813 research outputs found

    Machine Learning Techniques for Tagging Heavy Flavor Jets at RHIC

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    The properties of the Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP), a hot and dense medium made up of deconfined quarks and gluons (partons), can be studied through ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions. In the early stages of the collisions, high energy partons are created, which fragment into collimated sprays of hadrons, called jets. Jets are used to probe the entire evolution of the QGP that they traverse. Classifying jets based on the flavor of the parton that initiated them as heavy or light is a fundamental tool for studying the properties of the QGP as different flavors interact differently with the medium. Jets resulting from heavy ion collisions are compared to those resulting from proton-proton collisions to study their modification in the medium. Therefore, as a first step, we use jets resulting from simulated proton-proton events for the identifying their flavors, which could be extended to identifying jets resulting from heavy-ion events once heavy flavor features are added to heavy-ion event generators. We utilize different deep learning techniques and employ different strategies to minimize the misidentification probability while maintaining the efficiency of tagging heavy flavor jets at RHIC. Similar analysis has been done for LHC √ experiments but never at RHIC energies ( rates of heavy flavor jets to light flavor jets is very low. In this paper, we compare and contrast the performances of the different models we have developed for tagging heavy flavor jets at RHIC energies

    Entrepreneurship and Job Creation in Jordan: Challenges and Prospects for Start-ups

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    The aim of this article is to assess entrepreneurship activities in Jordan and present how start-ups reduce unemployment. The article also explores the challenges that start-ups face and how such challenges hinder entrepreneurs from engaging in business smoothly. The sample of the study comprises two hundred start-ups distributed in different regions in the country. The method of analysis employed is primarily descriptive statistics in the form of frequencies. Moreover, the binary logit model is used to check the prospects of self-employment and business creation attitudes among youth. The findings of the study reveal that entrepreneurship is one of the main strategies for creating jobs in Jordan, and it contributes to the overall growth of national economy. The study also reveals that the major challenges to engage in start-ups are related to financing and fundraising, regulations of taxation and interpretations of laws. The study also identified a considerable lack of entrepreneurial training at the early stages of business creation

    The Intellectual Capital Effect on Financial Performances at Islamic Insurance

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    The research has analyzed the intellectual capital effect of the Islamic insurance company’s financial performance. Intellectual capital is quantified by VAICTM (Value Added Intellectual Capital), for efficiency components are physical capital coefficient (VACA), human capital coefficient (VAHU), and structural capital coefficient (STVA). Financial performance is quantified by ROA and RBC. Data is given from seven Islamic insurance companies during 2009-2013. Data analysis used is PLS (Partial Least Square). The result shows that intellectual capital factors had an affect the company’s financial performance. Intellectual capital relation to financial performance parameter value estimated coefficient 0,845 with t-statistic 46,771. VAICTM enables to elucidate financial performance variable 71, 6%, is by finding the R-square PERF value (financial performance) 0,716.DOI: 10.15408/aiq.v7i2.169

    Pembelajaran Via Google Classroom sebagai Alternatif Solusi Efektif Pembelajaran di Era Pandemi

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    This study tries to illustrate how students can access alternative learning techniques via online ways during a pandemic. In the Covid-19 emergency, educators and students will have a unique experience. The government implemented a policy on online education to enable pupils to learn even when they are socially isolated. The impact of the learning process throughout the epidemic since the start of 2020 is the result of digital transformation efforts as a means of instruction for teachers and pupils. This research employs a descriptive qualitative approach. The primary sources of data are teachers and students in elementary schools. Data collecting strategies included observation, interviewing, and documenting learning activities using Google Classroom during the COVID-19 epidemic. The results indicated that around 80% of the time spent using google classroom in the student learning process during the online learning period was due to the fact that it was more effective and efficient than using zoom or google meet. This demonstrates that teachers may give online learning solutions by leveraging a variety of online platforms, one of which is a Google product called Google Classroom.Keywords: Google Classroom; Online Learning; Pandemic; Social Distancing; Digital Transformation AbstrakPenelitian ini mempunyai tujuan untuk menjelaskan langkah alternatif pembelajaran terhadap peserta didik melalui metode online di masa pandemi. Pengalaman berbeda bagi pendidik maupun siswa pada keadaan darurat Covid-19. Pemerintah mengeluarkan kebijakan tentang pembelajaran via online difungsikan agar siswa dapat belajar meski dalam keadaan social distancing. Upaya transformasi digital sebagai metode pembelajaran bagi guru dan siswa merupakan dampak dari proses pembelajaran selama pandemi sejak awal tahun 2020. Metode penelitian pada riset ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan jenis deskriptif. Sumber data berasal dari para guru dan para siswa di sekolah dasar. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan tehnik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi dengan instrumen lembar wawancara serta catatan lapangan mengenai kegiatan pembelajaran selama pandemi covid-19 dengan menggunakan google classroom. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 80% penggunaan google classroom dalam proses belajar siswa pada masa pembelajaran online lebih banyak digunakan dengan alasan penggunaan kuota internet dan waktu yang lebih efektif dan efisien, dibandingkan dengan menggunakan zoom atau google meet. Hal tersebut secara signifikan menunjukkan bahwa guru dapat memberikan solusi untuk pembelajaran online dengan memanfaatkan berbagai platform online salahsatunya produk google yaitu google classroom.Kata kunci: google classroom; pembelajaran online; pandemi; social distancing; transformasi digita

