448 research outputs found

    Effects of a Brief Exposure to Nature or Social Media on Psychological Well-Being

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    Social media has enhanced our ability to connect with each other globally; however, social media is not necessarily beneficial. Given the potential negative impact of social media use on psychological well-being, it is important to identify resources that may buffer this impact. One resource may be exposure to nature. Participants exposed to nature scenes experienced less negative affect compared to those exposed to social media. Those who spent more time outside tended to experience decreased negative affect when they viewed both social media and nature photos, but when viewing only social media, they experienced increased negative affect. Relations between humans, social media, and nature, are complex, and further research into these relations and their underlying causes may be beneficial

    Mathematical analysis of the regulation of competing methyltransferases

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    Background Methyltransferase (MT) reactions, in which methyl groups are attached to substrates, are fundamental to many aspects of cell biology and human physiology. The universal methyl donor for these reactions is S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) and this presents the cell with an important regulatory problem. If the flux along one pathway is changed then the SAM concentration will change affecting all the other MT pathways, so it is difficult for the cell to regulate the pathways independently. Methods We created a mathematical model, based on the known biochemistry of the folate and methionine cycles, to study the regulatory mechanisms that enable the cell to overcome this difficulty. Some of the primary mechanisms are long-range allosteric interactions by which substrates in one part of the biochemical network affect the activity of enzymes at distant locations in the network (not distant in the cell). Because of these long-range allosteric interactions, the dynamic behavior of the network is very complicated, and so mathematical modeling is a useful tool for investigating the effects of the regulatory mechanisms and understanding the complicated underlying biochemistry and cell biology. Results We study the allosteric binding of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5mTHF) to glycine-N-methyltransferase (GNMT) and explain why data in the literature implies that when one molecule binds, GNMT retains half its activity. Using the model, we quantify the effects of different regulatory mechanisms and show how cell processes would be different if the regulatory mechanisms were eliminated. In addition, we use the model to interpret and understand data from studies in the literature. Finally, we explain why a full understanding of how competing MTs are regulated is important for designing intervention strategies to improve human health. Conclusions We give strong computational evidence that once bound GNMT retains half its activity. The long-range allosteric interactions enable the cell to regulate the MT reactions somewhat independently. The low K m values of many MTs also play a role because the reactions then run near saturation and changes in SAM have little effect. Finally, the inhibition of the MTs by the product S-adenosylhomocysteine also stabilizes reaction rates against changes in SAM

    The Multiwavelength Survey by Yale-Chile (MUSYC): Deep Near-Infrared Imaging and the Selection of Distant Galaxies

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    We present deep near-infrared JHK imaging of four 10'x10' fields. The observations were carried out as part of the Multiwavelength Survey by Yale-Chile (MUSYC) with ISPI on the CTIO 4m telescope. The typical point source limiting depths are J~22.5, H~21.5, and K~21 (5sigma; Vega). The effective seeing in the final images is ~1.0". We combine these data with MUSYC UBVRIz imaging to create K-selected catalogs that are unique for their uniform size, depth, filter coverage, and image quality. We investigate the rest-frame optical colors and photometric redshifts of galaxies that are selected using common color selection techniques, including distant red galaxies (DRGs), star-forming and passive BzKs, and the rest-frame UV-selected BM, BX, and Lyman break galaxies (LBGs). These techniques are effective at isolating large samples of high redshift galaxies, but none provide complete or uniform samples across the targeted redshift ranges. The DRG and BM/BX/LBG criteria identify populations of red and blue galaxies, respectively, as they were designed to do. The star-forming BzKs have a very wide redshift distribution, a wide range of colors, and may include galaxies with very low specific star formation rates. In comparison, the passive BzKs are fewer in number, have a different distribution of K magnitudes, and have a somewhat different redshift distribution. By combining these color selection criteria, it appears possible to define a reasonably complete sample of galaxies to our flux limit over specific redshift ranges. However, the redshift dependence of both the completeness and sampled range of rest-frame colors poses an ultimate limit to the usefulness of these techniques.Comment: 17 pages in emulateapj style, 13 figures. Submitted to the Astronomical Journal. Data will be made available upon publicatio

    The Nihoku Ecosystem Restoration Project: A case study in predator exclusion fencing, ecosystem restoration, and seabird translocation

