207 research outputs found

    Breastfeeding Practices of Health Professionals and Care Workers in Turkey

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    Breastfeeding has a significant positive impact on the health of infants and is the best nutrition source. Health professionals/care workers play a considerable role in the promotion of breast-feeding. The knowledge and attitude level of health professionals/care workers and its influence on their own breastfeeding behaviour was investigated. Two hundred sixty three of 345 health care workers (response rate=76.2%) working in Children and Birth Hospitals and primary health care centres in a rural city (Isparta) in south Turkey participated in this study. A questionnaire was administered. Descriptive statistics and x2 test have been used (alpha=0.05) to analyse the data. Seventy four (41.1%) of the respondents with children (n=180) exclusively nursed their children for less than 4 months; 62 (34.4%) nursed beyond 6 months. Physicians with children (n=14, 53.8%) were used to exclusively breastfeed less than 4 months (x2 (4)=9.76, p= 0.045). This study showed a difference between health professionals/care workers attitudes and knowledge level and their or their spouses breastfeeding behaviour. The reason why knowledge level of health professionals did not translate into their own or their spouses’ breastfeeding practices needs to be evaluated in further studies

    Türkiye’deki işletme lisans programlarında yaratıcı düşünme ve inovasyon eğitiminin incelenmesi

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    xxii, 239 sayfatablo, şekil : 29 cm. 1 CDÖZETBu araştırmanın amacıTürkiye’de İşletme Bölümleri lisans öğretimprogramlarında ve üniversitelerin beş yıllık stratejik planlama belgelerinde, yaratıcıdüşünme ve inovasyon kavramlarını analiz etmekyükseköğretimde İşletmeBölümleri akademisyenlerinin düşüncelerini belirlemek, bulgular doğrultusundaTürkiye’de işletme lisans öğretim programlarında yaratıcı düşünme becerisi veinovasyon eğitiminin durumunu ortaya koymaktır. Araştırmaişletme lisansprogramlarını program geliştirme çalışmalarına, yükseköğretimde stratejik planlamaaraştırmalarına veri sağlaması açısından önemlidir. Araştırma betimsel biraraştırmadır. Araştırma, var olanı ayrıntılı bir şekilde betimlemeyi hedeflediğinden,araştırma türü olarak nitel bir araştırmadır. Araştırma üniversitelerin eğitiminin varolan durumuna özgü bulgular ve ilgili akademisyenlerin bu bağlamda görüşleriniiçerdiğinden, tek katmanlı çoklu durum çalışması olarak desenlenmiştir.ABSTRACTThe aim of this study is to analyze the concepts of creative thinking andinnovation in the Business Administration Undergraduate Programs and in the fiveyear strategic planning documents, determine the thoughts of academicians inBusiness Administration in higher education and reveal of the creative thinking andinnovation education according to the findings in the Business AdministrationUndergraduate Programs in Turkey. Research is important in terms of providing datato curriculum evaluation and development studies and strategic planning researchesin the Business Administration Undergraduate Programs. This is a descriptiveresearch. This study is a qualitative research as it aims to describe the existing indetail. The study is designed as a single-layered multi-case study because of thefindings specific to the state of the education of universities and the opinions of therelevant academicians in this context

    Mathematical Justification Studies in Mathematics Education: An Evaluation of Studies between 2007 and 2016

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    In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the mathematical justification studies in mathematics education between 2007 and 2016. In the study, 31 theses and articles about mathematical justification in mathematics education were analyzed by means of determined databases. In the literature review, the studies were classified according to the method, the study group, the mathematics subject, and the time frame of ten years. As a result of study, mathematical justification studies in mathematics education were carried out mostly in 2009, 2010 and 2016. As a study group, examined studies are composed mostly of students. As a method, qualitative method was used mostly. The tasks related to justification at three different levels of education were included. According to primary, middle and high school levels, the most common areas of learning for which mathematical justification tasks take place are numbers and operations, algebra and numbers and algebra, respectively

    Help-seeking interval in erectile dysfunction analysis of attitudes, beliefs, and factors affecting treatment-seeking interval in turkish men with previously untreated erectile dysfunction

