19 research outputs found

    Pendant in the Jewelry Fashion of the Northern Renaissance and Mannerism

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    The main objective of the study is to highlight the role of pendants in the general context of the jewelry art of the Northern Renaissance and Mannerism, the reasons for the popularization of this type of jewelry and offer a version of their classification. The methodological basis of the study is the application of iconological method of art history analysis to characterize the array of jewelry in the general context of artistic culture of the Renaissance and Mannerism of the countries, located north of the Alps; the historical method — to characterize the jewelry works in a certain chronological sequence, mainly — created in the second half of 16th and beginning of 17th centuries; comparative method — to compare the stylistic features of jewelry of different countries of Europe and track their transformation over time. The scientific novelty of the study is in the fact that pendants of Northern Renaissance and Mannerism as the most popular type of personal jewelry have never been considered as an object of serious scientific interest, they were characterized previously in general context of arts and crafts of this period. Therefore, this essay attempts to show pendants as an independent phenomenon, a segment of jewelry fashion of the 16th and early 17th centuries in the Ukrainian science of art. The article makes an excursion into the European jewelry of the 16th century, outlines the types of jewelry in demand during this period, shows their main stylistic features. The materials and techniques preferred by the experts of Northern Europe in the 16th and early 17th centuries, the main subjects and ornamental motifs which existed in the decoration of jewelry, the reasons for their popularization are highlighted. A variant of the classification of pendants of this epoch is proposed, in which the dominant motif of the décor is chosen as the main criterion. The characteristics of individual pendants created during the Renaissance and Mannerism in Spain, the Netherlands, England, Germany, France. Data is collected from the collections of the State Hermitage in St. Petersburg, the Art Institute of Chicago, Victoria and Albert Museum and British Museum in Londo

    Ukrainian Ex Libris at the End of the 20th Century and the Beginning of the 21st Century as an Instrument of the Intercultural Dialogue

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    It is very important to detect the forms of artistic activity within the modern artistic space, independently of the geographical reflection, which would preserve the functions of an instrument for interpersonal communication, serving as a life ring of the intercultural dialogue. One of such forms of the artistic language at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century has become the bookplate. Since the 15th century, ex libris had utterly application functions, serving as an identifying mark of a specific book collection and defining the belonging of a book to a specific library, private owner, monastery, etc. In fact it was a resemblance to a name card of a book collection owner, whether it was referring to a specific person or organization. Since the books have been very expensive at the time of the first ex libris appearance, printed media only started gaining popularity and the tradition of a manuscript book was not lost yet through the ages, a book was a luxury, a symbol of the wealth of its owner, and therefore it was highly valued. The first ex libris served only as a resemblance to heraldic signs or stamps; their artistic quality could not be discussed, as for a long time they were placed at the flyleaf of a book, so they were unseen and carried out only a utility function. This lasted for many centuries and the application aspect of the phenomenon was dominating, that is why the bookplate did not represent an individual interest. In the 20th century the situation started to change, which led to the fact that, from the last third of the century, we can speak about the regeneration of the bookplate from an appendix of a book to an independent work of art. And Ukraine gained a leading role, proving an outstanding ex libris professional level

    Modern Approaches to Teaching and Assessment of Higher Education Seekers: A Conceptual Vision

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    The purpose of the academic paper lies in analysing the viewpoints of various scientists regarding the selection and features of the application of modern approaches to the organization of the educational process, teaching and assessment of the effectiveness of the educational activities of higher education seekers, as well as in practical investigating the main aspects of assessment and educational practice in higher education. In the process of conducting the research, an analytical and bibliographic method has been used in order to study the scientific literature on learning, teaching and assessment issues, as well as a questionnaire survey for the practical clarification of certain aspects of the evaluation and educational process in higher education. Based on the results of the research, the existing works of scholars on the use of modern approaches to the organization of educational activities in higher education and the latest trends in the assessment of the educational process have been analysed

    Traditions synthesis as" Fontainebleau style" international character foundation in French art of the XVI century

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    The article is dedicated to one of the least explored in the art history the art culture of France phenomena in the XVI century – the School of Fontainebleau. The Fontainebleau style stages formation analysis is presented, First and Second Schools founders’ creative works main trends are described. First School nature with its dominant Italian traditions as manner foundation, Second School style with its leading northern influence is analyzed. First and Second Schools of Fontainebleau trends comparative analysis was carried out. Italian, French and Flemish traditions synthesis is positioned to be the main School of Fontainebleau style-forming art feature, represented as French local Mannerism version core in the history and art culture

