25,463 research outputs found

    Neptune's Migration into a Stirred-Up Kuiper Belt: A Detailed Comparison of Simulations to Observations

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    Nbody simulations are used to examine the consequences of Neptune's outward migration into the Kuiper Belt, with the simulated endstates being compared rigorously and quantitatively to the observations. These simulations confirm the findings of Chiang et al. (2003), who showed that Neptune's migration into a previously stirred-up Kuiper Belt can account for the Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) known to librate at Neptune's 5:2 resonance. We also find that capture is possible at many other weak, high-order mean motion resonances, such as the 11:6, 13:7, 13:6, 9:4, 7:3, 12:5, 8:3, 3:1, 7:2, and the 4:1. The more distant of these resonances, such as the 9:4, 7:3, 5:2, and the 3:1, can also capture particles in stable, eccentric orbits beyond 50 AU, in the region of phase space conventionally known as the Scattered Disk. Indeed, 90% of the simulated particles that persist over the age of the Solar System in the so-called Scattered Disk zone never had a close encounter with Neptune, but instead were promoted into these eccentric orbits by Neptune's resonances during the migration epoch. This indicates that the observed Scattered Disk might not be so scattered. This model also produced only a handful of Centaurs, all of which originated at Neptune's mean motion resonances in the Kuiper Belt. We also report estimates of the abundances and masses of the Belt's various subpopulations (e.g., the resonant KBOs, the Main Belt, and the so-called Scattered Disk), and also provide upper limits on the abundance of Centaurs and Neptune's Trojans, as well as upper limits on the sizes and abundances of hypothetical KBOs that might inhabit the a>50 AU zone.Comment: 60 pages, 16 figures. Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    How Well Does the U.S. Government Do Cost-Benefit Analysis?

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    To make prudent recommendations for improving the use of cost-benefit analysis in policy settings, some measures of how well it is actually done are essential. This paper develops new insights on the potential usefulness of government cost-benefit analysis by examining how it is actually performed in the U.S. We assess the quality of a particularly rich sample of cost-benefit analyses of federal regulations. The data set we use for assessing the quality of regulatory analysis is the largest assembled to date for this purpose. Theseventy-four analyses we examine span the Reagan administration, the first Bush and the Clinton administration. The paper is the first to assess systematically how government cost-benefit analysis has changed over time. There are three key findings. First, a significant percentage of the analyses in all three administrations do not provide some very basic economic information, such as information on net benefits and policy alternatives. For example, over 70% of the analyses in the sample failed to provide any quantitative information on net benefits. Second, there is no clear trend in the quality of cost-benefit analysis across administrations. Third, there is a great deal of variation in the quality of individual cost-benefit analyses.

    Reviewing the Government's Numbers on Regulation

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    This paper has two objectives: first, to provide more information on the data used to construct a controversial economic analysis published by the Joint Center that makes use of over 100 government regulatory impact analyses; and second, to provide further sensitivity analysis of key variables in that study. A key finding of this paper is that the results of the earlier analysis of government regulatory impact analyses appear to be fairly robust within the data set that was constructed. We offer the following conclusions. First, aggregate net benefits for final regulations are positive under a wide variety of assumptions. Second, a substantial number of final regulations do not pass a benefit-cost test under a wide variety of assumptions. By rejecting at least some of these regulations, government could have increased aggregate net social benefits. Third, aggregate net benefits exhibit a wide range across regulations. And fourth, agencies should improve the quality of their regulatory impact analyses. Also of interest from the Joint Center: The Economic Analysis of Regulation: A Response to the Critics Robert W. Hahn

    National Environmental Policy During the Clinton Years

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    We review major developments in national environmental policy during the Clinton Administration, defining environmental policy to include not only the statutes, regulations, and policies associated with reducing pollution, but also major issues of public lands management and species preservation. We adopt economic criteria for policy assessment and highlight a set of five themes that emerge in the economics of national environmental policy over the past decade. First, over the course of the decade, national environmental targets were made more stringent, and environmental quality improved. Most important among the new targets were the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for ambient ozone and particulate matter, issued by EPA in July 1997, which could turn out to be one of the Clinton Administration's most enduring environmental legacies. Also, natural resource policy during the Clinton years was heavily weighted toward environmental protection. Environmental quality improved overall during the decade, continuing a trend that began in the 1970s, although improvements were much less than during the previous two decades. Second, the use of benefit-cost analysis for assessing environmental regulation was controversial in the Clinton Administration, while economic efficiency emerged as a central goal of the regulatory reform movement in the Congress during the 1990s. When attention was given to increased efficiency, the locus of that attention during the Clinton years was the Congress in the case of environmental policies and the Administration in the case of natural resource policies. Ironically, the increased attention given to benefit-cost analysis may not have had a marked effect on the economic efficiency of environmental regulations. Third, cost-effectiveness achieved a much more prominent position in public discourse regarding environmental policy during the 1990s. From the Bush Administration through the Clinton Administration, interest and activity regarding market-based instruments for environmental protection, particularly tradeable permit systems, continued to increase. Fourth, the Clinton Administration put much greater emphasis than previous administrations on expanding the role of environmental information disclosure and voluntary programs. While such programs can provide cost-effective ways of reaching environmental policy goals, little is known about their actual costs or effectiveness. Fifth and finally, the Environmental Protection Agency placed much less emphasis on economic analysis during the 1990s. EPA leadership was more hostile to economic analysis than it had been under the prior Bush Administration, and it made organizational changes to reflect this change in priorities.

