1,319 research outputs found

    Noncommutative polynomial maps

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    Accepté pour publication dans "Journal of Algebra and its applications"; 16 pages.Polynomial maps attached to polynomials of an Ore extension are naturally defi ned. In this setting we show the importance of pseudo-linear transformations and give some applications. In particular, factorizations of polynomials in an Ore extension over a fi nite fi eld F_q[t;S ], where S is the Frobenius automorphism, are translated into factorizations in the usual polynomial ring F_q[x]

    Effect of boundary conditions on diffusion in two-dimensional granular gases

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    We analyze the influence of boundary conditions on numerical simulations of the diffusive properties of a two dimensional granular gas. We show in particular that periodic boundary conditions introduce unphysical correlations in time which cause the coefficient of diffusion to be strongly dependent on the system size. On the other hand, in large enough systems with hard walls at the boundaries, diffusion is found to be independent of the system size. We compare the results obtained in this case with Langevin theory for an elastic gas. Good agreement is found. We then calculate the relaxation time and the influence of the mass for a particle of radius RsR_s in a sea of particles of radius RbR_b. As granular gases are dissipative, we also study the influence of an external random force on the diffusion process in a forced dissipative system. In particular, we analyze differences in the mean square velocity and displacement between the elastic and inelastic cases.Comment: 15 figures eps figures, include

    Three-dimensional hydrostratigraphical modelling supporting the evaluation of fluoride enrichment in groundwater: Lakes basin (Central Ethiopia)

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    Study region: The Lakes Basin is located in the Main Ethiopian Rift. It covers the northern part of the rift valley basin, the Upper Awash River basin, and some sub-basins from the Omo River basin. Due to the presence of high fluoride (F−) content, natural contamination of groundwater has long been recognized as a water-related health issue in the area. Study focus: A multidisciplinary research effort, including geological, hydrogeological, hydro-chemical, and geophysical investigations, was adopted to understand the 3D hydrogeological conceptual model and to evaluate F− enrichment in groundwater. New hydrological insights for the region: The 3D hydrogeological conceptual model shows a complex hydrogeological environment and a clear hydraulic interconnection between different aquifers. The geological setting has deeply influenced the geometry of the aquifers, recharge and discharge areas, and F− enrichment in groundwater. Two hydrogeological units, namely sedimentary and volcanic multi-aquifers, were identified. The analyses of groundwater circulation, flow paths, and distribution of F- concentrations in each aquifer were conducted. In groundwater, the concentration of fluoride varies from 0.1 to 68.9 mg L−1; in surface water, it ranges from 0.6 to 244.2 mg L−1. Fluoride concentration of 62 % of the water samples analyzed exceeded the 1.5 mg L−1 WHO threshold for fluoride concentration in drinking water. The proposed methodological approach has been demonstrated to be a powerful tool that could be applied in other similar areas

    Anisotropic Local Stress and Particle Hopping in a Deeply Supercooled Liquid

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    The origin of the microscopic motions that lead to stress relaxation in deeply supercooled liquid remains unclear. We show that in such a liquid the stress relaxation is locally anisotropic which can serve as the driving force for the hopping of the system on its free energy surface. However, not all hopping are equally effective in relaxing the local stress, suggesting that diffusion can decouple from viscosity even at local level. On the other hand, orientational relaxation is found to be always coupled to stress relaxation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Effect of a self-care educational intervention to improve self-care adherence among patients with chronic heart failure: a clustered randomized controlled trial in Northwest Ethiopia

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    Background: As the burden of cardiovascular disease increases in sub-Saharan Africa, there is a growing need for low-cost interventions to mitigate its impact. Providing self-care health education to patients with chronic heart failure (CHF) is recommended as an intervention to prevent complications, improve quality of life, and reduce financial burdens on fragile health systems. However, little is known about health education’s effectiveness at improving CHF self-management adherence in sub-Saharan Africa. Therefore the present study aimed to assess the effectiveness of an educational intervention to improve self-care adherence among patients with CHF at Debre Markos and Felege Hiwot Referral Hospitals in Northwest Ethiopia. Methods: To address this gap, we adapted a health education intervention based on social cognitive theory comprising of intensive four-day training and, one-day follow-up sessions offered every four months. Patients also received illustrated educational leaflets. We then conducted a clustered randomized control trial of the intervention with 186 randomly-selected patients at Debre Markos and Felege Hiwot referral hospitals. We collected self-reported data on self-care behavior before each educational session. We analyzed these data using a generalized estimating equations model to identify health education's effect on a validated 8-item self-care adherence scale. Results: Self-care adherence scores were balanced at baseline. After the intervention, patients in the intervention group (n = 88) had higher adherence scores than those in the control group (n = 98). This difference was statistically significant (β = 4.15, p < 0.05) and increased with each round of education. Other factors significantly associated with adherence scores were being single (β = − 0.25, p < 0.05), taking aspirin (β = 0.76, p < 0.05), and having a history of hospitalization (β = 0.91, p < 0.05). Conclusions: We find that self-care education significantly improved self-care adherence scores among CHF patients. This suggests that policymakers should consider incorporating self-care education into CHF management

    SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19 in patients on the Swiss national transplant waiting list.

