19 research outputs found

    What's wrong with the coastal waters of Spelman Strait, Indonesia: Sustainable reef fisheries management is required

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    Reef fish in Spelman strait, Indonesia, is one of the fishery resources of considerable economic value. Unfortunately, there is still the use of unfriendly resources equipment (destructive fishing) that cause potential social problems. In this study, all components of the EAFM (Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management) composed of 6 domains, namely (1) fish stocks, (2) environment and ecosystem, (3) fishing techniques, (4) culture, (5) social, and (6) institutional are analyzed combining with MDS (Multidimensional Scaling).  The main aim of this research is to find out the root solution for managing coral reefs in the coastal waters of Spelman Strait.  The sustainability status review in the fishery resource domain, the environment and ecosystem domain, the fishery technique domain, the social domain, and the economic domain were respectively were 87.69, 88.17, 51.22, 51.61, and 72.67 which were in the category sustainable. Meanwhile, the sustainability status review in the institutional domain was 42.15, which was in the category of less sustainable. Institutions are the primary base for reef fishery protection in the Spelman Strait


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    An intensive exploitation of dog conch Strombus sp. in Tanjungpinang city coastal waters has occurred because the increasing number of fishermen, population growth and demand. In addition, the increasing activities of bauxite mining cause the declining in quality of waters around dog conch, thus providing ecological pressure that endangers sustainability of the dog conch. The purpose of this study was to observe the spawning and development of dog conch in the laboratory. Spawning was done in aquarium with 100 liters of seawater (salinity: 26±1 ppt), with stimulation of spawning performed by changing 90% water volume every day until the female issued the eggs. The female issued the eggs on the third and fourth days of stimulation. Eggs are attached to the wall of the aquarium. Egg cell division occurs after about 2 hours of the egg is released the mother, from one cell into two cells and a row into four cells, eight cells, the sixteen cells, thirty-two cells to multicellular. The embryo develops into a gastrula phase than trochophore phase. Larvae were reared in a tank containing 20 liters of seawater (salinity: 26±1 ppt). Veliger larvae occurred on the fifth day until the eleventh day. Veliger larvae are planktonic, and turn into benthic with a sedentary life in the bottom waters to begin the formation of a thin and transparent shell. The value of water quality parameters during maintenance category feasible: DO of 7.6 to 7.8 mg / L; pH of 8.13 to 8.33; turbidity of 1.97 to 3.90 NTU, salinity of 26.8 to 27.8 ppt; and temperature of 25.8-27.8°C

    Two Newly Recorded Species of the Lobster Family Scyllaridae(Thenus indicus and Scyllarides haanii) From South of Java, Indonesia

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    AbstractTwo species of slipper lobster, Thenus indicus Leach, 1815, and Scyllarides haanii De Haan, 1841, are reported for the 1st time from the coastal waters of South of Java, part of the Indian Ocean. A total of two specimens, one specimen of T. indicus from Palabuhanratu Bay and one specimen of S. haanii from Yogyakarta coastal waters, were collected in April and September 2015, respectively. Descriptions and illustrations of the morphological characteristics of the two species and their habitat are presented

    Comparison of Morphological Characters of Freshwater Crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) from Different Ecosystems in Indonesia

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    Freshwater crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) as an invasive species has high capability to adapt in most waters in Indonesia. The extant distribution of this species in Indonesia causes observation of morphological characters  is important to be established. This study purpose is to compare the morphological characters of Cherax quadricarinatus from several locations in Indonesia waters, such as the river in Bintan Island, Toba Lake, and Lido Lake. The total of morphological characters was measured in twenty-two characters. The result of the Kruskal-Wallis test represented nine different characters between Toba, Bintan, and Lido. Cluster analysis illustrated the highest level of similarities between Toba and Lido. The growth rate of the dactyls, and carapace width, and ocular carapace length between Toba and Lido were similar, meanwhile between Toba and Bintan were different. C. quadricarinatus originating from river waters in Bintan Island has a different morphological character from Lake Lido and Lake Toba. The differences in morphological characters between locations are caused by differences in habitat characteristics in rivers and lakes


