18 research outputs found

    Multiple Myeloma in a Feline

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    Background: Multiple myelomas (MM) are malignant neoplasms originating in the bone marrow plasmacytes, and are characterized by the presence of persistent hyperglobulinemia. Although they are rarely found in domestic animals, the canine species is most affected. In felines, they represent less than 1% of hematopoietic neoplasms, and mainly occur in older animals aged 10-12 years. The aim of the present study was to report a case of multiple myeloma, with extramedullary plasmocytosis in a feline.Case: A 3-year-old feline, female, mixed breed, with a history of apathy, anorexia, halitosis, and vomiting was referred to the Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico (LRD) at the Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel). Oral examination revealed a cyanotic oral mucosa and ulcerative lesions on the gingiva. The necropsy showed generalized lymphadenomegaly, splenomegaly, and hemorrhagic diathesis. Organ fragments were collected and fixed in 10% buffered formalin. After 48 h, the samples were cleaved, embedded in paraffin, and stained using the routine hematoxylin and eosin technique. Selected sections were subjected to immunohistochemistry (IHC) using the streptavidin-biotin method. The CD79a, CD138, CD3, and MUM1 antibodies were used. Histopathological evaluation of the bone marrow revealed hypercellularity with predominant round pleomorphic cells (90%), which presented an eccentric basophilic nucleus and abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. The same neoplastic cells infiltrated the gingival mucosa, lymph nodes, spleen, liver, kidneys, heart, lungs, and brain. The IHC showed positive immunostaining for MUM1 and CD138 antibodies.Discussion: The diagnosis of MM in the present study was based on histopathology and by IHC. According to the literature, the presence of neoplastic plasmocytes in the bone marrow (>20%), osteolytic lesions, monoclonal gammopathy, and Bence-Jones proteinuria should be investigated in suspected MM cases. The presence of two or more of these characteristics is necessary for confirmed diagnosis. However, studies show that only 50% of felines with MM have two or more of these characteristics, with cell morphology and neoplastic infiltration in other organs being important parameters for the definitive diagnosis of MM in them. For MM diagnosis by IHC, CD79a, CD138, and MUM1 can be used. In this report, there was positive immunostaining for MUM1 and CD138, which allowed the exclusion of other neoplasms of hematopoietic origins. The origin of MM is unknown, but chronic immune stimulation is believed to be involved in humans. In felines, although infection by the feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) and feline leukemia (FeLV) is commonly associated with the occurrence of lymphomas, the same is not described for MM. This was corroborated in the present study, since the animal in this report tested negative for FIV and FeLV. In cats, MM has no apparent predilection for race or sex, and mainly affects older animals (average age, 10 years). Although MM is rare, it has been described not only in this case, but also in young cats. The infiltration of neoplastic plasmacytes in the extramedullary tissues (extramedullary plasmacytosis) is observed more frequently in felines than in canines, and mainly occurs in the lymph nodes, spleen, and liver. In this case, there was disseminated extramedullary plasmacytosis involving multiple organs, such as the brain, lungs, heart, and kidneys. Persistent hyperglobulinemia is the main clinical manifestation of MM observed in 87.7% of cats with this neoplasm. However, this variation can also be observed in other pathologies, such as chronic lymphocytic leukemia, B cell lymphoma, primary macroglobulinemia, and chronic infections (e.g., ehrlichiosis, leishmaniasis, and heartworm disease). Hence, MM should always be considered as differential diagnosis when diagnosing the aforementioned diseases

