57 research outputs found

    Is the association between acne and mental distress influenced by diet? Results from a cross-sectional population study among 3775 late adolescents in Oslo, Norway

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    Background Several studies with conflicting findings have investigated the association between acne and mental health problems. Acne usually starts in adolescents, as does an increase in the prevalence of depression and anxiety. Recently, there has been more focus on the link between diet and acne and diet and mental health problems. The objective of this study is to investigate the association between acne and mental distress and to explore a possible influence of dietary factors on the relation. Methods A population-based cross-sectional study in Oslo of 18 or 19 year old adolescents. The participation rate was 80%. Acne was self-reported. To measure mental distress, the Hopkins Symptom Checklist 10 was used. Diet and lifestyle variables were also collected by questionnaire and socio-demographic variables were obtained from Statistics Norway. Results The prevalence of acne was 14.4% among the males and 12.8% among the females. The mean score of mental distress increased when the severity of acne increased. In the crude analyses, the significant associations with acne among the males were: mental distress OR = 1.63, frequent consumption of chocolate/sweets OR = 1.40, frequent consumption of potato chips OR = 1.54. The significant crude associations with acne among the females were: mental distress OR = 2.16, infrequent consumption of raw vegetables OR = 1.41, non-Western background OR = 1.77 and low family income OR = 2.14. No crude associations with acne were identified in either gender for the consumption of sugary soft drinks, fatty fish, cigarette smoking or alcohol. In adjusted models which included diet and socio-demographic variables, the association between acne and mental distress was unchanged for both males (OR = 1.68) and females (OR = 2.04), and between acne and infrequent consumption of raw vegetables among the females (OR = 1.38). Conclusion Among late adolescents in Oslo, self-reported acne is significantly associated with mental distress and, among girls, with infrequent consumption of raw vegetables. Our finding does not support the hypothesis that dietary factors alter the relationship between acne and mental distress


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    Tegnøkonomi som klasseintervensjon for å korte ned latenstiden etter friminutt

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    Lærings-og undervisningshemmende atferd er de vanligste formene for problematferd i skolen, og inkluderer at elevene kommer for sent til timene. Tegnøkonomi er en intervensjon som har vist gode resultater på flere arenaer. Tegnøkonomi er tidligere benyttet for å påvirke elever til å komme raskere inn i klasserommet etter friminutt. Intervensjonene i denne studien ble gjennomført i to skoleklasser. Elevene brukte unødvendig lang tid på å komme til ro på plassene etter friminuttene. Data er samlet inn etter en plan i tråd med en ABAB-design. Intervensjonen innebar å levere tokens hver gang minst 80 % av deltakerne nådde kriteriet for forsterkning. Tokens ble vekslet inn i foretrukne aktiviteter og materielle stimuli etter et VR8 skjema. Data viser at tiltaket hadde god effekt. I både eksperiment A og eksperiment B vises en rask endring fra basislinjebetingelsen til intervensjonsbetingelsen; gjennomsnittlig antall minutter fra det ringer inn til deltakerne sitter rolig på stolene sine går ned

    Opplæring i ikke-eksperimentelle funksjonelle analyser eller FAK-analyser

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    Funksjonelle analyser er metoder som avdekker sammenhenger mellom atferd og miljøhendelser. En variant er deskriptive funksjonelle analyser der observatørene registrerer hendelser i miljøet i forkant og etterkant av den angitte atferden. Denne varianten kalles FAK-analyser (Foranledning-Atferd-Konsekvens). I studien undersøker vi om en opplæringspakke har effekt på deltagernes ferdigheter i FAK-analyser. Deltagerne hadde ikke tidligere mottatt systematisk opplæring i FAK-analyser. Deltagerne gjennomførte FAK-analyser basert på video-opptak av personer med utfordrende atferd. Første opplæringssekvens viser lav effekt, og data fra observatørene kunne ikke brukes til å trekke slutninger om atferdsfunksjoner. En ny og forenklet opplæring ble gjennomført. Deltagerne ble testet som tidligere, men skulle kun beskrive foranledninger og konsekvenser av atferd og ikke trekke slutninger om atferdens funksjon. Andelen av FAK-analyser som var korrekt utfylte etter andre opplæring var 90 %. Studien indikerer at det er mulig å lære opp personalet raskt i observasjon og objektive beskrivelser av foranledninger og konsekvenser av atferd

    En empirisk studie av forløperidentifisering og responsklasse-hierarkier

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    I studien benyttet vi velkjente prosedyrer for å identifisere forløpere til utfordrende atferd, vi gjennomførte sjekk på samvariasjon mellom forløpere og utfordrende atferd, og undersøkte om det var felles opprettholdende konsekvenser. Et ytterligere siktemål var å gjennomføre en ekstinksjonsprosedyre for å undersøke om forløpere var etablert som et responsklasse-hierarki. Data viser at det er mulig å identifisere forløpere til utfordrende atferd ved hjelp av intervju. Samvariasjon mellom forløpere og utfordrende atferd ble funnet hos en av to deltagere. Hos deltakeren der det ikke ble funnet samvariasjon var den utfordrende atferden lavfrekvent. Hos denne deltakeren var det imidlertid mulig å demonstrere ett responsklasse-hierarki av forløpere. Funksjonelle analyser ble gjennomført, men atferdsfunksjon ble avdekket kun hos en av deltakerne. Flere studier av forløpere som medlemmer av responsklasse-hierarkier er ønskelig

