151 research outputs found

    Malware detection based on graph attention networks for intelligent transportation systems

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    Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) aim to make transportation smarter, safer, reliable, and environmentally friendly without detrimentally affecting the service quality. ITS can face security issues due to their complex, dynamic, and non-linear properties. One of the most critical security problems is attacks that damage the infrastructure of the entire ITS. Attackers can inject malware code that triggers dangerous actions such as information theft and unwanted system moves. The main objective of this study is to improve the performance of malware detection models using Graph Attention Networks. To detect malware attacks addressing ITS, a Graph Attention Network (GAN)-based framework is proposed in this study. The inputs to this framework are the Application Programming Interface (API)-call graphs obtained from malware and benign Android apk files. During the graph creation, network metrics and the Node2Vec model are utilized to generate the node features. A GAN-based model is combined with different types of node features during the experiments and the performance is compared against Graph Convolutional Network (GCN). Experimental results demonstrated that the integration of the GAN and Node2Vec models provides the best performance in terms of F-measure and accuracy parameters and, also, the use of an attention mechanism in GAN improves the performance. Furthermore, node features generated with Node2Vec resulted in a 3% increase in classification accuracy compared to the features generated with network metrics. 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.Scopus2-s2.0-8511720183

    Contribution of the xenograft bone plate-screw system in lumbar transpedicular stabilization of dogs: an in-vitro study

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    We performed biomechanical comparison of a xenograft bone plate-screw (XBPS) system for achieving cadaveric lumbar transpedicular stabilization (TS) in dogs. Twenty dogs' cadaveric L2-4 lumbar specimens were harvested and their muscles were removed, but the discs and ligaments were left intact. These specimens were separated to four groups: the L2-4 intact group as control (group I, n = 5), the L3 laminectomy and bilateral facetectomy group (LBF) (group II, n = 5), the LBF plus TS with metal plate-screw group (group III, n = 5) and the LBF plus TS with XBPS group (group IV, n = 5). Five kinds of biomechanical tests were applied to the specimens: flexion, extension, left-right bending and rotation. The averages of the 16 stiffness values were calculated and then these were statistically analyzed. The statistical results show that the XBPS system contributes spinal stability and this system can be a good choice for achieving TS

    Does Dominant Somatotype Differentiate Performance of Jumping and Sprinting Variables in Young Healthy Adults?

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    The relationship between an athlete’s somatotype three-numeral rating and his or her athletic performance is well known. However, a direct effect of the different dominant somatotype on jumping and sprinting variables has not yet been reported. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of dominant somatotype on sport-specific explosive variables. One hundred and twelve physically active young adults (mean ± standard deviation age: 21.82 ± 3.18 years) were somatotype-rated using the Heath–Carter method. Participants were classified as balanced ectomorph, balanced mesomorph, central, mesomorph-endomorph, and mesomorphic ectomorph. Vertical jump and linear sprint tests were performed to measure peak lower body performance and sprint variables (time, speed, and momentum), respectively. The analysis revealed that balanced mesomorph had significantly higher vertical jump (effect size (ES) = 1.10, p = 0.005) and power to body mass (ES = 1.04, p = 0.023) than mesomorph-endomorph. In addition, balanced mesomorph showed significantly superior performance in 30-m sprint time and velocity than central and mesomorph-endomorph (ES range = 0.93–1, p < 0.05). Finally, balanced ectomorph (ES = 1.12, p = 0.009) and mesomorphic ectomorph (ES = 1.10, p = 0.017) were lower in sprint momentum compared to balanced mesomorphs. In conclusion, this study has shown the importance of the interaction between subtypes and athletic performance. The knowledge gained may be important in identifying those who tend to perform well in sports with explosive power and in prescribing training programs

    A Rare Cause of Drug-Induced Skin Rash and Eosinophilia

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    Allopurinol is a well-known drug to treat hyperuricemia in patients with chronic kidney disease, gout, or tumor lysis syndrome. The most common side effects are nausea, vomiting, elevated liver enzyme, pancreatitis, and skin rashes. Drug reaction with eosinophilic and systemic symptoms (DRESS) syndrome is a rare but life-threating complication of allopurinol treatment. Here, we present a 60-year-old male patient admitted with skin rashes, stomatitis, dyspnea, jaundice, elevated liver enzymes, acute renal failure, and eosinophilia, who was diagnosed with allopurinol-related DRESS syndrome

    The interrelations of radiologic findings and mechanical ventilation in community acquired pneumonia patients admitted to the intensive care unit: a multicentre retrospective study

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    BACKGROUND: We evaluated patients admitted to the intensive care units with the diagnosis of community acquired pneumonia (CAP) regarding initial radiographic findings. METHODS: A multicenter retrospective study was held. Chest x ray (CXR) and computerized tomography (CT) findings and also their associations with the need of ventilator support were evaluated. RESULTS: A total of 388 patients were enrolled. Consolidation was the main finding on CXR (89%) and CT (80%) examinations. Of all, 45% had multi-lobar involvement. Bilateral involvement was found in 40% and 44% on CXR and CT respectively. Abscesses and cavitations were rarely found. The highest correlation between CT and CXR findings was observed for interstitial involvement. More than 80% of patients needed ventilator support. Noninvasive mechanical ventilation (NIV) requirement was seen to be more common in those with multi-lobar involvement on CXR as 2.4-fold and consolidation on CT as 47-fold compared with those who do not have these findings. Invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) need increased 8-fold in patients with multi-lobar involvement on CT. CONCLUSION: CXR and CT findings correlate up to a limit in terms of interstitial involvement but not in high percentages in other findings. CAP patients who are admitted to the ICU are severe cases frequently requiring ventilator support. Initial CT and CXR findings may indicate the need for ventilator support, but the assumed ongoing real practice is important and the value of radiologic evaluation beyond clinical findings to predict the mechanical ventilation need is subject for further evaluation with large patient series