    Penile Fractures in Young Bulls Raised in Feedlots in Southern Brazil

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    Background: Penile fracture is a pathology of young cattle that perform precocious and disordered breeding. The incompatibility of height between males and females and sodomy between males cause a great pressure on the sigmoid flexure and retractor muscle of the penis, which are the main causes and sites of organ injury. This study aimed to describe the epidemiological and pathological aspects of penile fractures observed in young bulls raised in pre-export feedlots (PEFs) in southern Brazil.Cases: In 2 PEFs located in the municipalities of Pelotas (property 1) and Capão do Leão (property 2), 3 male cattle [1 from property 1 and 2 from property 2] presented edema of the foreskin and perineum, associated with dysuria. The evolution of the clinical picture was approximately 20 days in all cases, with evolution to death. The bovine necropsied on property 1 had an increased volume and inguinal edema, involving the penis and scrotal sac. Necrosis of the subcutaneous tissue and local musculature was also observed. The testicles were surrounded by the necrotic tissue, and the right testis was swollen, with flaccid parenchyma adhering to the tunica albuginea. In the necropsy of 1 bull from property 2, an increase in the inguinal volume was observed, with an extensive area of necrosis and edema extending from the prepuce to the caudal musculature of the scrotal sac. There were also marked varicosis in the sigmoid flexure and necrosis of the adjacent region, without the involvement of the corpus cavernosum. During the necropsy of the 2 young bulls, fragments of organs from the abdominal, thoracic, and brain cavities were collected and fixed in 10% buffered formalin. From the bull of the property 2, an anatomical piece consisting of the penis, prepuce, and testicles was also collected and fixed in 10% buffered formalin. After 48 h, the tissue samples were cleaved, embedded in paraffin, cut into 3-µm-thick sections, and stained using hematoxylin and eosin (HE). A histological evaluation of the penile lesions in both cattle revealed intense hemorrhage, congestion, and necrosis of the muscles and tissues adjacent to the corpus cavernosum. In addition to areas of dystrophic calcification, neutrophil and macrophage infiltration was also observed. In the bull from the property 1, an intense edema and proliferation of fibrous tissue surrounding the urethra were noted. There were also marked tubular degeneration and intense infiltration of neutrophils, lymphocytes, and macrophages in the inner portion of the tunica albuginea.Discussion: In the present cases, the diagnosis was based on epidemiological data associated with clinical signs and pathology. The macroscopic lesions observed were probably due to the involvement of blood vessels adjacent to the penis, which suffered trauma during sodomy mating among cattle. These lesions have been described in other reports of this pathology and in diseases, such as acropostitis-phimosis, fibropapilloma of the glans, preputial abscess, and urolithiasis, and the differential diagnosis of these diseases must be carried out, as they have different etiologies. In the bulls of the present study, no lesions were observed in the corpus cavernosum, and this condition was attributed to the presence of varicosis and accumulation of urine in the prepuce, due to the difficulty in exposing the penis. Histologically, there were intense hemorrhage, congestion, and necrosis of the muscles and tissues adjacent to the corpus cavernosum, with the infiltration of neutrophils and macrophages, and areas of dystrophic calcification. The presence of necrotic lesions in tissues adjacent to the penis may be related to hypoxia, vascular lesions, or the action of chemical elements present in the urine. In both cases, vascular lesions were present, which were attributed to the main triggering factor for the disease.Keywords: pre-export feedlots, beef cattle, sodomy, penile trauma

    Histomoníase em galinhas (Gallus gallus domesticus) de criações coloniais no sul do Brasil

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    Relata-se a ocorrência de histomoníase em galinhas domésticas (Gallus gallus domesticus) de criações coloniais no sul do Brasil. Os casos ocorreram em duas propriedades, localizadas nos municípios de Santa Vitória do Palmar (propriedade 1) e Pelotas (propriedade 2). As aves afetadas, em ambas as propriedades, eram jovens e apresentaram emagrecimento, apatia e anorexia com taxa de mortalidade de aproximadamente 35% nos plantéis. Na propriedade 1, de um total de 35 aves, 12 apresentaram sinais clínicos evoluindo para morte, já na propriedade 2, de um total de 19 aves, 7 tiveram sinais clínicos e morreram. Na necropsia das aves, foram observados na superfície capsular e parênquima hepático nódulos branco-amarelados, multifocais a coalescentes, por vezes, com área central deprimida e circundados por halo pálido medindo até 2,0 mm. O ceco estava dilatado, com lesões elevadas, amareladas e multifocais, estendendo-se da mucosa à serosa, exibindo ainda com parede espessada contendo material caseoso na luz do órgão. Microscopicamente observou-se hepatite e tiflite piogranulomatosa necrosante com numerosos trofozoítos de Histomonas meleagridis intralesionais. O diagnóstico de histomoníase foi confirmado através dos achados macroscópicos e histopatológicos. Destaca-se a ocorrência de histomoníase como causa de mortalidade em aves de criação colonial na região sul do Brasil