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    In this study, we report data on attitudes, beliefs, and factors affecting the help-seeking interval among Turkish men with erectile dysfunction to determine whether they are different from those previously published in the literature. Out of 279 Turkish men complaining of erectile dysfunction attending our clinic between December 2006 and March 2008 without the need for referral, 202 were interviewed from a standardized questionnaire covering demographic details, relationships, help-seeking intervals, and attitudes and beliefs. Eleven patients interrupted the questionnaire and only 191 individuals who had never sought medical help for their erectile dysfunction completed the study. The mean age of the study population was 50.1 (20-80) years. Overall, 93.7% of participants had engaged in sexual intercourse during the year preceding the interview. The mean help-seeking interval and the mean estimated time elapsed since last satisfactory sexual intercourse were 24.5 (1-360) and 10.5 (1-180) months, respectively. Patients with low household income and education level had a relatively longer help-seeking interval than the remaining sample. No statistical correlation was seen between treatment-seeking interval and patient age, duration of marriage or continued relationship, and presence of premature ejaculation. Main reasons for delayed consultation included embarrassment (n = 63, 33%) and thinking of erectile dysfunction as a natural process of aging (n = 51, 26.7%). To enable earlier diagnosis and management of erectile dysfunction, emphasis should be put into the provision of affordable health care and wide public education about erectile dysfunction as an entity requiring prompt medical consultation

    Energy and cost efficient window selection model for residential buildings in different climatic regions of Turkey

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    Bu çalışmada, Türkiye’de ılımlı-nemli, ılımlı-kuru ve sıcak-nemli iklim bölgelerindeki konut binaları için enerji etkin ve uygun maliyetli pencere sistemlerinin seçimine yardımcı olacak dinamik bir modelin alt yapısı anlatılmakta ve modelin işleyişine ilişkin değerlendirmeler sunulmaktadır. Modelin ana amacı, konut binalarının kullanıcıları, tasarımcıları ve yüklenicilerinin pencere ürünlerinin enerji ve maliyet performans değerlendirmeleri ışığında uygun pencere seçimi yapmalarını sağlamaktır. Bu amaca yönelik olarak konut binaları ile ilgili kullanıcı gereksinmeleri, sınırlamalar ve yönetmeliklere göre farklı konut binaları tasarlanarak Türkiye’deki konut binalarını temsil eden bir konut tipolojisi oluşturulmuştur. Konut binalarında pencerenin enerji ve maliyet performansını etkileyen parametreler, iklimsel özellikler, pencere alanı, yön, güneş kontrol araçları, farklı özelliklere sahip çift cam üniteleri ve bina tipleri olarak belirlenmiştir. Öngörülen parametrelerin kombinasyonu ile oluşturulan seçeneklerin yıllık ısıtma ve soğutma enerjileri ile yaşam dönemi maliyetleri hesaplanmıştır. Çalışmada değerlendirilen binalar, parametreler, pencere özelliklerine ilişkin veriler ile parametrik çalışma sonucunda belirlenen yıllık ısıtma ve soğutma enerji tüketimleri ile maliyet sonuçları bir veritabanına kaydedilmiş ve sorgular yardımıyla birbirleriyle ilişkilendirilmiştir. Geliştirilen bir ara yüz yardımıyla kullanıcılar veritabanından kendi binalarına ilişkin dış çevre ve yapma çevre verilerini tanımlayabilmektedir. Sonuç olarak, pencere seçim modeli (HiPerWin) yardımıyla belirli bir duruma ilişkin iklimsel özellikler, konut birimi, saydamlık oranı, güneş kontrol aracı gibi özellikler tanımlanabilmekte; söz konusu durum için geçerli pencere seçeneklerinin enerji etkinliği ve yaşam dönemi maliyetleri karşılaştırılarak, maliyeti en düşük ve enerji etkinliği en yüksek olan pencereler belirlenmektedir.  