3,508 research outputs found

    Hydrogen Enriched Natural Gas as a Motor Fuel with variable Air Fuel Ratio and Fuel Mixture Ratio Control (CIP OF 7863 ABANDONED)

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    A hydrogen and natural gas fuel mixture for internal combustion engines is provided for vehicle engines such as those used in standard production engines for automobiles, trains and lawn mowers. The gaseous fuel for operating a vehicle combustion engines includes approximately 21 to 50% Hydrogen and the rest natural gas constituents such as combinations of Methane, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, Ethane, Propane, Iso-Butane, N-Butane, Iso Pentane, N-Pentane, and Hexanes Plus. A fuel mixture of approximately 28 to 36 percent Hydrogen and a air fuel equivalence ratio of approximately 0.625 is an extreme lean burn condition that yields hydrocarbon emission levels of less than approximately 104 ppm (0.84 hm/hp hr.). Current internal combustion engines that are in mass production can take this alternative fuel without any substantial modifications to their systems. This alternative fuel is lean burning and emits emissions that are below current legal standards. The novel fuel mixture can be use

    Hydrogen Enriched Natural Gas as a Clean Motor Fuel (CONTINUATION OF 7863 ABANDONED)

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    A fuel mixture is disclosed. In a preferred embodiment, an alternative gaseous fuel for operating a combustion engine includes approximately 21 to 50% Hydrogen and the rest natural gas constituants such as combinations of Methane, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, Ethane, Propane, Iso-Butane, N-Butane, Iso Pentane, N-Pentane, and Hexanes Plus. Current production engines without any substantial modifications can take this alternative fuel. This alternative fuel is lean burning and emits emissions that are below current legal standards

    Hydrogen Enriched Natural Gas as a Motor Fuel with Variable Air Fuel Ratio and Fuel Mixture Ratio Control (DIV OF 6637 and CIP OF 7863)

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    A hydrogen and natural gas fuel mixture for internal combustion engines is provided for vehicle engines such as those used in standard production engines for automobiles, trains and lawn mowers. The gaseous fuel for operating a vehicle combustion engines includes approximately 21 to 50% Hydrogen and the rest natural gas constituents such as combinations of Methane, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen, Ethane, Propane, Iso-Butane, N-Butane, Iso Pentane, N-Pentane, and Hexanes Plus. A fuel mixture of approximately 28 to 36 percent Hydrogen and a air fuel equivalence ratio of approximately 0.625 is an extreme lean burn condition that yields hydrocarbon emission levels of less than approximately 104 ppm (0.84 hm/hp hr.). Current internal combustion engines that are in mass production can take this alternative fuel without any substantial modifications to their systems. This alternative fuel is lean burning and emits emissions that are below current legal standards. The novel fuel mixture can be use

    Planejamento tributário na determinação do regime fiscal: um estudo de caso exemplificativo aplicado à atividade advocatícia

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso, apresentado para obtenção do grau de Bacharel no curso de Ciências Contábeis da Universidade do Extremo Sul Catarinense, UNESC.No cenário atual, cada vez mais os profissionais regulamentados estão empreendendo. Eles buscam pela sobrevivência e melhores resultados em um mercado de grande concorrência, em especial na área de advocacia. Sendo que uma das principais causas de falecimento dos negócios são os reflexos da carga tributária sobre a atividade. Com isso, chega-se ao problema deste estudo, no qual se objetiva encontrar a melhor alternativa fiscal utilizando o planejamento tributário. Ao verificar as características do Sistema Tributário Nacional e as dimensões da carga tributária brasileira, identifica-se a relevância do tema. Quando expõe as formas de tributação e se propõe um planejamento tributário, encontra-se o resultado do estudo. Mediante uma pesquisa descritiva, explica-se o funcionamento de cada regime fiscal, por meio de exame bibliográfico em trabalhos relacionados à área tributária, efetuando uma abordagem qualitativa ao analisar as alternativas fiscais possíveis e classificar de maneira a encontrar a mais benéfica para o profissional advogado. O exemplo prático abordado neste trabalho consiste na demonstração em apurações, cálculos e comparativos entre o Carnê-leão, Lucro Presumido e Simples Nacional. Dessa forma, identifica-se a mais vantajosa alternativa tributária. O Simples nesta simulação se mostrou a melhor opção, obtendo a menor carga tributária e a maior lucratividade, o Presumido se encontrou na segunda opção e o Carnê-leão na terceira colocação. Diante disso, evidencia-se a importância do contador na prática do planejamento tributário como o profissional mais capacitado e preparado para auxiliar o empreendedor na tomada de decisão

    Measurement of the Background Activities of a 100Mo-enriched powder sample for AMoRE crystal material using a single high purity germanium detector