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    Abstrak : Variasi bentuk dan pola pewarnaan tubuh ikan kerapu (Famili Serranidae) sangat variatif, sehingga pengenalan spesies secara morfologis sering tidak akurat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengautentikasi ikan kerapu dengan menggunakan marka gen COI. Contoh ikan kerapu yang diamati berjumlah 29 ekor yang dikumpulkan dari tiga tempat pendaratan ikan di Perairan Peukan Bada, Propinsi Aceh. Secara karakter morfologis, ikan kerapu tersebut teridentifikasi lebih dari 8 spesies. Untuk analisis DNA, sebanyak 30 mg daging sirip dari setiap ikan contoh diambil untuk dilakukan isolasi dan ekstraksi DNA, kemudian visualisasi elektroforesis dan fragmentasi DNA gen COI dengan metode PCR-sekuensing. Setelah diekstraksi, diperoleh 20 sampel DNA yang tervisualisasi dengan baik, yang dari jumlah tersebut terdapat 16 sampel dapat diamplifikasi. Hasilnya menunjukkan terdapat 6 spesies yang terautentikasi. Kelompok pertama adalah Variola albimarginata, Cephalopholis urodeta, dan C. sexmaculata dengan tingkat kemiripan ≥ 97%. Berikutnya C. boenak, Epinephelus merra, dan Scolopsis vosmeri tingkat kemiripannya ≤ 97%. Bila dibandingkan hasil autentikasi DNA, hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa 13 sampel atau > 80% tidak teridentifikasi dengan benar secara morfologis. Berdasarkan jarak genetik, pohon filogeni membentuk 2 clade antara Serranidae dan Nemipteridae. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan marka gen COI sangat efektif untuk autentikasi spesies yang dapat dijadikan sebagai instrumen dalam pemanfaatan dan pengelolaan ikan kerapu.Kata kunci : kerapu, variasi morfologi, gen MT-COI, autentikasi.Abstract : The groupers (family Serranidae) show high variability both in body shapes and coloration leads to highly morphological-based misidentification. The research was aimed in autenthication of the grouper species using MT-COI gene. A total of 29 grouper fishes were collected from three fish landing sites of Peukan Bada, Aceh Province. These fishes were morphologically identified from which more than 8 species were obtained. A 30 mg of the fin meat of each sample was taken for DNA extraction, isolation, electrophoresis visualization, and DNA fragmentation of COI gene using PCR-sequenching.  There were 20 DNA samples was clearly visualized of which 16 has been proceeded for amplification. The results showed that V. albimarginata, C. urodeta, and C. sexmaculata showed ≥ 97% similarity, whereas C. boenak, E. merra, dan S. vosmeri with ≤ 97% similarity. Based on phylogenetic tree analysis there was 2 clearly different clades separating family of Serranidae and Nemipteridae. The use of MT-COI gene was effective and accurate tool in species authentication which could be used as an instrument for utilization and management of the grouper species.Keywords : groupers, morphological variation, MT-COI gene, autenthication

    Truss Morphometric Approach for population kinship analysis of Cherax quadricarinatus (Von Martens, 1868) in West Java Waters

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    Freshwater crayfish (Cherax quadricarinatus) is originate from Australia and Papua New Guinea waters. Morphometric measurement is one of the technique for differentiating body shape from a population. This study aimed to analyze the population kinship of freshwater crayfish in West Java with truss morphometric approach. Several morphometric characters were conducted measurement with a total of 133 individuals including 20 individuals from Darma Dam, 38 individuals from Kemang Lake, and 75 individuals from Kemuning Lake. The result of cluster analysis was obtained that the population of Cherax quadricarinatus from Kemuning Lake had closer relation with Kemang Lake than with Darma Reservoir. The differences in morphometric characters were alleged to be caused by differences of environmental conditions in three populations. Discriminant analysis showed that C. quadricarinatus from Darma Reservoir, Kemang Lake, and Kemuning Lake appropriately classified as 100%, 63.2%, and 76% respectively. Meanwhile, there were four main characters that differentiated the population from the three locations (C4, B5, D6, and A6).Lobster air tawar spesies Cherax quadricarinatus berasal dari perairan Australia dan Papua Nugini. Pengukuran morfometrik merupakan salah satu teknik dalam membedakan bentuk tubuh dari suatu populasi. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menganalisis kekerabatan populasi pada lobster air tawar dari perairan Jawa Barat berdasarkan pendekatan truss morphometric. Beberapa karakter morfometrik dilakukan pengukuran dengan jumlah total sampel sebanyak 133 individu yang meliputi 20 individu dari Waduk Darma, 38 individu dari Situ Kemang, dan 75 individu dari Situ Kemuning. Hasil analisis kluster didapatkan bahwa populasi Cherax quadricarinatus yang berasal dari Situ Kemuning memiliki kekerabatan lebih dekat dengan Situ Kemang dibandingkan dengan Waduk Darma. Adanya perbedaan karakter morfometrik diduga terjadi karena perbedaan kondisi lingkungan pada ketiga populasi. Analisis diskriminan menunjukkan bahwa C. quadricarinatus yang beraal dari Waduk Darma, Situ Kemang, dan Situ Kemuning masing-masing terklasifikasi dengan tepat yaitu sebesar 100%, 63,2%, dan 76%. Sementara itu, terdapat 4 karakter utama yang dapat membedakan populasi dari semua lokasi (C4, B5, D6, dan A6)


