223 research outputs found
Samme språk eller stammespråk. Åpner etterretningsbrukeres forståelse av etterretningsprodusenters vurderingsterminologi for diskurssvikt?
Det kan være avgjørende at etterretningsprodusenter og etterretningbrukere har samme oppfattelse av terminologien for sannsynlighet, slik som «mulig» og «sannsynlig». Uten felles forståelse for dette risikerer man at trusler enten overvurderes eller undervurdes av etterretningsbrukerne, kalt diskurssvikt. Forsvaret innførte i 2013 et sett med standardisert vurderingsterminologi som ensidig definerte 17 ulike termer for å kommunisere sannsynlighet i etterretningsprodukter. I 2018 ble det utarbeidet en nasjonal standardiseringstabell med fem termer, der ett av dem ikke allerede var en del av de 17 opprinnelige.
Flere internasjonale studier har vist at personer oppfatter slike sannsynlighetsord svært ulikt. Basert på denne forskningen har denne oppgaven følgende problemstilling: Åpner etterretningsbrukeres forståelse av etterretningsprodusenters doktrinelle vurderingsterminologi for diskurssvikt?
Problemstillingen har blitt undersøkt ved hjelp av en kvantitativ metode, der respondenter fra departementsnivå (FD, UD og JBD, Forsvaret (FST og FOH), Politidirektoratet og FFI har satt et prosenttall på hvordan de tolker de ulike sannsynlighetstermene definert i etterretningsdoktrinen og den nasjonale standarden. Resultatene har blitt presentert ved hjelp av deskriptiv statistikk.
Oppgavens hovedfunn er at etterretningsbrukere har svært lav eller lav konsensus (hhv under 50% og mellom 50-70% med samme oppfatning som doktrinen) på 10 av 18 målte sannsynlighetsuttrykk. Det er 7 av 18 som har god konsensus (mellom 70-90%), mens kun 1 uttrykk hadde svært høy konsensus (<90%). Det er i stor grad de øvre og nedre sjikt, samt midt på av sannsynlighetsskalaen som trekker tallene vesentlig ned. Det er i tillegg målt høye individuelle ulikheter i hvordan vurderingsterminologi oppfattes. Til sammen åpner dette for diskurssvikt mellom etterretningsprodusent og etterretningsbrukere.
Oppgaven har videre funnet at kontekst i noe grad påvirker oppfattelsen av vurderingsterminologi. I tillegg er det funnet at ved å skrive definisjonen som ligger til grunn for vurderingsterminologien kan dette bidra med å øke konsensusen med opptil 17,8 prosentpoeng. Det er ikke funnet store ulikheter mellom sivile og militære etterretningsbrukere, og heller ikke mellom de med og uten etterretningsutdanning fra før.
It could be of vital importance that intelligence producers and intelligence consumers have a common understanding of the terminology used in words of estimative probability (WEP), like “possible” and “likely”. Without a common understanding, it is possible that threats are either underestimated or overestimated, called discourse failure in this thesis. The Norwegian armed forces unilaterilly defined 17 such WEPs in their intelligence doctrine in 2013, and a national standard with five expressions, including one new, was introduced in 2018.
A substantial amount of international studies have shown that there is large variations between subjects on how they interpret WEPs. Based on this research, this theses have the following research question: Does the understanding of the intelligence doctrinal words of estimative probability by intelligence users open for discourse failure?
A quantiative method has been used to answer the research question. The sample population was selected from policy makers and beaurocrats, defence researchers and military and police proffesionals at operational and strategic level. The sample population was requested to put a numerical point estimate on how they judged the likelyhood on 18 fictive neutral intelligence estimates containing the 18 different verbal expressions of uncertainty. The results have been analysed and visualised using decriptive statistics.
The main research findings is that intelligence users have a very low or low (defined as >50% and between 50-70% with the same interpretation as the doctrinal definitions) in 10 of 18 of the WEPs, 7 of 18 had a good (between 70-90%) conensus among the sample population, while only one WEP had a very good consensus (<90%). It is first and foremost in the extreme ends and in the middle of the probability scale, that these low figures are produced. It is also found to be large variations between subjects on how they interpret WEPs. In sum, this opens the door for discourse failure.
The thesis have also found that knowledge about a real life topic to some degree influence the interpreation of WEPs. Further, it is found that including an estimate range in the text where WEP is used can increase the understanding by as much as 17,8 percentage points. The thesis have not found substantial differences in interpretation between military and civilians, and not between subjects with formal intelligence training and those without
Which way for european disability policy?
