16 research outputs found

    The chromitites of the Neoproterozoic Bou Azzer ophiolite (Central Anti-Atlas, Morocco) revisited

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    The Neoproterozoic Bou Azzer ophiolite in the Moroccan Anti-Atlas Panafrican belt hosts numerous chromitite orebodies within the peridotite section of the oceanic mantle. The chromitites are strongly affected by serpentinization and metamorphism, although they still preserve igneous relicts amenable for petrogenetic interpretation. The major, minor and trace element composition of unaltered chromite cores reveal two compositional groups: intermediate-Cr (Cr# = 0.60 - 0.74) and high-Cr (Cr# = 0.79 - 0.84) and estimates of parental melt compositions suggest crystallization from pulses of fore-arc basalts (FAB) and boninitic melts, respectively, that infiltrated the oceanic supra-subduction zone (SSZ) mantle. A platinum group elements (PGE) mineralization dominated by Ir-Ru-Os is recognized in the chromitites, which has its mineralogical expression in abundant inclusions of Os-Ir alloys and coexisting magmatic laurite (RuS2) and their products of metamorphic alteration. Unusual mineral phases in chromite, not previously reported in this ophiolite, include super-reduced and/or nominally ultra-high pressure minerals moissanite (SiC), native Cu and silicates (oriented clinopyroxene lamellae), but "exotic" zircon and diaspore have also been identified. We interpret that clinopyroxene lamellae have a magmatic origin, whereas super-reduced phases originated during serpentinization processes and diaspore is linked to late circulation of low-silica fluids related to rodingitization. Zircon grains, on the other hand, with apatite and serpentine inclusions, could either have formed after the interaction of chromitite with mantlederived melts or could represent subducted detrital sediments later incorporated into the chromitites. We offer a comparison of the Bou Azzer chromitites with other Precambrian ophiolitic chromitites worldwide, which are rather scarce in the geological record. The studied chromitites are very similar to the Neoproterozoic chromitites reported in the Arabian-Nubian shield, which are also related to the Panafrican orogeny. Thus, we conclude that the Bou Azzer chromitites formed in a subduction-initiation geodynamic setting with two-stages of evolution, with formation of FAB-derived intermediate-Cr chromitites in the early stage and formation of boninite-derived high-Cr chromitites in the late stage

    100 myr cycles of oceanic lithosphere generation in peri-Gondwana: Neoproterozoic–Devonian ophiolites from the NW African–Iberian margin of Gondwana and the Variscan Orogen

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    The datasets generated during and/or analysed during the current study are availablein the DIGITAL.CSIC repository: http://doi.org/10.20350/digitalCSIC/12510.[EN] The Variscan Orogen in Iberia and the Anti-Atlas Mountains in Morocco contains a set of ophiolites formed between Neoproterozoic and Devonian times, during the complex evolution of the NW African–Iberian margin of Gondwana. During this time interval, the margin evolved from an active margin (c. 750–500 Ma: the Reguibat–Avalonian–Cadomian arc) to the final collision with Laurussia in Devonian times to form Pangaea. In this context, one of the oldest recognized ophiolites is the Bou Azzer Ophiolite from the Anti-Atlas Mountains, dated at c. 697 Ma and containing two types of mafic rocks, the youngest of which has a boninitic composition. To the north, in the SW Iberian Massif, the Calzadilla Ophiolite contains mafic rocks also of boninitic composition dated at c. 598 Ma. Farther north, in the NW Iberian Massif, the Vila de Cruces Ophiolite is formed by a thick sequence of mafic rocks with an arc tholeiitic composition and minor alternations of tonalitic orthogneisses dated at c. 497 Ma. In the same region, the Bazar Ophiolite has a similar age of c. 495 Ma. Also in NW Iberia, there is a group of ophiolites with varied lithologies and dominant mafic rocks with arc tholeiitic composition (Careón, Purrido and Moeche ophiolites) dated at c. 395 Ma. The composition of all these peri-Gondwanan ophiolites is of supra-subduction zone type, showing no evidence of preserved mid-ocean ridge basalt type oceanic lithosphere. Consequently, these ophiolites were generated in the peri-Gondwanan realm during the opening of forearc or back-arc basins. Forearc oceanic lithosphere was promptly obducted or accreted to the volcanic arc, but the oceanic or transitional lithosphere generated in back-arc settings was preserved until the assembly of Pangaea. Based on the ages of the described ophiolites, the peri-Gondwanan realm has been a domain where the generation of oceanic or transitional lithosphere seems to have occurred at intervals of c. 100 myr. These regularly spaced time intervals may indicate cyclic events of mantle upwelling in the peri-Gondwanan mid-ocean ridges, with associated higher subduction rates at the peri-Gondwanan trenches and concomitant higher rates of partial melting in the mantle wedges involved. The origin of the apparent cyclicity for mantle upwelling in the peri-Gondwanan ocean ridges is unclear, but it could have possibly been related to episodic deep mantle convection. Cycles of more active deep mantle convection can explain episodic mantle upwelling, the transition from low- to fast-spreading type mid-ocean ridges and, finally, the dynamic context for the episodic generation of new supra-subduction zone type oceanic peri-Gondwanan lithosphere.Financial support has been provided bySpanish projects CGL2016-76438-P and CGL2015-65824 (Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad) anda FPU grant to Núria Pujol-Solà (Ministerio de Educación)Peer reviewe

