justice basing on the case study of the EU Member States which demonstrate the most obvious relationship of economic efficiency and quality of social sphere regulation. The research confirmed that the economic leadership of the countries has a close connection with social justice in the respective society. At the same time, targeting and ensuring the effectiveness of the state distribution policy in terms of availability of socio-economic benefits beyond the minimum social guarantees is still inferior to efforts aimed at creating an infrastructure for social support of the population and guarantees of fundamental rights and freedoms. Originality/value – We suggest a unique method that allows to identify the reserves of the state distributive mechanisms' improvement and to analyse the links of social justice of the living environment and doing business with the economic successes of the states. Our approach to determining the weighting factors and the composition of the indicators according to the social justice categories can be specified depending on the research objectives. © 2019, Bucharest University of Economic Studies Publishing House. All rights reserved