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    The sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) is a protected marine biota in Indonesia. Molecular identification of sperm whales from the Sawu Sea (East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia) was carried out using the 16S rRNA gene. This study aims to validate the species of the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) in Indonesia using the partial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene. The specimens used were tissue specimens from laboratory collections taken from Sawu Sea waters in 2014. The three samples were validated as Physeter microcephalus with 100% similarity. The base composition is dominated by the base thymine (31.7–31.8%) with a GC content of 42.7–42.8%. The genetic distance for the same species was 0.0015, while the highest genetic distance for Orcaella brevirostris was 0.2128. Molecular identification using the 16S rRNA gene and COI has validated the species of a sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) in Indonesia so that this genetic data can be used as a basis for sperm whale resource management and conservation.Paus sperma (Physeter macrocephalus) merupakan salah satu biota laut yang dilindungi di Indonesia. Identifikasi molekuler paus sperma dari perairan Laut Sawu (Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia) telah dilakukan menggunakan gen 16S rRNA. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menvalidasi spesies paus sperma (Physeter macrocephalus) di Indonesia menggunakan gen cytochrome oxidasesubunit I (COI) parsial. Spesimen yang digunakan merupakan spesimen jaringan dari koleksi laboratorium yang diambil dari perairan Laut Sawu tahun 2014. Ketiga spesimen tervalidasi sebagai Physeter microcephalus dengan kemiripan sebesar 100%. Komposisi basa didominasi oleh basa timin (31,7-31,8%) dengan GC konten sebesar 42,7–42,8%. Jarak genetik pada spesies yang sama didapatkan nilai sebesar 0,0015, sedangkan jarak genetik tertinggi dengan spesies Orcaella brevirostris sebesar 0,2128. Identifikasi molekuler menggunakan gen 16S rRNA dan COI telah menvalidasi spesies paus sperma (Physeter macrocephalus) di Indonesia, sehingga data genetik ini dapat digunakan sebagai dasar pengelolaan dan konservasi sumberdaya paus sperma.&nbsp

    Analisis Orde Sungai Dan Distribusi Stadia Sebagai Dasar Penentuan Daerah Perlindungan Ikan Sidat (Anguilla spp.) Di DAS Cimandiri, Jawa Barat

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    Sungai merupakan habitat makhluk hidup dimana terjadi hubungan timbal balik antara makhluk hidup dengan lingkungannya. Sungai yang merupakan habitat ikan sidat (Anguilla spp.) harus tetap terjaga agar pertumbuhan dan perkembangan tidak terganggu serta keberadaannya tetap lestari. Ikan sidat pada stadia larva akan bermigrasi dari laut ke perairan sungai hingga hulu dan setelah dewasa akan kembali ke laut untuk memijah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis orde sungai dan mengkaji distribusi stadia ikan sebagai dasar penentuan daerah perlindungan ikan sidat (Anguilla spp.) di DAS Cimandiri, Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Desember 2014 dan April 2015 meliputi tracking sungai (pengamatan habitat sungai, pengamatan aktivitas penangkapan, dan wawancara), analisis orde sungai, dan penentuan distribusi tiap stadia ikan sidat. DAS Cimandiri memiliki panjang sebesar 69,5 km dengan komposisi sungai permanen (permanent) dan sungai periodik (intermittent) memiliki orde sungai dari 1 hingga 7. Terdapat 56 sungai permanen bagian DAS Cimandiri yang merupakan sungai dengan orde sungai 1. Sungai dengan orde sungai 1 merupakan bagian hulu yang kondisi habitat dan perairannya masih baik. Beberapa dari bagian sungai yang memiliki orde sungai 1 dapat ditetapkan sebagai daerah perlindungan ikan sidat (Anguilla spp.). Distribusi berdasarkan stadia menunjukkan bahwa ikan sidat memiliki komposisi stadia yang tercampur, tetapi glass eels terdistibusi hanya pada 5 km dari arah laut. Adanya perbedaan stadia dari setiap bagian sungai maka diperlukan pengelolaan yang berbeda pula pada masing-masing bagian sungai tersebut