    100 Ma cycles of oceanic lithosphere generation in periGondwana: Ophiolites from Morocco and Iberia

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    Trabajo presentado en el X Congreso Geológico de España, 5-7 julio 2021, Vitoria-Gasteiz[EN] The Variscan Orogen in Iberia and the Anti-Atlas mountains in Morocco contain a set of ophiolites formed between Neoproterozoic and Devonian times during the complex evolution of the NW African margin of Gondwana. During this time interval the margin evolved from an active margin (c. 750-500 Ma, the Avalonian-Cadomian arc), to the final collision with Laurussia to form Pangea. In this context, different ophiolites have been dated at c. 700, 600, 500 and 400 Ma. The composition of all these peri-Gondwanan ophiolites is of supra-subduction zone type, showing no evidence for preserved MORB-type oceanic lithosphere. Consequently, these ophiolites were generated in the peri-Gondwanan realm during the opening of fore-arc or back-arc basins. The peri-Gondwanan realm has been a domain where generation of oceanic or transitional lithosphere seems to have occurred at intervals of c. 100 Ma. These regularly spaced time intervals may indicate cyclic events of mantle upwelling in the peri-Gondwanan mid-ocean ridges, with associated higher subduction rates at the peri-Gondwanan trenches and concomitant higher rates of partial melting in the associated mantle wedges.[ES] El Orógeno Varisco en Iberia y el Anti Atlas de Marruecos contiene un conjunto de ofiolitas generadas entre el Neoproterozoico y el Devónico. Durante este intervalo temporal, el margen de Gondwana evolucionó desde un margen activo (c. 750-500 Ma, el arco Avaloniense-Cadomiense), hasta la colisión final con Laurussia para formar Pangea. En este contexto, diferentes ofiolitas han sido datadas en c. 700, 600, 500 y 400 Ma. La composición de todas estas ofiolitas peri-Gondwánicas es de tipo zona de supra-subducción, sin preservación de litosferas oceánicas de tipo MORB. En consecuencia, estas ofiolitas fueron generadas durante la apertura de cuencas de tipo fore-arc o back-arc. El ámbito peri-Gondwánico ha sido pues un dominio donde la generación de litosfera oceánica o transicional se produjo en intervalos de c. 100 Ma. Estos intervalos temporales parecen indicar episodios cíclicos de ascenso astenosférico (mantle upwelling) en las dorsales oceánicas peri-Gondwánicas, con un incremento asociado de la velocidad de subducción en las trincheras peri-Gondwánicas y concomitantes mayores tasas de fusión parcial en las cuñas de manto litosférico asociadas.Peer reviewe

    Minerales 'exóticos' en cromititas ofiolíticas. Implicaciones para la geodinámica mantélica

