551 research outputs found

    Relationship Marketing

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    The relationship between firm and their customers is a critical issue when establishing a long term relationship. The relationship management has become an essential part of business strategy due to the complexity and increasing competition. Previous researchers mention (Wong & Sohal 2002, Grönroos & Ravald 1996, Selnes 1996,) that values and benefits can only be obtained if customers agree to make long term relationship and consider them valuable. In the context of buyer-supplier relationship, continuity of relationship consists on loyalty from both sides. Loyalty has been define in term of repeat purchase, positive attitude, long term commitment, intention to continue relationship, expressing positive word of mouth and not switching for any other product. There are many factors which can affect the loyalty but in the current study four factors or variables have been discussed such as supplier competence, communication, commitment and conflict handling. The aim of this study is to know the role of relationship variables between international buyer-supplier relationship and on customers’ loyalty. Theoretical work was based on previous researches and literature regarding relationship variables and customer’s loyalty. Case study method has been chosen for current study which is most appropriate to meet the purpose. Data has been collected from one Finnish firm in print industry. The study found that in order to maintain customers’ loyalty, it is vital for firms to meet their needs and wants, and all relationship variables need to be considered during the entire relationship process between supplier and buyer, without any discrimination whether new customers and old one.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Analysing the Economic Resilience of D8 Countries by Using AHP and Topsis Approach

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    Resilience is defined in different ways by different disciplines and different authors, but in general, resilience may be defined as the ability of a system and its component parts to anticipate, absorb, accommodate, or recover the effects of a hazardous event in a timely and efficient manner.  The notion of ‘resilience’ has recently risen to prominence in several disciplines, and has also entered policy discourse.  This paper determines the economic resilience of D-8 countries. AHP and TOPSIS approach have been used to evaluate the ranking of D-8 countries. The weight of different indicators has been derived by expert choice software. The results of the study show that Egypt tops the ranking among D-8 countries, followed by Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, while Malaysia and Indonesia being at no 7 and 8 respectively due to macroeconomic indicators and the selected determinants of the economic resilience. Policymakers can play an active role in sustaining resilient economies by addressing resources and efforts in the right policy areas without waiting for crises. The paper also presents a tentative approach aimed at developing an index of economic resilience covering four aspects namely macroeconomic stability, microeconomic market efficiency, governance and social development. Keywords: Economic resilience, , D-8 countries, AHP-TOPSIS DOI: 10.7176/JESD/12-21-01 Publication date: November 30th 202

    Yefet ben 'Ali's commentary on the Hebrew text of the Book of Job I-X

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    This thesis is a critical edition of the Judeo-Arabic commentary on the Hebrew text of the Book of Job by one of the greatest Karaites of his age (second half of the tenth century A. D.), Yefet Ben 'Ali the Karaite. An examination of the photocopies and microfilms of the original Manuscripts of Yefet Ben 'Ali written in the XIth, XIV-XVIIth, XVth and XVIth centuries resulted in a delimitation of the number of chapters in this edition i.e. chapters I-X. None of the four Manuscripts is complete and I have tried to complete the presentation of the first ten chapters of Yefet's commentary on the Book of Job by filling in the gaps of the master copy which I used (Ms. A., Or. 2509 B. M. ) from the other Manuscripts. I used it as a main text because it is almost a complete copy compared with the others, as far as the first ten chapters are concerned. The four Manuscripts which I used are housed in the British Library in London. This edition is prefaced by an introduction, comprising a discussion of the information we possess about Yefet's life in Basrah and Jerusalem, with reference to his works in general and the authenticity of his work on the Book of Job in particular. This is followed by a description and analysis of the commentary, discussing the method used by the commentator, and how he made it possible for large numbers of Jews in non-Arabic speaking countries to make free use of his interpretations of biblical texts allied to the Karaite theological viewpoint and its relationship to Mu'tazilite views. There follows an analysis of the language used by Yefet in his text and exegesis, i.e. morphology, orthography and so on. A comparison is then made with Saadia Gaon, including a brief discussion of the language and exegesis of the two scholars which deals with the fundamental characteristics of Judeo and classical Arabic; in addition, notes on the text are appended in which attention will be drawn to Yefet's characteristic vagueness in interpreting the Hebrew text of the Book of Job. Special attention is paid to the vowels in each of the Manuscripts, and differences between the Manuscripts are footnoted throughout the text of this edition. The appendix takes cognisance of M. E., i.e. Opp. Add. 4.165 of the Bodleian Library, listing fully the differences between it and the printed text of this edition


