22 research outputs found

    Def1 Promotes the Degradation of Pol3 for Polymerase Exchange to Occur During DNA-Damage–Induced Mutagenesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    The authors would like to thank Mark Hochstrasser for the MHY500 strain and Yasushi Saeki for the proteasome mutant and the corresponding wild-type strains. We also thank Sz. Minorits for technical assistance. This publication was also supported by the Dr. Rollin D. Hotchkiss Foundation. Funding: Wellcome Trust, 070247/Z/03/A. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Az EU Adaptáció és versenyképesség

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    A program keretében egyrészt elméleti kutatások valósultak meg: a vámunióelmélet alkalmazása az agrárgazdaság adaptációjának magyarázatához, illetve a kereskedelmi elméletek és a mezőgazdaság versenyképessége témakörében. Az agrárgazdaság versenyképessége kategóriájának integráns részét képezik a releváns agrár- és kereskedelempolitikai feltételek. Az EU-adaptáció a versenyképesség feltételrendszerének lényeges változását eredményezi. A kutatás keretében mennyiségi elemzésekre is sor került. A nettó export alakulása, annak változása a nemzetközi versenyképesség lényeges mutatója. A magyar agrárgazdaság belső strukturális problémái, az elhúzódó transzformációs válság és depresszió, illetve az adaptációs sokkok a versenyképesség folyamatos romlásához vezettek. A program keretében kiemelt figyelem irányult a releváns politikai változások (KAP-reform 2003. évi lépcsője, illetve a WTO Doha-Forduló előrehaladása), továbbá az adaptáció kezdeti tapasztalatai feltárására. Az agrárgazdaság sikeres alkalmazkodásának döntő tényezője a versenyképesség átütő erejű javítása. Az ehhez szükséges gazdaság- és társadalompolitikai (azon belül agrárpolitikai) program és annak adekvát eszközrendszere azonban továbbra is hiányzik. | In the framework of the program theoretical researches were carried out in part: the agricultural adaptation explained by the application of the customs union theory, and in the field of trade theories and the competitiveness of the agriculture. Relevant agricultural and trade policies form an integral part of the agricultural competitiveness. EU-adaptation changes significantly the competitive environment. In the framework of the research quantity analysis were carried out as well. Development of net export can be considered an important indicator of international competitiveness. The internal structural problems of the Hungarian agriculture, the long lasting transformational crisis and depression, and the adaptational shocks have led to continuous decay in competitiveness. In the framework of the program outstanding attention was paid to the relevant policy changes (CAP reform in 2003, the advancement of the Doha Round) furthermore the exploration of the initial experiences of the adaptation. Crucial factor of the successful adaptation of the agriculture is the smashing improvement of competitiveness. The economic and social policy (including the agricultural policy) program necessary to fulfill that and its adequate tool system is still missing

    The Zn-Finger of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad18 and Its Adjacent Region Mediate Interaction with Rad5

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    DNA damages that hinder the movement of the replication complex can ultimately lead to cell death. To avoid that, cells possess several DNA damage bypass mechanisms. The Rad18 ubiquitin ligase controls error-free and mutagenic pathways that help the replication complex to bypass DNA lesions by monoubiquitylating PCNA at stalled replication forks. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, two of the Rad18 governed pathways are activated by monoubiquitylated PCNA and they involve translesion synthesis polymerases, whereas a third pathway needs subsequent polyubiquitylation of the same PCNA residue by another ubiquitin ligase the Rad5 protein, and it employs template switching. The goal of this study was to dissect the regulatory role of the multidomain Rad18 in DNA damage bypass using a structure-function based approach. Investigating deletion and point mutant RAD18 variants in yeast genetic and yeast two-hybrid assays we show that the Zn-finger of Rad18 mediates its interaction with Rad5, and the N-terminal adjacent region is also necessary for Rad5 binding. Moreover, results of the yeast two-hybrid and in vivo ubiquitylation experiments raise the possibility that direct interaction between Rad18 and Rad5 might not be necessary for the function of the Rad5 dependent pathway. The presented data also reveal that yeast Rad18 uses different domains to mediate its association with itself and with Rad5. Our results contribute to better understanding of the complex machinery of DNA damage bypass pathways

    Körkérdés : Mi lesz veled, Európai Unió? Mi lesz veled, Magyarország? = Inquiry. What will Be Your Fate, Europe? What will Be Your Fate, Hungary?

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    1. Európa-politika a belső politika fogságában 2. Részt kell vennünk az európai döntéshozatalban 3. Az Unió és Magyarország: Ez van, ezt kell szeretni 4. Víziók és valóság, GMU 2.0 5. Kettős felzárkózás helyett elzárkózás 6. Felértékelődött közvélemény 7. Eurózóna-csatlakozás: Igen? Nem? Mikor? 8. Nemzetállamok a globalizáció fogságában 9. Pangás, döntésképtelenség 10. A közelmúlt meghatározottságai 11. Fluctuat nec mergitur 12. Bizakodó változato

    DNA-damage–induced mutagenesis is abolished in <i>def1</i> deletion mutants.

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    <p>Forward mutation rates at the <i>CAN1</i> locus were determined after UV treatment. Where indicated, <i>def1</i> deletion was complemented by wild-type <i>DEF1</i> expressed under the control of the ADH1 promoter on a centromeric plasmid. The standard deviation is indicated above each bar. Experiments were repeated three times.</p

    Rev1 forms a complex with Pol31 and Pol32.

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    <p>(A) Purity of the proteins. We analyzed 0.5 µg of each protein on a 10% denaturing SDS-polyacrylamide gel. Molecular mass standards are shown on the right. (B) GST pull-down of the purified proteins. GST–Pol32 immobilized on glutathione–Sepharose beads was incubated with purified Pol31 and Rev1. After washing, bound proteins were eluted with glutathione. Aliquots of each sample, taken before addition to the beads (L), from the flow-through fraction (F), from the last wash (W), and from the glutathione-eluted proteins (E), were analyzed on 10% SDS-polyacrylamide gel (lanes 1–4). The results for the control experiment using GST instead of GST–Pol32 are shown in lanes 5–8. Molecular mass standards are shown on the right.</p

    UV-dose–dependent degradation of Pol3.

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    <p>Cultures of <i>mms2</i> cells were synchronized by α-factor and irradiated with increasing doses of UV, as indicated. After released back to growth, 1 ml of cells was collected at the indicated time points, and cell extracts were analyzed by Western blotting. Anti-HA detected HA-tagged Pol3, and PGK served as a loading control. The level of Pol3 relative to PGK is shown at the bottom of each panel.</p