146 research outputs found

    „Brama piekła otwarta”: Boska Komedia Dantego a poezja o Zagładzie

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    This paper is an attempt to discuss the connections between Dante’s Divine Comedy and the poetic representations of the extermination of Jews during World War II. The work of the Italian master proves to be a point of reference for many Polish and Polish-Jewish poets in their search for the right language to describe the brutal reality of the Holocaust, to render the cruelty of this crime and the immense suffering of its victims, to testify about their own experience, and to pay a tribute to the murdered. The poetry discussed in this text was written, among others, by Michał Maksymilian Borwicz, Izabela Gelbard, Janina Podlodowska, Krystyna Żywulska, and Andrzej Bursa. The references to the Divine Comedy are made in two ways and serve two basic purposes. Firstly, their aim is to portray the Holocaust as a reality confusingly similar to Dante’s inferno, secondly, they are to present the Holocaust as a reality far worse, more brutal and more gruesome than Dante’s hell. The second of the abovementioned ways of poetic presentation of the experience of the Shoah is very often connected with bitter irony, characteristic especially for Jewish art and sometimes directed against the sender of the message itself (in particular self-ironic forms). In the course of analysis and interpretation, the phenomenon of universalization and partial decontextualization of originally religious motifs comes to the fore. The author argues that the reality of the Shoah can be compared to the devil’s abyss only if this abyss is no longer perceived as the place of eternal and just condemnation for sinners. The twentieth-century “hell” of concentration camps and ghettoes, though associated with Dante’s inferno, is not the place of deserved punishment, but of cruel crime and of immense, blameless and unjustifiable suffering.Artykuł jest próbą omówienia tematu związków występujących między Boską Komedią Dantego a poetyckimi przedstawieniami doświadczenia Zagłady Żydów podczas drugiej wojny światowej. Dzieło włoskiego mistrza okazuje się punktem odniesienia dla wielu polskich i polsko-żydowskich twórców poszukujących odpowiedniego języka, aby opisać brutalną rzeczywistość Holokaustu, oddać okrucieństwo zbrodni, przedstawić ogrom cierpienia ofiar, zaświadczyć o własnym losie, złożyć hołd pomordowanym. W omawianych tekstach poetyckich, które wyszły, między innymi, spod pióra Michała Maksymiliana Borwicza, Izabeli Gelbard, Janiny Podlodowskiej, Krystyny Żywulskiej czy Andrzeja Bursy, odwołania do Boskiej Komedii realizowane są na dwa sposoby i służą dwóm podstawowym celom. Po pierwsze, przedstawieniu Holokaustu jako rzeczywistości łudząco podobnej do piekła Dantego, po drugie, przedstawieniu Holokaustu jako rzeczywistości znacznie gorszej, bardziej brutalnej i makabrycznej niż piekło Dantego. Drugi ze wskazanych sposobów poetyckiej prezentacji doświadczenia Szoa bardzo często związany jest z charakterystyczną – zwłaszcza dla twórczości żydowskiej – gorzką ironią, niekiedy wymierzoną przeciw samemu nadawcy komunikatu w szczególnych formach autoironicznych. W toku analiz i interpretacji na pierwszy plan wysuwa się zjawisko uniwersalizacji oraz częściowej dekontekstualizacji pierwotnie religijnych motywów. Autorka opracowania dowodzi, iż rzeczywistość Szoa może być porównywana do diabelskiej otchłani tylko wtedy, gdy otchłań ową przestanie się postrzegać jako miejsce wiecznego i sprawiedliwego potępienia grzeszników. Dwudziestowieczne „piekło” obozów koncentracyjnych czy gett, choć kojarzone z piekłem Dantego, nie stanowi bowiem miejsca zasłużonej kary, lecz okrutnej zbrodni oraz ogromnego, niezawinionego i nieuzasadnionego cierpienia

    “Made-in” label, socio-demographic characteristics and income as moderators of the brand types in terms of the country-of-brand-origin impact on consumers` purchase intentions

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    PURPOSE: The paper aims to examine the moderating effect of “made-in” label, consumer`s socio-demographic characteristics and income on the relations between brand type in terms of the country-of-brand-origin (COBO) applied by emerging market company with purchase intentions of consumers from the European Union market.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: An experimental conjoint analysis and multilevel linear models were used, and covered random sample of 1012 Poles aged 18-65, and concerned durable goods (household appliances).FINDINGS: “Made-in” label, consumer`s socio-demographic characteristics and income differentiate purchase intentions towards various brand types in terms of the COBO applied by emerging markets companies.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Indicated impact of socio-demoraphic characteristic and income as moderators of brand types in terms of COBO may be a basis for shaping international brands strategies for brand owners from emerging countries.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The major contribution of this study is a simultaneous examination of the “made-in” label, socio-demographic characteristics and income as moderators of the brand type in terms of the COBO applied by emerging market firms on consumer purchase intentions.The research was funded by the National Science Centre conferred on the basis of the decision no. UMO-2017/25/B/HS4/00372.peer-reviewe

