597 research outputs found

    Planning for a sustainable urban public transports. Water transport approach, a proposal for Beirut circulation

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    One of these problems lies in traffic congestion, wasting time and flabby infrastructure for the reality of public transport. Some of its problems in general and the reasons for this weakness were highlighted on the reality of transport, and my suggestion is it 1- The land route, the idea lies in reviving the tram line . The marine route is to take advantage of the sea by placing some water ferries to transport passengers from one side to another, meaning that we establish several stations on the coastal strip to avoid congestion and reduce cars and vehicles. The plan is for the city of Beirut to be divided into several regions, and in each region a tram line is laid. This is the reason why the tram that it does not take up extra space, and all vehicles can have the space allocated for the tram in the absence of it. The tram can reach the nearest coastal area so that people can take water ferries to move to the area they want to go to without having to use their cars or private vehicles, in this way de-congestioning the city center.Um desses problemas está no congestionamento do trânsito, perda de tempo e infraestrutura flácida para a realidade do transporte público. Alguns de seus problemas em geral e os motivos dessa fragilidade foram destacados na realidade do transporte, e minha sugestão é que 1- O percurso terrestre, a ideia passa por reviver a linha do eléctrico. A rota marítima é aproveitar o mar colocando algumas balsas aquáticas para transportar passageiros de um lado para o outro, o que significa que estabelecemos várias estações na faixa costeira para evitar congestionamentos e reduzir carros e veículos. O plano é que a cidade de Beirute seja dividida em várias regiões, e em cada região é instalada uma linha de bonde. Esta é a razão pela qual o bonde não ocupa espaço extra, e todos os veículos podem ter o espaço alocado para o bonde na ausência dele. O elétrico pode chegar à zona costeira mais próxima para que as pessoas possam apanhar os barcos aquáticos para se deslocarem para a zona que pretendem ir sem terem de usar os seus carros ou veículos particulares, descongestionando assim o centro da cidade.poluição sonora, visual e ambiental


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    FAHMI ALFIAN HAKI. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE BRAND EXTENSION WITH BRAND SEDAAP CUSTOMER LOYALTY ON STUDENT OF COMMERCE EDUCATION PROGRAM OF DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS AND ADMINISTRATION FACULTY OF ECONOMICS IN STATE UNIVERSITIY OF JAKARTA. Script, Jakarta: Commerce Education Program, Department of Economics and Administration, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta, in January 2016. This study was to gain knowledge about the "relationship between the brand extension with the brand sedaap customer loyalty on students of commerce education program of Economics and Administration Department, Faculty of Economics at the State University of Jakarta". The method used in this research is survey method with approach corretional. Population of this research is all student of commerce education program in 2012, 2013, 2014 generations at the Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta ever repeated use Sedaap brand products totaling 136 people. The sampling technique by using Simple Random Technique. This technique is used based on the consideration that each element or member of the population have an equal chance to be selected as a sample. This technique is used in the hope of a data representation of the population. Samples taken as many as 100 people by tables Isaac & Michael determination of the number of samples of a given population with a 5% error level. Brand Extension with Customer Loyalty resulted in a regression coefficient of 0.458 direction and produce a constant of 15.23. Thus, the relationship between the expansion of the Customer Loyalty Brand has a regression equation Y = 15.23 + 0,458X. Test requirements analysis that estimates the error normality test regression of Y on X with the test Liliefors produce Lcount = 0.080 whereas Ltable for n = 100 with a significance level of 0.05 = 0.089. Because Lcount Ftable = 3.96 indicates that the regression equation means. Then calculated the correlation coefficient r xy = 0.577, the next to do is test the significance of the correlation coefficient with the results of tcount = 7.00 > table = 1.68 which can be concluded between the X variable and Y variable are positive and significant. And then result of test determination coefficient obtained by 33.33% and the remaining 66.67% influenced by other factors, namely product quality, brand knowledge, and competition


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    FAHMI ALFIAN HAKI. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE BRAND EXTENSION WITH BRAND SEDAAP CUSTOMER LOYALTY ON STUDENT OF COMMERCE EDUCATION PROGRAM OF DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS AND ADMINISTRATION FACULTY OF ECONOMICS IN STATE UNIVERSITIY OF JAKARTA. Script, Jakarta: Commerce Education Program, Department of Economics and Administration, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta, in January 2016. This study was to gain knowledge about the "relationship between the brand extension with the brand sedaap customer loyalty on students of commerce education program of Economics and Administration Department, Faculty of Economics at the State University of Jakarta". The method used in this research is survey method with approach corretional. Population of this research is all student of commerce education program in 2012, 2013, 2014 generations at the Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta ever repeated use Sedaap brand products totaling 136 people. The sampling technique by using Simple Random Technique. This technique is used based on the consideration that each element or member of the population have an equal chance to be selected as a sample. This technique is used in the hope of a data representation of the population. Samples taken as many as 100 people by tables Isaac & Michael determination of the number of samples of a given population with a 5% error level. Brand Extension with Customer Loyalty resulted in a regression coefficient of 0.458 direction and produce a constant of 15.23. Thus, the relationship between the expansion of the Customer Loyalty Brand has a regression equation Y = 15.23 + 0,458X. Test requirements analysis that estimates the error normality test regression of Y on X with the test Liliefors produce Lcount = 0.080 whereas Ltable for n = 100 with a significance level of 0.05 = 0.089. Because Lcount Ftable = 3.96 indicates that the regression equation means. Then calculated the correlation coefficient r xy = 0.577, the next to do is test the significance of the correlation coefficient with the results of tcount = 7.00 > table = 1.68 which can be concluded between the X variable and Y variable are positive and significant. And then result of test determination coefficient obtained by 33.33% and the remaining 66.67% influenced by other factors, namely product quality, brand knowledge, and competition

