145 research outputs found

    Laboratory Liquefaction Test of Sand Based on Grain Size and Relative Density

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    Liquefaction due to strong earthquakes often occurs in sandy soil under low water table conditions with certain physical properties. The physical properties of sandy soil that give effect to liquefaction resistance include grain size and relative density. This paper presents the physical properties of sand soils related to their resistance to vibration. Vibration tests were conducted by using a shaking table. The acceleration and settlement of the samples were recorded during shaking. The tests were conducted with variation of soil density and mean grain size. The test results showed that average grain size and relative density of sand have a unique effect on liquefaction resistance. It can be concluded that there is a density limit with respect to the mean grain size of the sand particles associated with the liquefaction resistance for a certain acceleration


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    This study aims to examine and analyse the implemetation of Article 359 of Criminal Code on medical malpractice case which was happened in the State Court of Manado jurisdiction. The study is starting at the present of implementation gap of law by the judge assembly of Indonesian Supreme Court based on considerations about “medical negligence of the accused that cause the death of the pastient”. This study is a library research that used juridical normative approach which analyse the verdict of Supreme Court Judges based on enacting statute.The study using the secondary data i.e Supreme Court Verdict No. 365.K/Pid/2012 and related statutes. Data analysis and interpretation was performed using the comparative analysis technique. The result shows: (a) The supreme court conducted an unappropriate manner in receiving the cassation appeal from the prosecutor for the verdict “ free of charge” from the state court of Manado; (b) The verdict of judges assmbly of the supreme court which sentenced “guilty” to the accused on violating the article 359 Criminal code is irrelevant, because there is no basis for stating that administrative negligence of the accused have any causative correlation with the death of the victim; (c) The verdict of judges assembly to sentence with 10 month stay in prison was imprroper because there is a justifier reason to make the accused free of Criminal charge. Keywords: malpractice, medical, negligence, Criminal

    Take Advantage of Wasteful Batang Hari Irrigation for Electricity Services Improvement

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    This paper describes the Batang Hari Irrigation prospect to meet the electricity needs in its surrounding area in order to increase the electrical service for every level society. The use of Batang Hari irrigation is far from its capacity. Un-used water and infrastructures from Batang Hari irrigation can be used to generate hydro-electric. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the Batang Hari Irrigation can be used to generate electricity power up to 1.6 MW. This hydro power service can increase the level of electric service in West Sumatra Province more than 1

    Optimal design of geotechnical structures due to dynamic loading

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    Penelusuran Potensi Likuifaksi Pantai Padang Berdasarkan Gradasi Butiran Dan Tahanan Penetrasi Standar

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    . Padang 30 September 2009 earthquake had caused liquefaction at several locations in the city of Padang. Generally, liquefied areas were around the rivers or near the beach. In order to get the gradation of the liquefied soil, sieve analysis was conducted on soil samples. Based on those test result and drilling data, the assessment of liquefaction potential for soil layer around the coast of Padang is done. Soil investigation using deep drilling and standard penetration test to the hard layer has been done on the site. Furthermore, the soil gradations at certain depths were analyzed by comparing the gradation curve of the liquefied soil. Liquefaction potential assessment based on the soil gradation shows that the Padang Beach area has the liquefaction potential. The results are then compiled with the analysis of the liquefaction potential based on the standard penetration test. The depth of the soil layer that potentially to liquefy in Padang Beach is on the depth of less than 10m

    Analisis Pemanfaatan Barisan Tiang Bor Sebagai Konstruksi Penahan Tanah Pada Lokasi yang Sempit dan Padat: Analysis of The Soldier Bore Piles As Soil Retaining Construction in Narrow and Crowded Location

