48 research outputs found

    Collaborative Design Practices in Technology Mediated Learning

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    The present article examines how practices of computersupported collaborative designing may be implemented in an elementary classroom. We present a case study in which 12-year-old students engaged in architectural design under the guidance of their teacher and a professional designer. The students were engaged in all aspects of design processes, such as analysing the design of existing houses, analysing the building site, determining building volume, design facades, and floor plans; they formed seven teams, each of which had its own house to design. The data-analysis relied on the Knowledge Forum database, consisting of students’ notes, pictures, sketches, and photos. The participants’ quantitative contributions to the database were analyzed with Analytic ToolKit which underlies Knowledge Forum. A qualitative content analysis was performed to the KF notes produced by the student teams; a theory and data-driven approach for categorizing the content of the notes was employed. The results revealed that the student teams considered various design constraints and familiarized themselves with their own building site and regulations regarding their permitted building volume. They constructed environmental models and scale models, and made the calculations of gross floor volume; scale drawings were inserted to KF’s Environmental Model view as pictures and texts. The results indicated that parallel working with conceptual (design ideas) and material artefacts (architectural models, prototypes of apartments, figures) supported one another. The intent was that involving students in modeling practices would help them build domain expertise, epistemological understanding, and skills to create and evaluate knowledge. Further, implications for designing technology-mediated collaborative design processes are discussed

    Lehmän hyvinvointiin vaikuttavat seikat pihatossa - kirjallisuuskatsaus : Osa 2. Lehmien tärkeimpien sairauksien ennaltaehkäisy

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    Summary: Factors affecting cow welfare in loose housing systems - a review. Part 2. Prevention of the most important diseases of cowsSummary: Factors affecting cow welfare in loose housing systems - a review. Part 2. Prevention of the most important diseases of cowsSummary: Factors affecting cow welfare in loose housing systems - a review. Part 2. Prevention of the most important diseases of cowsNon peer reviewe

    Lehmän hyvinvointiin vaikuttavat seikat pihatossa - kirjallisuuskatsaus : Osa 1. Naudan lajinomainen käyttäytyminen

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    Summary: Factors affecting cow welfare in loose housing systems - a review. Part 1. Natural behavior of cattleSummary: Factors affecting cow welfare in loose housing systems - a review. Part 1. Natural behavior of cattleSummary: Factors affecting cow welfare in loose housing systems - a review. Part 1. Natural behavior of cattleNon peer reviewe

    Effects of liraglutide on the metabolism of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins in type 2 diabetes

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    Aim: To elucidate the impact of liraglutide on the kinetics of apolipoprotein (apo) B48- and apoB100-containing triglyceride-rich lipoproteins in subjects with type 2 diabetes (T2D) after a single fat-rich meal. Materials and Methods: Subjects with T2D were included in a study to investigate postprandial apoB48 and apoB100 metabolism before and after 16 weeks on 1.8 mg/day liraglutide (n = 14) or placebo (n = 4). Stable isotope tracer and compartmental modelling techniques were used to determine the impact of liraglutide on chylomicron and very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) production and clearance after a single fat-rich meal. Results: Liraglutide reduced apoB48 synthesis in chylomicrons by 60% (p <.0001) and increased the triglyceride/apoB48 ratio (i.e. the size) of chylomicrons (p <.001). Direct clearance of chylomicrons, a quantitatively significant pathway pretreatment, decreased by 90% on liraglutide (p <.001). Liraglutide also reduced VLDL1-triglyceride secretion (p = .017) in parallel with reduced liver fat. Chylomicron-apoB48 production and particle size were related to insulin sensitivity (p = .015 and p <.001, respectively), but these associations were perturbed by liraglutide. Conclusions: In a physiologically relevant setting that mirrored regular feeding in subjects with T2D, liraglutide promoted potentially beneficial changes on postprandial apoB48 metabolism. Using our data in an integrated metabolic model, we describe how the action of liraglutide in T2D on chylomicron and VLDL kinetics could lead to decreased generation of remnant lipoproteins.Peer reviewe

    Effects of PNPLA3 I148M on hepatic lipid and very-low-density lipoprotein metabolism in humans