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    This paper will discuss creating my thesis film, Despondent, taking it from a concept on paper to the screen. The reflection will focus on the pre-production, production, and post-production phases. This paper will also address the lessons I have learned and my growth as a filmmaker through working on this project and being part of the film production program at UNO

    Generalized anxiety disorder: can we rest now?

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    Generalized anxiety disorder is a complex psychiatric syndrome. Current understanding on the epidemiological risk factors, genetic vulnerability and neurobiology of the GAD is beginning to unfold the complexities behind this disorder. This narrative review has attempted to put together the recent advances in the area of GAD research with intent to identify the gaps requiring further research

    Designing and configuring context-aware semantic web applications

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    Context-aware services are attracting attention of world as the use of web services are rapidly growing. We designed an architecture of context-aware semantic web which provides on demand flexibility and scalability in extracting and mining the research papers from well-known digital libraries i.e. ACM, IEEE and SpringerLink. This paper proposes a context-aware administrations system, which supports programmed revelation and incorporation of setting dependent on Semantic Web administrations. This work has been done using the python programming language with a dedicated library for the semantic web analysis named as “Cubic-Web” on any defined dataset, in our case as we have used a dataset for extracting and studying several publications to measure the impact of context aware semantic web application on the results. We have found the average recall and averge accuracy for all the context aware research journals in our research work. Moreover, as this study is limited journal documents, other future studies can be approached by examining different types of publications using this advance research. An efficient system has been designed considering the parameters of research article meta-data to find out the papers from the web using semantic web technology. Parameters like year of publication, type of publication, number of contributors, evaluation methods and analysis method used in publication. All this data has been extracted using the designed context-aware semantic web technology

    SAW Filter Modelling in Matlab for GNSS Receivers

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    Satellite navigation has enabled a great amount of new application for many users, but a lot of limitations have been observed regarding precision and integrity of navigation signals. Overall signals of different navigation systems (GPS, GALILEO, GLONASS signals) compose Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) Signal. Each of the satellite system has separate signal characteristics, but each signal needs to be compatible with the others to prevent interferences and attenuations between signals. The processing of all the signals is performed in same receiver. Hence, complex receiver design is required. In GNSS signals different frequencies are used for different satellite navigation systems such as GPS, Galileo and Glonass. When the group delay response is observed in SAW filters it shows that the signals lie on different frequencies have different delays. Manufacturers carried out measurements with respect to carrier wave but they have ignored the spreading codes or modulation. In this research, we will design a model for GNSS SAW filter in Matlab. This model can be use to obserce the delay of the signals. This model will allow the manufacturers to address these problems in the SAW filter software to optimise slope and magnitude of the design which will benefit the users of GNSS all over the world to get more precise positioning.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v3i5.364

    Evaluation of High Speed Hardware Multipliers - Fixed Point and Floating point

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    There is a huge demand in high speed arithmetic blocks, due to increased performance of processing units. For higher frequency clocks of the system, the arithmetic blocks must keep pace with greater requirement of more computational power. Area and speed are usually conflicting constraints so that improving speed results mostly in larger areas. In our research we will try to determine the best solution to this problem by comparing the results of different multipliers. Different sized of two algorithms for high speed hardware multipliers were studied and implemented ie. Parallel multiplier, Bit serial multiplier. The workings of these two multipliers were compared by implementing each of them separately in VHDL. A number of high speed adder designs are developed and algorithm and design of these adders are discussed. The result of this research will help us to choose the better option between serial and parallel multipliers for both fixed point and floating point multipliers to fabricate in different systems. As multipliers form one of the most important components of many systems, analysing different multipliers will help us to frame a better system with area and better speed.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v3i6.418