4 research outputs found

    Imperatives for the formation and development of the circular economy and global waste management

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    The world ecological problem of waste accumulation, environmental pollution and the need to develop a circular economy are described. The aim of the article is to show the advantage of using a circular economy in the management of the national economy. It is substantiated that resource management should radically change from a linear model of accept-use-dispose to a more stable, circular model. It is proved that the principles of circular economy are not based on the management of material and waste flows, but on more valuable methods, such as maintenance, recycling and reuse. Different models of circular economy and their shortcomings are considered. Based on practical world experience in implementing the concept of circular economy, 5 main circular business models are identified. It has been established that circular supply chains that minimize waste and seek to reuse, repair and recycle where waste cannot be prevented should be more sustainable than the linear systems they replace. It was found that in the absence of effective resource management, the current environmental situation will lead to fatal consequences, which confirms the need for public administration to ensure the use of a circular economy

    Complex procedure for implementation of the strategy of competitiveness ensuring of Ukraine’s agrarian sector

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    The article defines the sequence of assessing the competitiveness factors of the agricultural sector (economic, international, political and legal, technological, social and natural climatic). The scientific approaches to the formation of the mechanism of the strategy realization of ensuring the competitiveness of the agrarian sector of Ukraine are substantiated. In the internal environment of such a mechanism is an interconnected complex of basic components and subordinate elements that reflect the specifics of modern market concepts in agricultural production aimed at ensuring the effective development of the agricultural sector and ensuring food security of the country. An integrated system for managing the competitiveness of the agricultural sector contributes to economic activities, improving product quality and ensuring food security. The article investigates that the agro sphere needs the state support in the reorganization of industrial and economic ties, in particular in the development of various forms of cooperation (including credit), organization of wholesale agro-food markets and the development of the agricultural market infrastructure. In such circumstances, it is essential to significantly expand the state regulatory functions, especially in terms of price regulation, in particular the support of prices for agricultural products, as well as in the strategic programming of the agricultural sector development. The purpose of the article is to investigate and analyze the complex mechanism of implementation of the strategy of ensuring the competitiveness of the agrarian sector of Ukraine as the main task of state policy

    The development of the stage-performing culture of the future teachers of the music art

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    (uk) У даній статті розкриваються питання розвитку сценічно-виконавської культури майбутніх вчителів музичного мистецтва в контексті сучасних наукових підходів до запровадження інноваційних методів навчання у системі вищої педагогічної освіти. Розробка та апробація інноваційних методів навчання у музичній педагогіці сприятиме повноцінному засвоєнню і практичному використанню кафедри музично-теоретичних та інструментальних дисциплін професійних компетенцій, які опановує студент-музикант під час навчання у вищому навчальному закладі.(ru) В данной статье раскрываются вопросы развития сценично-исполнительской культуры будущих учителей музыкального искусства в контексте современных научных подходов к использованию инновационных методов обучения в системе высшего педагогического образования. Разработка и апробация инновационных методов обучения в музыкальной педагогике способствует полноценному усвоению и практическому использованию профессиональных компетенций, которыми овладевает студент-музыкант в процессе обучения в высшем учебном заведении.(en) This article highlights the development of the stage-performing culture of the future teachers of music art in the contest of the modern scientific approaches while introducing innovational means of education inthe high pedagogical educational system (especially in music art). The working out and the approbation of theinnovational methods of education in the musical art sphere will assist in complete mastering and practical usage of the systemized knowledge and skills, which were gained by the students during their studying in the higher educational establishment. The development and the testing of the innovational methods of studying in the musical sphere will lead to complete and overall mastering and, what is more important, its practical usage of the system of knowledge and skills, which the student will receive duringhis or her studying at the university

    The development of the stage-performing culture of the future teachers of the music art

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    (uk) У даній статті розкриваються питання розвитку сценічно-виконавської культури майбутніх вчителів музичного мистецтва в контексті сучасних наукових підходів до запровадження інноваційних методів навчання у системі вищої педагогічної освіти. Розробка та апробація інноваційних методів навчання у музичній педагогіці сприятиме повноцінному засвоєнню і практичному використанню кафедри музично-теоретичних та інструментальних дисциплін професійних компетенцій, які опановує студент-музикант під час навчання у вищому навчальному закладі.(ru) В данной статье раскрываются вопросы развития сценично-исполнительской культуры будущих учителей музыкального искусства в контексте современных научных подходов к использованию инновационных методов обучения в системе высшего педагогического образования. Разработка и апробация инновационных методов обучения в музыкальной педагогике способствует полноценному усвоению и практическому использованию профессиональных компетенций, которыми овладевает студент-музыкант в процессе обучения в высшем учебном заведении.(en) This article highlights the development of the stage-performing culture of the future teachers of music art in the contest of the modern scientific approaches while introducing innovational means of education inthe high pedagogical educational system (especially in music art). The working out and the approbation of theinnovational methods of education in the musical art sphere will assist in complete mastering and practical usage of the systemized knowledge and skills, which were gained by the students during their studying in the higher educational establishment. The development and the testing of the innovational methods of studying in the musical sphere will lead to complete and overall mastering and, what is more important, its practical usage of the system of knowledge and skills, which the student will receive duringhis or her studying at the university