70 research outputs found

    The Efforts of the National Library of Indonesia in Providing Covid-19 Reliable Resources through Coronapedia

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    The National Library of Indonesia has a very important role in creating reliable resources for the community during pandemic of Covid-19. The study is to understand the efforts of the National Library of Indonesia in increasing Covid-19 awareness through the development of “Coronapedia”. The method of this research is a case study approach. Data collection techniques were carried out using observation, in-depth interviews, literature review, and documentation. The results show the National Library has several efforts to improve Covid-19 understanding, especially during the pandemic. The National Library of Indonesia has developed a digital media-based environment, Coronapedia, as a feature of iPusnas that provides information resources in the pandemic era. In developing it, the National Library of Indonesia has several important things, including: 1) formulating the background of the importance of Coronapedia; 2) formulating goals to build Coronapedia; 3) building a Coronapedia collection; 4) building a network of information resources for the Coronapedia collection; 5) managing procurement and processing of Coronapedia collection.  The many uses of Coronapedia as a trusted sources of Covid-19 information  assisted people in sharpening their digital literacy about Covid-19. The significants of this research are expected to be able to make a positive contribution, as an evaluation material, to add insight, and to be used as a reference for further research on the effectiveness of the National Library of Indonesia in increasing Covid-19 information through the development of Coronapedi

    Kajian Penerimaan Teknologi Digitalisasi Bagi Mahasiswa Jurusan Ilmu Perpustakaan UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

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    This study investigated the implementation of "Scan Snap SV600 + Rack2-Filer" – as a digitalization technology- in the Library of Adab Faculty, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. It is important to know the effectiveness of the technology as one of learning materials. The lecture was held by students of Library Department, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, in the second semester. It was involved 97 students from three classes in 2015. The approach used in this research was TAM model that was based on the variables of perceived ease of use (PEOU), perceived usefulness (PU), attitude toward behavior (ATU), and behavioral intention (BI). Questionaires collected with the saturated approach were analysed using SPSS version 22. The result showed that the mean score for all of the variables was very high out of maximum score obtainable of 4. T-Test analysis indicated that there was positive and significant effect for some variables, except the perceived usefulness (PU) to the behavioral intention (BI) with effect value of 0,051; and the attitude toward behavior (ATU) to behavioral intention (BI) with effect value of 0,193 . Meanwhile, the most occurred in the perceived ease of use (PEOU) to the perceived usefulness (PU) with effect value of 0,332%. Thus, the easiness becomes higher than usefulness in using the technology for students. So, there is something more important to teach how the students take the technology in the perceived usefulness than the perceived ease of use

    Prophetic-Humanization Communication among Generation Z on COVID-19 Information

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    For Generation Z, especially those who study librarianship in the digital age, e-literacy is essential. It refers to using a computer with information, media, moral literacy, and learning and thinking abilities. One of them is how they communicate COVID-19 information. Through the behavior of librarianship students from the seven State Islamic Universities in Indonesia, this study aims to measure the impact of e-literacy on prophetic-humanization communication among Generation Z. With a 9% error rate and a sample size of 116 pupils, stratified random sampling (proportional) was used to acquire the data. The findings strongly correlate information usage behavior, prophetic-humanization communication, and e-literacy. In addition, e-literacy impacts prophetic communication by changing how people use COVID-19 data. Only the level of learning and thinking abilities can fully demonstrate the good and significant impact of e-literacy skills through information behavior on humanization-prophetic communication. This study's relevance is that students should increase their e-literacy to communicate more prophetically and ethically using electronic media. &nbsp

    Comparison of Emotional Intelligence, Self-Development, Decision for Selecting a Profession and Work Productivity between Librarian with Education in Library Science and Inpassing Librarian in Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the differences in emotional intelligence level, self-development, the decision to select a profession, and work productivity between librarians with education in library science and inpassing librarians. Librarians with library science education are those with a library science education background. In contrast, inpassing librarians are those with non-library education who decide to switch professions to become librarians by following librarianship recruitment and training procedures. This study uses a comparative approach. Collecting data uses a survey method by distributing an instrument in the form of a questionnaire with a Likert scale to 126 librarians who work in the State Islamic Religious College libraries in Indonesia. Samples were taken through a proportional random technique using the Slovin formula. The data analysis technique used bivariate comparative analysis with the statistical t test. The results show that the difference in emotional intelligence between librarians with education in library science and inpassing librarians has an average value of 60.43 and 58.71, respectively, with a Sig. of 0.647 \u3e 0.05, which means that it is homogeneous and the value is Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.380 \u3e 0.05, which means there is no significant difference. It also happens in career development between librarians educated in library science and inpassing librarians who have an average value of 48.15 and 46.55, respectively, with a Sig. of 0.231 \u3e 0.05 and the Sig. (2-tailed) 0.283 \u3e 0.05. Likewise, selecting a profession with an average value of 23.04 and 22.80, respectively, with a Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.743 \u3e 0.05. The comparison of work productivity has an average value of 89.44 and 86.57, respectively, with the Sig. (2-tailed) 0.256 \u3e 0.05. The conclusion is that there is no significant difference between librarians with education in library science and inpassing librarians in terms of emotional intelligence, career development, selecting a profession, and work productivity. They get the same opportunities to be able to develop their careers. It takes policies and supports from the leadership and the government to create a conducive environment so that they can compete, support, and complement each other, showing good achievements and performance in providing excellent service to the community