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    Rabies is a potentially zoonotic infectious disease with worldwide distribution that affects domestic, wild and human mammals. In South America, paralytic rabies occurs in the form of cyclic outbreaks and is transmitted by hematophagous bats, mainly Desmodus rotundus. It is a disease responsible for economic losses in livestock, besides of presenting importance to public health. This paper aims to report a case of swine rabies diagnosed at the Laboratório Regional de Diagnostico, Faculdade de Veterinária, Universidade Federal de Pelotas. The case occurred in a property located in the county of Capão do Leão in a female pig, two-year-old, undefined breed, raised in a semi-extensive regime. According to the owner, the animal presented apathy, anorexia, progressive paralysis and lateral decubitus. Due to the evolution of the clinical condition, euthanasia was performed. At necropsy no significant lesions were observed. Histopathological examination of the brain showed non-suppurative meningoencephalitis, perivascular cuff of lymphocytes and rare eosinophils, as well as satelitosis and gliosis. Brain and spinal cord fragments were submitted to Direct Immunofluorescence and biological tests, confirming the diagnosis of rabies.A raiva é uma doença infecciosa, potencialmente zoonótica, de distribuição mundial que afeta mamíferos domésticos, silvestres e humanos. Na América do Sul a raiva paralítica ocorre na forma de surtos cíclicos e é transmitida por morcegos hematófagos, principalmente o Desmodus rotundus. É uma doença responsável por prejuízos econômicos na pecuária, além de apresentar importância para a saúde pública. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo relatar um caso de raiva suína diagnosticado no Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico, da Faculdade de Veterinária, da Universidade Federal de Pelotas. O caso ocorreu em uma propriedade localizada no município do Capão do Leão em um suíno, fêmea, sem raça definida, de dois anos de idade, criada em regime semiextensivo. Segundo o proprietário o animal apresentou apatia, anorexia, paralisia progressiva e decúbito lateral. Devido a evolução do quadro clínico foi realizada a eutanásia. Na necropsia não foram observadas lesões significativas. No exame histopatológico do encéfalo observou-se meningoencefalite não supurativa, manguito perivascular de linfócitos e raros eosinófilos, além de satelitose e gliose. Fragmentos do encéfalo e medula foram submetidos ao exame de Imunofluorescência Direta e prova biológica, confirmando o diagnóstico de raiva

    Evolution of toxic diseases in cattle in the southern region of Rio Grande do Sul: review, spatial distribution and trend in 42 years