    Multi-sided digital platforms’ application in SMEs’ fashion brands internet-enabled international marketing

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    PURPOSE: While the multi-sided digital platforms (MSPs) enjoy increasing interest regarding their business models and internationalisation, little research has been done on the application of MSPs in firms` foreign expansion. Specifically, it is unclear how MSPs can support small and medium enterprises` (SMEs) international marketing. The aim of this paper is to identify models of MSPs application in the Internet-enabled international marketing of SMEs’ fashion brands.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: As the research method a multiple-case study was used. Data were obtained from both in-depth interviews with managers of four Polish SMEs – owners of fashion brands, whose products are sold in the foreign markets via MSPs, and secondary sources.FINDINGS: Studied companies offer their products via international MSPs originating from foreign markets and home country. It may be initiated both by platform`s operators, brand owner and a foreign distributor. Responsible for the relations with MSPs and in control over international marketing via MSPs may be both brand owner and a foreign distributor.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Presented models of MSPs application in international marketing can be used as a basis for shaping marketing strategies in this area.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: This paper contributes to the better understanding of SMEs` Internet-enabled international marketing using MSPs.peer-reviewe

    Properties of Vermicomposts Derived from Cameroon Sheep Dung

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    Due to a need for sustainability in agriculture, waste products ought to be utilized in the most appropriate way. A study was undertaken relating to the vermicomposting of Cameroon sheep dung (CSD) by the earthworm Dendrobaena veneta. Processing of this waste was investigated using unadulterated CSD and in a 1:1 mixture with unpalatable (waste) hay (CSDH). Results demonstrated that these materials were actively processed by D. veneta with vermicomposts obtained which can be characterized by a higher amount of total nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (average, respectively, 17.0, 10.5, 13.2 g kg−1 d.m.), as well as lower total carbon and magnesium content (respectively, 340 and 3.2 g kg−1 d.m.), compared with the initial waste material. No significant differences were found between CSD and CSDH vermicomposts with respect to chemistry. Levels of selected trace elements (average: Cu 17.5−18.8, Cr 5.7−5.8, Pb 13.5−14.4, Ni 3, Cd 0.4 mg kg−1 d.m.) in both vermicomposts did not exclude their application to agricultural soil as a fertilizer

    Clavicle fractures - epidemiology, biomechanics of injury and treatment methods

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    Introduction and purpose: The aim of this study is to  to review and analyze scientific research on the topic of clavicle fractures, including epidemiology and comparison of the current conservative and surgical treatment options. State of Knowledge: Due to its structure and function as a support for the upper limb, the clavicle is one of the most frequently fractured bones in the human body. Any significant force acting on the shoulder, such as direct trauma or a fall onto an outstretched hand, can result in high stress forces, leading to a clavicle fracture. Depending on the location of the fracture, muscles pull the bone fragments in their respective directions, which affects the treatment approach for each type of fracture.To facilitate the choice of treatment method, classifications such as the Neer classification and the Edinburgh classification have been developed. Various surgical techniques as well as conservative treatments have been employed in the management of clavicle fractures. Conclusions: The epidemiology of clavicle fractures shows a higher incidence in young males, particularly related to sports activities. The majority of fractures occur in the middle third of the clavicle, with fractures in the distal and proximal thirds being less common. Understanding the ligamentous connections of the clavicle is crucial for understanding fracture patterns. There is no single preferred method of treatment, therefore both conservative and surgical methods are used in the therapeutic process depending on the fracture type. The functional outcome of various surgical techniques is similar

    Stress syndromes of the elbow joint region (golfer's/tennis elbow) - a review of the recent literature

