597 research outputs found

    USER fusion: a rapid and efficient method for simultaneous fusion and cloning of multiple PCR products

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    We present a method that allows simultaneous fusion and cloning of multiple PCR products in a rapid and efficient manner. The procedure is based on the use of PCR primers that contain a single deoxyuridine residue near their 5′ end. Treatment of the PCR products with a commercial deoxyuridine-excision reagent generates long 3′ overhangs designed to specifically complement each other. The combination of this principle with the improved USER cloning technique provides a simple, fast and very efficient method to simultaneously fuse and clone multiple PCR fragments into a vector of interest. Around 90% positive clones were obtained when three different PCR products were fused and cloned into a USER-compatible vector in a simple procedure that, apart from the single PCR amplification step and the bacterial transformation, took approximately one hour. We expect this method to replace overlapping PCR and the use of type IIS restriction enzymes in many of their applications

    Worldwide food recall patterns over an eleven month period: A country perspective.

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Following the World Health Organization Forum in November 2007, the Beijing Declaration recognized the importance of food safety along with the rights of all individuals to a safe and adequate diet. The aim of this study is to retrospectively analyze the patterns in food alert and recall by countries to identify the principal hazard generators and gatekeepers of food safety in the eleven months leading up to the Declaration.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The food recall data set was collected by the Laboratory of the Government Chemist (LGC, UK) over the period from January to November 2007. Statistics were computed with the focus reporting patterns by the 117 countries. The complexity of the recorded interrelations was depicted as a network constructed from structural properties contained in the data. The analysed network properties included degrees, weighted degrees, modularity and <it>k</it>-core decomposition. Network analyses of the reports, based on 'country making report' (<it>detector</it>) and 'country reported on' (<it>transgressor</it>), revealed that the network is organized around a dominant core.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Ten countries were reported for sixty per cent of all faulty products marketed, with the top 5 countries having received between 100 to 281 reports. Further analysis of the dominant core revealed that out of the top five transgressors three made no reports (in the order China > Turkey > Iran). The top ten detectors account for three quarters of reports with three > 300 (Italy: 406, Germany: 340, United Kingdom: 322).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Of the 117 countries studied, the vast majority of food reports are made by 10 countries, with EU countries predominating. The majority of the faulty foodstuffs originate in ten countries with four major producers making no reports. This pattern is very distant from that proposed by the Beijing Declaration which urges all countries to take responsibility for the provision of safe and adequate diets for their nationals.</p

    ‘Change Today, Choose Fairtrade’ Fairtrade Fortnight and the citizen-consumer

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    The Fairtrade consumer is widely represented as an individual who intentionally and reflexively consumes Fairtrade goods in order to register their support for the plight of producers in the developing world. This figure is imagined to ‘vote’ with her/his pocket every time they visit the supermarket thus demonstrating their commitment to the Fairtrade trading model. However, this image of the Fairtrade citizen-consumer does not emerge automatically as a response to the increasing availability of Fairtrade goods in the market-place but has to be made by various intermediary actors and organizations. This paper examines how the Fairtrade consumer was constructed and called to action by the Fairtrade Fortnight promotional campaign that occurred within the UK in 2008 and was co-ordinated by the Fairtrade Foundation. This annual event offers a unique window into the processes and actors involved in the mobilization of the Fairtrade citizen-consumer. Through a close focus on the promotional material distributed to different audiences and the events that occurred during this Fortnight, this paper reveals the contingent and shifting nature of the citizen-consumer identity. In so doing, it highlights how varying degrees of reflexivity and action are demanded of different audiences and how this shapes the way that Fairtrade goods are qualified and distributed in the market

    What is consumption, where has it been going, and does it still matter?

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    This article considers the relationships between consumption, the environment, and wider sociological endeavour. The current vogue for applying theories of practice to the policy domain of ‘sustainable consumption’ has been generative of conceptual renewal, however the field now sits closer to the applied environmental social sciences than to the sociology of consumption. The analysis proceeds via a close reading of the intellectual currents that have given rise to this situation, and it identifies a number of interrelated issues concerning conceptual slippage and the exclusion of core disciplinary concerns. Accordingly a more suitable definition of consumption is offered, an agenda for re-engaging with foundational approaches to consumer culture is established, and a renewal and reorientation of critique is proposed. Working through and building on the contributions of practice theoretical repertoires, this article suggests that consumption scholarship offers a distinctive set of resources to discussions of current ecological crises and uncertain social futures. These are briefly described and the conclusion argues that consumption still matters

    The influence of metabolically engineered glucosinolates profiles in Arabidopsis thaliana on Plutella xylostella preference and performance

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    The oviposition preference and larval performance of the diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella, was studied using Arabidopsis thaliana plants with modified glucosinolate (GS) profiles containing novel GSs as a result of the introduction of individual CYP79 genes. The insect parameters were determined in a series of bioassays. The GS content of the plants as well as the number of trichomes were measured. Multivariate analysis was used to determine the possible relationships among insect and plant variables. The novel GSs in the tested lines did not appear to have any unequivocal effect on the DBM. Instead, the plant characteristics that affected larval performance and larval preference did not influence oviposition preference. Trichomes did not affect oviposition, but influenced larval parameters negatively. Although the tested A. thaliana lines had earlier been shown to influence disease resistance, in this study no clear results were found for P. xylostella

    Electron affinities of the first- and second- row atoms: benchmark ab initio and density functional calculations

