156 research outputs found

    Considerações sobre o foro por prerrogativa de função: uma análise da questão de ordem na Ação Penal 937

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    O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar os impactos das teses fixadas no julgamento da Questão de Ordem na Ação Penal Nº. 937, que foi afetada ao julgamento plenário do Supremo, e cujo Acórdão exarado na sessão de 03/05/2018 deu nova interpretação ao instituto do foro por prerrogativa de função, aplicando-o apenas aos crimes cometidos durante o exercício do cargo e relacionados a este, além do estabelecimento de um marco temporal para o término da alteração de competência. Ao fim, a partir do levantamento e análise de teses a favor e contra a mudança promovida em plenário, vislumbra-se a limitação como profícua, no sentido de ser mais atinente aos anseios jurídicos, políticos e sociais da atualidade. Ainda, serão analisados os reflexos desta decisão no âmbito do Superior Tribunal de Justiça, conforme o princípio da simetria

    Feminismo contemporâneo e a percepção homem-mulher

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    Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciência Política, 2018.O objetivo do trabalho é visualizar as transformações ocorridas no movimento feminista com o passar das décadas, suas novas demandas e posturas em relação aos diversos grupos sociais, bem como as transformações ocorridas nas formas pelas quais esse movimento se manifesta. O método utilizado consiste principalmente em revisão bibliográfica, além da análise de artigos e notícias e veiculadas na mídia e em redes sociais. Conclui-se que parte do movimento feminista atual tem se mostrado em descompasso com as demandas iniciais do movimento, chegando até mesmo a trazer desprestígio a este, abraçando pautas que em nada contribuem para a causa da emancipação feminina e dos problemas cotidianamente vivenciado por mulheres.This work analyses the transformations in the feminist movement over the last decades. The method used here consists mainly of bibliographic review, also analysis of papers and news from social media and broadcasting. It is concluded that part of the current feminist movement has been showing itself in disagreement with the movement's original demands, coming to the point of dishonoring it, embracing completely irrelevant subjects to the feminine emancipation cause and women's everyday problems

    Experimental Infection of Cynomolgus Macaques (Macaca fascicularis) with Aerosolized Monkeypox Virus

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    Monkeypox virus (MPXV) infection in humans results in clinical symptoms very similar to ordinary smallpox. Aerosol is a route of secondary transmission for monkeypox, and a primary route of smallpox transmission in humans. Therefore, an animal model for aerosol exposure to MPXV is needed to test medical countermeasures. To characterize the pathogenesis in cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis), groups of macaques were exposed to four different doses of aerosolized MPXV. Blood was collected the day before, and every other day after exposure and assessed for complete blood count (CBC), clinical chemistry analysis, and quantitative PCR. Macaques showed mild anorexia, depression, and fever on day 6 post-exposure. Lymphadenopathy, which differentiates monkeypox from smallpox, was observed in exposed macaques around day 6 post-exposure. CBC and clinical chemistries showed abnormalities similar to human monkeypox cases. Whole blood and throat swab viral loads peaked around day 10, and in survivors, gradually decreased until day 28 post-exposure. Survival was not dose dependent. As such, doses of 4×104 PFU, 1×105 PFU, or 1×106 PFU resulted in lethality for 70% of the animals, whereas a dose of 4×105 PFU resulted in 85% lethality. Overall, cynomolgus macaques exposed to aerosolized MPXV develop a clinical disease that resembles that of human monkeypox. These findings provide a strong foundation for the use of aerosolized MPXV exposure of cynomolgus macaques as an animal model to test medical countermeasures against orthopoxviruses

    Novel, Real-Time Cell Analysis for Measuring Viral Cytopathogenesis and the Efficacy of Neutralizing Antibodies to the 2009 Influenza A (H1N1) Virus

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    A novel electronic cell sensor array technology, the real-time cell analysis (RTCA) system, was developed to monitor cell events. Unlike the conventional methods labeling the target cells with fluorescence, luminescence, or light absorption, the RTCA system allows for label-free detection of cell processes directly without the incorporation of labels. Here, we used this new format to measure the cytopathic effect (CPE) of the 2009 influenza A (H1N1) virus and the efficacy of neutralizing antibodies in human sera to this virus. The real-time dynamic monitoring of CPE was performed on MDCK cell cultures infected with the H1N1 virus, ranging from 5.50×102 to 5.50×107 copies/mL. The resulting CPE kinetic curves were automatically recorded and were both time and viral load dependent. The CPE kinetics were also distinguishable between different H1N1 stains, as the onset of CPE induced by the A/Shanghai/37T/2009 H1N1 virus was earlier than that of the A/Shanghai/143T/2009 H1N1 virus. Furthermore, inhibition of H1N1 virus-induced CPE in the presence of human specific anti-sera was detected and quantified using the RTCA system. Antibody titers determined using this new neutralization test correlated well with those obtained independently via the standard hemagglutination inhibition test. Taken together, this new CPE assay format provided label-free and high-throughput measurement of viral growth and the effect of neutralizing antibodies, illustrating its potential in influenza vaccine studies

    Chikungunya Virus Neutralization Antigens and Direct Cell-to-Cell Transmission Are Revealed by Human Antibody-Escape Mutants

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    Chikungunya virus (CHIKV) is an alphavirus responsible for numerous epidemics throughout Africa and Asia, causing infectious arthritis and reportedly linked with fatal infections in newborns and elderly. Previous studies in animal models indicate that humoral immunity can protect against CHIKV infection, but despite the potential efficacy of B-cell-driven intervention strategies, there are no virus-specific vaccines or therapies currently available. In addition, CHIKV has been reported to elicit long-lasting virus-specific IgM in humans, and to establish long-term persistence in non-human primates, suggesting that the virus might evade immune defenses to establish chronic infections in man. However, the mechanisms of immune evasion potentially employed by CHIKV remain uncharacterized. We previously described two human monoclonal antibodies that potently neutralize CHIKV infection. In the current report, we have characterized CHIKV mutants that escape antibody-dependent neutralization to identify the CHIKV E2 domain B and fusion loop “groove” as the primary determinants of CHIKV interaction with these antibodies. Furthermore, for the first time, we have also demonstrated direct CHIKV cell-to-cell transmission, as a mechanism that involves the E2 domain A and that is associated with viral resistance to antibody-dependent neutralization. Identification of CHIKV sub-domains that are associated with human protective immunity, will pave the way for the development of CHIKV-specific sub-domain vaccination strategies. Moreover, the clear demonstration of CHIKV cell-to-cell transmission and its possible role in the establishment of CHIKV persistence, will also inform the development of future anti-viral interventions. These data shed new light on CHIKV-host interactions that will help to combat human CHIKV infection and inform future studies of CHIKV pathogenesis