60 research outputs found


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    Developing grounded theory. The second generation is a very useful and clarifying book arisen from a one-day symposium on advances in qualitative methods in Alberta, 2007. The conference was sponsored by the International Institute for Qualitative Methodology (IIQM). For the first time, the students of Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss, “the second generation” of grounded theory researchers, met to discuss grounded theory and its developments. With the exception of Janice Morse, the authors of this book worked directly with Anselm Strauss and Barney Glaser. In this volume they provide a description of the history, principles and practice of the grounded theory methods

    Sequence analyses of fimbriae subunit FimA proteins on Actinomyces naeslundii genospecies 1 and 2 and Actinomyces odontolyticus with variant carbohydrate binding specificities

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    BACKGROUND: Actinomyces naeslundii genospecies 1 and 2 express type-2 fimbriae (FimA subunit polymers) with variant GalÎČ binding specificities and Actinomyces odontolyticus a sialic acid specificity to colonize different oral surfaces. However, the fimbrial nature of the sialic acid binding property and sequence information about FimA proteins from multiple strains are lacking. RESULTS: Here we have sequenced fimA genes from strains of A.naeslundii genospecies 1 (n = 4) and genospecies 2 (n = 4), both of which harboured variant GalÎČ-dependent hemagglutination (HA) types, and from A.odontolyticus PK984 with a sialic acid-dependent HA pattern. Three unique subtypes of FimA proteins with 63.8–66.4% sequence identity were present in strains of A. naeslundii genospecies 1 and 2 and A. odontolyticus. The generally high FimA sequence identity (>97.2%) within a genospecies revealed species specific sequences or segments that coincided with binding specificity. All three FimA protein variants contained a signal peptide, pilin motif, E box, proline-rich segment and an LPXTG sorting motif among other conserved segments for secretion, assembly and sorting of fimbrial proteins. The highly conserved pilin, E box and LPXTG motifs are present in fimbriae proteins from other Gram-positive bacteria. Moreover, only strains of genospecies 1 were agglutinated with type-2 fimbriae antisera derived from A. naeslundii genospecies 1 strain 12104, emphasizing that the overall folding of FimA may generate different functionalities. Western blot analyses with FimA antisera revealed monomers and oligomers of FimA in whole cell protein extracts and a purified recombinant FimA preparation, indicating a sortase-independent oligomerization of FimA. CONCLUSION: The genus Actinomyces involves a diversity of unique FimA proteins with conserved pilin, E box and LPXTG motifs, depending on subspecies and associated binding specificity. In addition, a sortase independent oligomerization of FimA subunit proteins in solution was indicated

    NĂ€rstĂ„endestöd och efterlevandestöd – under och efter vĂ„rdtid inom specialiserad Palliativ vĂ„rd och ASIH i SkĂ„ne

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    Bakgrund: En av hörnstenarna i palliativ vÄrd handlar om att ge stöd till alla nÀrstÄende. Enligt lagstiftning har sjukvÄrden Àven en skyldighet att speciellt beakta barns behov av information, rÄd och stöd om barnets förÀldrar eller nÄgon annan vuxen som barnet varaktigt bor tillsammans med har en livshotande sjukdom eller avlidit.Syfte: Alla nÀrstÄende inom Palliativ vÄrd och ASIH i SkÄne ska erbjudas personcentrerad och jÀmlikt stöd under och efter vÄrdtiden.Metod: Uppdraget startades 2019 och berÀknas vara klar under hösten 2022. All personal inom palliativ vÄrd och ASIH i SkÄne involverades genom att de fick göra nulÀgesanalys gÀllande nÀrstÄendestöd. I nÀsta steg utfördes gapanalys för att identifiera likhet och olikhet kring nÀrstÄendestöd. Vidare fick all personal ge förslag till att forma framtidens nÀrstÄendestöd. Efter nulÀgesanalys och gapanalys bildades en multiprofessionell arbetsgrupp med representanter frÄn alla verksamheterna i SkÄne. Arbetsgruppens uppdrag var att framstÀlla beslutsunderlag gÀllande nÀrstÄendestöd under vÄrdtid och efterlevandestöd till nÀrstÄende efter vÄrdtiden. Resultat: NulÀgesanalys som utfördes 2019 visade att nÀrstÄende med liknande behov har erbjudits olika professionella stöd. Gapanalys utfördes under 2020 för kartlÀggning av vilka former av stöd saknades/önskades samt var relevanta i nu tiden. Under 2021 arbetet har fortsatt med att definiera vad nÀrstÄendestöd innefattar och under 2022 har arbete pÄgÄtt med att ta fram beslutsunderlag för hur och vilka former av nÀrstÄendestöd som ska erbjudas.Betydelse: Genom strukturerad arbetssÀtt identifiera nÀrstÄendes förutsÀttningar, behov och önskemÄl ökar sannolikheten för att nÀrstÄende erbjuds rÀtt stöd, i rÀtt tid och av rÀtt profession

    Muntorrhet – Oral hĂ€lsa och Livskvalitet : En litteraturstudie

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    Model Describing Material-Dependent Deformation Behavior in High-Velocity Metal Forming Processes