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    Reports were scanned in black and white at a resolution of 600 dots per inch and were converted to text using Adobe Paper Capture Plug-in.Newell’s Shearwater (Puffinus auricularis newelli; NESH) and Hawaiian Petrel (Pterodroma sandwichensis; HAPE) are both listed under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 and are declining due to collisions with power lines and structures, light attraction, predation by feral cats, pigs, rats, and introduced Barn Owls, habitat degradation by feral ungulates (pigs, goats) and invasive exotic plants. Protection of NESH and HAPE on their nesting grounds and reduction of collision and lighting hazards are high priority recovery actions for these species. Given the challenges in protecting nesting birds in their rugged montane habitats, it has long been desirable to also create breeding colonies of both species in more accessible locations that offer a higher level of protection. Translocation of birds to breeding sites within predator exclusion fences was ranked as priority 1 in the interagency 5-year Action Plan for Newell’s Shearwater and Hawaiian Petrel. In 2012, funding became available through several programs to undertake this action at Kilauea Point National Wildlife Refuge (KPNWR), which is home to one of the largest seabird colonies in the main Hawaiian Islands. The project was named the “Nihoku Ecosystem Restoration Project” after the area on the Refuge where the placement of the future colony was planned. The Nihoku Ecosystem Restoration Project is a result of a large partnership between multiple government agencies and non-profit groups who have come together to help preserve the native species of Hawaii. There were four stages to this multi-faceted project: permitting and biological monitoring, fence construction, restoration and predator eradication, followed by translocation of the birds to the newly secured habitat. The translocation component is expected to last five years and involve up to 90 individuals each of NESH and HAPE. Prior to fence construction, baseline monitoring data were collected in order to provide a record of initial site conditions and species diversity. Surveys were conducted quarterly from 2012-2014, investigating diversity and richness of plant, invertebrate, mammalian, and avian species. A 650 m (2130 ft) long predator proof fence was completed at Nihoku in September 2014, enclosing 2.5 ha (6.2 ac), and all mammalian predators were eradicated by March 2015. From 2015-2017, approximately 40% of the fenced area (~1 ha) was cleared of non-native vegetation using heavy machinery and herbicide application. A water catchment and irrigation system was installed, and over 18,000 native plants representing 37 native species were outplanted in the restoration area. The plant species selected are low-in-stature, making burrow excavation easier for seabirds while simultaneously providing forage for Nene (Branta sandvicensis). Habitat restoration was done in phases (10-15% of the project per year) and will be continued until the majority of the area has been restored. In addition to habitat restoration, 50 artificial burrows were installed in the restoration to facilitate translocation activities. From 2012-2017 potential source colonies of NESH and HAPE were located by the Kauai Endangered Seabird Recovery Project (KESRP) with visual, auditory, and ground searching methods at locations around Kauai. The sites that were selected as source colonies for both species were Upper Limahuli Preserve (owned by the National Tropical Botanical Garden; NTBG) and several sites within the Hono o Na Pali Natural Area Reserve system. These sites had high call rates, high burrow densities to provide an adequate source of chicks for the translocation, and had active predator control operations in place to offset any potential impacts of the monitoring. Translocation protocols were developed based on previous methods developed in New Zealand; on the ground training was done by the translocation team by visiting active projects in New Zealand. In year one, 10 HAPE and eight NESH were translocated, and the goal is to translocate up to 20 in subsequent years for a cohort size of 90 birds of each species over a five year period. Post-translocation monitoring has been initiated to gauge the level of success, and social attraction has been implemented in an attempt to attract adults to the area. It is anticipated that the chicks raised during this project will return to breed at Nihoku when they are 65-6 years old; for the first cohort released in 2015 this would be starting in 2020. Once this occurs, Nihoku will be the first predator-free breeding area of both species in Hawaii.This project and manuscript are part of a large collaboration that spans beyond the agencies mentioned. Many individuals were consulted for advice and input along the way. For botanical and invertebrate advice, we thank: David Burney, Lida Burney, Natalia Tangalin, Emory Griffin‐Noyes, Kawika Winter, Kim Starr, Forest Starr, Sheldon Plentovich and Keren Gunderson. For assistance with translocation training and predator exclusion fence technical advice we thank Helen Gummer, John McLennan, Lindsay Wilson, and Darren Peters. For reviewing documents related to this project, and for feedback on techniques we thank the seabird hui, particularly Fern Duvall, Jay Penniman, Megan Laut, Darcy Hu and Cathleen Bailey. For their on the ground assistance at KPNWR, we thank: Shannon Smith, Chadd Smith, Warren Madeira, Rob Petersen, Jennifer Waipa, Padraic Gallagher, Carolyn Rushforth, Kristina Macaulay, Jimmy Macaulay, and Jillian Cosgrove. We would also like to thank Chris Mottley, Kyle Pias and the entire predator control team in Hono o Na Pali NAR and Kawika Winter, Chiemi Nagle, Merlin Edmonds and the entire predator control team in Upper Limahuli Preserve. We would also like to thank the Kaua‘i Island Utility Co‐operative (KIUC) for the funding that they provide – through a Habitat Conservation Plan – to provide predator control and seabird monitoring at several of the sites used for translocation. Lastly, we would like to thank all of the endangered seabird technicians within the Kauaʻi Endangered Seabird Recovery Project for all of their hard work in montane colonies. Mahalo

