54 research outputs found

    Glancing at the Content of Substantive Rules Under the Jurisdiction-Selecting Approach

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    Antalet individer med funktionsnedsĂ€ttning ökar, dels beroende pĂ„ att numera kan sjukdomar botas som tidigare inte kunde botas och dels beroende pĂ„ att allt fler för tidigt födda barn kan rĂ€ddas. Den orala hĂ€lsan Ă€r ofta negativt pĂ„verkad hos personer med funktionsnedsĂ€ttning och det föreligger risk att dessa personer, trots ett större tandvĂ„rdsbehov Ă€n andra, erhĂ„ller mindre tandvĂ„rd. Anledningen till detta Ă€r inte helt kĂ€nd. Syftet med vĂ„ra studier var dĂ€rför att fördjupa kunskapen om hur personer med funktionsnedsĂ€ttning och deras anhöriga prioriterar och tĂ€nker om oral hĂ€lsa. Syftet med studierna var ocksĂ„ att fördjupa kunskapen om hur hĂ€lso- och sjukvĂ„rdspersonal samt tandvĂ„rdspersonal tĂ€nker om behov avseende bemötande och oral hĂ€lsa hos personer med funktionsnedsĂ€ttning. Den kvalitativa forskningsmetoden grounded theory har valts dĂ„ den Ă€r speciellt lĂ€mplig pĂ„ omrĂ„den dĂ€r teorier Ă€r sparsamt förekommande eller saknas. Öppna kvalitativa intervjuer har genomförts med 65 informanter. Studierna visade att förĂ€ldrar till barn med funktionsnedsĂ€ttning samt vuxna personer med kognitiva och/eller fysiska funktionsnedsĂ€ttningar inte prioriterade den orala hĂ€lsan pĂ„ grund av att andra mer akuta problem upplevdes som viktigare. MĂ„nga personer med funktionsnedsĂ€ttning vĂ„rdas kortare eller lĂ€ngre tid pĂ„ vĂ„rdinrĂ€ttningar, men kunskapen om oral hĂ€lsa var lĂ„g och inte prioriterad av personal inom hĂ€lso- och sjukvĂ„rden. Personer med funktionsnedsĂ€ttning Ă„terfinns inom sĂ„vĂ€l allmĂ€ntandvĂ„rd som specialisttandvĂ„rd och kunskapen om dessa patienters vĂ„rdbehov och bemötande av dem varierade mycket mellan olika kliniker, allmĂ€n- och specialisttandvĂ„rd och mellan olika tandvĂ„rdspersonal. Sammantaget utgör dessa resultat en möjlig förklaring till varför personer med funktionsnedsĂ€ttning löper ökad risk för oral ohĂ€lsa. Detta innebĂ€r ocksĂ„ att en prioriterad, god oral hĂ€lsa och ett adekvat bemötande av personer med funktionsnedsĂ€ttningar snarare kan handla om tur Ă€n om en jĂ€mlik rĂ€ttighet


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    Developing grounded theory. The second generation is a very useful and clarifying book arisen from a one-day symposium on advances in qualitative methods in Alberta, 2007. The conference was sponsored by the International Institute for Qualitative Methodology (IIQM). For the first time, the students of Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss, “the second generation” of grounded theory researchers, met to discuss grounded theory and its developments. With the exception of Janice Morse, the authors of this book worked directly with Anselm Strauss and Barney Glaser. In this volume they provide a description of the history, principles and practice of the grounded theory methods

    Mastery and Autonomy in Medication With a Mobile Self-Report System – A Project in Action

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    Abstract. The overall aim of this research program is to design and examine if a mobile phone-based self-report system can be used to a) mediate knowledge about hypertension b) improve adherence to antihypertensive treatment and c) increase patient participation and autonomy

    Group rehabilitation of patients with acquired hearing impairment and their close relatives: Evaluation of short- and long-term effects

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a two-weeks full-time group-rehabilitation program designed for hearing-impaired patients and their close relatives. Seventy-six consecutive patients in employment age (mean = 51 years; SD = 9 years, R = 22–64 years) with subjective need for audiological rehabilitation were included in the program. Pure tone averages were 46 dB HL and 58 dB HL at the low and high frequencies in the best ear, respectively. The patients responded to visual analogue scales (VAS) and questionnaires, intended to measure “perceived handicap”, “social support”, “perceived negative attitudes”, “acceptance of hearing loss” and “communication strategies”, before and after the last group session. The forms were also sent to the study group by post four and six months after the program was terminated. No significant short-term effects were found after the last group session, except that self-rated handicap in family life (VAS) was increased (p = 0.028), probably due to the participants’ increased awareness of hearing-related problems. Four months later, perceived negative attitudes from others were significantly reduced (p = 0.025), but self-rated handicap in family life was still increased (p = 0.023). Six months later (long-term effects), maladaptive strategies (e.g. guessing, pretending to hear and avoiding interactions) were significantly less often used (p = 0.036) and verbal strategies more frequently adopted (p = 0.018). This change of communication strategies might facilitate social participation and should therefore be seen as positive outcomes of a rehabilitation program