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    A constitutive model for rate-dependent and thermomechanically coupled plasticity at finite strains is presented. The plasticity model is based on a J(2) model and rate-dependent behavior is included by use of a Perzyna-type formulation. Adiabatic heating effects are handled in a consistent way and not, as is a common assumption, through a constant conversion of the internal work rate into rate of heating. The conversion factor is instead derived from thermodynamic considerations. The stored energy is assumed to be a function of a single internal variable which differs from the effective plastic strain. This allows a thermodynamically consistent formulation to be obtained which, as shown, can be calibrated by use of simple procedures. Choosing 100Cr6 steel in two differently heat treated conditions as prototype material, experimental tests are performed, enabling the model to be calibrated. Significant differences in deformation behavior are noted as the differently heat treated specimens are compared. In addition, the local stress-updating procedure is reduced to a single scalar equation, permitting a very efficient numerical implementation of the model. The constitutive formulation proposed was employed in an explicit finite element solver, illustrative simulations of a high-velocity metal forming process being performed to demonstrate the capabilities of the model and certain characteristic traits of the materials that were studied

    With different perpective : Sweden Democrats profile, identity and image

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    Syftet med studien Àr att utifrÄn Sverigedemokraternas valkampanjfilm undersöka hur de planerade kommunikationsverktygen profil, identitet och image tolkas utifrÄn tre olika perspektiv. Under studiens gÄng har vi genomfört strukturerade intervjuer med tre medlemmar inom Sverigedemokraterna, en semiotisk filmanalys av partiets valkampanjfilm och utfört enkÀtundersökningar med 100 röstberÀttigade elever vid Erik Dahlbergsgymnasiet.   Studiens resultat visar att Sverigedemokraternas profil stÀmmer överens med valkampanjfilmens identitet. GÀllande image anser partiet att allmÀnhetens tolkning inte stÀmmer överens med partiets profil. Ett problem som Sverigedemokraterna sÀger sig ligga i att media har kommunicerat en felaktig bild av partiet.   VÄr semiotiska filmanalys visar att Sverigedemokraternas budskap framgÄr tydligt i valkampanjfilmen genom att visa hur invandringen kostar mycket, samtidigt som pensionÀrerna blir drabbade. Studiens resultat visar Àven att mer Àn hÀlften av eleverna pÄ Erik Dahlbergsgymnasiet hade en negativ instÀllning till Sverigedemokraterna och 70 procent ansÄg att individerna i valkampanjfilmen framstÀlls orÀttvist.This study will investigate how the Sweden Democrats' use the planned communication tools: profile, identity and image in their election campaign film. We have during the study used three different perspectives: structured interviews with three members of the Sweden Democrats, a semiotic film analysis of the party's election campaign film and performed a survey of 100 voting students at Erik Dahlbergsgymnasiet.   The results of the study have demonstrated that the Sweden Democrats' profile is consistent with the campaign film's identity. The Sweden Democrats believes that the image of the party is not consistent with the party's profile. The problem that the Sweden Democrats claim to be medias fault. Our semiotic film analysis shows that the Sweden Democrats' message is clear in the election campaign by showing how immigration is expensive, while pensioners are affected. Our results also show that more than half of the students at Erik Dahlbergsgymnasiet had a bias against the Sweden Democrats and 70 percent felt that the individuals in the election campaign film were represented wrong

    Prevalence of Severe Visual Disability Among Preterm Children With Retinopathy of Prematurity and Association With Adherence to Best Practice Guidelines

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    IMPORTANCE Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) can cause severe visual disability even in high-resource settings. A better understanding of the prevalence and processes leading to ROP-induced severe visual impairment may help health care professionals design preventive measures. OBJECTIVES To determine the prevalence of severe visual disability among children born preterm in Sweden, evaluate adherence to best practice, and determine the health system's structural capacity. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS Population-based, nationwide cohort study of 1 310 227 children born between January 1, 2004, and December 31, 2015, in Sweden, of whom 17 588 (1.3%) were born very preterm (<32 weeks of gestation). Children born preterm with a verified diagnosis of severe visual disability had their medical records reviewed for evaluation of ROP screening, diagnosis, and treatment. In addition, a questionnaire on structural capacity was sent to all ophthalmology departments. EXPOSURES Stages 4 and 5 ROP. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES The primary outcome was prevalence of severe visual disability (visual acuity similar to 20/200 for both eyes) associated with ROP stages 4 and 5. Secondary outcomes included adherence to national ROP guidelines using a predefined protocol with 15 key performance indicators for screening, diagnosis, and treatment; assessment of whether visual disability was deemed avoidable; and examination of structural capacity, including information on equipment and facilities, staffing, and patients. RESULTS Seventeen children (10 boys; mean [range] birth weight, 756 [454-1900] g; mean [range] gestational age, 25 [22-33] weeks) became severely visually disabled because of ROP, corresponding to a prevalence of 1 in 1000 very preterm infants (< 32 weeks of gestational age) and 1 in 77 000 for all live births. Severe visual impairment was considered potentially avoidable in 11 of 17 affected children (65%) owing to untimely or no screening, missed diagnosis, or untimely and suboptimal treatment. Large variations in infrastructure (facilities, guidelines, staffing, and annual patient numbers) were also identified as potential contributors to these findings. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE Retinopathy of prematurity still causes severe visual disability in Sweden, resulting in 1 affected infant per 1000 very preterm births. In most of these infants, noncompliance with best practice was identified, indicating that a significant proportion could have been avoided
