32 research outputs found

    Livedoid vasculopathy: a compelling diagnosis

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    Pedroso and Gomes' verrucous Dermatitis (Chromoblastomycosis): 90 years on and still among us

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    Os autores relatam o caso clínico de uma doente que procurou atendimento dermatológico em decorrência da presença de lesão em placa papulosa de superfície verrucosa no cotovelo esquerdo.In this report, the authors describe the clinical case of a woman seeking care at this dermatology outpatient clinic with a verrucous plaque on her left elbow

    Measuring the predictability of life outcomes with a scientific mass collaboration.

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    How predictable are life trajectories? We investigated this question with a scientific mass collaboration using the common task method; 160 teams built predictive models for six life outcomes using data from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study, a high-quality birth cohort study. Despite using a rich dataset and applying machine-learning methods optimized for prediction, the best predictions were not very accurate and were only slightly better than those from a simple benchmark model. Within each outcome, prediction error was strongly associated with the family being predicted and weakly associated with the technique used to generate the prediction. Overall, these results suggest practical limits to the predictability of life outcomes in some settings and illustrate the value of mass collaborations in the social sciences

    Plasmacytoid dendritic cells, Factor XIIIa-positive dermal dendrocytes, macrophages and inducible nitric oxide synthase expression in American tegumentary leishmaniasis skin lesions

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    Em todas as formas clínicas da leishmaniose tegumentar americana os macrófagos são as células efetoras mais importantes na destruição do parasita intracelular. As células dendríticas são células apresentadoras de antígeno localizadas nos sítios de inoculação, como pele e mucosa. Os dendrócitos dérmicos Fator XIIIa positivos são células derivadas de linhagem mielomonocítica e consideradas complementares às células de Langerhans no processo de apresentação de antígenos e indução da resposta imune. As células dendríticas plasmocitoides representam um subgrupo de células dendríticas precursoras presentes no sangue periférico e órgãos linfoides. Estas células são identificadas pela alta expressão de receptor da cadeia alfa da interleucina-3 (CD123) e são fortes produtoras de interferon tipo I. Elas são raramente observadas na pele humana normal, e foram demonstradas em dermatoses inflamatórias e virais. O óxido nítrico e seus derivados atuam como moléculas efetoras da citotoxicidade macrofágica contra parasitas. A expressão da enzima óxido nítrico sintase induzida (iNOS) e a geração de óxido nítrico é importante no controle da infecção por diferentes espécies de Leishmania. Cinqüenta e dois espécimes de biópsias cutâneas de pacientes diagnosticados com leishmaniose tegumentar americana foram classificados histologicamente de acordo com o padrão de resposta tecidual, se granulomatoso ou inflamatório difuso não específico. O objetivo deste estudo foi demonstrar e quantificar a presença de células dendríticas plasmocitoides em 36 das biópsias, através de estudo imuno-histoquímico com anticorpo anti-CD123, comparando os achados entre os diferentes tipos de resposta tecidual; verificar a expressão de iNOS por dendrócitos dérmicos Fator XIIIa positivos e comparar com a expressão de iNOS por macrófagos nas lesões cutâneas, através de estudo imuno-histoquímico com dupla marcação pelos anticorpos antiCD68 e antiiNOS em 43 biópsias cutâneas, e pelos anticorpos anti-Fator XIIIa e antiiNOS em 34 amostras, comparando os achados entre os diferentes padrões de resposta tecidual. Foram evidenciadas células dendríticas CD123+ em todos espécimes de lesões cutâneas de leishmaniose tegumentar americana estudados. Em 22/36 amostras, as células dendríticas plasmocitoides estavam dispostas isoladamente entre outras células inflamatórias; em 14/36 amostras estavam agrupadas, pelo menos focalmente, principalmente no grupo granulomatoso (13 amostras) e em um caso do grupo não específico; dez amostras exibiram células na junção dermoepidérmica, sendo oito no grupo granulomatoso e duas no grupo não específico. Entretanto, não houve diferença no número de células CD123+/mm2 entre os dois grupos estudados. Esses resultados sugerem que as células dendríticas plasmocitoides participam da resposta imune nas lesões cutâneas de leishmaniose tegumentar americana. A expressão de iNOS por dendrócitos dérmicos Fator XIIIa positivos foi evidenciada em todos os espécimes estudados, sendo que a maioria dos macrófagos expressou iNOS. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre o número de células CD68+/mm2 e CD68+iNOS+/mm2 nos diferentes padrões de resposta tecidual, tampouco no número de células Fator XIIIa+/mm2, mas o número de células FatorXIIIa+iNOS+/mm2 foi maior no grupo granulomatoso. Quando comparadas 34 amostras, todas elas submetidas a estudos com anticorpos anti-Fator XIIIa, anti-CD68, anti- FatorXIIIa/iNOS e anti-CD68/iNOS, foi maior o número total de macrófagos que dendrócitos dérmicos Fator XIIIa positivos, expressando ou não iNOS, e a porcentagem de macrófagos coexpressando iNOS foi maior que a coexpressão de iNOS por dendrócitos dérmicos Fator XIIIa positivos, mas esta diferença não foi estatisticamente significativa quando comparados os grupos histológicos separadamente. Os resultados demonstram que os dendrócitos dérmicos Fator XIIIa positivos expressam iNOS, menos que os macrófagos, mas proeminentemente no grupo granulomatoso, sugerindo a sua participação na patogênese de lesões cutâneas de leishmaniose tegumentar americana, como células com capacidade leishmanicida e/ou apresentadoras de antígenoIn all forms of American tegumentary leishmaniasis lesions, macrophages are the most important effector cells involved in intracellular parasite destruction. Dendritic cells are antigen-presenting cells that are localized at the entry sites, such as skin and mucosa. Factor XIIIa+ dermal dendrocytes are bone marrow-monocytic lineagederived cells and considered complementary cells to Langerhans cells in the process of antigen presentation and inducing immune response. Plasmacytoid dendritic cells constitute a subset of dendritic cells precursors in peripheral blood and organized lymphoid tissue. These cells are identified by their high levels of interleukin-3 receptor alpha chain (CD123) and are vigorous type I interferon producing cells. They are rarely present in normal human skin, and have been demonstrated in inflammatory and viral dermatoses. Nitric oxide radical and derivatives act as effector molecules of macrophage cytotoxicity against invading parasites. Expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and generation of nitric oxide is important in control of infection in different Leishmania species. Fifty-two samples of skin biopsies obtained from American tegumentary leishmaniasis patients were histologically classified as granulomatous reaction or non specific diffuse inflammatory reaction. The aim of the study was to demonstrate and quantify the presence of plasmacytoid dendritic cells in thirty-six skin biopsies, by immunohistochemistry with anti-CD123, comparing findings in both patterns of tissue response; to verify the expression of iNOS by Factor XIIIa+ dermal dendrocytes and compare to the expression of iNOS by macrophages in cutaneous lesions, by doublestaining technique with antiCD68 and antiiNOS antibodies in forty-three skin biopsies and anti-factor XIIIa and antiiNOS antibodies in thirty-four biopsies, comparing findings between different tissue response patterns. Dendritic CD123+ cells were demonstrated in all specimens of American tegumentary leishmaniasis lesions. The number of CD123+ cells/mm2 in the two groups did not differ. In 22/36 samples, plasmacytoid dendritic cells were intermingled with other inflammatory cells, and were grouped, at least focally, in 14/36 samples. Thirteen cases from the granulomatous group and one non specific case showed clusters of cells in the dermal inflammatory infiltrate. Ten biopsies displayed plasmacytoid dendritic cells at the dermoepidermal junction, two in the non specific group and eight in the granulomatous group. The findings suggest that plasmacytoid dendritic cells participate in the immune response of American tegumentary leishmaniasis skin lesions. Expression of iNOS by Factor XIIIa+ dermal dendrocytes was shown in all specimens, and most of the macrophages expressed iNOS. The total number of CD68+ cells/mm2 and CD68+iNOS+ cells/mm2 in the two groups did not differ, nor the total number of FactorXIIIa+ cells/mm2, but the number of FactorXIIIa+iNOS+ cells/mm2 was higher in the granulomatous group. When comparing thirty-four samples that were all tested to anti-Factor XIIIa, anti-CD68, anti-FactorXIIIa/anti-iNOS and anti-CD68/anti-iNOS, it was higher the total number of macrophages, either non-expressing or expressing iNOS than iNOS-expressing Factor XIIIa+ dermal dendrocytes, and the total percentage of iNOS-expressing macrophages was higher than iNOSexpressing Factor XIIIa+ dermal dendrocytes, but this percentage was not significant when granulomatous and non specific groups were separately analyzed. The results demonstrate that FactorXIIIa+ dermal dendrocytes express iNOS, less than macrophages, but prominently in the granulomatous group, suggesting they play a role in the pathogenesis of American tegumentary leishmaniasis skin lesions as immune effectors and/or antigenpresenting cell