In this article we discuss the challenges facing European disability policy and in what direction it is likely to move in the years to come. We argue that the emerging interaction between transnational and national policy development is of crucial importance. At the core of this relationship is the division and interplay between policies of redistribution and of regulation. Redistributive provisions, especially schemes for income maintenance for people with impairment, are in many countries under substantial pressure, while certain forms of social regulation policy have recently gained a new momentum, especially through the emerging European Union strategy to combat discrimination and promote equal opportunities for all citizens. Yet, the future success of a European disability policy will to a great extent depend on whether one manages to develop a mutually supporting interaction between policies of redistribution and policies of regulation
Settlement of mussels on the Skagerrak coast summer 1984
Spat collectors were suspended on 7 localities on the Skagerrak Coast from 21 May to 3 September 1984. One group of collectors were suspended in May and single collectors withdrawn every week. From another group collectors were suspended separately every week and all collectors withdrawn in September. From a third group collectors were suspended one week each from May to July. From 12 to 14 June due to prewailing winds from the north, the surface water along the south-eastern coast was cold and with relatively high salinity. The spatfall varied considerably between the localities and was best on the most inshore localities where the pelagic larvae stayed longer in the area and where the water temperature was somewhat higher and the salinity lower than at the outermost localities. In general, the growth of the spat was low compared to "normal" summers. On some localities it was recorded 5-600000 spat pr 0.1 m2 collector surface. The heaviest spatfall occurred in 0-1 m below the surface. The relatively salt and cold water close to the surface favoured the distribution of starfish which predated on the mussel spat. The heaviest spatfall occurred in the first half of June, though considerable numbers of larvae also settled during July. To ensure the highest number of spat, collectors should be suspended at the end of May. However, that may require a manual thinning on the collectors during the summer. In inshore waters, it seems that suspension of collectors may be delayed until the second half of June and nevertheless achieve a sufficient number of spat. On the other hand, too long delay and adverse growth conditions may result in that mussels the next year will not reach marketable size. NORSK SAMMENDRAG. For å studere og sammenligne avsetningen av blåskjellyngel fra ytre Oslofjord og vestover langs Skagerrakkysten ble det på standardisert måte satt vevede bånd i sjøen, fra overflaten til 4 m dyp. De første bånd ble satt ut 21. mai 1984, de siste ble tatt inn 3. september samme år. En gruppe bånd ble satt ut 21. mai - og tatt inn ett hver uke f.o.m. 18. juni. Av en annen gruppe ble ett bånd satt ut hver uke f.o.m. 21. mai og alle tatt inn 3. septernber. Fra en tredje gruppe ble bånd hengt i sjøen en uke av gangen fra 21. mai til 23. juli. Det ble tatt prøver av båndene i 0, 2 og 4 m dyp og antall og størrelse av skjellyngel ble undersøkt. Det ble foretatt målinger av temperatur og saltholdighet. Dette ble gjennom-først ved Aavik i Lindesmes, Flådevigen i Hisøy, Dybvåg og Sandøya i Redestrand, Risør, Kreppa i Kragerø og ved
Tjøme. Hydrografisk ble sommeren 1984 uvanlig på Skagerrakkysten. Etter et markert skifte til fralandsvind, oppstod 12 .- 14. juni oppstrømning av dypvann til overflaten hvor det ble en brå forandring til kaldt og salt vann. Slik ble situasjonen i lange perioder utover sommeren. Yngelavsetningen i våre forsøk ble mislykket ved Aavik og Kreppa, meget dålig ved Risør, noe bedre i Flådevigen og meget bra ved Dybvåg og Sandsøya. I Flådevigen og Dybvåg foregikk den vesentlige yngelavsetningen 4.- 12. juni mens den i Aavik kom vesentlig i slutten av mai. Også i 1. halvdel av juli var det endel avsetning. I Flådevigen ble det registrert en total avsetning p6 flere hundre tusen yngel pr m bånd (= 0.1 m2) - men det resulterte i at mindre enn 5% av disse ble større enn 5 mm i løpet av sommeren. De fleste døde av næringsmangel (plassmangel) og endel ble nedbeitet av sjøstjerner. Veksten til blåskjellene ble dårlig sammenlignet med tidligere målinger. Dette skyldtes i første rekke lav sjøtemperatur og lavt innhold av planteplankton (næringspartikler) i det klare vannet. Det salte og kalde vannet antas ha favorisert forekomst av sjøstjerner nærmere overflaten og resultatet ble en viss nedbeiting. Det konkluderes med at for å sikre seg mest mulig yngel, må samlerne henges ut midt i mai. Dette gielder spesielt på mer åpne lokaliteter og ytterst på kysten. Dette må da ofte kombineres med manuell tynning på samlerne, fortrinnsvis i begynnelsen av juli. I mer beskyttede områder synes som om utsetting av yngelsamlere kan utstå til måedsskiftet juni-juli og likevel gi et stort antall yngel. Hvis man derimot vil basere dyrkingen på færre yngel i utgangspunktet, kan man i "normale" somre vente med utsetting til slutten av juni (20.-25. juni). Hvis vekstforholdene blir dårlige, kan det risikeres at skjellene ikke