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    The impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on patients listed for solid organ transplantation has not been systematically investigated to date. Thus, we assessed occurrence and effects of infections with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) on patients on the Swiss national waiting list for solid organ transplantation. Patient data were retrospectively extracted from the Swiss Organ Allocation System (SOAS). From 16 March to 31 May 2020, we included all patients listed for solid organ transplantation on the Swiss national waiting list who were tested positive for SARS-CoV-2. Severity of COVID-19 was categorised as follows: stage I, mild symptoms; stage II, moderate to severe symptoms; stage III, critical symptoms; stage IV, death. We compared the incidence rate (laboratory-confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2), the hospital admission rate (number of admissions of SARS-CoV-2-positive individuals), and the case fatality rate (number of deaths of SARS-CoV-2-positive individuals) in our study population with the general Swiss population during the study period, calculating age-adjusted standardised incidence ratios and standardised mortality ratios, with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). A total of 1439 patients were registered on the Swiss national solid organ transplantation waiting list on 31 May 31 2020. Twenty-four (1.7%) waiting list patients were reported to test positive for SARS-CoV-2 in the study period. The median age was 56 years (interquartile range 45.3&amp;ndash;65.8), and 14 (58%) were male. Of all patients tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, two patients were asymptomatic, 14 (58%) presented in COVID-19 stage I, 3 (13%) in stage II, and 5 (21%) in stage III. Eight patients (33%) were admitted to hospital, four (17%) required intensive care, and three (13%) mechanical ventilation. Twenty-two patients (92%) of all those infected recovered, but two male patients aged &amp;gt;65 years with multiple comorbidities died in hospital from respiratory failure. Comparing our study population with the general Swiss population, the age-adjusted standardised incidence ratio was 4.1 (95% CI 2.7&amp;ndash;6.0). The overall rate of SARS-CoV-2 infections in candidates awaiting solid organ transplantation was four times higher than in the Swiss general population; however, the frequency of testing likely played a role. Given the small sample size of affected patients, conclusions have to be drawn cautiously and results need verification in larger cohorts

    Modeling low energy sputtering of hexagonal boron nitride by xenon ions

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    The sputtering of hexagonal boron nitride due to low energy xenon ion bombardments occurs in various applications including fabrication of cubic boron nitride and erosion of Hall thruster channel walls. At low ion energies, accurate experimental characterization of sputter yields increases in difficulty due to the low yields involved. A molecular dynamics model is employed to simulate the sputtering process and to calculate sputter yields for ion energies ranging from 10 eV to 350 eV. The results are compared to experimental data and a semi-empirical expression developed by Bohdansky is found to adequately describe the simulation data. Surface temperature effects are also investigated, and the sputter yield at 850 K is approximately twice that at 423 K.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Risk-adapted FDG-PET/CT-based follow-up in patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma after first-line therapy

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of 2-[fluorine-18]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose-positron emission tomography/computed tomography (FDG-PET/CT) during follow-up of patients with diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) being in complete remission or unconfirmed complete remission after first-line therapy. Patients and methods: DLBCL patients receiving FDG-PET/CT during follow-up were analyzed retrospectively. Confirmatory biopsy was mandatory in cases of suspected disease recurrence. Results: Seventy-five patients were analyzed and 23 (30%) had disease recurrence. The positive predictive value (PPV) of FDG-PET/CT was 0.85. Patients >60 years [P = 0.036, hazard ratio (HR) = 3.82, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.02-7.77] and patients with symptoms indicative of a relapse (P = 0.015; HR = 4.1; 95% CI 1.20-14.03) had a significantly higher risk for relapse. A risk score on the basis of signs of relapse, age >60 years, or a combination of these factors identified patients at high risk for recurrence (P = 0.041). Conclusions: FDG-PET/CT detects recurrent DLBCL after first-line therapy with high PPV. However, it should not be used routinely and if only in selected high-risk patients to reduce radiation burden and costs. On the basis of our retrospective data, FDG-PET/CT during follow-up is indicated for patients 60 years with and without clinical signs of relaps

    Effect of hydrogen on ground state structures of small silicon clusters

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    We present results for ground state structures of small Sin_{n}H (2 \leq \emph{n} \leq 10) clusters using the Car-Parrinello molecular dynamics. In particular, we focus on how the addition of a hydrogen atom affects the ground state geometry, total energy and the first excited electronic level gap of an Sin_{n} cluster. We discuss the nature of bonding of hydrogen in these clusters. We find that hydrogen bonds with two silicon atoms only in Si2_{2}H, Si3_{3}H and Si5_{5}H clusters, while in other clusters (i.e. Si4_{4}H, Si6_{6}H, Si7_{7}H, Si8_{8}H, Si9_{9}H and Si10_{10}H) hydrogen is bonded to only one silicon atom. Also in the case of a compact and closed silicon cluster hydrogen bonds to the cluster from outside. We find that the first excited electronic level gap of Sin_{n} and Sin_{n}H fluctuates as a function of size and this may provide a first principles basis for the short-range potential fluctuations in hydrogenated amorphous silicon. Our results show that the addition of a single hydrogen can cause large changes in the electronic structure of a silicon cluster, though the geometry is not much affected. Our calculation of the lowest energy fragmentation products of Sin_{n}H clusters shows that hydrogen is easily removed from Sin_{n}H clusters.Comment: one latex file named script.tex including table and figure caption. Six postscript figure files. figure_1a.ps and figure_1b.ps are files representing Fig. 1 in the main tex