120 research outputs found

    Kepentingan Ilmu Nahu dalam Memahami Teks Syarak [The Importance of The Science of Grammar (Ilmu Nahwu) in Understanding Syariah Texts]

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    Setiap bahasa mempunyai kaedah tertentu yang perlu dikuasai untuk mengelakkan berlaku kesalahan dalam percakapan dan penulisan. Asas kepada perkara tersebut adalah dengan menguasai tatabahasanya. Setiap bahasa di dunia ini khususnya bahasa Arab sangat mementingkan tatabahasa demi memastikan bahasa digunakan dengan betul dan tepat. Ilmu nahu atau tatabahasa Arab merupakan teras paling utama dalam mempelajari bahasa Arab yang menjadi kunci untuk memahami al-Quran, Hadis dan hukum-hukum syariah. Tatabahasa Arab merupakan kunci untuk memahami ilmu-ilmu bahasa Arab. Pembelajaran tatabahasa adalah bertujuan untuk mengelakkan kesilapan berkaitan pembacaan dan kefahaman makna. Kesalahan tatabahasa boleh menyebabkan makna yang dimaksudkan tidak tepat dan mengakibatkan kesalahan yang besar dalam memahami teks-teks Arab yang kebiasaannya terdapat dalam buku-buku agama. Sarjana-sarjana dalam bidang bahasa menyatakan bahawa pembelajaran semua bahasa di dunia menitikberatkan aspek tatabahasa. Kajian ini cuba merungkaikan kepentingan ilmu nahu dalam memahami teks syarak yang menjadi sumber rujukan hukum, iaitu daripada al-Quran dan Hadis. Pemahaman dan penguasaan ilmu nahu sangat penting dalam memastikan sumber sesuatu hukum atau kefahaman dapat diperoleh dengan betul dan tepat. Every language has certain methods that need to be mastered to avoid making mistakes in speaking and writing. The basis of the matter is to master its grammatical notion. Every language in the world, especially Arabic, is very concerned with grammar in order to ensure that the language is used correctly and accurately. The knowledge of Nahu or Arabic grammar is the most important core in learning Arabic which is the key to understanding the Quran, Hadith and Sharia laws. Arabic grammar is the key to understanding Arabic language sciences. The goal of learning grammar is to steer clear of errors that arise when reading and comprehending text. Grammatical mistakes can lead to significant understanding errors when interpreting Arabic texts, which are typically found in religious books. They can also distort the intended meaning. Language scholars claim that grammar is emphasised in the study of all languages spoken worldwide. This study attempts to elucidate the significance of Arabic Grammar (Nahu) knowledge in comprehending the syarak text, which is derived from the Quran and Hadith and serves as a legal reference source. Understanding and mastery of Nahu knowledge is very important in ensuring that the source of a law or understanding can be obtained correctly and accurately

    Permanent magnet flux switching torque performance indicator

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    Flux switching machine (FSM) offer advantages such as rotor robustness and simple driving circuit compared to competing machine. This paper attempts to process the torque, volume and current information from 35 latest Permanent Magnet (PM) FSM publication into a standardized Torque Performance Indicator (TPI), which are torque density, torque constant, torque constant density and torque-magnet ratio. The distribution median shows that torque density, torque constant, torque constant density and torque-magnet ratio are 23.24kNm/m3, 0.43Nm/A, 0.616Nkm/Am3 and 30.79Nm/kg respectively. Among many design variation, outer rotor configuration produces good values as overall in the TPI. This information can be used to guide the machine designer to compare and compete based on the standardized TPI

    Monitoring Grid Frequency

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    The grid frequency of a 50 Hz system varies from 49.8 Hz to 50.2 Hz. Every 0.01 Hz of change in grid frequency correspond to approximately 6% to 8% of power supply dropped in the grid (S. Pourmousavi et al. 2009). Hence high resolution of measurement device is a must to monitor the grid frequency. Most frequency measurement devices such as oscilloscope usually caters high frequency measurement range. Even though some oscilloscope able to measure low frequency signal, its accuracy and resolution is not up to the challenge of measuring grid frequency. Phasor Measurement Unit (PMU) uses by most power system company is not economical to be used by small scale power generation company or for research purpose. In this paper, a simple zero crossing method will be employ to measure the grid frequency with a resolution of 0.003 Hz using Arduino Uno controller. The test and validation of the frequency data took place in Europe specifically at University of Applied Science Rosenheim

    Optimizing Mist-Based Ablution: A Comprehensive Study of Water Distribution and Conservation Using Watercolour Visualization and Thermal Imaging Techniques

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    Conducting ablution constitutes a prerequisite for Muslims prior to engaging in prayer. This ritualistic practice involves the cleansing and wiping of specific body parts, including the hands, face, arms up to the elbows, head, and feet. Ensuring comprehensive water coverage of the aforementioned areas is a crucial criterion during ablution. However, excessive water consumption often occurs when Muslims perform ablution to achieve full coverage. Consequently, a more ecologically sustainable approach to ablution is necessary to minimize water wastage. A proposed water mist spray device aims to optimize water usage while adhering to the Islamic jurisprudence requirements of complete water coverage on ablution parts. To assess water coverage using the mist spray, an evenness distribution profile is employed through atomized mist colorization on paper and thermal imaging of ablution parts. An appropriate spray nozzle is chosen based on an analysis of spray distribution and coverage patterns on the target surface, utilizing image processing techniques. The proposed methodology involves mixing water with red watercolour and manually pumping it through the selected nozzle using an off-the-shelf water sprayer, thereby atomizing the coloured water to stain white paper. Subsequently, the paper is converted into a digital image and analysed using ImageJ software to determine the mist spray coverage percentage, spatial spread at various distances, and the extraction of stain and droplet sizes. This technique is applied to different types and sizes of spray nozzles to identify the most suitable nozzle for the prototype. The findings demonstrate that nozzles with smaller exit holes and higher water pressure yield more extensive spray coverage on the target surface. Upon selecting the appropriate nozzle, a Portable Ablution Mist Spray Device prototype is employed to evaluate water coverage for the ablution body parts. Thermal images of the ablution parts are captured before and after the ritual, with the temperature differences being analysed. The thermal images reveal a comprehensive and uniform spray distribution on the ablution body parts, accompanied by a temperature difference ranging from 0.9°C to 3.8°C among various participants