    Art during the Reign of Rudolf II as Quintessence of Leading Mannerism Trend at Prague Art Center

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    This article is devoted to Rudolfine art as one of the style-forming components and a significant trend in European Mannerism of the 16-17th centuries. A general overview of this style, necessary preconditions that led to its emergence in the artistic culture of Europe, Mannerism major trends and its vectors of spreading in Europe, the role of Rudolfine artists in this process, are laid out in this work. We emphasized the lack of adequate research made in the field of Art History. The personal influence of Emperor Rudolf II on the formation of court art at that time was pointed out. We looked into the background and circumstances at which the Prague Art Center was established by the Emperor and how he provided patronage to the arts and science. The importance of works by prominent artists of the Rudolfine era who worked at the Prague Art Center is highlighted. The main directions of Mannerism distribution through European countries, mainly its further adaptation and style transformation depending on the geographical location, grounds on why the art was so influenced by the Italian movement, the approach and tools of Mannerism in one of the leading European courts. The main characteristics of the Rudolfine art style is highlighted. Its main representatives are defined and their individual creative styles are separately analyzed, including Giuseppe Arcimboldo, Roelant Savery, Bartholomeus Spranger, Joris Hoefnagel, Adriaen de Vries, Joseph Heintz the Elder, and Hans von Aachen. It is pointed out that there was a tendency in the synthesis of Italian, French, and German trends which formed the foregrounds of individual styles of major representatives in Rudolfine art that have been a significant element of Mannerism. General characteristics of stylistic features of Rudolfine artists as representatives of Mannerism who contributed to its fast proliferation in Europe are laid out

    Впровадження відкритих наукових технологій в освітню діяльність Центру ЮНЕСКО «Мала академія наук України»

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    This paper explores the opportunities for scholarly publishing as part of the educational activities of the system of extracurricular research and experimental education, UNESCO Category 2 Centre, “Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine” (hereinafter referred to as the JASU), using Open Journal Systems (hereinafter referred to as OJS) publishing platform. The purpose of the study was to identify and select a publishing model and substantiate the procedures for the launch of an OJS-based open-access student scholarly e-journal with a view of improving scholarly communication between gifted children from Ukraine and other countries.У статті подано результати дослідження можливостей наукової публікації в рамках освітньої діяльності системи позашкільної науково-експериментальної освіти Центру категорії 2 ЮНЕСКО «Мала академія наук України» (далі – МАНУ) з використанням видавничої платформи Open Journal Systems (далі – як OJS). Метою дослідження було визначення та вибір видавничої моделі та обґрунтування процедури запуску учнівського електронного журналу відкритого доступу на основі OJS з метою покращення наукової комунікації між обдарованими дітьми з України та інших країн

    Banking security of Ukraine: current state and ways to improve

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    Ukrainian banking institutions conduct their activity under the influence of various risks, which create critical situations for them. In this context, banks should pay more attention to their own security. The article analyzes the theoretical approaches to the concept of “banking security”, examines the level of banking security as a component of the financial and economic security of the state, and determines the ways to improve it. Banking security was analyzed based on the data of the National Bank of Ukraine and other banks that are part of the banking system of the country.The current state of the banking system shows a decrease in the security since 2014 to the “danger zone”. This is facilitated by a great number of problem loans and foreign capital in the authorized capital of banks; the predominance of short-term lending over long-term one; continued unprofitableness and low liquidity of bank assets. Banking security was the guarantor of achieving financial security of the state. Therefore, the article outlines directions for improving the operation of banking institutions and the banking system as a whole, which will allow to improve banking security in the short term. This is, first of all, the legislative consolidation of the creditor rights protection, the expansion of the lending process, including in foreign currency, with the predomi-nance of long-term loans, the banks’ work in the direction of increasing their assets profitability, optimizing administrative costs, developing and using the latest informa¬tion technology to ensure the effective operation and information security of banks

    Implementation of information technologies in the international accounting system of fuel and energy sector enterprises