Anahtar Kelimeler: Konut binaları, pencere sistemleri, ısıtma/soğutma enerjisi kullanımı, maliyet etkinlik, parametrik çalışma, ilişkisel veritabanı.Windows are the most complex and interesting elements in residential design and owners are often confused about how to decide the most efficient window for their residence since there are many complex issues that are difficult to balance. Understanding the energy and associated cost implications of different window systems will help the users, owners or contractors to make the best decision for their particular case, whether it is a new building or a window replacement. However up-to-date, reliable and accurate, time and cost data can be provided from various sources such as manufacturers, contractors, and research institutions, time and cost data regarding the residential window systems are not well-organised in Turkey. A research project was completed to develop a dynamic model to select energy and cost efficient windows for residential buildings, namely "Energy and cost efficient window selection model for residential buildings in different climatic regions of Turkey - HiPerWin". The challenge was to attain a basic source which supports the user to provide the energy and cost data required for the decision making in the selection of the residential window systems. The ultimate objective of the research project was to develop a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) which incorporated the whole data and processed data into information regarding the window systems and helped the comparison of the alternatives. Hence query parameters were presented for helping the users to define the built environment and housing unit characteristics of their own case to find out the appropriate window alternatives by comparing the total annual heating/cooling energy consumption and associated capital and ownership costs. In the context of the research project, the alternatives of the Insulated Glazing Units (IGU) with different optical and physical properties were generated. The performance values which demonstrate the insulation and solar control capabilities of the IGU's were calculated by using Window5 software. In accordance with having many parameters such as climate, building type, orientation, window area, shading devices and window components, a comprehensive parametric study was conducted for providing the energy use and associated cost data of each case by using a powerful whole building simulation tool EnergyPlus. The analysis was performed for the biggest cities; Ankara, Istanbul and Izmir having the highest degree of mass housing potential and representing temperate-arid, temperate-humid and hot-humid climates, respectively. Standard representations of buildings (i.e. building model) required for simulations, involving geometrical and semantic properties were stored in the HiPerWin data base and with the help of the query parameters which were associated with the entire data of the building model a particular case can be defined. The present value of future cost of window systems was calculated by using the factors and indices, both operational energy costs calculated from the energy simulations and the capital and operating unit costs of window systems. The capital unit cost includes purchase, installation and finance costs, while operating unit cost includes ownership, maintenance and energy consumption costs and salvage value if applicable. Lastly, window selection model which uses the building model, the energy data provided by the simulation results and the cost information calculated using the energy and related data was developed. The RDBMS and query parameters allow users to define their particular cases and compare the energy and cost performances of appropriate window systems in consideration. The HiPerWin model provides the user to select the most energy and cost efficient window system for their own case by considering the issues which have influence on the residential window performance. The results of the research project is critically important for the purposes of satisfying the requirement of comparative information pertaining to heating/cooling and total energy consumption and particularly present value cost data of window systems in Turkey. Making the energy and cost efficient window system selection prevalent will contribute to the national economy by enabling the usage of the limited resources which supports the sustainable design on country base. Keywords: Residential buildings, window systems, heating/cooling energy use, cost efficiency, parametric study, relational database