    Optimizing Mist-Based Ablution: A Comprehensive Study of Water Distribution and Conservation Using Watercolour Visualization and Thermal Imaging Techniques

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    Conducting ablution constitutes a prerequisite for Muslims prior to engaging in prayer. This ritualistic practice involves the cleansing and wiping of specific body parts, including the hands, face, arms up to the elbows, head, and feet. Ensuring comprehensive water coverage of the aforementioned areas is a crucial criterion during ablution. However, excessive water consumption often occurs when Muslims perform ablution to achieve full coverage. Consequently, a more ecologically sustainable approach to ablution is necessary to minimize water wastage. A proposed water mist spray device aims to optimize water usage while adhering to the Islamic jurisprudence requirements of complete water coverage on ablution parts. To assess water coverage using the mist spray, an evenness distribution profile is employed through atomized mist colorization on paper and thermal imaging of ablution parts. An appropriate spray nozzle is chosen based on an analysis of spray distribution and coverage patterns on the target surface, utilizing image processing techniques. The proposed methodology involves mixing water with red watercolour and manually pumping it through the selected nozzle using an off-the-shelf water sprayer, thereby atomizing the coloured water to stain white paper. Subsequently, the paper is converted into a digital image and analysed using ImageJ software to determine the mist spray coverage percentage, spatial spread at various distances, and the extraction of stain and droplet sizes. This technique is applied to different types and sizes of spray nozzles to identify the most suitable nozzle for the prototype. The findings demonstrate that nozzles with smaller exit holes and higher water pressure yield more extensive spray coverage on the target surface. Upon selecting the appropriate nozzle, a Portable Ablution Mist Spray Device prototype is employed to evaluate water coverage for the ablution body parts. Thermal images of the ablution parts are captured before and after the ritual, with the temperature differences being analysed. The thermal images reveal a comprehensive and uniform spray distribution on the ablution body parts, accompanied by a temperature difference ranging from 0.9°C to 3.8°C among various participants

    Need Analysis On Developing Arabic Language M- Learning Basic Level During Covid-19

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    The Coronavirus (or Covid-19), which spread in early 2020, has resulted in a change of learning mode in known educational institutions where there is a shift from face-to-face to online learning. This study was conducted to identify the needs for developing mobile learning (m-learning) modules at the basic level for Arabic language among students as well as identifying the level of student acceptance for m-learning. A set of questionnaires was distributed to the respondents to identify the need for developing such m-learning. The data obtained were then analyzed using SPSS software and interpreted based on the total mean score and standard deviation. The study found that the respondents saw a great need at developing a module for basic level Arabic m-learning and were positive to use the latest technology in the learning process. This study proposes learning strategies and activities through m-learning that can be used throughout this pandemic in order to continue online teaching and learning sessions

    Flux Modulated Rotating Pole Piece Magnetic Gear

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    In this paper, the CMG is re-condition so that the pole piece act as the outer rotor instead of surface mount PM. This magnetic coupling of the CMG is similar to the conventional CMG which uses harmonic to transfer the torque and speed from the inner rotor to the outer rotor. The working principle of the proposed CMG is derived analytically and simulated using finite element software. For this recondition, the PM at the outer section become stationary hence, retaining sleeve can be removing. The proposed MG produced 18% higher average torque than the conventional MG with drawback in torque ripple. The proposed CMG also produce higher gear ratio than the same pole pair of conventional CM

    Measurement Of Low Frequency Signal Of Power Grid Using Arduino

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    The range of the frequency to be measured by a measurement device depends on the purpose of performing the measurement. The frequency measurement device is built specifically according to its range while the price of the device is proportional to its functions. In this paper, a low frequency measurement device to monitor grid frequency is designed using Arduino technology. All aspects of the design from the software to hardware is explained. This device costs less than 100 US Dollar and it is capable to perform data logging for data analysis. The frequency range for the device is between 45 Hz to 60 Hz with 0.003 Hz resolution. This paper also discuss the standard commercial measurement device in power system and Arduino capabilities. The measurement data from the device is analyze for its accuracy and reliability

    Preliminary Magnetization Pattern Study On Magnetic Gear

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    In this paper, radial anisotropic, circumferential anisotropic, parallel circular direction (PCD) and parallel radial direction (PRD) magnetization pattern are introduced and explained. Then, these magnetization pattern are simulated using JMAG Designer 16.0 on the coaxial magnetic gear with 2.33 gear ratio. Torque and efficiency are calculated and compared. The result shows that the radial anisotropic produce the highest torque and register the best efficiency versus the latter.With this study, it is hope that the designer can have second option to choose other type of magnetization without sacrificing the performance. The option may become in handy when the RAP becomes more expensive or difficult to procur
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