når konsumstørrelse den neste høsten
Impact supplement of the strengths and difficulties questionnaire in the assessment of functional impairment in children with ADHD or ASD in a mixed neuropediatric sample: A partial validation study
Background: In addition to symptoms of neurodevelopmental
disorders, functional impairment is crucial to the determination
of clinical significance. The aim of this study was to examine
partial validity and usefulness of the Strengths and Difficulties
Questionnaire’s (SDQ) impact supplement (SDQ impact) in measuring functional impairment in children and adolescents diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or
autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in neuropediatric clinics.
Methods: Participants were children and adolescents (N = 337)
referred to neuropediatric outpatient clinics for neurodevelopmental
assessment. Functional impairment was evaluated using three instruments: the SDQ impact, the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scale (VABSII), and the Children’s Global Assessment Scale (CGAS). Mental health
symptoms and intellectual function were also assessed. We investigated convergent and concurrent validity of the SDQ impact.
Results: The convergent validity of the SDQ impact was shown by
its significant correlations with the VABS-II composite score and the
CGAS total score. The concurrent validity of the SDQ impact was
demonstrated by its significant relationship with ADHD and ASD
diagnoses in logistic regression analyses. Using established cutoffs,
the sensitivity of the SDQ impact to reveal functional impairment in
children with ADHD and ASD diagnoses was demonstrated in this
neuropediatric sample, but at the cost of low specificity.
Conclusion: The SDQ impact is an easy-to-use tool, and the
overall study results indicate that it is partially valid, suggesting
it may be used for the screening of general functional impairment in the neuropediatric population
Sleep problems, behavioural problems and respiratory health in children born extremely preterm: a parental questionnaire study
Objective: To explore whether children born extremely preterm (EPT) with different types of sleep problems had more behavioural and respiratory health problems than EPT children without sleep problems. Design: Prospective, nationwide, questionnaire-based study. At 11 years of age, parents reported on four current sleep problems: difficulty falling asleep or frequent awakenings, snoring, daytime sleepiness and not recommended sleep duration (<9 hours). Behavioural problems were assessed by parents and teachers with the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ). Parents assessed respiratory symptoms with the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood questionnaire and described use of asthma medication. Setting: Norway. Patients: EPT children. Main outcome measures: Specified sleep problems, behavioural problems and respiratory health. Results: Data were obtained from 216 of 372 (58 %) of eligible children. All four specified sleep problems were associated with significantly higher parent-reported SDQ total-score (OR 1.1 for all), and except for not recommended sleep duration, also with higher teacher-reported SDQ total-score (OR 1.1 for all). Daytime sleepiness was strongly associated with wheezing last 12 months (OR 3.4), disturbed sleep due to wheezing (OR 3.9), wheeze during or after exercise (OR 2.9), use of inhaled corticosteroids or oral leukotriene modifiers (OR 3.4) and use of bronchodilators (OR 3.9). Snoring was associated with wheezing during or after exercise (OR 2.8) and current asthma (OR 4.2). Conclusion: EPT children with different types of sleep problems had more behavioural and respiratory health problems than EPT children without sleep problems.publishedVersio
Prenatal and Neonatal Factors Predicting Sleep Problems in Children Born Extremely Preterm or With Extremely Low Birthweight