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    Background The phospholipase domain-containing 3 gene (PNPLA3)-148M variant is associated with liver steatosis but its influence on the metabolism of triglyceride-rich lipoproteins remains unclear. Here, we investigated the kinetics of large, triglyceride-rich very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), (VLDL1), and smaller VLDL2 in homozygotes for the PNPLA3-148M variant. Methods and results The kinetics of apolipoprotein (apo) B100 (apoB100) and triglyceride in VLDL subfractions were analysed in nine subjects homozygous for PNPLA3-148M and nine subjects homozygous for PNPLA3-148I (controls). Liver fat was >3-fold higher in the 148M subjects. Production rates for apoB100 and triglyceride in VLDL1 did not differ significantly between the two groups. Likewise, production rates for VLDL2-apoB100 and -triglyceride, and fractional clearance rates for both apoB100 and triglyceride in VLDL1 and VLDL2, were not significantly different. Conclusions Despite the higher liver fat content in PNPLA3 148M homozygotes, there was no increase in VLDL production. Equally, VLDL production was maintained at normal levels despite the putative impairment in cytosolic lipid hydrolysis in these subjects.Peer reviewe

    Utredning om reformen av Team Finland-nätverkets verksamhet och ledning

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    Utrikesministeriets och arbets- och näringsministeriets arbetsgrupp har utrett genomförandet av de föresatser för Team Finland-verksamheten som står skrivna i Petteri Orpos regeringsprogram. I enlighet med regeringsprogrammet förnyas ledningen av Team Finland-nätverket och dess verksamhet gemensamt med näringslivet, stärks utrikesministeriets styrande roll och utreds överförandet av Business Finlands verksamhet i utlandet till Finlands beskickningsnät. I jämförelseländernas exportfrämjande modeller har utredningsgruppen identifierat god praxis som kan användas i Team Finland-nätverkets utvecklingsarbete. En stor brist i Finlands exportfrämjande system är det splittrade ledningssystemet, särskilt utlandsnätverket, som leds av två olika organisationer. I utredningen föreslås tre olika lösningsmodeller som kan effektivisera och förenkla ledningen av Team Finland-nätverket och dess exportfrämjande verksamhet. Utredningen presenterar preliminära bedömningar av genomförandet av dessa modeller inklusive ändringar i lagstiftningen och bedömningar av varje modells fördelar, nackdelar och risker. De lösningsmodeller som presenteras i utredningen är: 1. Team Finland-nätverkets ledningsstruktur i Finland reformeras 2. Team Finland-nätverkets ledningsstruktur i Finland reformeras och utrikesministeriets styrande roll i utlandsnätverket stärks 3. Business Finlands verksamhet i utlandet överförs till utrikesförvaltninge

    Selvitys Team Finland -verkoston toiminnan ja johtamisen uudistamisesta

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    Ulkoministeriön (UM) ja työ- ja elinkeinoministeriön (TEM) työryhmä on selvittänyt pääministeri Petteri Orpon hallitusohjelman Team Finland -toimintaa koskevien kirjausten toimeenpanoa. Hallitusohjelman mukaan Team Finland -verkoston johtamista ja toimintaa tulee uudistaa yhdessä elinkeinoelämän kanssa, vahvistaa UM:n ohjausroolia sekä selvittää Business Finlandin (BF) ulkomaantoimintojen siirtoa osaksi Suomen edustustoverkkoa. Selvitystyöryhmä on tunnistanut vertaismaiden vienninedistämismalleista hyviä käytänteitä Team Finland (TF) -verkoston kehittämistyöhön. Suomen vienninedistämisjärjestelmän keskeiseksi epäkohdaksi todetaan hajanainen johtamisjärjestelmä erityisesti ulkomaanverkostossa, jota johdetaan kahdesta eri organisaatiosta. Selvitys esittää kolme ratkaisumallia, joilla Team Finland verkoston johtamista ja vienninedistämistoimintaa voidaan tehostaa ja yksinkertaistaa. Selvitys esittää alustavat arviot näiden mallien toteutuksesta ml. tarvittavat lainsäädäntömuutokset sekä arviot kunkin mallin eduista, haitoista ja riskeistä. Selvityksessä esitettävät ratkaisumallit ovat: 1. Team Finland -verkoston johtamisrakenteen uudistaminen kotimaassa 2. Team Finland -verkoston johtamisrakenteen uudistaminen kotimaassa sekä UM:n ohjausroolin vahvistaminen ulkomaaverkostossa 3. BF:n ulkomaantoimintojen siirto ulkoasianhallintoo