    Birth elicits a conserved neuroendocrine response with implications for perinatal osmoregulation and neuronal cell death

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    Long-standing clinical findings report a dramatic surge of vasopressin in umbilical cord blood of the human neonate, but the neural underpinnings and function(s) of this phenomenon remain obscure. We studied neural activation in perinatal mice and rats, and found that birth triggers activation of the suprachiasmatic, supraoptic, and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus. This was seen whether mice were born vaginally or via Cesarean section (C-section), and when birth timing was experimentally manipulated. Neuronal phenotyping showed that the activated neurons were predominantly vasopressinergic, and vasopressin mRNA increased fivefold in the hypothalamus during the 2–3 days before birth. Copeptin, a surrogate marker of vasopressin, was elevated 30-to 50-fold in plasma of perinatal mice, with higher levels after a vaginal than a C-section birth. We also found an acute decrease in plasma osmolality after a vaginal, but not C-section birth, suggesting that the difference in vasopressin release between birth modes is functionally meaningful. When vasopressin was administered centrally to newborns, we found an ~ 50% reduction in neuronal cell death in specific brain areas. Collectively, our results identify a conserved neuroendocrine response to birth that is sensitive to birth mode, and influences peripheral physiology and neurodevelopment.Fil: Hoffiz, Yarely C.. Georgia State University; Estados UnidosFil: Castillo Ruiz, Alexandra. Georgia State University; Estados UnidosFil: Hall, Megan A. L.. Georgia State University; Estados UnidosFil: Hite, Taylor A.. Georgia State University; Estados UnidosFil: Gray, Jennifer M.. Georgia State University; Estados UnidosFil: Cisternas, Carla Daniela. Georgia State University; Estados Unidos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - CĂłrdoba. Instituto de InvestigaciĂłn MĂ©dica Mercedes y MartĂ­n Ferreyra. Universidad Nacional de CĂłrdoba. Instituto de InvestigaciĂłn MĂ©dica Mercedes y MartĂ­n Ferreyra; ArgentinaFil: Cortes, Laura R.. Georgia State University; Estados UnidosFil: Jacobs, Andrew J.. Georgia State University; Estados UnidosFil: Forger, Nancy G.. Georgia State University; Estados Unido

    Improving health services for African migrants in China: A health diplomacy perspective

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    Global health has been an increasingly prominent component of foreign policy in the last decade. The term health diplomacy has been used to describe this growing interface between foreign policy and global health, and it encompasses both the concept of using health to further foreign policy objectives, as well as the idea that diplomatic tools can be helpful for attaining public health goals. The Chinese presence in Africa has grown in the last 15 years, generating increased interest in Sino-African relations. While much has been written in recent years about the Chinese presence in Africa, the growing numbers of Africans in China have attracted considerably less attention. Many are small-scale traders and might be expected to face many of the health challenges common among foreign migrants, but their health needs have been largely unrecognised. In this paper, we consider how a health diplomacy approach could be applied to African migrants in China, and the potential advantages and limitations of this strategy. We identify areas of overlap between public health, trade, and foreign policy goals that can be emphasised to generate support for improved services for African migrants in China and to engage partners from a diversity of sectors

