40 research outputs found

    Integrins and adhesion molecules: Gelatinase and oncofetal fibronectin secretion is dependent on integrin expression on human cytotrophoblasts

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    Collagenolytic activity of cytotrophoblasts is stimulated by glycoproteins of the extracellular matrix and since this stimulation can possibly occur through integrins, we measured the gelatinolytic activity of villous and extravillous cytotrophoblasts according to the type of integrins expressed on these cells. Cytotrophoblasts were isolated from legal abortions, immunopurified with anti-CD45, separated according to their expression of histocompatibility-linked antigen (HLA)-G, α6 or α5 integrin subunits and cultured for 5 days on plastic or agarose. Fetal fibronectin, human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) and the gelatinolytic activity were measured in the culture supernatants. Following immunopurification with anti-CD45, the gelatinolytic activity of cytotrophoblasts was significantly higher than before, indicating that contaminating lymphomyeloid cells secreted gelatinolytic inhibitors. HLA-G positive cells secreted significantly more gelatinases than HLA-G negative cells but their HCG secretion was similar. Compared to α5 positive cells, α6 positive cytotrophoblasts secreted significantly more gelatinases, significantly less fibronectin but similar amounts of HCG. We conclude that during trophoblast invasion, extravillous cytotrophoblasts (HLA-G positive) expressing the α6 integrin subunit represent the invasive population of cells (high gelatinase and low fibronectin secretion). When expression of the α5 integrin subunit is turned on, their invasive behaviour ceases and they secrete low amounts of gelatinases and high concentrations of fibronecti

    Gelatinase and oncofetal fibronectin secretion is dependent on integrin expression on human cytotrophoblasts

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    Collagenolytic activity of cytotrophoblasts is stimulated by glycoproteins of the extracellular matrix and since this stimulation can possibly occur through integrins, we measured the gelatinolytic activity of villous and extravillous cytotrophoblasts according to the type of integrins expressed on these cells. Cytotrophoblasts were isolated from legal abortions, immunopurified with anti-CD45, separated according to their expression of histocompatibiltty-linked antigen (HLA)-G, α6 or α5 integrin subunits and cultured for 5 days on plastic or agarose. Fetal fibronectin, human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) and the gelatinolytic activity were measured in the culture supernatants. Following immunopurrfication with anti-CD45, the gelatinolytic activity of cytotrophoblasts was significantly higher than before, indicating that contaminating lymphomyeloid cells secreted gelatinolytic inhibitors. HLA-G positive cells secreted significantly more gelatinases than HLA-G negative cells but their HCG secretion was similar. Compared to α5 positive cells, α6 positive cytotrophoblasts secreted significantly more gelatinases, significantly less fibronectin but similar amounts of HCG. We conclude that during trophoblast invasion, extravillous cytotrophoblasts (HLA-G positive) expressing the α6 integrin subunit represent the invasive population of cells (high gelatinase and low fibronectin secretion). When expression of the α5 integrin subunit is turned on, their invasive behaviour ceases and they secrete low amounts of gelatinases and high concentrations of fibronecti

    Status of p53 in first-trimester cytotrophoblastic cells

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    p53 has been called the cellular gatekeeper of the genome because it can induce cell-cycle arrest in G1, apoptosis or affect DNA replication in response to DNA damage. As p53 has been observed in first-trimester cytotrophoblastic cells (CTB), but its expression in normal cells is generally not detectable because of its short half-life, p53 could play an important role in cellular differentiation and/or in the control of the invasion of trophoblastic cells; therefore, p53 status was investigated in these cells. Using different antibodies recognizing different epitopes of p53 protein, abundant p53 expression was observed both in nuclear and in cytoplasmic compartments of first-trimester CTB. Whereas p53 was detected in the nuclei of few trophoblastic cells with an antibody recognizing the N-terminal epitope of the protein, high expression level of p53 in the cytoplasm of CTB was detected with an antibody recognizing the middle part of p53. The lack of immunoreactivity of p53 with antibodies recognizing the epitopes located at the N-terminus of p53 and the high level of p53 protein observed in the cytoplasm of CTB suggest that the N-terminus of p53 is involved in the formation of complexes. These cytoplasmic complexes were detected under non-reducing conditions in western blot analysis and had apparent molecular weights (MW) of 195, 167 or 125 kDa. These complexes could prolong the half-life of p53 in the cytoplasm of CTBs. By contrast, in the nuclei of CTBs, p53 seems to be present as a tetrame

    Endochin-like quinolones (ELQs) and bumped kinase inhibitors (BKIs): Synergistic and additive effects of combined treatments against Neospora caninum infection in vitro and in vivo.