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    [ID] Peningkatan sektor wisata di Bukittinggi memberi dampak terhadap peningkatan kebutuhan akan penginapan sebagai tempat tinggal sementara para wisatawan. Pada kondisi lain, wilayah Kota Bukittinggi cenderung memiliki lahan yang terbatas dan sudah dipadati dengan bangunan. Bagian lain pembangunan hotel di Kota Bukittinggi memerlukan fasilitas parkir, karena keterbatasan wilayah parkir di Kota yang sempit ini maka pembangunan gedung dengan memanfaatkan basement kedalam tanah menjadi alternatif pilihan. Sementara stabilitas bangunan yang telah memadati lokasi rencana pembangunan gedung baru menjadi kendala yang harus dihadapi. Kerusakan struktur tanah dapat terjadi baik secara langsung seperti penurunan daya dukung tanah dan keruntuhan dinding penahan tanah, sedangkan secara tidak langsung dapat terjadi seperti adanya kerusakan bangunan akibat getaran yang disalurkan dari tanah ke struktur bangunan. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut maka perlu dilakukan penelitian tentang pemanfaat tiang bor sebagai konstruksi penahan tanah pada lokasi yang sempit dan padat Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui angka aman pada stabiltas tanah dengan pemanfaatan barisan tiang bor. Metoda peneltian dengan menggunakan barisan pondasi bor sebagai penahan tanah. Berdasarkan analisis dengan parameter geoteknik tanah di lokasi, maka diperlukan dua lapis barisan tiang bor dengan diameter 50 cm untuk kedalaman yang berbeda. Lapisan pertama dari elevasi muka tanah asli hingga elevasi kedalaman 15m dan lapisan kedua dari elevasi dasar basement kedua hingga kedalaman 18m. Berdasarkan analisis maka diperoleh faktor keamanan 1,2 untuk galian hingga kedalamam 4 m. Untuk kedalaman galian yang lebih dari nilai faktor keamanan berkurang hingga mendekati nilai 1,0 sehingga diperlukan penanganan modifikasi dalam pemanfaatan barisan tiang bor ini. [EN] The increase of the tourism in Bukittinggi has an impact on the increasing need for lodging as temporary residence for tourists. In other condition, restrictions on artificial tall buildings area are limited of regulations. Meanwhile, restrictions on the construction of tall buildings in an area are limited regulations. In Bukitinggi, West Sumatra, the construction of high buildings is a less than the "Clock Tower". Meantime, the construction of hotels in the city of Bukittinggi requires parking facilities. Building construction is using basement into the ground becomes an alternative choice. However, the stability has been packed with the location of building construction plans is an obstacle that must be faced. Damage to the soil structure can directly, bearing capacity of the soil and the retaining wall is collapse. Damage of buildings by vibrations transmitted from the ground to the building structure. Soil retaining construction is a civil building that has a function of ground motion barrier that caused by pressure forces on the ground and water. Methods using sheet pile are also considered, but due to environmental disturbance these methods are not used. As a suitable choice, a row of drill foundation is used as a buffer. Based on the analysis of the soil geotechnical parameters at the site, two layers of bored pillars with a diameter of 50 cm are needed for different depths. The first layer from the original ground level elevation to 15m depth elevation and the second layer from the second basement base elevation to 18m depth

    Prediksi Performa Marine Diesel 4 Langah 93 KW dengan Metode Simulasi

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    Desain marine diesel 4 langkah telah berhasil dilakukan. Sebelum dibangun perlu diprediksi performanya. Prediksi dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode simulasi. Metode ini dianggap paling efektif karena dilakukan tanpa membangun mesin terlebih dahulu. Pemodelan dan simulasi dilakukan dengan menggunakan software atau aplikasi. Simulasi model mencakup seluruh bagian mesin yakni intake, compression, power, dan exhaust. Prediksi performa mesin dilakukan berdasarkan variasi putaran mesin 1000, 1200, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 2000, 2200, 2300 rpm, dan setiap putaran dilakukan pembebanan 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%, dan 110%. Hasil Simulasi berupa karakteristik performa mesin (seperti, torsi, daya, sfoc, bmep), dan karakteristik proses pembakaran (seperti heat release, pressure, ignition delay). Dari simulasi didapatkan hasil sfoc terhemat terjadi pada putaran 1700 rpm dengan 228.24 gr/kWh. Brake power terendah adalah 42.24 kW pada putaran 1000 rpm, dan tertinggi sebesar 96.37 kW pada putaran 2200 rpm. Maksimum brake torque sebesar 446.473 Nm pada putaran 1600 rpm. Brake mean effective pressure (bmep) tertinggi pada 1600 rpm dengan nilai 14.30 bar. Tekanan tertinggi pada silinder terjadi pada beban 100% (full load), nilai tekanan tertinggi adalah 120.04 bar pada crank angle 8.63 derajat. Ignition ii delay terpendek terjadi pada putaran 2200 rpm dengan durasi 0.0315 milisecond dengan pembebanan 20%. Dan heat release yang terjadi mempunyai nilai terbesar adalah 0.0284 j/kg/CA terjadi pada sudut engkol 7.52o. ==================================================================================================== Four-stroke marine diesel design has been successfully carried out. Before build the engine, we needs to predict its performance. Prediction is done using simulation methods. This method is the most effective because it is done without building the engine. Modeling and simulation use the software or applications. Simulation models covers all parts of the engine cycle consisting of intake, compression, power and exhaust. Performance prediction of the engine is based on engine speed variations 1000, 1200, 1400, 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 2000, 2200, 2300 rpm, and the engine load 20%, 40%, 60%, 80%, 100%, and 110%. Simulations can produce the engine characteristics such as torque, power, sfoc, bmep, and combustion characteristics such as heat release, pressure, ignition delay. The result during the simulation, the minimum and economic of specific fuel oil consumption occured at 1700 rpm with 228.24 gr/kWh. Lowest brake power is 42.24 kW at 1000 rpm, and the highest was 96.37 kW at 2200 rpm. The maximum brake torque of 446 473 Nm at 1600 rpm. Brake mean effective pressure (BMEP) at 1600 rpm with a highest value of 14.30 bar. The highest pressure in the cylinder occurs at 100% load (full load), the value of the highest pressure is 120.04 bar at 8.63 crank angle degrees. Ignition shortest delay occurs at 2200 iv rpm rotation with a duration of 0.0315 milliseconds by 20% engine load. And the maximum value of heat release is 0.0284 j/kg/CA at 7.52o crank angle
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