    Magnetic Misalignment of Interstellar Dust Filaments

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    We present evidence for scale-independent misalignment of interstellar dust filaments and magnetic fields. We estimate the misalignment by comparing millimeter-wave dust-polarization measurements from Planck with filamentary structures identified in neutral-hydrogen (HI) measurements from HI4PI. We find that the misalignment angle displays a scale independence (harmonic coherence) for features larger than the HI4PI beam width (16.216.2'). We additionally find a spatial coherence on angular scales of O(1)\mathcal{O}(1^\circ). We present several misalignment estimators formed from the auto- and cross-spectra of dust-polarization and HI-based maps, and we also introduce a map-space estimator. Applied to large regions of the high-Galactic-latitude sky, we find a global misalignment angle of 2\sim 2^\circ, which is robust to a variety of masking choices. By dividing the sky into small regions, we show that the misalignment angle correlates with the parity-violating TBTB cross-spectrum measured in the Planck dust maps. The misalignment paradigm also predicts a dust EBEB signal, which is of relevance in the search for cosmic birefringence but as yet undetected; the measurements of EBEB are noisier than of TBTB, and our correlations of EBEB with misalignment angle are found to be weaker and less robust to masking choices. We also introduce an HI-based dust-polarization template constructed from the Hessian matrix of the HI intensity, which is found to correlate more strongly than previous templates with Planck dust BB modes.Comment: 30 pages, 17 figure

    Motives inhibitors of the use of Moodle in higher education teachers

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    El propósito de este estudio ha sido identificar cual son los principales motivos por los cuales los docentes no usan el Moodle o lo usan muy poco, con fines pedagógicos. Se ha realizado una encuesta a una población de 640 docentes, de una institución de educación superior técnico profesional de Chile. Entre los motivos identificados se destaca la falta de formación en la aplicación pedagógica de las herramientas que el Moodle presenta y la opinión común de que la principal utilidad de la plataforma es para el trabajo de gestión. Se concluye que el grado de uso de las TIC en el aula de clase, junto al manejo instrumental, responde a múltiple factores, entre los cuales destacamos las habilidades pedagógicas y la frecuencia de uso. Se evidencia la importancia de analizar el uso pedagógico del Moodle con foco multifactorial

    Caracterización del docente innovador de educación superior en Chile: estudio de un caso