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    A benchmark ab initio and density functional (DFT) study has been carried out on the electron affinities of the first- and second-row atoms. The ab initio study involves basis sets of spdfghspdfgh and spdfghispdfghi quality, extrapolations to the 1-particle basis set limit, and a combination of the CCSD(T), CCSDT, and full CI electron correlation methods. Scalar relativistic and spin-orbit coupling effects were taken into account. On average, the best ab initio results agree to better than 0.001 eV with the most recent experimental results. Correcting for imperfections in the CCSD(T) method improves the mean absolute error by an order of magnitude, while for accurate results on the second-row atoms inclusion of relativistic corrections is essential. The latter are significantly overestimated at the SCF level; for accurate spin-orbit splitting constants of second-row atoms inclusion of (2s,2p) correlation is essential. In the DFT calculations it is found that results for the 1st-row atoms are very sensitive to the exchange functional, while those for second-row atoms are rather more sensitive to the correlation functional. While the LYP correlation functional works best for first-row atoms, its PW91 counterpart appears to be preferable for second-row atoms. Among ``pure DFT'' (nonhybrid) functionals, G96PW91 (Gill 1996 exchange combined with Perdew-Wang 1991 correlation) puts in the best overall performance. The best results overall are obtained with the 1-parameter hybrid modified Perdew-Wang (mPW1) exchange functionals of Adamo and Barone [J. Chem. Phys. {\bf 108}, 664 (1998)], with mPW1LYP yielding the best results for first-row, and mPW1PW91 for second-row atoms. Indications exist that a hybrid of the type aa mPW1LYP + (1a)(1-a) mPW1PW91 yields better results than either of the constituent functionals.Comment: Phys. Rev. A, in press (revised version, review of issues concerning DFT and electron affinities added

    Monitoring Keap1-Nrf2 interactions in single live cells

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    AbstractThe transcription factor NF-E2 p45-related factor 2 (Nrf2) and its negative regulator Kelch-like ECH associated protein 1 (Keap1) control the expression of nearly 500 genes with diverse cytoprotective functions. Keap1, a substrate adaptor protein for Cullin3/Rbx1 ubiquitin ligase, normally continuously targets Nrf2 for degradation, but loses this ability in response to electrophiles and oxidants (termed inducers). Consequently, Nrf2 accumulates and activates transcription of its downstream target genes. Many inducers are phytochemicals, and cruciferous vegetables represent one of the richest sources of inducer activity among the most commonly used edible plants. Here we summarize the discovery of the isothiocyanate sulforaphane as a potent inducer which reacts with cysteine sensors of Keap1, leading to activation of Nrf2. We then describe the development of a quantitative Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based methodology combined with multiphoton fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy (FLIM) to investigate the interactions between Keap1 and Nrf2 in single live cells, and the effect of sulforaphane, and other cysteine-reactive inducers, on the dynamics of the Keap1–Nrf2 protein complex. We present the experimental evidence for the “cyclic sequential attachment and regeneration” or “conformation cycling” model of Keap1-mediated Nrf2 degradation. Finally, we discuss the implications of this mode of regulation of Nrf2 for achieving a fine balance under normal physiological conditions, and the consequences and mechanisms of disrupting this balance for tumor biology

    Transmitters and Pathways Mediating Inhibition of Spinal Itch-Signaling Neurons by Scratching and Other Counterstimuli

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    Scratching relieves itch, but the underlying neural mechanisms are poorly understood. We presently investigated a role for the inhibitory neurotransmitters GABA and glycine in scratch-evoked inhibition of spinal itch-signaling neurons in a mouse model of chronic dry skin itch. Superficial dorsal horn neurons ipsilateral to hindpaw dry skin treatment exhibited a high level of spontaneous firing that was significantly attenuated by cutaneous scratching, pinch and noxious heat. Scratch-evoked inhibition was nearly abolished by spinal delivery of the glycine antagonist, strychnine, and was markedly attenuated by respective GABAA and GABAB antagonists bicuculline and saclofen. Scratch-evoked inhibition was also significantly attenuated (but not abolished) by interruption of the upper cervical spinal cord, indicating the involvement of both segmental and suprasegmental circuits that engage glycine- and GABA-mediated inhibition of spinal itch-signaling neurons by noxious counterstimuli

    S66: A Well-balanced Database of Benchmark Interaction Energies Relevant to Biomolecular Structures

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    With numerous new quantum chemistry methods being developed in recent years and the promise of even more new methods to be developed in the near future, it is clearly critical that highly accurate, well-balanced, reference data for many different atomic and molecular properties be available for the parametrization and validation of these methods. One area of research that is of particular importance in many areas of chemistry, biology, and material science is the study of noncovalent interactions. Because these interactions are often strongly influenced by correlation effects, it is necessary to use computationally expensive high-order wave function methods to describe them accurately. Here, we present a large new database of interaction energies calculated using an accurate CCSD(T)/CBS scheme. Data are presented for 66 molecular complexes, at their reference equilibrium geometries and at 8 points systematically exploring their dissociation curves; in total, the database contains 594 points: 66 at equilibrium geometries, and 528 in dissociation curves. The data set is designed to cover the most common types of noncovalent interactions in biomolecules, while keeping a balanced representation of dispersion and electrostatic contributions. The data set is therefore well suited for testing and development of methods applicable to bioorganic systems. In addition to the benchmark CCSD(T) results, we also provide decompositions of the interaction energies by means of DFT-SAPT calculations. The data set was used to test several correlated QM methods, including those parametrized specifically for noncovalent interactions. Among these, the SCS-MI-CCSD method outperforms all other tested methods, with a root-mean-square error of 0.08 kcal/mol for the S66 data set