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    Los depósitos ofiolíticos de cromita constituyen un rasgo característico de la secuencia mantélica de las ofiolitas (González-Jiménez et al., 2014 y referencias en éste). Los cuerpos de cromititas se encuentran en dunitas y harzburgitas distribuyéndose a lo largo de una zona de espesor variable, entre 1 y 2 km, debajo de los niveles de gabros bandeados de la corteza inferior oceánica. El origen de cuerpos monominerálicos de cromita en el manto, especialmente el mecanismo de concentración de cromita y el ambiente tectónico de formación, continúa siendo un tema sujeto a debate (e.g., Proenza et al., 1999; González-Jiménez et al., 2014). A tal efecto, se han propuesto hipótesis basadas en: i) cristalización cotéctica de cromita+olivino y su posterior separación mecánica; ii) procesos de mezcla o contaminación de magmas; iii) asimilación de piroxenitas y gabros; iv) aumento del grado de polimerización del fundido debido a la pérdida de agua; v) cambios en la fugacidad de oxígeno. Todas estas hipótesis asumen procesos a baja presión en el manto (<20 km profundidad)

    High-pressure granulite event in the Filali Unit (Beni Bousera Massif, Morocco): implications for an early Variscan matamorphic evolution

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    Los paragneises migmatíticos basales de la unidad de Filali (Rif Interno, Marruecos) contienen inclusiones de granulitas básicas de alta-presión. Tres episodios metamórficos que documentan una descompresión isotérmica han sido distinguídos en estas litologías: (1) un episodio granulítico de alta-presión (810-890°C, 13.3-15.7 kbar); (2) un episodio transicional entre las facies de las granulitas y anfibolitas (712-832°C, 10.3-13 kbar); y (3) un estadio anfibolítico (690-770°C, 7.7-9 kbar). Esta descompresión isotérmica está probablemente asociada a un colapso extensional tardi-Varisco

    Migmatizacion of the basal paragneisses of the Filali Unit (Beni Bousera massif, Morocco) during polyphase extensional tectonics

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    Los paragneises basales de la Unidad de Filali registran dos episodios migmatíticos: (a) un episodio de media-presión (710-810°C y 6.6-9 kbar) relacionado con el colapso extensional tardi-Varisco que afectó a la sección litosférica de los Sebtides inferiores; y (b) un episodio de baja-presión de edad Alpina, que produjó cordierita durante una descompresión casi isotérmica (640-760°C y 4.5-5 kbar), asociado a la apertura durante el Oligoceno superior-Mioceno del dominio de Alboran

    The Mesozoic Margin of the Maghrebian Tethys in the Rif Belt (Morocco): Evidence for Polyphase Rifting and Related Magmatic Activity

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    International audienceThe Rif belt (northern Morocco) is a mountain chain located at the junction between the Mediterranean and Central Atlantic Domains. Although the Rif belt underwent important Cenozoic (i.e., Alpine) shortening, remnants of the Mesozoic North African rifted margin are preserved in its external zones. This contribution aims to characterize the Mesozoic architecture and polyphase rifting history of this rifted margin. We present detailed field evidence and geochronological data from two palaeogeographic zones (Mesorif and Intrarif) preserving remnants of the former North African distal margin. The Mesorif conserves lithostratigraphic associations characterized by mafic intrusive rocks overlain by dismembered and discontinuous blocks of Lower Jurassic carbonates covered by Middle to Upper Jurassic sediments. U-Pb zircon dating of four samples from this gabbroic complex shows ages close to the Triassic-Jurassic boundary (195-200 Ma). The gabbros were emplaced within the continental crust at the end of the first Triassic rift event and exhumed shortly after during a second Middle Jurassic rift event, which presents exceptional rift-related structures. The most distal part of the margin is exposed in the Intrarif. In this unit, the Beni-Malek serpentinized peridotites exhibit ophicalcites with uppermost Jurassic limestones resting conformably on top, suggesting that exhumation of the mantle occurred at the distal part of the North African margin at this time. When integrated, these new evidences enable us to discuss the evolution of the western part of the North African rifted margin and its relations with the Moroccan Atlantic margin and Tethys system