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    Introduction and Purpose: Tennis elbow and golfer's elbow are two stress syndromes of the elbow joint region which have received much attention due to their effects on everyday and sporting activities. This review intends to provide an up-to-date summary of the pathophysiology, clinical manifestation, diagnostic techniques, and treatment options for the two conditions. State of Knowledge: Recent research has emphasized the complexity of these diseases, connecting various causes to their emergence. The current study also shows how inflammation, tendon degradation, and neural involvement contribute to these disorders. Imaging advancements, such as ultrasound and MRI, have improved the diagnostic process by allowing visualization and recognition of underlying disorders. To ensure proper management, differential diagnoses, such as nerve compression syndromes and other musculoskeletal diseases, must be carefully evaluated. Rest, physiotherapy, NSAIDs, and corticosteroid injections are important first-line treatments. Novel therapeutic interventions, such as PRP therapy and ESWT have recently been studied as supplements or alternatives to traditional procedures. The exercise-based rehabilitation in controlling and preventing recurrence is also emphasized. Although surgery is reserved for the most difficult cases, advances in minimally invasive techniques have resulted in better outcomes. Conclusion: Recent literature has significantly contributed to our understanding of elbow stress syndromes. The synthesis of recent research provides clinicians with valuable insights into optimal management strategies. Although, further research is crucial to improve diagnosis, develop new treatments, and raise the standard of care for those affected by these conditions

    Simvastatin attenuates abdominal aortic aneurysm formation favoured by lack of Nrf2 transcriptional activity

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    Surgical intervention is currently the only option for an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), preventing its rupture and sudden death of a patient. Therefore, it is crucial to determine the pathogenic mechanisms of this disease for the development of effective pharmacological therapies. Oxidative stress is said to be one of the pivotal factors in the pathogenesis of AAAs. Thus, we aimed to evaluate the significance of nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) transcriptional activity in the development of AAA and to verify if simvastatin, administered as pre- and cotreatment, may counteract this structural malformation. Experiments were performed on mice with inhibited transcriptional activity of Nrf2 (tKO) and wild-type (WT) counterparts. We used a model of angiotensin II- (AngII-) induced AAA, combined with a fat-enriched diet. Mice were administered with AngII or saline for up to 28 days via osmotic minipumps. Simvastatin administration was started 7 days before the osmotic pump placement and then continued until the end of the experiment. We found that Nrf2 inactivation increased the risk of development and rupture of AAA. Importantly, these effects were reversed by simvastatin in tKO mice, but not in WT. The abrupt blood pressure rise induced by AngII was mitigated in simvastatin-treated animals regardless of the genotype. Simvastatin-affected parameters that differed between the healthy structure of the aorta and aneurysmal tissue included immune cell infiltration of the aortic wall, VCAM1 mRNA and protein level, extracellular matrix degradation, TGF-β1 mRNA level, and ERK phosphorylation, but neither oxidative stress nor the level of Angiotensin II Type 1 Receptor (AT1R). Taken together, the inhibition of Nrf2 transcriptional activity facilitates AAA formation in mice, which can be prevented by simvastatin. It suggests that statin treatment of patients with hypercholesterolemia might have not only a beneficial effect in terms of controlling atherosclerosis but also potential AAA prevention

    The associations between metabolic abnormalities, 24-h blood pressure cicardian rhythm and morning cortisol serum level in patients with essential hypertension