Objective: Prematurely born children have been reported to have more sleep problems throughout childhood than children born at term. The aim of this study was to explore if prenatal or neonatal factors can predict sleep problems at age 11 years in children born extremely preterm (EPT).Method: A prospective observational study of all infants who were born EPT in Norway in 1999 and 2000. Prenatal and neonatal data were collected by all Norwegian obstetric and pediatric departments. Parental questionnaire mapped sleep problems and sleep habits at the age of 11 years.Results: Of the 372 eligible children, 221 participated. Of those, 28.1% snored, 27.5% had difficulty falling asleep or frequent awakenings and 17.2% suffered from daytime sleepiness. The mean sleep duration was 9.4 h (range 4.3–11.0 h). Smoking in pregnancy predicted snoring (odds ratio 4.3). Neonatal cerebral hemorrhage and being born small for gestational age predicted difficulty falling asleep or frequent awakenings (odds ratio 2.2 and 2.3). Other morbidities during pregnancy or the newborn period, gestational age or the burden of treatment in the neonatal intensive care unit did not predict sleep problems. None of the studied prenatal or neonatal factors predicted daytime sleepiness or sleep duration <9 h.Conclusion: Of numerous prenatal and neonatal factors, only smoking during pregnancy, being born small for gestational age and cerebral hemorrhage predicted sleep problems at 11 years of age among these children born EPT
Njord: a fishing trawler dataset
Fish is one of the main sources of food worldwide. The commercial
fishing industry has a lot of different aspects to consider, ranging
from sustainability to reporting. The complexity of the domain also
attracts a lot of research from different fields like marine biology,
fishery sciences, cybernetics, and computer science. In computer science, detection of fishing vessels via for example remote sensing and
classification of fish from images or videos using machine learning
or other analysis methods attracts growing attention. Surprisingly,
little work has been done that considers what is happening on
board the fishing vessels. On the deck of the boats, a lot of data and
important information are generated with potential applications,
such as automatic detection of accidents or automatic reporting of
fish caught. This paper presents Njord, a fishing trawler dataset
consisting of surveillance videos from a modern off-shore fishing
trawler at sea. The main goal of this dataset is to show the potential
and possibilities that analysis of such data can provide. In addition to the data, we provide a baseline analysis and discuss several
possible research questions this dataset could help answer
Factors associated with non-completion of and scores on physical capability tests in health surveys: The North Health in Intellectual Disability Study
Background - This study investigated the completion rates, scores and factors associated with non-completion and low scores on physical capability tests in a health survey administered to adults with intellectual disabilities.
Method - Assessment comprised body mass index (BMI), the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), the timed up-and-go (TUG) test, the one-legged stance (OLS) test; and gross motor, communication and behavioural functioning tests.
Results - The completion rates among 93 participants (aged 17–78) were 46% for the SPPB, 42% for the TUG, and 31% for the OLS. More severe intellectual disability (OR = 3.12, p
Conclusions - Including physical capability tests in health surveys among adults with intellectual disabilities is important to monitor functional status and guide prevention strategies
The Norwegian PraksisNett: a nationwide practice-based research network with a novel IT infrastructure
Clinical research in primary care is relatively scarce. Practice-based research networks (PBRNs) are research infrastructures to overcome hurdles associated with conducting studies in primary care. In Norway, almost all 5.4 million inhabitants have access to a general practitioner (GP) through a patient-list system. This gives opportunity for a PBRN with reliable information about the general population. The aim of the current paper is to describe the establishment, organization and function of PraksisNett (the Norwegian Primary Care Research Network). Materials and Methods We describe the development, funding and logistics of PraksisNett as a nationwide PBRN. Results PraksisNett received funding from the Research Council of Norway for an establishment period of five years (2018–2022). It is comprised of two parts; a human infrastructure (employees, including academic GPs) organized as four regional nodes and a coordinating node and an IT infrastructure comprised by the Snow system in conjunction with the Medrave M4 system. The core of the infrastructure is the 92 general practices that are contractually linked to PraksisNett. These include 492 GPs, serving almost 520,000 patients. Practices were recruited during 2019–2020 and comprise a representative mix of rural and urban settings spread throughout all regions of Norway. Conclusion Norway has established a nationwide PBRN to reduce hurdles for conducting clinical studies in primary care. Improved infrastructure for clinical studies in primary care is expected to increase the attractiveness for studies on the management of disorders and diseases in primary care and facilitate international research collaboration. This will benefit both patients, GPs and society in terms of improved quality of care.publishedVersio
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