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    Freshwater eel (Anguilla spp.) is a catadromus fish that migrates from freshwater into seawater for spawning and return to freshwater during larvae stage to grow. The objective of this study was to determine species composition of tropical freshwater eels based on morphology collected from several rivers flowing in to the Palabuhan Ratu Bay. Young, adult, and glass eels were caught in August 2014 until Desember 2014. Glass eels were only caught in Cimandiri River. Freshwater eels were classified by ano-dorsal length (AD) divided by total length (TL), cluster analysis, and discriminant analysis based on morphometric data. The results showed different AD/TL of young and adult, i.e., 1.93±0.51 for A. bicolor bicolor, and 16.99±0.65 for A. marmorata, and three different AD/TL of glass eels i.e.,1.72±1.05 for A. bicolor bicolor6.60±1.79 for A. nebulosa nebulosa, and 15.07±1.04 for A. marmorata. Cluster analysis showed three groups of population  characters of young and adult eels i.e.  A. bicolor bicolor (2 groups) and A. marmorata (1 group). Discriminant analysis showed three groups of glass eels population i.e., A. bicolor bicolor, A. nebulosa nebulosa, and A. marmorata. Morphological identification showed that young and adult eels in Cibareno  and Citepus rivers had two species i.e., A. bicolor bicolor and A. marmorata. Glass eels from Cimandiri river had three species i.e., A. bicolorbicolor, A. nebulosanebulosa, and A. marmorata. A. bicolor bicolor was found in each rivers and as a dominant species in Palabuhan Ratu Bay.Keywords: A. bicolor bicolor, A. marmorata, A. nebulosa nebulosa, species compositio


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    Abstract: The mole crab (Hippidae) is a filter feeder organism from crustacean that inhabits in sandy coastal areas. Due to its nature, this organism is able to accumulate heavy metals in a large amount. The concentration of heavy metals in this organism will increase in line with the polluting condition of its habitat. Heavy metals which exceed the standard in the organism body will be implicated to the human health who consumes the organism. The sandy crabs are found in large amount in Widara Payung coastline, Cilacap Regency. They are captured by the locals for meals. The heavy metal content such as Lead in the organism body never been investigated in this area previously. This research aimed to estimate the health risk of people who consume the sandy crabs in the area of Widara Payung, Cilacap Regency. This research was conducted on April to May 2018 and a location of sampling was determined purposively. Samples consisted of three types namely sandy crab body, sediment, and seawater. Each sample was preserved in an ice box and then transported to Aquatic Productivity and Environment Laboratory in Bogor Agricultural Univeristy for heavy metal analyzing. Results of this research exhibited that the average of Lead content in the water, sediment, and body of the sandy crab were 0.007 mg/l, 43.43 mg/kg, 0,97 mg/kg, respectively. The Lead content in the crab body the standard issued by the government of Indonesia through the BPOM, namely 0.20 mg/kg. Regular monitoring of Pb concentration in the mole crab and its habitat is suggested.  Keywords: consumption, Emerita emeritus, Hippidae, intertidal, pollution  Abstrak: Undur-undur laut (Hippopidae) adalah crustacea filter feeder yang hidup di daerah pantai intertidal berpasir. Karena sifatnya, organisme ini mampu mengakumulasi logam berat dalam jumlah besar. Konsentrasi logam berat dalam organisme ini akan meningkat sejalan dengan kondisi polusi habitatnya. Logam berat yang melebihi standar dalam tubuh organisme akan berimplikasi pada kesehatan manusia yang mengkonsumsi organisme tersebut. Undur-undur laut dapat ditemukan dalam jumlah besar di pesisir Widara Payung, Kabupaten Cilacap. Mereka ditangkap oleh penduduk setempat untuk dikonsumsi. Kandungan logam berat seperti Pb dalam tubuh undur-undur laut belum pernah diteliti di daerah ini sebelumnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan konsentrasi timbal (Pb) pada undur-undur laut dan implikasinya terhadap kesehatan manusia bila mengkonsumsinya di daerah Widara Payung, Kabupaten Cilacap. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan April sampai Mei 2018 dan lokasi pengambilan sampel ditentukan secara purposif. Sampel terdiri dari tiga jenis yaitu undur-undur laut, sedimen, dan air laut. Setiap sampel yang diambil disimpan dalam kotak pendingin dan kemudian dibawa ke Laboratorium Produktivitas dan Lingkungan Perairan di Institut Pertanian Bogor untuk analisis logam berat. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata kandungan Pb dalam air, sedimen, dan undur-undur laut masing-masing adalah 0,007 mg/l, 43,43 mg /kg, 0,97 mg/kg. Kandungan timbal dalam undur-undur laut telah melampaui standar yang telah dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah Indonesia melalui BPOM yaitu 0,20 mg/kg. Dengan nilai tersebut, konsumsi undur-undur laut memiliki resiko kesehatan pada manusia. Monitoring kandungan logam di lingkungan habitat dan pada undur-undur laut menjadi prioritas.  Kata kunci: Emerita emeritus, Hippidae, intertidal, konsumsi, pencemara