    Low and Moderate Doses of Caffeinated Coffee Improve Repeated Sprint Performance in Female Team Sport Athletes

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of low and moderate doses of caffeine ingestion via caffeinated coffee on repeated sprint test (RST) and plasma catecholamine concentration in trained female team-sport athletes. In a randomized, double-blind, crossover design, 13 female team-sport athletes (VO2max: 48.7 ± 4 mL·kg·min−1) completed three RST trials, separated by 4-day, 60 min post-ingestion of either 3 mg·kg−1 (LCOF) or 6 mg·kg−1 (MCOF) or placebo (PLA). The RST consisted of 12 × 4 s sprints on a cycle ergometer interspersed with 20 s of active recovery. Blood lactate (BLa) and glucose (GLU) and epinephrine and norepinephrine concentrations were collected before and 60 min after coffee ingestion, and after RST. Heart rate (HR) and ratings of perceived exertion (RPE) were measured at the beginning of RST, and after the 6th and 12th sprints. Average peak power score during RST was significantly improved after LCOF (p = 0.016) and MCOF (p = 0.041) compared to PLA, but peak and mean power output of the individual sprints, and fatigue index were not different between trials (all p > 0.05). Epinephrine and norepinephrine concentrations were significantly higher before and after RST in LCOF and MCOF compared to PLA (all p 0.05). In conclusion, low and moderate dose of caffeine ingestion can enhance the average peak power score during repeated sprints. These findings partly support low and moderate doses of caffeine supplementation via coffee as a nutritional ergogenic aid for trained female team-sport players during repeated sprint exercise

    Epigenetic perturbations in the pathogenesis of mustard toxicity; hypothesis and preliminary results

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    Among the most readily available chemical warfare agents, sulfur mustard (SM), also known as mustard gas, has been the most widely used chemical weapon. SM causes debilitating effects that can leave an exposed individual incapacitated for days to months; therefore delayed SM toxicity is of much greater importance than its ability to cause lethality. Although not fully understood, acute toxicity of SM is related to reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, oxidative stress, DNA damage, poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) activation and energy depletion within the affected cell. Therefore several antioxidants and PARP inhibitors show beneficial effects against acute SM toxicity. The delayed toxicity of SM however, currently has no clear mechanistic explanation. One third of the 100,000 Iranian casualties are still suffering from the detrimental effects of SM in spite of the extensive treatment. We, therefore, made an attempt whether epigenetic aberrations may contribute to pathogenesis of mustard poisoning. Preliminary evidence reveals that mechlorethamine (a nitrogen mustard derivative) exposure may not only cause oxidative stress, DNA damage, but epigenetic perturbations as well. Epigenetic refers to the study of changes that influence the phenotype without causing alteration of the genotype. It involves changes in the properties of a cell that are inherited but do not involve a change in DNA sequence. It is now known that in addition to mutations, epimutations contribute to a variety of human diseases. Under light of preliminary results, the current hypothesis will focus on epigenetic regulations to clarify mustard toxicity and the use of drugs to correct possible epigenetic defects

    The effects of globalization on child labor in developing countries

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    This paper inquires the effects of globalization on child labor in developing countries via cross-country analysis by decomposing globalization to its components; foreign direct investment (FDI) and trade. The findings reveal that the relationship between the child labor supply and gross domestic product per capita (PCGDP) can be expressed as a U shape. The study indicates that the child labor increases in the developing countries whose PCGDP levels are above $7500 since the net effect of globalization is positive for the positive substitution effect is bigger than the negative income effect. Data have been collected from UNICEF and World Bank

    Origin of carbon dioxide occurrences in Central Anatolia (Turkey)

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    The occurrence of carbon dioxide (CO2) in Central Anatolia has been well-known for 50 years. Four gas producing fields (Bozkar, Guneygaz, Karbogaz, and Terra) are located in the region. The aim of this study was to define the composition of these gas occurrences and to determine the gas origin. For this purpose, the molecular and isotopic composition of gas samples from production wells were investigated and interpreted. Gases from the region are rich in CO2 (>80%). Carbon dioxide concentrations were found to vary from 80.7 to 94.3%. The total amount of methane components (CH4+) was less than 0.1%. The isotopic composition of CO2, with values between -1.76 and 1.02 parts per thousand, indicated abiogenic origin from limestone. The generation of CO2 could largely result from the decarbonation of limestone. Helium isotopic values indicated that a minor amount of CO2 originated from the mantle. delta C-13 values for methane from the Karbogaz Field suggested that the origin of the Aksaray Field methane is thermogenic