77 research outputs found

    Degradation mechanism of tributyl phosphate by UV/H2O2 treatment and parameters optimization towards the design of a pilot reactor

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    While activated sludge treatment is currently the preferred process for the removal of tributyl phosphate (TBP) at the mg.L−1 level, it is well known that this recalcitrant molecule is incompletely degraded, stimulating research into alternative approaches, such as advanced oxidation. The aim of this study was to characterize the degradation mechanism of TBP during ultraviolet/H2O2 treatment using 31P NMR, ionic chromatography and total organic carbon analysis. The effects of initial pH, amount of oxidant and pollutant concentration were also assessed using an experimental design approach. The results of this parametric study show that ultraviolet/H2O2 photo-oxidation efficiently degrades TBP at concentrations up to 600 mg.L−1, with >90% phosphate release and up to 95% removal of total organic carbon within 1 h. The data also show that the main reaction intermediates are short carboxylic acids, resulting from the released alkyl groups, meaning that an interesting application of this process may be to rapidly pre-treat industrial effluent upstream of activated sludge reactors

    A Map of the Nanoworld: Sizing up the Science, Politics, and Business of the Infinitesimal

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    Mapping out the eight main nodes of nanotechnology discourse that have emerged in the past decade, we explore how various scientific, social, and ethical islands of discussion have developed, been recognized, and are being continually renegotiated. We do so by (1) identifying the ways in which scientists, policy makers, entrepreneurs, educators, and environmental groups have drawn boundaries on issues relating to nanotechnology; (2) describing concisely the perspectives from which these boundaries are drawn; and (3) exploring how boundaries on nanotechnology are marked and negotiated by various nodes of nanotechnology discourse.Comment: 25 page

    Changing Fields of Solidarity in France: A Cross-field Analysis of Migration, Unemployment and Disability

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    AbstractThis chapter evaluates the implications of recent crises for solidarity organisations in France. The main aim is to assess whether solidarity remains nationally bounded or otherwise follows some consistent pattern of transnationalisation. By focusing on the fields of migration, unemployment and disability, the chapter examines the main attributes of solidarity organisations; in particular, the analysis aims to evaluate how transnational features relate to endogenous characteristics, such as activities, roles and networks affecting their particular experiences within changing fields of solidarity. Crucially, findings show that the economic crisis and welfare retrenchment in France have well served the purpose of governments willing to pre-empt strong political challenge by potential solidarity movements

    Smaïn Laacher, Croire à l’incroyable. Un sociologue à la Cour nationale du droit d’asile

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    Dans son essai Croire Ă  l’incroyable. Un sociologue Ă  la Cour nationale du droit d’asile, SmaĂŻn Laacher propose « une ethnographie de l’univers de l’asile » (p. 23) Ă  partir de son expĂ©rience de juge assesseur au sein de cette institution. Éminent spĂ©cialiste de l’immigration, il y reprĂ©sente en effet, de 1999 Ă  2014, le Haut commissariat des Nations-Unies pour les rĂ©fugiĂ©s (UNHCR, et plus couramment HCR). Est ici dĂ©crit le thĂ©Ăątre ritualisĂ© de la Cour nationale du droit d’asile (CNDA), jurid..

    L'histoire de l'aspirine à travers la publicité

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    LILLE2-BU Santé-Recherche (593502101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Les épreuves de l'asile (de la politique du soupçon à la reconnaissance des réfugiés)

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    Dans le contexte actuel de forte sĂ©lectivitĂ© des demandes d'asile, dans quelles conditions, de quelle maniĂšre et au prix de quels arrangements pratiques et Ă©thiques les acteurs d'un militantisme institutionnel sont-ils devenus un rouage des politiques d'accueil et de sĂ©lection des exilĂ©s? Cette thĂšse s'intĂ©resse au rĂŽle que jouent les associations dans la procĂ©dure d'asile et Ă  la maniĂšre dont leurs membres nĂ©gocient la tension entre la mission d'assistance que l'État leur confie et la rĂ©sistance aux mĂ©canismes dissuasifs dĂ©veloppĂ©s par ce mĂȘme État quant Ă  l'accĂšs au droit d'asile. Elle s'inscrit dans la lignĂ©e du dĂ©cloisonnement des refugee studies, Ă  la croisĂ©e de plusieurs domaines d'Ă©tudes: une sociologie politique du droit, une sociologie de l'action collective et une sociologie morale. Ce travail ethnographique montre comment les politiques d'asile actuelles et l'inĂ©gale rĂ©partition des ressources chez les exilĂ©s produit une configuration propice Ă  l'Ă©mergence de services dĂ©livrĂ©s par des acteurs de solidaritĂ©. DeuxiĂšmement, il examine les pratiques de justice locale des membres des associations, qui dĂ©terminent partiellement les modes de qualification des requĂ©rants dans la procĂ©dure d'asile. Enfin, il analyse comment les membres des associations -conseillers juridiques, mĂ©decins, psychologues - participent au travail de justification de la demande d'asile -non sans rĂ©sistance ou subversion de la part des exilĂ©s. Il restitue les diffĂ©rents positionnements moraux et politiques d'acteurs confrontĂ©s dans leur activitĂ© Ă  des injonctions paradoxales, le travail de rĂ©flexion, de renĂ©gociation et de justification de leurs pratiques quotidiennes auprĂšs des exilĂ©sSince asylum policies of deterrence have been implemented, in which conditions and according to which practical and ethical settlements, actors of an institutional activism have become a cog of the policies of assistance and selection? This PhD dissertation tackles the role that NGOs are playing in legal asylum process and the manner its members negotiate the tension between a task of assistance granted by State and their will to stand up to the strategies of the State that undermine asylum right. This works defends the current trend in the refugee studies that promotes their decompartmentalization. The research is at a crossroads between several fields: a political sociology of law, a sociology of mobilization and a moral sociology. First, we demonstrate how the current asylum policy and the inequality between the resources asylum seekers are endowed with are two elements encouraging the development of NGO's services. Secondly, we examine "local justice" exercised by the members of NGOs. This local justice has become a part of the qualifying mechanisms in the legal asylum process. Finally, we analyse how the members of NGOs sector (legal advisors, physicians, psychologists and psychiatrists) take part in the work of justification necessary to obtain the refugee status, not without facing the resistance or the subversive tactics of asylum seekers. This ethnographic study pays attention to the various moral and political stands of the activists facing a double bind syndrome. It insists on their reflexivity and on the evolution of their practices and their modalities of justificationPARIS3-BU (751052102) / SudocSudocFranceF
