1,731 research outputs found

    Luminary 1B DAP preflight performance evaluation

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    Preflight analysis of LUMINARY 1B DAP simulation and performance testing for Apollo Mission H

    Verification test results of Apollo stabilization and control systems during undocked operations

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    The results are presented of analysis and simulation testing of both the Skylark 1 reaction control system digital autopilot (RCS DAP) and the thrust vector control (TVC) autopilot for use during the undocked portions of the Apollo/Soyuz Test Project Mission. The RCS DAP testing was performed using the Skylab Functional Simulator (SLFS), a digital computer program capable of simulating the Apollo and Skylab autopilots along with vehicle dynamics including bending and sloshing. The model is used to simulate three-axis automatic maneuvers along with pilot controlled manual maneuvers using the RCS DAP. The TVC autopilot was tested in two parts. A classical stability analysis was performed on the vehicle considering the effects of structural bending and sloshing when under control of the TVC autopilot. The time response of the TVC autopilot was tested using the SLFS. Results indicate that adequate performance stability margins can be expected for the CSM/DM configuration when under the control of the Apollo control systems tested

    Single-atom laser generates nonlinear coherent states

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    The stationary state of a single-atom (single-qubit) laser is shown to be a phase-averaged nonlinear coherent state - an eigenstate of a specific deformed annihilation operator. The solution found for the stationary state is unique and valid for all regimes of the single-qubit laser operation. We have found the parametrization of the deformed annihilation operator which provides superconvergence in finding the stationary state by iteration. It is also shown that, contrary to the case of the usual laser with constant Einstein coefficients describing transition probabilities, for the single-atom laser the interaction-induced transition probabilities effectively depend on the field intensity

    Prospects for a mHz-linewidth laser

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    We propose a new light source based on having alkaline-earth atoms in an optical lattice collectively emit photons on an ultra-narrow clock transition into the mode of a high Q-resonator. The resultant optical radiation has an extremely narrow linewidth in the mHz range, even smaller than that of the clock transition itself due to collective effects. A power level of order 1012W10^{-12}W is possible, sufficient for phase-locking a slave optical local oscillator. Realizing this light source has the potential to improve the stability of the best clocks by two orders of magnitude.Comment: minor revisions + shortening; factor 2 algebra mistake correcte

    Energy and entropy of relativistic diffusing particles

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    We discuss energy-momentum tensor and the second law of thermodynamics for a system of relativistic diffusing particles. We calculate the energy and entropy flow in this system. We obtain an exact time dependence of energy, entropy and free energy of a beam of photons in a reservoir of a fixed temperature.Comment: 14 pages,some formulas correcte

    A Study on the Noise Threshold of Fault-tolerant Quantum Error Correction

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    Quantum circuits implementing fault-tolerant quantum error correction (QEC) for the three qubit bit-flip code and five-qubit code are studied. To describe the effect of noise, we apply a model based on a generalized effective Hamiltonian where the system-environment interactions are taken into account by including stochastic fluctuating terms in the system Hamiltonian. This noise model enables us to investigate the effect of noise in quantum circuits under realistic device conditions and avoid strong assumptions such as maximal parallelism and weak storage errors. Noise thresholds of the QEC codes are calculated. In addition, the effects of imprecision in projective measurements, collective bath, fault-tolerant repetition protocols, and level of parallelism in circuit constructions on the threshold values are also studied with emphasis on determining the optimal design for the fault-tolerant QEC circuit. These results provide insights into the fault-tolerant QEC process as well as useful information for designing the optimal fault-tolerant QEC circuit for particular physical implementation of quantum computer.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures; to be submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Lyapunov Potential Description for Laser Dynamics

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    We describe the dynamical behavior of both class A and class B lasers in terms of a Lyapunov potential. For class A lasers we use the potential to analyze both deterministic and stochastic dynamics. In the stochastic case it is found that the phase of the electric field drifts with time in the steady state. For class B lasers, the potential obtained is valid in the absence of noise. In this case, a general expression relating the period of the relaxation oscillations to the potential is found. We have included in this expression the terms corresponding to the gain saturation and the mean value of the spontaneously emitted power, which were not considered previously. The validity of this expression is also discussed and a semi-empirical relation giving the period of the relaxation oscillations far from the stationary state is proposed and checked against numerical simulations.Comment: 13 pages (including 7 figures) LaTeX file. To appear in Phys Rev.A (June 1999

    Estimation of drift and diffusion functions from time series data: A maximum likelihood framework

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    Complex systems are characterized by a huge number of degrees of freedom often interacting in a non-linear manner. In many cases macroscopic states, however, can be characterized by a small number of order parameters that obey stochastic dynamics in time. Recently techniques for the estimation of the corresponding stochastic differential equations from measured data have been introduced. This contribution develops a framework for the estimation of the functions and their respective (Bayesian posterior) confidence regions based on likelihood estimators. In succession approximations are introduced that significantly improve the efficiency of the estimation procedure. While being consistent with standard approaches to the problem this contribution solves important problems concerning the applicability and the accuracy of estimated parameters.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    An Iterative Procedure for the Estimation of Drift and Diffusion Coefficients of Langevin Processes

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    A general method is proposed which allows one to estimate drift and diffusion coefficients of a stochastic process governed by a Langevin equation. It extends a previously devised approach [R. Friedrich et al., Physics Letters A 271, 217 (2000)], which requires sufficiently high sampling rates. The analysis is based on an iterative procedure minimizing the Kullback-Leibler distance between measured and estimated two time joint probability distributions of the process.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Coexistence of single-mode and multi-longitudinal mode emission in the ring laser model

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    A homogeneously broadened unidirectonal ring laser can emit in several longitudinal modes for large enough pump and cavity length because of Rabi splitting induced gain. This is the so called Risken-Nummedal-Graham-Haken (RNGH) instability. We investigate numerically the properties of the multi-mode solution. We show that this solution can coexist with the single-mode one, and its stability domain can extend to pump values smaller than the critical pump of the RNGH instability. Morevoer, we show that the multi-mode solution for large pump values is affected by two different instabilities: a pitchfork bifurcation, which preserves phase-locking, and a Hopf bifurcation, which destroys it.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure