6 research outputs found

    A bottom-up process management environment dedicated to process actors

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    Les organisations adoptent de plus en plus les environnements de gestion des processus car ils offrent des perspectives prometteuses d'exĂ©cution en termes de flexibilitĂ© et d'efficacitĂ©. Les environnements traditionnels proposent cependant une approche descendante qui nĂ©cessite, de la part de concepteurs, l'Ă©laboration d'un modĂšle avant sa mise en oeuvre par les acteurs qui le dĂ©ploient tout au long du cycle d'ingĂ©nierie. En raison de cette divergence, un diffĂ©rentiel important est souvent constatĂ© entre les modĂšles de processus et leur mise en oeuvre. De par l'absence de prise directe avec les acteurs de terrain, le niveau opĂ©rationnel des environnements de processus est trop faiblement exploitĂ©, en particulier en ingĂ©nierie des systĂšmes et des logiciels. Afin de faciliter l'utilisation des environnements de processus, cette thĂšse prĂ©sente une approche ascendante mettant les acteurs du processus au coeur de la problĂ©matique. L'approche proposĂ©e autorise conjointement la modĂ©lisation et la mise en oeuvre de leurs activitĂ©s quotidiennes. Dans cet objectif, notre approche s'appuie sur la description des artĂ©facts produits et consommĂ©s durant l'exĂ©cution d'une activitĂ©. Cette description permet Ă  chaque acteur du processus de dĂ©crire le fragment de processus exprimant les activitĂ©s dictĂ©es par son rĂŽle. Le processus global se dĂ©compose ainsi en plusieurs fragments appartenant Ă  diffĂ©rents rĂŽles. Chaque fragment est modĂ©lisĂ© indĂ©pendamment des autres fragments ; il peut aussi ĂȘtre greffĂ© progressivement au modĂšle de processus initial. La modĂ©lisation des processus devient ainsi moins complexe et plus parcellaire. En outre, un fragment de processus ne modĂ©lise que l'aspect structurel des activitĂ©s d'un rĂŽle sans anticiper sur le comportement des activitĂ©s ; il est moins prescriptif qu'un ordonnancement des activitĂ©s de l'acteur. Un moteur de processus basĂ© sur la production et la consommation d'artĂ©facts a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ© pour promulguer des activitĂ©s provenant de diffĂ©rents fragments de processus. Ce moteur ne requiert pas de relations prĂ©dĂ©finies d'ordonnancement entre les activitĂ©s pour les synchroniser, mais dĂ©duit leur dĂ©pendance Ă  partir de leurs artĂ©facts Ă©changĂ©s. Les dĂ©pendances sont reprĂ©sentĂ©es et actualisĂ©es au sein d'un graphe appelĂ© Process Dependency Graph (PDG) qui reflĂšte Ă  tout instant l'Ă©tat courant de l'exĂ©cution du processus. Cet environnement a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tendu afin de gĂ©rer les changements imprĂ©vus qui se produisent inĂ©vitablement lors de la mise en oeuvre des processus. Ce dispositif permet aux acteurs de signaler des changements Ă©mergents, d'analyser les impacts possibles et de notifier les personnes affectĂ©es par les modifications. En rĂ©sumĂ©, notre approche prĂ©conise de rĂ©partir les tĂąches d'un processus en plusieurs fragments, modĂ©lisĂ©s et adoptĂ©s sĂ©parĂ©ment par les acteurs du processus. Le moteur de processus, qui s'appuie sur la disponibilitĂ© des artĂ©facts pour synchroniser les activitĂ©s, permet d'exĂ©cuter indĂ©pendamment les fragments des processus. Il permet aussi l'exĂ©cution d'un processus partiellement dĂ©fini pour lequel certains fragments seraient manquants. La vision globale de l'Ă©tat d'avancement des diffĂ©rents acteurs concernĂ©s Ă©merge au fur et Ă  mesure de l'exĂ©cution des fragments. Cette nouvelle approche vise Ă  intĂ©grer au mieux les acteurs du processus dans le cycle de vie de la gestion des processus, ce qui rend ces systĂšmes plus attractifs et plus proches de leurs prĂ©occupations.Companies increasingly adopt process management environments, which offer promising perspectives for a more flexible and efficient process execution. Traditional process management environments embodies a top-down approach in which process modeling is performed by process designers and process enacting is performed by process actors. Due to this separation, there is often a gap between process models and their real enactments. As a consequence, the operational level of top down process environments has stayed low, especially in system and software industry, because they are not directly relevant to process actors' needs. In order to facilitate the usage of process environments for process actors, this thesis presents a user-centric and bottom-up approach that enables integration of process actors into process management life cycle by allowing them to perform both the modeling and enacting of their real processes. To this end, first, a bottom-up approach based on the artifact-centric modeling paradigm was proposed to allow each process actor to easily describe the process fragment containing the activities carried out by his role. The global process is thus decomposed into several fragments belonging to different roles. Each fragment can be modeled independently of other fragments and can be added progressively to the process model; therefore the process modeling becomes less complex and more partial. Moreover, a process fragment models only the structural aspect of a role's activities without anticipating the behavior of these activities; therefore the process model is less prescriptive. Second, a data-driven process engine was developed to enact activities coming from different process fragments. Our process engine does not require predefined work-sequence relations among these activities to synchronize them, but deduces such dependencies from their enactment-time exchanged artifacts. We used a graph structure name Process Dependency Graph (PDG) to store enactment-time process information and establish the dependencies among process elements. Third, we extend our process environment in order to handle unforeseen changes occurring during process enactment. This results in a Change-Aware Process Environment that allows process actors reporting emergent changes, analyzing possible impacts and notifying people affected by the changes. In our bottom-up approach, a process is split into several fragments separately modeled and enacted by process actors. Our data-driven process engine, which uses the availability of working artifacts to synchronize activities, enables enacting independently process fragments, and even a partially modeled process where some fragments are missing. The global process progressively emerges only at enactment time from the execution of process fragments. This new approach, with its simpler modeling and more flexible enactment, integrates better process actors into process management life cycle, and hence makes process management systems more attractive and useful for them

    A User-centric Process Management for System and Software Engineering Projects

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    In traditional process environments, process modeling is performed by process designers and process enacting is performed by process actors. Due to this separation, there is often a gap between process models and their real enactments. As a consequence, the operational level of process environments has stayed low, especially in system and software industry, because they are not directly relevant to process actors’ needs. In order to facilitate the usage of process environments, this paper presents a solution that enables process actors to perform both the modeling and enacting of their real processes. To this end, ïŹrst, an end-user process modeling approach was proposed to allow each process actor to easily describe the process fragment containing the activities carried out by his role. Second, an artifact-centric process engine was developed to enact activities coming from different process fragments. Our process engine does not require predeïŹned work-sequence relations among these activities to synchronize them, but deduces such dependencies from their exchanged artifacts. As a result, the process engine can enact even a partially deïŹned process where some fragments are missing

    Un environnement de gestion de processus dédié aux acteurs de processus

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    Companies increasingly adopt process management environments, which offer promising perspectives for a more flexible and efficient process execution. Traditional process management environments embodies a top-down approach in which process modeling is performed by process designers and process enacting is performed by process actors. Due to this separation, there is often a gap between process models and their real enactments. As a consequence, the operational level of top down process environments has stayed low, especially in system and software industry, because they are not directly relevant to process actors' needs. In order to facilitate the usage of process environments for process actors, this thesis presents a user-centric and bottom-up approach that enables integration of process actors into process management life cycle by allowing them to perform both the modeling and enacting of their real processes. To this end, first, a bottom-up approach based on the artifact-centric modeling paradigm was proposed to allow each process actor to easily describe the process fragment containing the activities carried out by his role. The global process is thus decomposed into several fragments belonging to different roles. Each fragment can be modeled independently of other fragments and can be added progressively to the process model; therefore the process modeling becomes less complex and more partial. Moreover, a process fragment models only the structural aspect of a role's activities without anticipating the behavior of these activities; therefore the process model is less prescriptive. Second, a data-driven process engine was developed to enact activities coming from different process fragments. Our process engine does not require predefined work-sequence relations among these activities to synchronize them, but deduces such dependencies from their enactment-time exchanged artifacts. We used a graph structure name Process Dependency Graph (PDG) to store enactment-time process information and establish the dependencies among process elements. Third, we extend our process environment in order to handle unforeseen changes occurring during process enactment. This results in a Change-Aware Process Environment that allows process actors reporting emergent changes, analyzing possible impacts and notifying people affected by the changes. In our bottom-up approach, a process is split into several fragments separately modeled and enacted by process actors. Our data-driven process engine, which uses the availability of working artifacts to synchronize activities, enables enacting