153 research outputs found

    Intuitionistic Fuzzy Soft Rough Set and Its Application in Decision Making

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    The soft set theory, originally proposed by Molodtsov, can be used as a general mathematical tool for dealing with uncertainty. In this paper, we present concepts of soft rough intuitionistic fuzzy sets and intuitionistic fuzzy soft rough sets, and investigate some properties of soft rough intuitionistic fuzzy sets and intuitionistic fuzzy soft rough sets in detail. Furthermore, classical representations of intuitionistic fuzzy soft rough approximation operators are presented. Finally, we develop an approach to intuitionistic fuzzy soft rough sets based on decision making and a numerical example is provided to illustrate the developed approach

    Study on Directed Trust Graph Based Recommendation for E-commerce System

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    Automated recommender systems have played a more and more important role in marketing and ever increasingly booming e-commerce systems. They provide useful predictions personalized recommendations according to customers’ characteristics and a variety of large and complex product offerings. In many of these recommendation technologies Collaborative Filtering (CF) has proven to be one of the most successful recommendation method, which has been widely used in many e-commerce systems. The success of CF recommendation depends mainly on locating similar neighbors to get recommendation items. However, many scholars have found that the process of finding similar neighbors often fail, due to some inherent weaknesses of CF based recommendation. In view of this, we propose a trust feedback recommendation algorithm based on directed trust graph (DTG), which is able to propagate trust relationship. In our approach, there is no need to compute similarity between users, but utilize the trust relation between them to conduct prediction calculation. Based on the analysis of human trust perception, we incorporate the process into our recommendation algorithm. Experimental evaluation on real life Epinions datasets shows that the effectiveness and practicability of our approach

    WonderFlow: Narration-Centric Design of Animated Data Videos

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    Creating an animated data video enriched with audio narration takes a significant amount of time and effort and requires expertise. Users not only need to design complex animations, but also turn written text scripts into audio narrations and synchronize visual changes with the narrations. This paper presents WonderFlow, an interactive authoring tool, that facilitates narration-centric design of animated data videos. WonderFlow allows authors to easily specify a semantic link between text and the corresponding chart elements. Then it automatically generates audio narration by leveraging text-to-speech techniques and aligns the narration with an animation. WonderFlow provides a visualization structure-aware animation library designed to ease chart animation creation, enabling authors to apply pre-designed animation effects to common visualization components. It also allows authors to preview and iteratively refine their data videos in a unified system, without having to switch between different creation tools. To evaluate WonderFlow's effectiveness and usability, we created an example gallery and conducted a user study and expert interviews. The results demonstrated that WonderFlow is easy to use and simplifies the creation of data videos with narration-animation interplay

    Recurrent exercise-induced acute kidney injury by idiopathic renal hypouricemia with a novel mutation in the SLC2A9 gene and literature review

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    OBJETIVO: Comparar a sensibilidade do método de difusão em ágar e do método de extração utilizando as linhagens celulares RC-IAL (células fibroblásticas de rim de coelho) e HeLa (células epiteliais de carcinoma do colo do útero humano), na avaliação da citotoxicidade "in vitro" de materiais de uso médico-hospitalar. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Foram testadas 50 amostras escolhidas por sorteio, entre as já conhecidamente positivas e negativas e identificadas como: algodão, espuma, borracha, látex, celulose e acrílico. Além, das amostras citadas foram testadas experimentalmente várias concentrações de SDS (duodecil sulfato de sódio) nas culturas celulares RC-IAL e HeLa. RESULTADOS: Das 50 amostras testadas , 44 (88%) foram positivas para os dois métodos. Mas quando comparado o SDS nos dois métodos foram observados resultados positivos nas concentrações de 0,5 a 0,05 µg/ml no método de difusão em ágar e no método de extração somente foi observado efeito citotóxico até a concentração de 0,25 µg/ml. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados encontrados são similares aos observados por outros autores que testaram materiais como, por exemplo, ligas metálicas. Quando foi usado o SDS observou-se, nas duas linhagens celulares, diferenças favoráveis ao método de difusão em ágar em duas concentrações, isto é, a sensibilidade deste método foi significantemente maior, por inspecção, em relação ao método de extração, além de se constituir em método mais simples de ser realizado

    Static and dynamical properties of the spin-5/2 nearly ideal triangular lattice antiferromagnet Ba3MnSb2O9

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    We study the ground state and spin excitation in Ba3MnSb2O9, an easy-plane S = 5/2 triangular lattice antiferromagnet. By combining single-crystal neutron scattering, electric spin resonance (ESR), and spin wave calculations, we determine the frustrated quasi-two-dimensional spin Hamiltonian parameters describing the material. While the material has a slight monoclinic structural distortion, which could allow for isosceles triangular exchanges and biaxial anisotropy by symmetry, we observe no deviation from the behavior expected for spin waves in the in-plane 120o state. Even the easy-plane anisotropy is so small that it can only be detected by ESR in our study. In conjunction with the quasi-two-dimensionality, our study establishes that Ba3MnSb2O9 is a nearly ideal triangular lattice antiferromagnet with the quasi-classical spin S = 5/2, which suggests that it has the potential for an experimental study of Z- or Z2-vortex excitations

    Cleavage of a pathogen apoplastic protein by plant subtilases activates host immunity

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    The plant apoplast is a harsh environment in which hydrolytic enzymes, especially proteases, accumulate during pathogen infection. However, the defense functions of most apoplastic proteases remain largely elusive. We show that a newly identified small cysteine rich secreted protein PC2 from the potato late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans induces immunity in Solanum plants only after cleavage by plant apoplastic subtilisin‐like proteases, such as tomato P69B. A minimal 61‐amino‐acid core peptide carrying two key cysteines, conserved widely in most oomycete species, is sufficient for PC2‐induced cell death. Furthermore, we showed that Kazal‐like protease inhibitors, such as EPI1 produced by P. infestans prevent PC2 cleavage and dampen PC2 elicited host immunity. This study reveals that cleavage of pathogen proteins to release immunogenic peptides is an important function of plant apoplastic proteases