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    [spa] Esta investigación se basa en el interés por descubrir y analizar lo que caracteriza a un docente innovador y cómo a pesar de las dificultades y limitaciones desarrollan innovación. La institución investigada promueve la innovación educativa, entregando para ello espacios e incentivos, aunque igualmente presenta barreras para su desarrollo, algunas de las cuales están relacionadas con las situaciones contractuales o las condiciones de entrada de los estudiantes, entre otras. Es un estudio de caso, su enfoque es interpretativo fenomenológico, a través de la perspectiva interpretativa, intenté analizar las acciones de los docentes innovadores, al escuchar sus testimonios y, a partir de ellos, dialogar con la interpretación que esos profesores le dan a su propia conducta innovadora. Estudié las interrelaciones durante la formación y desempeño profesional; las formas de relaciones generadas con sus pares y el contexto en el que viven y se desarrollan, para con ello intentar entender por qué innovan, cómo se desarrolla su práctica docente y qué les ocurre en ella. La información necesaria para responder a los objetivos de esta investigación fue obtenida fundamentalmente a través de entrevistas, a partir de las cuales pude adquirir información relevante y necesaria. En mi calidad de directora del Centro que desarrolla la innovación educativa en la institución estudiada, pude observar el trabajo de los docentes y sus participaciones en diversas instancias de formación y actividades académicas de extensión. Sumado a ello tuve también la posibilidad de analizar documentos para indagar lo que los docentes hacen, el contexto en el que trabajan y la cultura de la innovación existente. En los capítulos presento la necesidad personal de indagar sobre la configuración del docente innovador en una IES chilena; el marco general de la Educación Superior, sus desafíos y contextos; abordo las buenas prácticas y la innovación como parte de la función pedagógica; continuo con la presentación de las trayectorias vinculadas a la identidad personal, social y profesional, de qué manera se relacionan las distintas etapas de la existencia de una persona, cómo estas se vinculan con el contexto en el que vive y de qué manera marcan el desarrollo de su identidad; luego expongo la metodología adoptada para esta investigación; presento el primer análisis (nivel macro), la institución en la que se realizó la investigación y las condiciones para la innovación educativa; luego el nivel meso en el que abordo el análisis de actores claves que participan y le dan sentido al contexto en que se desenvuelven los docentes innovadores y finalizo con el nivel micro identificando tres dimensiones: la personal, la profesional y la laboral. Con todo lo anterior, fue posible concluir que los docentes innovadores muestran condiciones y características que los llevan a adoptar un modo de trabajo fundamentado en la implementación permanente de nuevas estrategias de enseñanza, que esperan se transformen en mejores opciones para acompañar a los estudiantes en su proceso de formación. Esta investigación muestra sus vivencias, percepciones y estilos de trabajo que impactan en los espacios de trabajo, en las decisiones institucionales y en las prácticas educativas. Nos enseña que la vida personal, profesional y las condiciones laborales contribuyen a construír al profesional en cuanto a la concepción de la función que ejercen, el sentido de pertenencia con el ejercicio de esa función, sus potencialidades para innovar, la motivación y satisfacción que le provoca vivir la docencia. Con todo ello, las IES pueden fortalecer el trabajo que realizan con los docentes que innovan , proporcionándoles las mejores circunstancias posibles para que desarrollen acciones que provean mejores oportunidades a sus estudiantes, con las que puedan además reflexionar sobre sus prácticas y desarrollarse en comunidad.[eng] This study is based on the desire to discover and analyse what characterizes an innovative teacher and how, despite the difficulties and limitations, they achieve innovation. It is a case study, with an interpretive phenomenological approach. Through an interpretative perspective, I tried to analyse the actions of innovative teachers, by listening to their testimonies and, from them, to dialogue with the interpretation that these teachers give to their own innovative behavior. I studied the interrelationships during training and professional performance; the types of relationships formed with their peers and the context in which they live and develop, to thus try to comprehend why they innovate, how their teaching practice develops and what happens to them in it. The evidence to achieve the objectives of this research was obtained primarily through interviews, from which I was able to acquire relevant and necessary information. In my role as director of the Center which develops educational innovation at the institution chosen for this investigation, I was able to observe the work of teachers and their involvement in various instances of training and academic outreach activities. In addition to this, I also had the possibility to analyse documents to investigate what teachers do, the context in which they work and the culture of existing innovation. From the above, it is possible to conclude that innovative teachers show conditions that lead them to adopt a work mode based on the permanent implementation of new teaching strategies, which they hope will become better options to accompany students in their process of formation. The context, personal and institutional conditions are looked at through the investigation

    Barriers in teacher perception about the use of technology for evaluation in Higher Education

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    This article addresses perceptions that higher education teachers have on the integration of technology in evaluation processes, focusing on their beliefs about learning, evaluation and technology that enable or hinder this pedagogical innovation.This study considered teachers as part of a project using rubrics in Moodle to evaluate learning in a Chilean higher education institution in 2014, 2015 and 2016.Forming and evaluating in a competency-based approach involves challenges for the teaching staff and changes in their role that are accepted or resisted. The same happens in the face of innovation processes with information and communication technologies (ICT) integration in teaching practices.The primary results show a relationship between pedagogical beliefs and evaluation which is consistent with adoption and assessment of the digital tool used. In addition, it reveals the role of beliefs as secondary barriers to change in the face of access or primary barriers (Ertmert, 1999). The value of autonomy in student work and feedback are identified as key beliefs in technology adoption

    Boundary-Fitted Non-Orthogonal Grid Technique for Incompressible Turbulent Swirling Flows

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    Mechanical Engineerin