independently process fragments, and even a partially modeled process where some fragments are missing. The global process progressively emerges only at enactment time from the execution of process fragments. This new approach, with its simpler modeling and more flexible enactment, integrates better process actors into process management life cycle, and hence makes process management systems more attractive and useful for them.Les organisations adoptent de plus en plus les environnements de gestion des processus car ils offrent des perspectives prometteuses d'exĂ©cution en termes de flexibilitĂ© et d'efficacitĂ©. Les environnements traditionnels proposent cependant une approche descendante qui nĂ©cessite, de la part de concepteurs, l'Ă©laboration d'un modĂšle avant sa mise en oeuvre par les acteurs qui le dĂ©ploient tout au long du cycle d'ingĂ©nierie. En raison de cette divergence, un diffĂ©rentiel important est souvent constatĂ© entre les modĂšles de processus et leur mise en oeuvre. De par l'absence de prise directe avec les acteurs de terrain, le niveau opĂ©rationnel des environnements de processus est trop faiblement exploitĂ©, en particulier en ingĂ©nierie des systĂšmes et des logiciels. Afin de faciliter l'utilisation des environnements de processus, cette thĂšse prĂ©sente une approche ascendante mettant les acteurs du processus au coeur de la problĂ©matique. L'approche proposĂ©e autorise conjointement la modĂ©lisation et la mise en oeuvre de leurs activitĂ©s quotidiennes. Dans cet objectif, notre approche s'appuie sur la description des artĂ©facts produits et consommĂ©s durant l'exĂ©cution d'une activitĂ©. Cette description permet Ă  chaque acteur du processus de dĂ©crire le fragment de processus exprimant les activitĂ©s dictĂ©es par son rĂŽle. Le processus global se dĂ©compose ainsi en plusieurs fragments appartenant Ă  diffĂ©rents rĂŽles. Chaque fragment est modĂ©lisĂ© indĂ©pendamment des autres fragments ; il peut aussi ĂȘtre greffĂ© progressivement au modĂšle de processus initial. La modĂ©lisation des processus devient ainsi moins complexe et plus parcellaire. En outre, un fragment de processus ne modĂ©lise que l'aspect structurel des activitĂ©s d'un rĂŽle sans anticiper sur le comportement des activitĂ©s ; il est moins prescriptif qu'un ordonnancement des activitĂ©s de l'acteur. Un moteur de processus basĂ© sur la production et la consommation d'artĂ©facts a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ© pour promulguer des activitĂ©s provenant de diffĂ©rents fragments de processus. Ce moteur ne requiert pas de relations prĂ©dĂ©finies d'ordonnancement entre les activitĂ©s pour les synchroniser, mais dĂ©duit leur dĂ©pendance Ă  partir de leurs artĂ©facts Ă©changĂ©s. Les dĂ©pendances sont reprĂ©sentĂ©es et actualisĂ©es au sein d'un graphe appelĂ© Process Dependency Graph (PDG) qui reflĂšte Ă  tout instant l'Ă©tat courant de l'exĂ©cution du processus. Cet environnement a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tendu afin de gĂ©rer les changements imprĂ©vus qui se produisent inĂ©vitablement lors de la mise en oeuvre des processus. Ce dispositif permet aux acteurs de signaler des changements Ă©mergents, d'analyser les impacts possibles et de notifier les personnes affectĂ©es par les modifications. En rĂ©sumĂ©, notre approche prĂ©conise de rĂ©partir les tĂąches d'un processus en plusieurs fragments, modĂ©lisĂ©s et adoptĂ©s sĂ©parĂ©ment par les acteurs du processus. Le moteur de processus, qui s'appuie sur la disponibilitĂ© des artĂ©facts pour synchroniser les activitĂ©s, permet d'exĂ©cuter indĂ©pendamment les fragments des processus. Il permet aussi l'exĂ©cution d'un processus partiellement dĂ©fini pour lequel certains fragments seraient manquants. La vision globale de l'Ă©tat d'avancement des diffĂ©rents acteurs concernĂ©s Ă©merge au fur et Ă  mesure de l'exĂ©cution des fragments. Cette nouvelle approche vise Ă  intĂ©grer au mieux les acteurs du processus dans le cycle de vie de la gestion des processus, ce qui rend ces systĂšmes plus attractifs et plus proches de leurs prĂ©occupations