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    Among the main diseases that cause mortality in cattle In the Southern of Rio Grande do Sul are several toxic diseases. The aim of this thesis was to carry out a comparative study to determine the evolution of the main intoxications that occurred in cattle in the Southern of Rio Grande do Sul from 1979 to 1999 and from 2000 to 2020. It was also determined the spatial distribution and the tendency of occurrence of these intoxications in the 42 years of activities of the Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (LRD/UFPel), making it possible to predict their occurrence in the coming years. Between January 1979 and December 1999, 3,753 bovine materials were received for diagnosis at LRD/UFPel, and 3653 cases from 2000 to 2020. Of the total number of materials received, 397 were diagnosed as intoxications, with 141 cases between the years 1979 to 1999 and 256 cases from 2000 to 2020. Out of 141 cases diagnosed in the first 21 years of operation of the LRD/UFPel, 113 (80.1%) were poisoning by plants, 22 (15.6%) were poisoning by fungi and 6 (4.3%) were poisoning by chemical substances. Between 2000 and 2020, of the 256 diagnosed cases, 224 (87.5%) were caused by toxic plants, 10 (3.9%) by fungi, 16 (6.2%) by chemical substances and 6 (2.4%) were caused by insects. In the temporal trend analysis, a significant linear trend was observed with values of p=0.03 and annual percentage change (APC) of 2.5 in the growth of the number of diagnoses of poisoning in general over the 42 years of the study. When analyzing the temporal trend of poisoning by Senecio spp. there was an increase in the occurrence of the diagnosis, with different characteristics and inflection points over time, with an annual growth of 9% in diagnoses during the first 21 years. It is also concluded that there was a decrease in the occurrence of poisoning by Solanum fastigiatum, Echium plantagineum and Claviceps paspali. Furthermore that poisoning by Ramaria flavo-brunnescens and Baccharis coridifolia maintained a similar percentage throughout the period. In addition, it was concluded that toxic diseases will likely remain as important causes of death of cattle in the region. This thesis also includes a brief literature review that aimed to rescue the knowledge generated in South America about the evolution of intoxication by R. flavo-brunnescens in domestic animals since its first report in the 1950.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPESNa região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul, dentre as principais enfermidades que causam mortalidade em bovinos estão diversas doenças tóxicas. O objetivo desta tese foi fazer um estudo comparativo para determinar a evolução das principais intoxicações que ocorreram em bovinos na Região Sul do Rio Grande do Sul de 1979 a 1999 e de 2000 a 2020, estabelecendo a distribuição espacial e a tendência de ocorrência dessas intoxicações nos 42 anos de atividades do Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (LRD/UFPel), possibilitando prever sua ocorrência nas próximas décadas. Foram recebidos no LRD/UFPel de janeiro de 1979 a dezembro de 1999 e de janeiro de 2000 a dezembro de 2020, 3753 e 3653 materiais de bovinos para diagnóstico, respectivamente. Do total de materiais recebidos, 397 foram diagnosticados como intoxicações, sendo 141 entre os anos de 1979 a 1999 e 256 de 2000 a 2020. Dos 141 casos diagnosticados nos primeiros 21 anos de funcionamento do LRD/UFPel, 113 (80,1%) foram intoxicações por plantas, 22 (15,6%) intoxicações por fungos e 6 (4,3%) intoxicações por substâncias químicas. Entre os anos de 2000 e 2020 dos 256 casos diagnosticados 224 (87,5%) foram por plantas tóxicas, 10 (3,9%) por fungos, 16 (6,2%) por substâncias químicas e 6 (2,4%) foram por insetos. Na análise de tendência temporal foi observada tendência linear significativa com valores de p=0,003 e mudança percentual anual (APC) de 2,5 no crescimento do número de diagnósticos de intoxicações em geral ao longo dos 42 anos do estudo. Quando analisada a tendência temporal da intoxicação por Senecio spp. houve aumento na ocorrência do diagnóstico, com características e pontos de inflexão diferentes ao longo do tempo, sendo observado crescimento anual de 9% nos diagnósticos durante os primeiros 21 anos. Conclui-se, também, que houve queda na ocorrência das intoxicações por Solanum fastigiatum, Echium plantagineum e Claviceps paspali e que as intoxicações por Ramaria flavo-brunnescens e Baccharis coridifolia mantiveram um percentual semelhante em todo o período. Conclui-se além disso, que as doenças tóxicas provavelmente permanecerão como importantes causas de morte de bovinos na região. Nesta tese foi incluída, ainda, uma revisão de literatura que teve como objetivo resgatar o conhecimento gerado na América do Sul a respeito da evolução da intoxicação por R. flavo-brunnescens em animais domésticos desde de seu primeiro relato nos anos 1950

    Domestic feline diseases diagnosed at Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico in UFPel