    Google search trends for itch in Europe : a retrospective longitudinal study

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    Altres ajuts: European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (EADV, No. 2016-012 to MP).Background: Itch is a common symptom in the general population. Affected individuals often do not seek medical consultation and rely on Internet searches to obtain information regarding their itch. Objectives: The aim of this study was to attain insights into common concerns of the general population regarding itch can by analysing itch-related Internet search behaviour. Methods: Google AdWords Keyword Planner was used to assess search volumes for itch-related terms in 15 European countries between September 2014 and August 2018. All identified keywords were qualitatively categorized. Itch-related terms were descriptively analysed and are shown as number of searches/100 000 inhabitants. Results: The search volume for the keyword 'itch' per 100 000 inhabitants was highest in Northern Europe, followed by Eastern, Central and Southern Europe. In 4/15 countries, itch was searched for more often in the autumn/winter months compared to in the spring/summer months. Most itch-related terms were related to dermatological conditions such as inflammatory skin diseases (e.g. psoriasis, atopic dermatitis), allergic or immunologic conditions (e.g. urticaria), and infectious diseases or infestations (e.g. scabies). In terms of body location, genitoanal itch dominated the searches. Symptoms and signs related to itch, possible non-dermatological aetiologies, and treatment options were also among the most searched terms. Conclusions: These analyses provided for the first time insights into the search behaviour patterns related to itch across Europe. People from Northern and Eastern Europe are more likely to seek online information regarding itch. Causes for the itch, especially dermatological conditions, and genitoanal itch are the most important concerns for Internet users. This unconventional and inexpensive method identifies medical needs of people beyond the medical setting, including people who do not seek medical consultation. Accordingly, the data could be used to guide public health interventions and manage respective inhabitants' medical needs

    ImageCLEF 2020: Multimedia Retrieval in Lifelogging, Medical, Nature, and Security Applications

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    This paper presents an overview of the 2020 ImageCLEF lab that will be organized as part of the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum - CLEF Labs 2020 in Thessaloniki, Greece. ImageCLEF is an ongoing evaluation initiative (run since 2003) that promotes the evaluation of technologies for annotation, indexing and retrieval of visual data with the aim of providing information access to large collections of images in various usage scenarios and domains. In 2020, the 18th edition of ImageCLEF will organize four main tasks: (i) a Lifelog task (videos, images and other sources) about daily activity understanding, retrieval and summarization, (ii) a Medical task that groups three previous tasks (caption analysis, tuberculosis prediction, and medical visual question answering) with new data and adapted tasks, (iii) a Coral task about segmenting and labeling collections of coral images for 3D modeling, and a new (iv) Web user interface task addressing the problems of detecting and recognizing hand drawn website UIs (User Interfaces) for generating automatic code. The strong participation, with over 235 research groups registering and 63 submitting over 359 runs for the tasks in 2019 shows an important interest in this benchmarking campaign. We expect the new tasks to attract at least as many researchers for 2020

    The psychosocial burden of hand eczema: Data from a European dermatological multicentre study

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    Background: The essential physical role, visibility and social importance of the hands place a major psychological burden on patients with hand eczema. Objectives: The aim of this study was to identify the psychological, social and clinical characteristics of patients with hand eczema, in particular the prevalences of depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, and comorbidities. Materials and methods: Data on patients with hand eczema were analysed from a large European multicentre study conducted with dermatology outpatients from 13 countries. Groups of patients and controls were compared to analyse the psychological burden of hand eczema. Results: Female patients with hand eczema had higher Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) scores for anxiety (n = 86, median = 7.0) than controls (n = 900, median = 5.0, P =.02), and for depression (median = 4.0) than controls (3.0, P 1, P =.038, P <.001, and P <.001, respectively]. The median Dermatology Life Quality Index score was 7.0 (n = 68). Discussion: This study identifies a specific psychological burden experienced by hand eczema patients, highlighting the need for focused psychosocial interventions. Physicians in particular should be aware of the need to identify anxiety and depression in female patients.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Low immediate postoperative serum-cortisol nadir predicts the short-term, but not long-term, remission after pituitary surgery for Cushing’s disease

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    Background Cushing’s disease is an ACTH-producing pituitary adenoma, and the primary treatment is microscopic or endoscopic transsphenoidal selective adenectomy. The aims of the present study were to evaluate whether the early postoperative S-cortisol level can serve as a prognostic marker for short- and long-term remission, and retrospectively review our own short and long term results after surgery for Cushing’s disease. Methods This single centre, retrospective study consists of 19 consecutive patients with Cushing’s disease who underwent transsphenoidal surgery. S-cortisol was measured every 6 h after the operation without any glucocorticoid replacement. We have follow-up on all patients, with a mean follow-up of 68 months. Results At the three-month follow-up, 16 patients (84 %) were in remission; at 12 months, 18 (95 %) were in remission and at the final follow-up (mean 68 months), 13 (68 %) were in remission. Five-years recurrence rate was 26 %. The mean postoperative S-cortisol nadir was significantly lower in the group of patients in remission than in the non-remission group at 3 months, but there was no difference between those in long-term remission compared to those in long-term non-remission. The optimal cut-off value for classifying 3-month remission was 74 nmol/l. Conclusion We achieved a 95 % 1-year remission rate with transsphenoidal surgery for Cushing’s disease in this series of consecutive patients. However, the 5-year recurrence rate was 26 %, showing the need for regular clinical and biochemical controls in this patient group. The mean postoperative serum-cortisol nadir was significantly lower in patients in remission at 3 months compared to patients not in remission at 3 months, but a low postoperative S-cortisol did not predict long-term remission