    Coping with multiple enemies : pairwise interactions do not predict evolutionary change in complex multitrophic communities

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    Predicting the ecological and evolutionary trajectories of populations in multispecies communities is one of the fundamental challenges in ecology. Many of these predictions are made by scaling patterns observed from pairwise interactions. Here, we show that the coupling of ecological and evolutionary outcomes is likely to be weaker in increasingly complex communities due to greater chance of life-history trait correlations. Using model microbial communities comprising a focal bacterial species (Bacillus subtilis), a bacterial competitor, protist predator and phage parasite, we found that increasing the number of enemies in a community had an overall negative effect on B. subtilis population growth. However, only the competitor imposed direct selection for B. subtilis trait evolution in pairwise cultures and this effect was weakened in the presence of other antagonists that had a negative effect on the competitor. In contrast, adaptation to parasites was driven indirectly by correlated selection where competitors had a positive and predators a negative effect. For all measured traits, selection in pairwise communities was a poor predictor of B. subtilis evolution in more complex communities. Together, our results suggest that coupling of ecological and evolutionary outcomes is interaction-specific and weakly coupled in more complex communities. We conclude that understanding 2 the ecological and evolutionary mechanisms underpinning trait correlations is crucial to predict species response to global change in complex microbial communitie

    Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9: An Active Comet

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    The important elements of the debate over the activity versus dormancy of comet Shoemaker Levy 9 (S-L 9) are reviewed. It is argued that the circularity of the isophotes in the inner comae of S-L 9 as well as the spatial dependencies of the comae brightness profiles are indicators of sustained dust production by S-L 9. It is also shown that the westward tail orientations, which were formerly interpreted as a sign of the comet's dormancy, are not a good indicator of either activity or dormancy. Rather, the tail orientations simply place constraints on the dust production rate for grains smaller than approx. equals 5(micron). All the available evidence points to S-L 9 as having been an active, dust-producing comet. Synthetic images of an active comet are fitted to Hubble Space Telescope images of the S-L 9 fragment K, and its grain size and outflow velocity distributions are extracted. These findings show that the appearance of the dust coma was dominated by large grains having radii between approx. equals 30 (micron) and approx. equals 3 mm, produced at a rate of M approx. equals 22 kg/ s, and ejected at outflow velocities of approx. equals 0.5 m/ s. Only upper limits on the production rates of smaller grains are obtained. The nucleus of fragment K was not observed directly but its size is restricted to lie within a rather narrow interval 0.4 less than or equal to Rf less than or equal to 1.2 km

    Structure of a Complete ATP Synthase Dimer Reveals the Molecular Basis of Inner Mitochondrial Membrane Morphology

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    We determined the structure of a complete, dimeric F1Fo-ATP synthase from yeast Yarrowia lipolytica mitochondria by a combination of cryo-EM and X-ray crystallography. The final structure resolves 58 of the 60 dimer subunits. Horizontal helices of subunit a in Fo wrap around the c-ring rotor, and a total of six vertical helices assigned to subunits a, b, f, i, and 8 span the membrane. Subunit 8 (A6L in human) is an evolutionary derivative of the bacterial b subunit. On the lumenal membrane surface, subunit f establishes direct contact between the two monomers. Comparison with a cryo-EM map of the F1Fo monomer identifies subunits e and g at the lateral dimer interface. They do not form dimer contacts but enable dimer formation by inducing a strong membrane curvature of ∌100°. Our structure explains the structural basis of cristae formation in mitochondria, a landmark signature of eukaryotic cell morphology

    Magnetic properties of σ\sigma-FeCr alloy as calculated with the charge and spin self-consistent KKR(CPA) method

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    Magnetic properties of a σ−\sigma-Fe16_{16}Cr14_{14} alloy calculated with the charge and spin self- consistent Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker (KKR) and combined with coherent potential approximation (KKR-CPA) methods are reported. Non-magnetic state as well as various magnetic orderings were considered, i.e. ferromagnetic (FM) and more complex anti-parallel (called APM) arrangements for selected sublattices, as follows from the symmetry analysis. It has been shown that the Stoner criterion applied to non-magnetic density of states at the Fermi energy, EFE_F is satisfied for Fe atoms situated on all five lattice sites, while it is not fulfilled for all Cr atoms. In FM and APM states, the values of magnetic moments on Fe atoms occupying various sites are dispersed between 0 and 2.5 ÎŒB\mu_B, and they are proportional to the number of Fe atoms in the nearest-neighbor shell. Magnetic moments of Cr atoms havin much smaller values were found to be coupled antiparallel to those of Fe atoms. The average value of the magnetic moment per atom was found to be =0.55ÎŒB=0.55 \mu_B that is by a factor of 4 larger than the experimental value found for a σ−\sigma-Fe0.538_{0.538}Cr0.462_{0.462} sample. Conversely, admitting an anti- parallel ordering (APM model) on atoms situated on C and D sites, according to the group theory and symmetry analysis results, yielded a substantial reduction of to 0.20 $\mu_B$. Further diminution of to 0.15 ÎŒB\mu_B, which is very close to the experimental value of 0.14 ÎŒB\mu_B, has been achieved with the KKR-CPA calculations by considering a chemical disorder on sites B, C and D

    CP violating asymmetry in H±→W±h1H^\pm\to W^\pm h_1 decays

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    The CP violating asymmetry from the decay rates H±→W±h1H^\pm\to W^\pm h_1 of charged Higgs bosons into the lightest neutral Higgs boson and a W±W^\pm boson is calculated and discussed in the complex MSSM. The contributions from all complex phases are considered, especially from the top-squark trilinear coupling, which induces a large contribution to the CP asymmetry.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures, version published in JHE