    Effect of e-Literacy Maturity Level on Lecturers’ Information Use Behavior at Islamic University, Indonesia

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    This study investigated the effect of e-literacy maturity level (Information Literacy, Media Literacy, Moral Literacy, and Learning & Thinking Skills) on the lecturers’ information use behavior at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia. The research based on Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) and Uses and Gratification Theory (UGT) had been exploring the relations and effects of the e-literacy maturity level to the information use behavior as a communication process in electronic media. A questioner survey based on a cluster sample of 91 lecturers at 11 faculties had been taken for this explanatory research. The result showed that the mean score for all of the constructs was 4 (high) out of maximum score obtainable of 5 (very high). Simultaneously, the effects of e-literacy maturity level, as a characteristic factor in SCT and as an antecedent in UGT, to the information use behavior are significant, f-value (39,04) \u3e f-table (2,70). Partially, the effect of Information Literacy and Learning & Thinking Skill on the information use behavior are significant, t-value (2,486; 4,237) \u3e t-table (1,985), but the Media Literacy and Moral Literacy are not. Meanwhile, there are significant relationships between all sub-variable in e-Literacy affecting Information Use Behavior. Therefore, it’s recommended that the entire sub-variables of e-literacy as one that is important in the formation of a motivation training for using of electronic media for the lecturers

    An Analysis of the Acceptance\u27s Staffs of Madrassa Library on Senayan -based Library Automation System Using Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

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    The study investigated the implementation of Senayan – an open source library automation system- in the madrassa library. It is important to know the effectiveness of the system as one of materials in “The Human Resource Development Program for Madrassa Library. The program was held by Ministry of Religious Affair Republic of Indonesia (MORA) collaborates with UIN Jakarta, UIN Yogyakarta, and UIN Makasar. It was involved 750 staffs from three provinces in Indonesia. The approach used in this research was TAM model that was based on the constructs of knowledge & skill (KS), perceived ease of use (PEOU), perceived usefulness (PU), attitude toward behavior (ATU), behavioral intention (BI), and actual use (AU). Questionnaires of 89 samples collected with the cluster approach were analysed using SPSS version 22. The result showed that the mean score for all of the constructs was 3 (high) out of maximum score obtainable of 4 (very high), except to the actual use (AU) was still low (2.3). T-Test analysis indicated that there was positive and significant effect for each construct, except the perceived usefulness (PU) to the attitude toward behavior (ATU) with effect value of 11.9%. Meanwhile, the most occurred in the perceived ease of use (PEOU) to the attitude toward behavior (ATU) with effect value of 64.3%. Thus, the easiness becomes more important than usefulness in providing training for madrassa library staff. In addition, the provision of a computer after the training is also taken into consideration, so that the staffs can implement their knowledge and skills in the library as soon as possible

    Kompetensi teknologi informasi bagi mahasiswa jurusan ilmu perpustakaan Fakulatas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Jakarta

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    IV, 137 hlm, 23 c

    Penerapan kompetensi TI pada perpustakaan praktek kerja lapangan mahasiswa jurusan ilmu perpustakaan

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    This research is aim to describe the application of information technology competency at the libraries where the students of library department, Faculty of Adab UIN Syarif Hidatullah Jakarta, do the practical librarianship. In spite of that, it is to know that how the needs of them are viewed. The method of quantitative descriptive is used for analyzing the description of data from the LITA standard-based questioner. The LITA standard-based information technology competency is divided into 4 categories, namely: the basic knowledge of computer, the skill of internet, the hardware of computer, and the products of library automation. The result is viewed that the competency of the basic computer at the libraries is high (80%) while the needs is very high (93,3%). The competency of internet at the libraries is low (20%) while the needs isvery high (100%). The competency of the computer hardware is enough (55,6%) while the needs is very high (100%). The competency of library automation products is high (58,3%) while the needs is very high. Based on these, it is recommended that it’s needed some additional time or lecture for information technology competency in library curriculum.
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