    Advanced magnetic resonance imaging detects altered placental development in pregnancies affected by congenital heart disease

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    Congenital heart disease (CHD) is the most common congenital malformation and is associated with adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes. The placenta is crucial for healthy fetal development and placental development is altered in pregnancy when the fetus has CHD. This study utilized advanced combined diffusion-relaxation MRI and a data-driven analysis technique to test the hypothesis that placental microstructure and perfusion are altered in CHD-affected pregnancies. 48 participants (36 controls, 12 CHD) underwent 67 MRI scans (50 control, 17 CHD). Significant differences in the weighting of two independent placental and uterine-wall tissue components were identified between the CHD and control groups (both pFDR < 0.001), with changes most evident after 30 weeks gestation. A significant trend over gestation in weighting for a third independent tissue component was also observed in the CHD cohort (R = 0.50, pFDR = 0.04), but not in controls. These findings add to existing evidence that placental development is altered in CHD. The results may reflect alterations in placental perfusion or the changes in fetal-placental flow, villous structure and maturation that occur in CHD. Further research is needed to validate and better understand these findings and to understand the relationship between placental development, CHD, and its neurodevelopmental implications

    The Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping Project : UV–optical accretion disk measurements with the Hubble Space Telescope

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    Funding: Y.H., J.R.T., and G.F.A. acknowledge support from NASA grants HST-GO-15650 and 18-2ADAP18-0177 and NSF grant CAREER-1945546. K.H. acknowledges support from STFC grant ST/R000824/1. C.J.G. acknowledges support from NSF grant AST-2009949. Y.S. acknowledges support from NSF grants AST-1715579 and AST-2009947. P.H. acknowledges support from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), funding reference number 2017-05983. L.C.H. was supported by the National Science Foundation of China (11721303, 11991052) and the National Key R&D Program of China (2016YFA0400702).We present accretion-disk structure measurements from UV–optical reverberation mapping (RM) observations of a sample of eight quasars at 0.24 < z < 0.85. Ultraviolet photometry comes from two cycles of Hubble Space Telescope monitoring, accompanied by multiband optical monitoring by the Las Cumbres Observatory network and Liverpool Telescopes. The targets were selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Reverberation Mapping project sample with reliable black hole mass measurements from HÎČ RM results. We measure significant lags between the UV and various optical griz bands using JAVELIN and CREAM methods. We use the significant lag results from both methods to fit the accretion-disk structure using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach. We study the accretion disk as a function of disk normalization, temperature scaling, and efficiency. We find direct evidence for diffuse nebular emission from Balmer and Fe ii lines over discrete wavelength ranges. We also find that our best-fit disk color profile is broadly consistent with the Shakura & Sunyaev disk model. We compare our UV–optical lags to the disk sizes inferred from optical–optical lags of the same quasars and find that our results are consistent with these quasars being drawn from a limited high-lag subset of the broader population. Our results are therefore broadly consistent with models that suggest longer disk lags in a subset of quasars, for example, due to a nonzero size of the ionizing corona and/or magnetic heating contributing to the disk response.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Additional Massive Binaries in the Cygnus OB2 Association

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    We report the discovery and orbital solutions for two new OB binaries in the Cygnus OB2 Association, MT311 (B2V+B3V) and MT605 (B0.5V+B2.5:V). We also identify the system MT429 as a probable triple system consisting of a tight eclipsing 2.97 day B3V+B6V pair and a B0V at a projected separation of 138 AU. We further provide the first spectroscopic orbital solutions to the eclipsing, double-lined, O-star binary MT696 (O9.5V+B1:V), the double-lined, early B binary MT720 (B0-1V+B1-2V), and the double-lined, O-star binary MT771 (O7V+O9V). These systems exhibit orbital periods between 1.5 days and 12.3 days, with the majority having P<6 days. The two new binary discoveries and six spectroscopic solutions bring the total number of known massive binaries in the central region of the Cygnus OB2 Association to 20, with all but two having full orbital solutions.Comment: 42 pages, 16 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal, minor typos have been fixe