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    Amaç: Hemi-Santral Retinal Ven Tıkanıklığı (HSRVT) tanısıyla izlenen olguların uzun dönem takiplerinde görme sonuçlarını ve komplikasyonları değerlendirmek. Yöntemler: Ocak 1992-Ocak 2001 tarihleri arasında optik koherens tomografi öncesi döneme ait HSRVT tanısı konulan, 2 yıl ve üzeri düzenli takibi olan 25 hastanın 25 gözü retrospektif dosyaları taranarak incelendi. Dosya incelemelerinde hastaların yaşı, cinsiyeti, sistemik risk faktörleri, hangi gözün etkilendiği, tam oftalmolojik muayeneleri ve gelişen komplikasyonlar kaydedildi. İlk başvuda çekilen Fundus Fluoresein Anjiografi (FA) sonuçları incelendi. Hastalar FA bulgularına (noniskemik veya iskemik form) ve üst ya da alt retinal yarı etkilenmesine göre sınıflandırıldı. Bulgular: Hastaların ortalama yaşı 67,0 ± 11,0 yıl (41-90 yıl) ve ortalama takip süresi 6,4 ± 5,5 yıl (2-19 yıl) idi. Olguların 17'sinde (%68) sistemik bir hastalık mevcut olup, en büyük çoğunluğu hipertansiyon hastaları (%48) oluşturmaktaydı. Gözlerin 13'ünde (%52) alt hemisferik kadran ve 12'sinde (%48) üst hemisferik kadranda etkilenme olduğu saptandı. Hastalarımızın tanı esnasında görme keskinliği tüm gözlerde ortalama 1,08 ± 0,4 logMAR iken, son muayenede ortalama 0,89 ± 0,5 logMAR olarak saptandı (p>0,05). FA bulgularına göre tanı esnasında 10 gözde iskemi ve takiplerde noniskemik olguların 3'ünde iskemik forma dönüşüm tespit edildi. On disk alanından daha geniş iskemik alanlara retinal laser fotokoagülasyon uygulandı. HSRVT'ye bağlı 12 gözde makula ödemi, 3 gözde intravitreal hemoraji, 3 gözde epiretinal membran formasyonu, 3 gözde neovasküler glokom, 2 gözde optik atrofi ve 1 gözde yırtıklı retina dekolmanı geliştiği gözlendi. Perfüze makula ödemi tedavisinde grid laser fotokoagülasyon uygulandı. Sonuç: Hastaların uzun dönem takipte görme prognozu, başlangıç görme keskinliği ve komplikasyon gelişimi ile ilişkili bulundu. Hastaların uzun dönem takiplerinde rölatif görme artışı sağlansa bile, bu artış istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bulunmadı Objective: To assess the visual outcomes and the complications in patients with Hemicentral Retinal Vein Occlusion (HCRVO) in the long-term. Methods: The medical records of 25 eyes of 25 patients, having regular follow-up for ≥2 years, diagnosed as HCRVO before Optical Cohorence Tomography (OCT) era between January 1992 and January 2001 were reviewed. During the survey, gender,age, affected side, complete ophthalmologic evaluations, systemic risk factors and complications were recorded. The images of Fundus Fluorescein Angiography (FA) at baseline were evaluated. The patients were classified according to the findings of the FA (non-ischemic or ischemic form) and the involvement of superior or inferior halves of the retina. Results: The mean age of the patients was 67.0 ± 11.0 years (range, 41-90 years) and the mean duration of follow-up was 6.4 ± 5.5 years (range, 2-19 years). Seventeen patients (68%) had a systemic disease and most of them were of hypertensive cases (48%). In 13 of the eyes (52%) inferior hemispheric quadrant and in 12 eyes (48%) superior hemispheric quadrant was found to be affected. The visual acuity at baseline was 1.08 ± 0.4 logMAR and it was 0.89 ± 0.5 logMAR at last visit (p>0.05). According to the findings of FA, ischemic form was detected in 10 eyes at the time of diagnosis, and conversion to ischemic form occured in 3 cases during the follow-up. Laser photocoagulation was performed on ischemic lesions that were more than 10 disc areas. The complications due to HCRVO were as follows; macular edema in 12 eyes, intravitreal hemorrhage in 3 eyes, epiretinal membrane formation in 3 eyes, neovascular glaucoma in 3 eyes, optic atrophy in 2 eyes and regmatogenous retinal detachment in 1 eye. Macular grid laser for perfused macular edema was performed. Conclusion: The visual prognosis of the patients in the long-run was found to be associated with the presenting visual acuity and the development of a complication. Even a relative increase in the visual acuity after the follow-up was achieved, the increase was not statistically significan

