9 research outputs found

    Involvement of pattern recognition receptors in the induction of cytokines and reactive oxygen intermediates production by human monocytes/macrophages stimulated with tumour cells

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    Background: Some ligands of pattern recognitionm receptors (PRR) are present on tumour cells. The role of PRR in signalling for cytokine and reactive oxygen intermediates (ROI) production by monocytes and monocyte-derived macrophages (MDM) stimulated with tumour cells was studied. Materials and Methods: Monocytes/MDM were pretreated with PRR ligands or anti-PRR monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and stimulated with tumour cells. Cytokine secretion was measured by enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) and ROI production by luminol-dependent chemiluminescence (CL). Results: The ligands of scavenger receptor A (SR-A): (fucoidan, polyguanylic acid (polyG) and modified low density lipoproteins (LDL)) and B (SR-B) (native and modified LDL, phosphatidylserine (PdS)) and of mannose receptor (MR) (mannan), induced tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNF) and ROI (except LDL) release by monocytes. Production of TNF and interleukin-10 (IL-10) by MDM was stimulated by SR-A ligands and mannan. Tumour cell-induced TNF and IL-10 production by monocytes, but not MDM, was diminished by fucoidan and polyG, while ROI release was reduced by MR and SR-A ligands. Supplementation of tumour cells with modified LDL and PdS enhanced their stimulatory capacity. TNF and ROI release by tumour cells-stimulated monocytes was inhibited by anti-CD36 and anti-MR (clone PAM-1) mAbs. Conclusion: SR and MR may be involved to different extents in the induction of cytokines and ROI production by monocytes, but not MDM, stimulated with tumour cells

    Ból i cierpienie. Materiały konferencyjne

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    Ze wstępu: "Coroczne spotkania lekarzy w klasztorze Sióstr Duehaczek, czyli poprawnie Sióstr Kanoniczck Ducha Świętego przy kościele Św. Tomasza w Krakowie przy ulicy Szpitalnej, w tradycyjnym dla tego zakonu terminie - tj. w drugą niedzielę po święcie Trzech Króli - przekształciły się w 1994 roku w sympozja naukowe, poświęcone stałemu tematowi: „Ból i cierpienie”. W tym roku spotkaliśmy się w dniach 17 i 18 stycznia 2004, tradycyjnie już, w Domu Towarzystwa Lekarskiego Krakowskiego przy ulicy Radziwiłłowskiej 4. W skład Komitetu Organizacyjnego Konferencji, wzorem lat ubiegłych weszli: prof, dr hab. med. Andrzej Środka, Kierownik Katedry Historii Medycyny CM UJ, prof, dr hab. med. Janusz Andres, Kierownik Katedry Anestezjologii i Intensywnej Terapii CM UJ, dr hab. med. Zdzisław Gajda, prof. UJ, Przewodniczący Stowarzyszenia Absolwentów Wydziałów Medycznych UJ, dr med. Alicja Macheta, Przewodnicząca Podkarpackiego Oddziału Towarzystwa Anestezjologii i Intensywnej Terapii, dr Maria Dorota Schmidt-Pospuła, Przewodnicząca Krakowskiego Towarzystwa Miłośników Historii Medycyny."(...

    Research and education activities of KSE WGGiOŚ AGH in the field of geothermal energy in 2019–2021 and further action plans

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    For many years, geothermal issues have been one of the basic research and teaching activities of the Department of Fossil Fuels of the Faculty of Geology, Geophysics and Environmental Protection of the AGH University of Science and Technology (KSE WGGiOŚ AGH). National and international research projects on the evaluation of the geothermal potential of Poland, innovative technologies for geothermal energy extraction, as well as effective management of water resources and geothermal energy are carried out. In recent years (2019-2021), scientific and research projects such as GeoPLASMA-CE, EnerGizerS, Geotherm, CA18219 Geothermal-DHC, Lajkonik, NiżPIG, concerning the issues of shallow and deep geothermal energy utilization, are implemented. As far as didactic activity is concerned, the AGH is developing Ecological Energy Sources, as well as petroleum geology and geothermal specialization at the Applied Geology. Doctoral theses in the field of geothermics are being carried out. Research works, including projects concerning construction of heat pump prototypes, are carried out in the Centre for Sustainable Development and Energy Conservation of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Miękinia equipped with heat pump test stands. The Centre is currently being expanded

    Practical Guidelines for Physicians in Promoting Oral Health in Frail Older Adults

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    Good oral health in old age is particularly important for maintaining adequate oral function, preventing pain and discomfort, controlling localized or systemic inflammation, sustaining social interaction, and preserving quality of life. Given that oral health is an integral part of general health and well-being, and that major chronic systemic and oral diseases share common risk factors, oral health prevention and promotion should be embedded within routine medical assessment and care provision. The role of medical physicians, particularly primary care physicians, geriatricians, and elderly care physicians, in community and long-term care facilities in assessing and promoting oral health in frail older adults is critical and has been emphasized in recent European recommendations. All physicians should appreciate the importance of oral health and incorporate an initial oral health screening into routine medical assessment and care. A short interview with patients and carers on current oral health practices may help to assess the risk for rapid oral health deterioration. The interview should be followed by an oral health assessment, using validated tools, for nondental health care providers. Based on these findings, the physician should decide on necessary follow-up procedures, which may include oral health counseling and/or dental referral. Oral health counseling should include advice on daily oral, mucosal, and denture hygiene; denture maintenance; dietary advice; smoking cessation; limitation of harmful alcohol consumption; management of xerostomia; and frequent dental review. To enable physicians to perform the tasks recommended in this publication, appropriate teaching at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels must be delivered in addition to provision of appropriate continuing education courses