    Förlösande Psykoprofylax? En pilotstudie om förÀldrapars förlossningsupplevelse efter psykoprofylaxutbildning

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    Syftet med detta arbete var att beskriva hur förÀldrapar som gÄtt psykoprofylaxkurs upplevt förlossningen och anvÀndandet av den förvÀrvade kunskap som kursen givit dem. Intresset för fenomenet framkom hos författarna efter förlossningspraktik, dÀr det upplevdes att andning och avslappning tycktes vara till hjÀlp för födande kvinnor. Psykoprofylaxen som förlossningsförberedande metod har funnits i Sverige sedan i början av 1970-talet, trots detta finns det lite forskning kring dess effekt och utfall. För att fÄ en ökad kunskap kring fenomenet utfördes en pilotstudie med en kvalitativ metod vilken hade en deskriptiv fenomenologisk ansats. TvÄ förÀldrapar som deltagit i psykoprofylaxutbildning intervjuades tvÄ mÄnader efter förlossning. Resultatet av studien visade att psykoprofylaxmetoden gav förÀldrarna en kÀnsla av kontroll och trygghet inför förlossningen, men att förlossningens lÀngd pÄverkade hur vÀl metoden kunde tillÀmpas. FörvÀntningarna pÄ förlossningen och psykoprofylaxmetoden pÄverkade ocksÄ upplevelsen av förlossningen. Essensen av fenomenet visade sig vara hanterbarhet i förlossningssituationen. Slutsatsen Àr att barnmorskor behöver mer kunskap inom psykoprofylax för att kunna stötta förÀldrapar som valt denna metod. Mer forskning inom omrÄdet krÀvs för att kunna utvÀrdera metoden och arbeta mer evidensbaserat kring den.Arbetets art: Magisteruppsats Program: Barnmorskeprogrammet Reproduktiv och Perinatal hÀlsa Höstkursen 2007 Kursbeteckning: OM1660, Examensarbete I

    Children with disabilities—An overview of their situation

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    A thesis on fire : Studies of work engagement, Type A behavior and burnout

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    The overall address of the present thesis is the relationship between being ‘on fire’ and burning out. More specifically, the thesis focused largely on two representations of involvement in work (work engagement and Type A behavior) and their respective relationships to burnout. Another pervasive theme was construct validity in assessing burnout and work engagement. These themes were addressed in four empirical studies, conducted in a sample of health-care workers (Study I) and a sample of information communication technology consultants (Studies II, III, and IV). Study I aimed to extend the previously preliminary support for the construct validity of the Swedish version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). The objective of Study II was the discriminant validity of the Utrecht Work engagement Scale (UWES) against the theoretically adjacent constructs job involvement and organizational commitment. Another objective was the translation and evaluation of a Swedish version of the UWES. In Study III, the aim was to investigate (cross-sectional) association between Type A behavior, work engagement and burnout. Study III had two foci: 1) whether Type A behavior interacts with job factors to affect burnout and work engagement, and 2) the associations between the main components of Type A behavior (achievement-striving and irritability/impatience) and burnout as well as work engagement. Study IV concerned the longitudinal relationships between Type A behavior and burnout, and between work engagement and burnout. The results presented in this dissertation supported the construct validity of Swedish versions of the MBI and the UWES. It was further indicated that emotional exhaustion and depersonalization (or cynicism) constitute the core aspects of burnout, and that work engagement was more prominently associated with lack of health complaints than job involvement and organizational commitment. Type A behavior was found to be associated with burnout and work engagement in cross-sectional data, however different aspects of Type A behavior appeared to have somewhat different association with burnout and work engagement respectively. The achievement-striving aspect of Type A behavior was related primarily to work engagement, whereas irritability was associated with less engagement and more burnout complaints. No indications of an interaction between Type A behavior and job stress were found. The most important finding of Study IV was that change in Type A behavior was unrelated to change in burnout across time (one-year interval). Furthermore, Study IV supported the notion that work engagement and burnout are bipolar opposites and constitute a work well-being continuum. To conclude, the present thesis suggests that burnout should be viewed as an erosion of intrinsic, affective engagement in work occurring when intrinsic motivation is frustrated by job stress. To avoid conceptual confusion, burnout should be distinguished form exhaustion syndrome however it should be acknowledged that burnout may have negative impact on health. The present study indicated that Type A behavior is unrelated to the specific burnout reaction, a finding that needs to be replicated before generalizability can be assumed. However, it was assumed that Type A behavior represents an instrumental approach to work, further corroborating that burnout is a specific construct referring to the draining of a specific energetic and affective state. This does not imply that Type A behavior is unrelated to health deterioration – most plausibly, Type A behavior generates exhaustion and fatigue from over-exertion of energy. Both research and practice would benefit from exploring how work engagement may best be enhanced using job redesign