    A User-centric Process Management for System and Software Engineering Projects

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    International audienceIn traditional process environments, process modeling is performed by process designers and process enacting is performed by process actors. Due to this separation, there is often a gap between process models and their real enactments. As a consequence, the operational level of process environments has stayed low, especially in system and software industry, because they are not directly relevant to process actors’ needs. In order to facilitate the usage of process environments, this paper presents a solution that enables process actors to perform both the modeling and enacting of their real processes. To this end, ïŹrst, an end-user process modeling approach was proposed to allow each process actor to easily describe the process fragment containing the activities carried out by his role. Second, an artifact-centric process engine was developed to enact activities coming from different process fragments. Our process engine does not require predeïŹned work-sequence relations among these activities to synchronize them, but deduces such dependencies from their exchanged artifacts. As a result, the process engine can enact even a partially deïŹned process where some fragments are missing

    Impact Analysis of Process Change at Run-time,

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    International audienceIn complex domains with features of collaboration and integration, changes taking place in one process may have positive or negative impacts on other collaborative partners and processes. Therefore, supporting changes propagation as well as analysis the impact of changes are desirable functionalities of Business Process Management Systems (BPMSs) and have been investigated in many researches. This paper presents a method to analyze the impacts of process changes at run-time in order to help process practitioners deciding to adopt or not a change.We propose an approach based on Process Dependency Graph (PDG) to represent and monitor the dependencies among running process instances managed by a BPMS. When achange happens, we analyze the PDG graph to deduce the affected process elements and then assess the impact of change by using quantitative metrics extended from the workflow Quality of Service (QoS). Our approach thus provides a generic framework that can be adapted to a specific process domain and a BPMS. The work presented here was validated on some processes in Health-care and Software Development domains with the use of jBPM as aBPMS and Neo4j as a graph database to store and traverse the PDG

    Towards a change-aware process environment for system and software process

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    International audienceManaging changes for knowledge-intensive processes like System and Software Engineering is a critical issue but far from being mastered due to the lack of supporting methods and practical tools. To manage changes systematically, a process environment is needed to control processes and to handle changes at run-time. However, such an effective environment satisfying these requirements is still missing. The reason is two-folds: first, operational process environments for system and software engineering is scarce; second, there is a lack of efficient change management mechanism integrated in such process environments. In order to address these concerns, we aimed at developing a change-aware process environment for system and software engineering. To this aim, we proposed a change management mechanism based on (1) the Process Dependency Graph (PDG) representing the dependencies among running process instances managed by a process environment ; (2) a Change Observer process to catch change events and update the PDG with run-time information; (3) a Change Analyzer component to extract the impacts of change by reasoning the PDG. In terms of implementation, to gain the benefits from the Business Process Community, where many mature Business Process Management Systems have been developed, we chose jBPM to enact and monitor processes. The key strengths of this study are: first, the PDG makes hidden dependencies among process instances emerge at run-time; second, the process observer inside the BPMS allows to handle the change events in a timely manner. Finally, the Neo4j graph database, used to store the PDG, enables efficient traversal and queries