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    The study aims the analysis the introduction of information technologies into the international accounting system of organisations in the fuel and energy sector, in particular, to establish the optimal nomenclature composition of digital transformation tools for accounting and auditing tools for the economic activities of organisations in the fuel and energy sector, as well as to establish practical steps to implement these tools in the accounting policies of the studied enterprises. The use of two principles for determining the appropriate range of technological solutions of Accounting 4.0, namely, the expert principle (based on the analysis of 10 professional resources) and the scientometric one (based on the analysis of 500 relevant publications) with their subsequent correlative and analytical comparison, allows providing an independent and high-quality solution to the issue of identifying solutions and tools for digital transformation and modernisation of accounting processes in the economic and economic activities of fuel and energy companies. It is established today, among information technologies, the following digital tools of Accounting 4.0 are the highest priority for integration into the international accounting policy of fuel and energy companies: Cloud Computing, Blockchain Technology, Big Data, Artificial intelligence (AI), AI-based automation, Machine learning and Internet of things

    Methodological Aspects for the Preparation of Future Teachers of Fine ARTS

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    The article reveals methodological principles for the preparation of future teachers of fine arts for individual pedagogical activity. It was demonstrated, that the preparation should be carried out on the basis of a system, competence, integration, creativity and activity approach. A substantiation of concepts from the above-mentioned approaches in the preparation of future teachers of fine arts was made, which consideration should contribute to innovative alterations in the general education system of specialists in the field of fine arts in higher education institutions.The system approach is considered by the authors as a purposeful and clearly organized method to achieve the determined goal. It envisages a combined consecutive work of students and teachers, managing the educative process, it ensures the integrity, efficiency and resulting quality of the educational process, creating conditions for future teachers to achieve a combination of new qualities, necessary in an individual professional occupation.The competence oriented approach is defined by the authors as a shaped individual quality of a future teacher of fine arts, specifying the extent of his or her knowledge and qualification. The introduction of the competence approach envisages the deposition of cognitive accents of students' readiness for independent work to competent accents, which are based on value priorities of a person, particularities of his or her experience and beliefs, and ensures the readiness for creative and productive individual work.The integration approach envisages the alteration of accents in the construction of the pedagogical process from a subject-centric structure to a poly-centric one, by overcoming disunity, fragmentation of professional knowledge, differentiated according to different academic disciplines, and contributes to the creation of an integral thinking style.The creativity approach envisages depriving the educational process in higher education institutions from patterns and standards, as well as giving preference to an active search for non-standard solutions, methods, forms, approaches for improving the education of students in order to achieve a higher professional level.The introduction of the activity approach, where the teacher is considered not as a “translator”, but as a coordinator for students in methods of obtaining and digesting new information, by assisting the students to get involved in different forms of creative artistic and pedagogical occupation, which demonstrates their activity as an universal “instrument” of self-fulfillment of the artistic and creative potential, which ensures the readiness formation for an active life position and a continuous education during the whole lif

    Methodological Aspects for the Preparation of Future Teachers of Fine ARTS

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    The article reveals methodological principles for the preparation of future teachers of fine arts for individual pedagogical activity. It was demonstrated, that the preparation should be carried out on the basis of a system, competence, integration, creativity and activity approach. A substantiation of concepts from the above-mentioned approaches in the preparation of future teachers of fine arts was made, which consideration should contribute to innovative alterations in the general education system of specialists in the field of fine arts in higher education institutions.The system approach is considered by the authors as a purposeful and clearly organized method to achieve the determined goal. It envisages a combined consecutive work of students and teachers, managing the educative process, it ensures the integrity, efficiency and resulting quality of the educational process, creating conditions for future teachers to achieve a combination of new qualities, necessary in an individual professional occupation.The competence oriented approach is defined by the authors as a shaped individual quality of a future teacher of fine arts, specifying the extent of his or her knowledge and qualification. The introduction of the competence approach envisages the deposition of cognitive accents of students' readiness for independent work to competent accents, which are based on value priorities of a person, particularities of his or her experience and beliefs, and ensures the readiness for creative and productive individual work.The integration approach envisages the alteration of accents in the construction of the pedagogical process from a subject-centric structure to a poly-centric one, by overcoming disunity, fragmentation of professional knowledge, differentiated according to different academic disciplines, and contributes to the creation of an integral thinking style.The creativity approach envisages depriving the educational process in higher education institutions from patterns and standards, as well as giving preference to an active search for non-standard solutions, methods, forms, approaches for improving the education of students in order to achieve a higher professional level.The introduction of the activity approach, where the teacher is considered not as a “translator”, but as a coordinator for students in methods of obtaining and digesting new information, by assisting the students to get involved in different forms of creative artistic and pedagogical occupation, which demonstrates their activity as an universal “instrument” of self-fulfillment of the artistic and creative potential, which ensures the readiness formation for an active life position and a continuous education during the whole lif