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    Over the years there has been a growing increase in the number of felines that live with man, creating a new demand in veterinary medicine, which has as objective specific studies of the feline species.The goal of this paper was to identify the main pathologies affecting felines in the southern region of Rio Grande do Sul. The necropsy protocols and feline materials submitted to the Regional Diagnostic Laboratory of the Veterinary College of the Federal University of Pelotas (LRD / UFPel) were reviewed, from 1978 to 2018. During this period 1,633 feline samples were received, 363 (22%) between 1978 and 1999 and 1,270 (78%) between 2000 and 2018. Felines without a defined breed were represented by 59%. As for diagnoses, 457 felines (28%) presented benign or malignant tumors, the most common being the integumentary and mammary tumors. Bacterial, fungal, viral, parasitic, protozoal or undefined agent infections and intoxications were observed in 553 cases (34%), especially sporotrichosis with 13% of the diagnoses. The second article addressed the cases of systemic sporotrichosis diagnosed in the LRD from 2000 to 2018. The systemic form of mycosis is poorly reported in the literature, but it is of great importance in public health because it is an ascending zoonosis in southern Brazil. Rio Grande do Sul. A survey was performed on the necropsy protocols of cats with a history of infection with the fungus Sporothrix spp, received at LRD / UFPel, between 2000 and 2018. During this period, 17 felines were diagnosed with systemic sporotrichosis. The presence of the fungus was observed in different organs, and in all cats there were skin and lung lesions. The immunohistochemistry technique was used in all cases, presenting an efficient auxiliary diagnostic tool.Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPqNos últimos anos verificou-se um crescente aumento no número de felinos que convivem com o homem, gerando uma nova demanda na medicina veterinária por estudos específicos da espécie felina. O objetivo desse estudo foi identificar as principais patologias de felinos na região sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Foram revisados os protocolos de necropsia e materiais de felinos encaminhados ao Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico da Faculdade de Veterinária da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (LRD/UFPel) no período de 1978 a 2018. Nesse período foram recebidas 1.633 amostras de felinos, sendo 363 (22%) entre os anos de 1978 e 1999 e 1.270 (78%) entre os anos de 2000 e 2018. Com relação aos diagnósticos, 457 felinos (28%) apresentaram tumores benignos ou malignos sendo os tegumentares e os mamários os mais frequentes. As infecções bacterianas, fúngicas, virais, parasitárias, sem agente definido e as intoxicações foram observadas em 553 casos (34%), destacando-se a esporotricose com 13% dos diagnósticos. No segundo artigo foram abordados os casos de esporotricose sistêmica diagnosticados no LRD no período de 2000 a 2018. A forma sistêmica da micose é pouco relatada na literatura, contudo tem grande importância na saúde pública por tratar-se de uma zoonose ascendente na região sul do Rio Grande do Sul. Foi realizado um levantamento nos protocolos de necropsia de felinos com histórico de infecção pelo fungo Sporothrix spp, recebidos no LRD/UFPel, entre os anos de 2000 e 2018. Neste período, foram diagnosticados 17 felinos com esporotricose sistêmica. A presença do fungo foi observada em diferentes órgãos, sendo que em todos os felinos havia lesões na pele e pulmão. A técnica de imunohistoquímica foi utilizada em todos os casos, apresentando-se uma eficiente ferramenta auxiliar de diagnóstico

    Fibrossarcoma em felino doméstico.

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    Considerando que a ocorrência de fibrossarcoma no sistema gastrointestinal de felinos é rara, relatou-se esta neoplasia intestinal em um felino, se destacando a importância do exame histopatológico e a imuno-histoquímica, para a realização de um diagnóstico definitivo, contribuindo, com isso, à terapia a ser administrada ao paciente

    Urethral dysontogenic metaplasia in cat with bilateral renal dysplasia

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever um caso de metaplasia disontogênica uretral em um felino sem raça definida de um mês de idade, que também apresentava displasia renal bilateral. Dados sobre metaplasia disontogênica em felinos são escassos e a alteração pode estar associada a displasia renal e/ou do trato urinário inferior. O animal apresentava histórico de aumento abdominal desde o nascimento e disúria, eliminando a urina apenas por gotejamento. Devido ao prognóstico desfavorável optou-se pela eutanásia. Na necropsia observou-se bexiga aumentada e dilatada, rins diminuídos e ureteres dilatados e tortuosos. A uretra apresentava-se espessada e firme ao corte, e histologicamente, havia substituição ao tecido conjuntivo, áreas de cartilagem e zonas de ossificação endocondral, o que caracteriza metaplasia disontogênica. Ambos os rins apresentavam aspecto primitivo caracterizando a displasia renal. A metaplasia disontogênica no trato urinário de felinos com displasia renal, não tem sido descrita.This paper to describe a case of dysontogenic urethral metaplasia in a one month old mongrel feline who also had bilateral renal dysplasia. Dysontogenic metaplasia in cats are scarce and this change may be associated with renal dysplasia and/or lower urinary tract. The animal had history of abdominal enlargement since birth and dysuria, eliminating urine only dropwise. Due to the poor prognosis we opted for euthanasia. At necropsy was observed enlarged and distended bladder, reduced kidneys and dilated and tortuous ureters. The urethra was thickened, hard to cut, and histologically, was replacing the connective tissue, cartilage and endochondral ossification areas, which features dysontogenic metaplasia. Both kidneys presented primitive appearance featuring dysplasia. Dysontogenic metaplasia in urinary tract feline with renal dysplasia, has not been described

