13 research outputs found

    Identifying childhood movement profiles and comparing differences in mathematical skills between clusters : A latent profile analysis

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    The aims of this study were; 1) to identify different movement profiles in sixth graders, and 2) to investigate if there are differences in their mathematical basic (BasicMath) and problem solving (ProbSol) skills between existing movement profiles. The sample included 461 (223 girls, 238 boys) students with a mean age of 11.27 +/- .32 years from southern and middle Finland. A latent profile analysis (LPA) revealed four movement profiles: "poor movers", "average movers", "skilled movers" and "expert movers". These profiles differed substantially in their motor competence (MC) and health-related fitness (HRF). A multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) also revealed that "poor movers" and "average movers" obtained lower results in BasicMath comparing with "skilled movers". The results of this study suggest that cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness, MC and BasicMath are interrelated.Peer reviewe

    Fosforihappotehtaan apatiittisiilojen kehitystyö

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön aiheena oli Yara Siilinjärven fosforihappotehtaiden apatiittisiilojen kehitystyö. Tarkoituksena oli kehittää siiloja ja niiden ympäristöä turvallisemmaksi, lisäksi haluttiin parantaa niiden huollettavuutta ja helpottaa puhtaanapitoa. Työ sai alkunsa Yaran Fosforihappotehtaan käytönsuunnittelijan Mikko Turusen tarpeesta kehittää ratkaisu apatiittisiilojen tukosongelmaan. Työhön liitettiin myös siilojen lattiatason kehitys. Lattiatasolla ongelmana oli lattialle kerääntyvä apatiitti. Kehitystyön tulosten tulee täyttää Yaran turvallisuusvaatimukset. Työ alkoi palaverilla Yaralla, jossa tutustuttiin kohteeseen. Työtä koskevaa maateriaalia löytyi standardeista ja Konedirektiiviä käsittelevistä kirjoista. Työssä käytettiin Eurokoodia SFS standardeja. Suurena apuna olivat myös Koneturvallisuus kirjat. Tasojen suunnittelussa käytettiin Iso 14122 standardia ja siiloihin liitettävien piikkausaukkojen suunnittelussa Eurokoodi 3 osaa 4-1. Yhdessä standardien ja Yaran piirustusten avulla ratkaisut suunniteltiin ja tehtiin tarvittavat piirustukset. Tuloksina saatiin piikkausaukkojen, työtasojen ja kourujen mallit. Ne tekevät tukoksen poistamisesta helpompaa ja turvallisempaa. Nopeampi tukosten poisto vähentää tehtaan tuotantokatkosaikaa. Kourut kuljettavat apatiitin suoraan apatiittikuljettimille. Malleista tehtiin työpiirrustukset ja 3D-mallit. Kehitysideat toteutetaan seuraavassa tehdashuollossa 2012.Topic of this final year project was to develop apatite silos. The aim was to develop silos, improve their serviceability, ease sanitation and to increase the safety of their working environment. The company needed to develop a solution to internal silo blockage problem caused by packed apatite. Development of ground level of the site was also included to the project. Piling of spilled apatite was causing problems on ground level. All solutions have to meet safety and ergonomic requirements set by Yara. The project began by a meeting in Yara where the target was surveyed. There were several standards and reference material regarding the machinery directives. Standards and EuroCodes were used in this project. Machine safety books were also used. Working platforms were designed with standard Iso14122 and hatches with Eurocode 3 part 4-1. Together with standards and Yara’s own designs, solutions were designed and manufacturing drawings were drawn. As a result hatches, working platforms and gutters were designed. They will make blockage re-moval easier and safer. Faster blockage removal means less stoppage time. Gutters will lead apa-tite to the conveyor from ground level. Designs and models of the working platforms, hatches and gutters were made. Development plans will be executed in next factory maintenance in 2012

    Investigation of Radio Frequency Interference at L-Band Using Data from Airborne HUT-2D Radiometer and Spaceborne SMOS Radiometer

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    Abstract The launch of the European Space Agency's (ESA) Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) satellite in November 2009 opened a new era in monitoring globally and continuously these two environmental parameters. The importance of these measurements to provide information on Earth's climate and its changes has been pointed out by the scientific community in recent year