    The Socio-Politics of Black Exile: From 1776 to 1976

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    Internal organization and performances of saving and loan associations: Evidence from rural Tanzania

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    Subsistence farmers in rural areas of developing countries are usually outside the current reach of banks and formal microfinance institutions. They do not have access to savings accounts, insurance products, and agricultural credit facilities, limiting those farmers’ investment in agriculture. Being at the outreach of those institutions, those farmers established, so-called savings and loan associations, self-managed groups of 20-30 individuals meeting regularly to provide its members a safe place to save and obtain emergency aid and small loans. When efficiently organized, those associations may provide a secure platform to save and access loans to invest in climate-smart agriculture and mitigate income shocks. The objective of this study is to identify the role of the associations in financing agriculture, major bottlenecks and organizational characteristics that might explain their financial performances. We use survey data from 48 savings and loan associations in rural Tanzania with members trained for adopting climate-smart agricultural practices. We identify that 45% of the loans of associations are distributed for agricultural investment purposes and the major bottleneck is to low savings and participation rates, and late repayment or defaults of loans. We find that the size of associations and record-keeping matters. The average amount of loan received per member approximately doubled for associations with twice as many members, and default rates decrease with the accurate financial recording practices. Our findings suggest that savings and loan associations could strengthen the financial resilience of its members by empowering their members through financial record keeping training. At the same time, they can add new members to the associations

    Kosovo's Legislation and Other Mechanisms on Counterterrorism

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    In this paper, we discuss terrorism as an adversity to global security, with special emphasis on Kosovo. The presented data shows that today, terrorism poses a risk to more than half of the world’s population. Although a small country, Kosovo, has not been left out of this negative societal phenomenon. More specifi cally, according to international reports, the threat and danger to Kosovo from Islamic extremism has increased; it is supported and partially funded by foreign organisations that propagate extremist ideology and violent extremist groups which use social networks in a very active way to propagate and recruit their followers. The data in this paper confirms that more than 400 Kosovar men, women, and children have travelled to areas of armed conflict in Syria and Iraq, having been recruited to fight for violent extremist groups. Therefore, the clear policies of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo addressed here suggest the government is aware of the seriousness of this threat which it is determined to prevent and combat this phenomenon by taking concrete steps in areas such as: legislative measures; mechanisms and planning for the prevention of and combat against terrorism as well as being proactive in the fight against terrorism

    The Mechanics of Enterprise Architecture Principles

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    Inspired by the city planning metaphor, enterprise architecture (EA) has gained considerable attention from academia and industry for systematically planning an IT landscape. Since EA is a relatively young discipline, a great deal of its work focuses on architecture representations (descriptive EA) that conceptualize the different architecture layers, their components, and relationships. Beside architecture representations, EA should comprise principles that guide architecture design and evolution toward predefined value and outcomes (prescriptive EA). However, research on EA principles is still very limited. Notwithstanding the increasing consensus regarding EA principles’ role and definition, the limited publications neither discuss what can be considered suitable principles, nor explain how they can be turned into effective means to achieve expected EA outcomes. This study seeks to strengthen EA’s extant theoretical core by investigating EA principles through a mixed methods research design comprising a literature review, an expert study, and three case studies. The first contribution of this study is that it sheds light on the ambiguous interpretation of EA principles in extant research by ontologically distinguishing between principles and nonprinciples, as well as deriving a set of suitable EA (meta-)principles. The second contribution connects the nascent academic discourse on EA principles to studies on EA value and outcomes. This study conceptualizes the “mechanics” of EA principles as a value-creation process, where EA principles shape the architecture design and guide its evolution and thereby realize EA outcomes. Consequently, this study brings EA’s underserved, prescriptive aspect to the fore and helps enrich its theoretical foundations


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    The object of research is PT PMTextile which is engaged in the textile industry. The company's SOP is irrelevant to the company's current practices and is not yet in accordance with tax regulations. This research aims to analyze and redesign the SOP of the income tax reporting system article 23 and 21. The problems are there is no SOP correction of periodic income tax return, there is no authorization, the documents are still less relevant, references to SOP regulations and policies are not appropriate. Lastly, there is no independent checking, the signing of tax returns and SOP of income tax reporting article 23 has not used e-bupot. This research aims to analyze and redesign the SOP to improve internal control. This research uses a type of qualitative descriptive research. The result is to adjust the company's SOP to the company's condition and redesign it, add checking and authorization activities, changes in document flow, adjustment of references to regulations and policies SOP in accordance with tax regulations, and the proposed SOP correction of periodic income tax return article 23 and 21. PT PMTextile is expected to conducts a routine evaluation of its SOP and update tax regulations

    Inference for Two-Stage Extremum Estimators

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    We present a simulation-based approach to approximate the asymptotic variance and asymptotic distribution function of two-stage estimators. We focus on extremum estimators in the second stage and consider a large class of estimators in the first stage. This class includes extremum estimators, high-dimensional estimators, and other types of estimators (e.g., Bayesian estimators). We accommodate scenarios where the asymptotic distributions of both the first- and second-stage estimators are non-normal. We also allow for the second-stage estimator to exhibit a significant bias due to the first-stage sampling error. We introduce a debiased plug-in estimator and establish its limiting distribution. Our method is readily implementable with complex models. Unlike resampling methods, we eliminate the need for multiple computations of the plug-in estimator. Monte Carlo simulations confirm the effectiveness of our approach in finite samples. We present an empirical application with peer effects on adolescent fast-food consumption habits, where we employ the proposed method to address the issue of biased instrumental variable estimates resulting from the presence of many weak instruments