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    Wstęp Celem pracy była ocena wpływu porannego stężenia kortyzolu w surowicy na zaburzenia metaboliczne oraz na 24-godzinny profil ciśnienia tętniczego mierzony metodą ABPM u chorych z pierwotnym nadciśnieniem tętniczym non-dippers i dippers. Materiał i metody W badaniu wzięło udział 96 osób (47 kobiet i 49 mężczyzn) z pierwotnym nadciśnieniem tętniczym. U wszystkich chorych wyznaczono wzrost, masę ciała i obwód pasa (talia) oraz obliczono BMI. U wszystkich pacjentów wykonano całodobową rejestrację ciśnienia tętniczego metodą ABPM aparatem firmy Spacelabs 90207, przeprowadzając pomiary co 20 minut między godziną 6:00 a 22:00 oraz co 30 minut między godziną 22:00 a 6:00. Obliczano średnie dobowe (24hMAP), dzienne (dMAP), nocne (nMAP) ciśnienie tętnicze ze wszystkich pomiarów w ciągu doby oraz nocny spadek średniego ciśnienia dziennego. Określano cechę dippers, gdy spadek nocny średniego ciśnienia dziennego wynosił co najmniej 10%, natomiast cechę non-dippers przy spadku tego ciśnienia poniżej 10%, zgodnie z przyjętymi kryteriami. U chorych będących na czczo pobierano próbki krwi, w których oznaczono stężenie kortyzolu, glukozy, kwasu moczowego, cholesterolu całkowitego, frakcji LDL i HDL, triglicerydów. Ponadto u wszystkich chorych wykonano ponowne oznaczenia stężenia kortyzolu w surowicy po podaniu 1 mg deksametazonu oraz wykonano oznaczenie glukozy w teście obciążenia 75 g glukozy (OGTT). Wyniki Wśród 96 badanych cechę non-dippers stwierdzono u 47 osób (24 kobiet, 23 mężczyzn, w wieku 45,9 &#177; 14,5 roku) a cechę dippers u 49 osób (23 kobiet, 26 mężczyzn w wieku 44 &#177; 13,6 roku). Badane grupy nie różniły się BMI, parametrami biochemicznymi, średnimi wartościami ciśnienia w ABPM. W grupie non-dippers stwierdzono znamiennie (p < 0,05) więszy obwód talii (99,8 &#177; 10,8 v 92,8 &#177; 11,9), wyższe stężenie glukozy w OGTT (139 &#177; 67,3 v. 129,8 &#177; 32,6) i wyższe stężenie kortyzolu w surowicy w porównaniu z dippers (20,1 &#177; 6,8 v.18,3 &#177; 5,7). Ponadto w grupie non-dippers wykazano statystycznie istotną, dodatnią korelację między stężeniem kortyzolu a wartością wskaźnika BMI (r = 0,6; p < 0,005, obwodem pasa (r = 0,54; p < 0,005, stężeniem glukozy na czczo (r = 0,39; p < 0,05) i w OGTT (r = 0,65; p < 0,005), a także ujemną, znamienną korelację pomiędzy stężeniem kortyzolu a cholesterolu frakcji HDL (r = &#8211;0,38; p < 0,05). Ponadto w tej grupie chorych stwierdzono statystycznie istotną, dodatnią korelację między stężeniem kortyzolu a parametrami ABPM. Podobnych zależności nie wykazano w grupie dippers. Wnioski Podwyższone poranne stężenie kortyzolu w surowicy odpowiada za zaburzenia metaboliczne, nieprawidłowy profil ciśnienia tętniczego oraz brak jego spadku nocnego u chorych z pierwotnym nadciśnieniem tętniczym. Nadciśnienie Tętnicze 2011, tom 15, nr 4, strony 236&#8211;241.Background To assess an impact of morning cortisol level on metabolic abnormalities and 24-h ambulatory blood pressure profile in patients with dipping and non-dipping hypertension. Material and methods The study was performed on 96 subjects (47 F, 49 M) with essential hypertension. The anthropometric assessments included height, weight, waist circumference and body mass index (BMI). In all patients a 24-h blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) protocol was performed using a Spacelabs 90207 monitor. Blood pressure was measured every 20 min during the daytime (from 06.00 to 22.00) and every 30 min at night-time (22.00&#8211;06.00). The following parameters were recorded: 24-h mean (MAP), daytime mean (dMAP) and night-time mean (nMAP) systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressures. The non-dippers hypertension was defined if the declines in blood pressure at night were below 10% of the daytime values. The morning blood samples for serum cortisol, glucose, uric acid, cholesterol, and triglycerides levels were drawn. All patients had also a 75 g oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) and a 1 mg dexamethasone suppression test. Results Of 96 patients we identified 47 non-dippers (24 F, 27 M; mean age 45.9 &#177; 14.5 years) and 49 dippers (23 F, 26 M; mean age 44 &#177; 13.6 years); BMI, MAP, serum uric acid, total cholesterol and its LDL and HDL fractions, triglycerides, fasting glucose were similar in both groups. All patients had normal dexamethasone suppression test. Non-dipperes had significantly higher waist circumference (99.8 &#177; 10.8) and glucose results of the OGTT (139.3 &#177; 67.30 as compared to dippers (respectively: 92.8 &#177; 11.9; 129.8 &#177; 32.6). Furthermore, the morning cortisol level was significantly higher in non-dippers group as compared to dippers (20.7 &#177; 6.7 v.18.3 &#177; 5.6 &#956;g/dl; p < 0.05) and in non-dippers was positively correlated with BMI (r = 0.6; p < 0.005), waist circumference (r = 0.54; p < 0.005), fasting glucose (r = 0.39; p < 0.05), 2-h post load glucose (r = 0.65; p < 0.005) and inversely with HDL cholesterol (r = &#8211;0.38; r < 0.05). Similarly, in non-dippers, but not in dippers, the morning cortisol level correlated with the following ABPM values. Conclusions In patients with essential hypertension, an increased morning cortisol level is associated with metabolic abnormalities, circadian blood pressure profile and non-dipping pattern of blood pressure. Arterial Hypertension 2011, vol. 15, no 4, pages 236&#8211;241