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    The Advanced Molybdenum-based Rare process Experiment (AMoRE) searches for neutrino-less double-beta (0{\nu}\b{eta}\b{eta}) decay of 100Mo in enriched molybdate crystals. The AMoRE crystals must have low levels of radioactive contamination to achieve low background signals with energies near the Q-value of the 100Mo 0{\nu}\b{eta}\b{eta} decay. To produce low-activity crystals, radioactive contaminants in the raw materials used to form the crystals must be controlled and quantified. 100EnrMoO3 powder, which is enriched in the 100Mo isotope, is of particular interest as it is the source of 100Mo in the crystals. A high-purity germanium detector having 100% relative efficiency, named CC1, is being operated in the Yangyang underground laboratory. Using CC1, we collected a gamma spectrum from a 1.6-kg 100EnrMoO3 powder sample enriched to 96.4% in 100Mo. Activities were analyzed for the isotopes 228Ac, 228Th, 226Ra, and 40K. They are long-lived naturally occurring isotopes that can produce background signals in the region of interest for AMoRE. Activities of both 228Ac and 228Th were < 1.0 mBq/kg at 90% confidence level (C.L.). The activity of 226Ra was measured to be 5.1 \pm 0.4 (stat) \pm 2.2 (syst) mBq/kg. The 40K activity was found as < 16.4 mBq/kg at 90% C.L.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, 5 table

    Flood Inundation Mapping in the Logone Floodplain from Multi Temporal Landsat ETM+Imagery

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    Yearly flooding in the Logone floodplain makes an impact on agricultural, pastoral, and fishery systems in the Lake Chad Basin. Since the flooding extent and depth are highly variable, flood inundation mapping helps us make better use of water resources and prevent flood hazards in the Logone floodplain. The flood maps are generated from 33 multi temporal Landsat Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+) during three years 2006 to 2008. Flooded area is classified using a short-wave infrared band whereas open water is classified by Iterative Self-organizing Data Analysis (ISODATA) clustering. The maximum flooding extent in the study area increases up to approximately 5.8K km2 in late October 2008. The study also provides strong correlation of the flooding extents with water height variations in both the floodplain and the river based on a second polynomial regression model. The water heights are from ENIVSAT altimetry in the floodplain and gauge measurements in the river. Coefficients of determination between flooding extents and water height variations are greater than 0.91 with 4 to 36 days in phase lag. Floodwater drains back to the river and to the northeast during the recession period in December and January. The study supports understanding of the Logone floodplain dynamics in detail of spatial pattern and size of the flooding extent and assists the flood monitoring and prediction systems in the catchment

    The Surface Water and Ocean Topography Satellite Mission - An Assessment of Swath Altimetry Measurements of River Hydrodynamics

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    The Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite mission, scheduled for launch in 2020 with development commencing in 2015, will provide a step-change improvement in the measurement of terrestrial surface water storage and dynamics. In particular, it will provide the first, routine two-dimensional measurements of water surface elevations, which will allow for the estimation of river and floodplain flows via the water surface slope. In this paper, we characterize the measurements which may be obtained from SWOT and illustrate how they may be used to derive estimates of river discharge. In particular, we show (i) the spatia-temporal sampling scheme of SWOT, (ii) the errors which maybe expected in swath altimetry measurements of the terrestrial surface water, and (iii) the impacts such errors may have on estimates of water surface slope and river discharge, We illustrate this through a "virtual mission" study for a approximately 300 km reach of the central Amazon river, using a hydraulic model to provide water surface elevations according to the SWOT spatia-temporal sampling scheme (orbit with 78 degree inclination, 22 day repeat and 140 km swath width) to which errors were added based on a two-dimension height error spectrum derived from the SWOT design requirements. Water surface elevation measurements for the Amazon mainstem as may be observed by SWOT were thereby obtained. Using these measurements, estimates of river slope and discharge were derived and compared to those which may be obtained without error, and those obtained directly from the hydraulic model. It was found that discharge can be reproduced highly accurately from the water height, without knowledge of the detailed channel bathymetry using a modified Manning's equation, if friction, depth, width and slope are known. Increasing reach length was found to be an effective method to reduce systematic height error in SWOT measurements

    q-Generalization of the inverse Fourier transform

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    A wide class of physical distributions appears to follow the q-Gaussian form, which plays the role of attractor according to a Central Limit Theorem generalized in the presence of specific correlations between the relevant random variables. In the realm of this theorem, a q-generalized Fourier transform plays an important role. We introduce here a method which univocally determines a distribution from the knowledge of its q-Fourier transform and some supplementary information. This procedure involves a recently q-generalized Dirac delta and the class of functions on which it acts. The present method conveniently extends the inverse of the standard Fourier transform, and is therefore expected to be very useful in the study of many complex systems.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. To appear in Physics Letters