    Associations between Physical Activity, Motor Skills, Executive Functions and Early Numeracy in Preschoolers

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    We investigated direct and indirect cross-sectional associations of physical activity, fundamental motor skills, executive functions, and early numeracy in preschoolers. The participants were 214 preschoolers aged three to five years. Time spent in moderate and vigorous physical activity was measured by hip-worn accelerometers and fundamental motor skills using the tasks assessing locomotor, object control, and stability skills. Inhibition/switching and working memory/updating, as components of executive functions, were assessed by computerized tests and a standardized test was used to assess early numeracy. Path analyses were used to examine direct and indirect associations between the constructs. Our results showed that stability skills were indirectly positively associated with early numeracy through inhibition/switching (β = 0.07, p < 0.05, 95% CI [0.02, 0.14]) and locomotor skills through working memory/updating (β = 0.13, p = 0.001, 95% CI [0.06, 0.20]). Vigorous physical activity was positively associated with early numeracy through locomotor skills and working memory/updating (β = 0.04, p = 0.01, 95% CI [0.01, 0.07]) and negatively associated with early numeracy through inhibition/switching (β = -0.06, p < 0.05, 95% CI [-0.11, -0.02]).peerReviewe

    Associations between Physical Activity, Motor Skills, Executive Functions and Early Numeracy in Preschoolers

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    We investigated direct and indirect cross-sectional associations of physical activity, fundamental motor skills, executive functions, and early numeracy in preschoolers. The participants were 214 preschoolers aged three to five years. Time spent in moderate and vigorous physical activity was measured by hip-worn accelerometers and fundamental motor skills using the tasks assessing locomotor, object control, and stability skills. Inhibition/switching and working memory/updating, as components of executive functions, were assessed by computerised tests and a standardised test was used to assess early numeracy. Path analyses were used to examine direct and indirect associations between the constructs. Our results showed that stability skills were indirectly positively associated with early numeracy through inhibition/switching (beta = 0.07, p < 0.05, 95% CI [0.02, 0.14]) and locomotor skills through working memory/updating (beta = 0.13, p = 0.001, 95% CI [0.06, 0.20]). Vigorous physical activity was positively associated with early numeracy through locomotor skills and working memory/updating (beta = 0.04, p = 0.01, 95% CI [0.01, 0.07]) and negatively associated with early numeracy through inhibition/switching (beta = -0.06, p < 0.05, 95% CI [-0.11, -0.02]).Peer reviewe

    Toxicity of exhaust emissions from high aromatic and non-aromatic diesel fuels using in vitro ALI exposure system

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    The differences in the traffic fuels have been shown to affect exhaust emissions and their toxicity. Especially, the aromatic content of diesel fuel is an important factor considering the emissions, notably particulate matter (PM) concentrations. The ultra-fine particles (UFP, particles with a diameter of <100 nm) are important components of engine emissions and connected to various health effects, such as pulmonary and systematic inflammation, and cardiovascular disorders. Studying the toxicity of the UFPs and how different fuel options can be used for mitigating the emissions and toxicity is crucial. In the present study, emissions from a heavy-duty diesel engine were used to assess the exhaust emission toxicity with a thermophoresis-based in vitro air-liquid interface (ALI) exposure system. The aim of the study was to evaluate the toxicity of engine exhaust and the potential effect of 20 % aromatic fossil diesel and 0 % aromatic renewable diesel fuel on emission toxicity. The results of the present study show that the aromatic content of the fuel increases emission toxicity, which was seen as an increase in genotoxicity, distinct inflammatory responses, and alterations in the cell cycle. The increase in genotoxicity was most likely due to the PM phase of the exhaust, as the exposures with high-efficiency particulate absorbing (HEPA)-filtered exhaust resulted in a negligible increase in genotoxicity. However, the solely gaseous exposures still elicited immunological responses. Overall, the present study shows that decreasing the aromatic content of the fuels could be a significant measure in mitigating traffic exhaust toxicity.publishedVersionPeer reviewe