    Penile Fractures in Young Bulls Raised in Feedlots in Southern Brazil

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    Background: Penile fracture is a pathology of young cattle that perform precocious and disordered breeding. The incompatibility of height between males and females and sodomy between males cause a great pressure on the sigmoid flexure and retractor muscle of the penis, which are the main causes and sites of organ injury. This study aimed to describe the epidemiological and pathological aspects of penile fractures observed in young bulls raised in pre-export feedlots (PEFs) in southern Brazil.Cases: In 2 PEFs located in the municipalities of Pelotas (property 1) and Capão do Leão (property 2), 3 male cattle [1 from property 1 and 2 from property 2] presented edema of the foreskin and perineum, associated with dysuria. The evolution of the clinical picture was approximately 20 days in all cases, with evolution to death. The bovine necropsied on property 1 had an increased volume and inguinal edema, involving the penis and scrotal sac. Necrosis of the subcutaneous tissue and local musculature was also observed. The testicles were surrounded by the necrotic tissue, and the right testis was swollen, with flaccid parenchyma adhering to the tunica albuginea. In the necropsy of 1 bull from property 2, an increase in the inguinal volume was observed, with an extensive area of necrosis and edema extending from the prepuce to the caudal musculature of the scrotal sac. There were also marked varicosis in the sigmoid flexure and necrosis of the adjacent region, without the involvement of the corpus cavernosum. During the necropsy of the 2 young bulls, fragments of organs from the abdominal, thoracic, and brain cavities were collected and fixed in 10% buffered formalin. From the bull of the property 2, an anatomical piece consisting of the penis, prepuce, and testicles was also collected and fixed in 10% buffered formalin. After 48 h, the tissue samples were cleaved, embedded in paraffin, cut into 3-µm-thick sections, and stained using hematoxylin and eosin (HE). A histological evaluation of the penile lesions in both cattle revealed intense hemorrhage, congestion, and necrosis of the muscles and tissues adjacent to the corpus cavernosum. In addition to areas of dystrophic calcification, neutrophil and macrophage infiltration was also observed. In the bull from the property 1, an intense edema and proliferation of fibrous tissue surrounding the urethra were noted. There were also marked tubular degeneration and intense infiltration of neutrophils, lymphocytes, and macrophages in the inner portion of the tunica albuginea.Discussion: In the present cases, the diagnosis was based on epidemiological data associated with clinical signs and pathology. The macroscopic lesions observed were probably due to the involvement of blood vessels adjacent to the penis, which suffered trauma during sodomy mating among cattle. These lesions have been described in other reports of this pathology and in diseases, such as acropostitis-phimosis, fibropapilloma of the glans, preputial abscess, and urolithiasis, and the differential diagnosis of these diseases must be carried out, as they have different etiologies. In the bulls of the present study, no lesions were observed in the corpus cavernosum, and this condition was attributed to the presence of varicosis and accumulation of urine in the prepuce, due to the difficulty in exposing the penis. Histologically, there were intense hemorrhage, congestion, and necrosis of the muscles and tissues adjacent to the corpus cavernosum, with the infiltration of neutrophils and macrophages, and areas of dystrophic calcification. The presence of necrotic lesions in tissues adjacent to the penis may be related to hypoxia, vascular lesions, or the action of chemical elements present in the urine. In both cases, vascular lesions were present, which were attributed to the main triggering factor for the disease.Keywords: pre-export feedlots, beef cattle, sodomy, penile trauma