    The American Novel As Ethnography

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    Factor XIIIa plus Dermal Dendrocyte Parasitism in American Tegumentary Leishmaniasis Skin Lesions

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    Dendritic cells belong to a family of antigen-presenting cells that are localized at the entry sites, such as skin and mucosa. Dendritic cells are related to immune surveillance function. The role of Langerhans cells in the pathogenesis of skin infectious diseases is well studied; however, there are few articles addressing involvement of factor XIIIa-positive dermal dendrocytes (FXIIIa+ DD) in such processes. FXIIIa+ DDs are bone marrow-monocytic lineage-derived cells and members of the skin immune system. Due to their immune phenotype and functional characteristics, they are considered complementary cells to Langerhans cells in the process of antigen presentation and inducing immune response. To verify the interaction between FXIIIa+ DD and Leishmania amastigotes, 22 biopsies of American tegumentary leishmaniasis (ATL) skin lesions were subjected to double staining technique with anti-factor XIIIa and anti-Leishmania antibodies. FXIIIa+ DDs were hypertrophic and abundant in the cutaneous reaction of ATL. FXIIIa+ DDs harboring parasites were observed in I I of 22 skin biopsies. The data obtained suggest that FXIIIa+ DD plays a role in the pathogenesis of ATL skin lesion as host cell, immune effector, and/or antigen-presenting cell.CNPq-Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e TecnologicoCNPq National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development[307573/2006-0

    Unilateral livedoid vasculopathy associated with involutional phase of cutaneous infantile hemangioma: the connection to coagulation disorders

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    Livedoid vasculopathy is a bilateral painful and recurrent cutaneous ulcerative disorder of the legs that leads to atrophie blanche, atrophic white-porcelain scars, and is associated with disorders of fibrinolysis and/or coagulation. We present a young boy with an association between livedoid vasculopathy in the area of a previous involuted cutaneous hemangioma. We found 4 uncommon abnormalities associated with thrombo-occlusive events: heterozygous 20210 A→G genotype of prothrombin, reduced activity of anticoagulation proteins C and S, and elevated lipoprotein (a)