    Analysis for main toolkits of urban regeneration focused on earthquake: Case of IETT Blocks

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    İstanbul’un son 20 yıl içinde hızlı bir dönüşüm yaşamış olması, bu süreç içinde İstanbul’un gayrimenkul ve rant odaklı büyüme içerisinde olması, yapı stoğunun yaklaşık %60’ının depreme karşı mukavemet gösterecek sağlamlıkta olmaması gibi nedenler ile İstanbul için, kentsel dönüşüm kavramının yoğun olarak tartışılması kaçınılmaz olmuştur. Bununla birlikte İstanbul’da halen kentsel dönüşüm ve depreme hazırlık politikalarının üretilmesinde önemli eksiklikler bulunmaktadır. Bu tespitleri dikkate alarak, yeni dönemin gündemini doğru belirlememiz gerekmektedir. Özellikle deprem beklentisi ve yapı stoğunun yeterli sağlamlıkta olmadığı gerçeği, afet odaklı kentsel dönüşüm planlamasındaki ön koşulların neler olması gerektiğini sorgulamayı zorunlu kılmaktadır. İstanbul’da son yıllarda gerçekleştirilen kentsel dönüşüm çalışmaları, yerel yönetimlerin bireysel çabaları ile uygulanan tekil projelerden ibaret iken, depreme hazırlık çalışmalarının kentsel planlama ile ilişkilendirilme çabaları sınırlı kalmıştır. Bu süreç içinde ‘Kentsel dönüşüm ne olmalıdır? Neleri kapsamalıdır? İstanbul’a özgü koşullar ve stratejiler nelerdir?’ gibi sorulara cevap aranmış ve birtakım kavramsal kargaşa da yaşanmıştır. Bu karmaşa, ancak süreç içinde uygulamalı örneklerle ortadan kalkacaktır. Bu yönde atılan tüm adımlar değerlidir ve ülkesel politikalara ışık tutmalı, öncü olmalıdır. Bu makalenin amacı, deprem odaklı kentsel dönüşüm etki projelerinin araçlarının ve uygulanabilirliğinin değerlendirilmesi ve ileriye dönük kanıta dayalı kentsel dönüşüm politikalarının oluşturulmasıdır. Makalede, deprem odaklı kentsel dönüşüm etki projelerinin anahtar bileşenleri incelenmektedir. Deprem odaklı kentsel dönüşüm etki projesinin uygulanabilirliği örnek alan üzerinde SWOT analizi yöntemi ile sınanmaktadır. Makale, depreme odaklı çözüm ve etki yaratacak kentsel dönüşüm politikalarının önemini vurgulamakta ve kentsel dönüşüm tartışmalarına pilot alan sınaması ile kanıt sunmaktadır. Anahtar Kelimeler: Ateşleyici proje, deprem, İstanbul, dönüşüm, finansal fizibilite.It has been inevitable to discuss the concept of urban transformation intensively for Istanbul due to some reasons like having experienced the rapid transformation for the last 20 years, being in real estate and annuity based growth in this process, approximately % 60 of building stock not being strong and sound enough to resist earthquake. 1999 Marmara earthquake experience has introduced the necessity to plan earthquake preparation studies in Turkey within an integrated system. Designation of a provisional settlement area, associate the reserved places with the urban plans, provision of equipment in neighborhood unit at provisional housing areas and inter-association of the design of prefabricated housing units that form the neighborhood unit and the performance of earthquake preparation studies within this process must be adopted as a new approach. The results of 1999 Marmara earthquake has entailed the formation of "planning, design and management" systematic of earthquake preparation studies in Turkey. While the sensitivity of Turkey and Marmara to earthquake preparation studies increases, another issue of cooperation is reinforcement and the determination of areas that will start "urban regeneration acceleration" rapidly in areas where reinforcement is not sufficient, and the use of urban transformation as a tool in damage reduction studies. However, there are still important deficiencies for the urban regeneration and the production of preparation policies for earthquake. It is necessary to establish sustainable and well qualified urban living spaces for the public prepared for disaster. In other words, on one hand, disaster preparation activities have to be performed quickly and integrated with urban planning on the other hand, approaches on urban regeneration models have to be developed and application  /implementation areas for these models have to be determined. By considering these findings, we have to determine the agenda of the new period in a right way. Especially, the earthquake expectation and the fact that building stock is not sound and strong enough necessitate the questioning of what prerequisites have to be in disaster focused urban regeneration planning. While urban regeneration activities, which have been realized in Istanbul recently is made up of singular projects implemented by the efforts of the local authorities, the efforts to associate preparation activities for the earthquake with urban planning has been limited. In this process, the efforts were made to find answers for the questions like what should urban regeneration be? What should it cover? What are the conditions and strategies special for Istanbul? and several conceptual confusions were experienced. This confusion or chaos will be removed with practical examples in the process. The steps taken to this effect is valuable and should light the way for national policies, they should be pioneer in this way. The aim of this article is to evaluate the toolkits for flagship regeneration projects based on earthquake and their applicability and to build up evidence based urban regeneration policies for future. In the article, after literature investigation on flagship urban regeneration projects, toolkits for flagship urban regeneration projects based on earthquake are examined. By testing the applicability of the toolkits for flagship urban transformation projects based on earthquake on case area with SWOT analysis method, important urban regeneration policies are developed for Istanbul. The article emphasizes the importance of urban regeneration policies which will create flagship development based on earthquake and submits the proof for urban regeneration by pilot area test. In the 2nd section following the introduction section of the article, it is emphasized the main components of an earthquake based urban regeneration project. In the third section, selection of case / sample area and its importance is stated in the context of methodology of the study. In the fourth section of the article, in the framework of key components of an earthquake based regeneration project, the applicability of earthquake based regeneration model is questioned / interrogated on the area taken as a case / sample in Istanbul and the components of regeneration project are evaluated. In Conclusion section, pilot project proofs based strategies and policies are developed in earthquake based regeneration model. Keywords: Flagship, regeneration, Istanbul, disaster mitigation, financial feasibility