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    The apicomplexan parasite Neospora caninum is an important causative agent of congenital neosporosis, resulting in abortion, birth of weak offspring and neuromuscular disorders in cattle, sheep, and many other species. Among several compound classes that are currently being developed, two have been reported to limit the effects of congenital neosporosis: (i) bumped kinase inhibitors (BKIs) target calcium dependent protein kinase 1 (CDPK1), an enzyme that is encoded by an apicoplast-derived gene and found only in apicomplexans and plants. CDPK1 is essential for host cell invasion and egress; (ii) endochin-like quinolones (ELQs) are inhibitors of the cytochrome bc1 complex of the mitochondrial electron transport chain and thus inhibit oxidative phosphorylation. We here report on the in vitro and in vivo activities of BKI-1748, and of ELQ-316 and its respective prodrugs ELQ-334 and ELQ-422, applied either as single-compounds or ELQ-BKI-combinations. In vitro, BKI-1748 and ELQ-316, as well as BKI-1748 and ELQ-334, acted synergistically, while this was not observed for the BKI-1748/ELQ-422 combination treatment. In a N. caninum-infected pregnant BALB/c mouse model, the synergistic effects observed in vitro were not entirely reproduced, but 100% postnatal survival and 100% inhibition of vertical transmission was noted in the group treated with the BKI-1748/ELQ-334 combination. In addition, the combined drug applications resulted in lower neonatal mortality compared to treatments with single drugs

    Dystonia in neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation: outcome of bilateral pallidal stimulation

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    Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation encompasses a heterogeneous group of rare neurodegenerative disorders that are characterized by iron accumulation in the brain. Severe generalized dystonia is frequently a prominent symptom and can be very disabling, causing gait impairment, difficulty with speech and swallowing, pain and respiratory distress. Several case reports and one case series have been published concerning therapeutic outcome of pallidal deep brain stimulation in dystonia caused by neurodegeneration with brain iron degeneration, reporting mostly favourable outcomes. However, with case studies, there may be a reporting bias towards favourable outcome. Thus, we undertook this multi-centre retrospective study to gather worldwide experiences with bilateral pallidal deep brain stimulation in patients with neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation. A total of 16 centres contributed 23 patients with confirmed neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation and bilateral pallidal deep brain stimulation. Patient details including gender, age at onset, age at operation, genetic status, magnetic resonance imaging status, history and clinical findings were requested. Data on severity of dystonia (Burke Fahn Marsden Dystonia Rating Scale—Motor Scale, Barry Albright Dystonia Scale), disability (Burke Fahn Marsden Dystonia Rating Scale—Disability Scale), quality of life (subjective global rating from 1 to 10 obtained retrospectively from patient and caregiver) as well as data on supportive therapy, concurrent pharmacotherapy, stimulation settings, adverse events and side effects were collected. Data were collected once preoperatively and at 2–6 and 9–15 months postoperatively. The primary outcome measure was change in severity of dystonia. The mean improvement in severity of dystonia was 28.5% at 2–6 months and 25.7% at 9–15 months. At 9–15 months postoperatively, 66.7% of patients showed an improvement of 20% or more in severity of dystonia, and 31.3% showed an improvement of 20% or more in disability. Global quality of life ratings showed a median improvement of 83.3% at 9–15 months. Severity of dystonia preoperatively and disease duration predicted improvement in severity of dystonia at 2–6 months; this failed to reach significance at 9–15 months. The study confirms that dystonia in neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation improves with bilateral pallidal deep brain stimulation, although this improvement is not as great as the benefit reported in patients with primary generalized dystonias or some other secondary dystonias. The patients with more severe dystonia seem to benefit more. A well-controlled, multi-centre prospective study is necessary to enable evidence-based therapeutic decisions and better predict therapeutic outcomes

    Abnormal Changes in NKT Cells, the IGF-1 Axis, and Liver Pathology in an Animal Model of ALS

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a rapidly progressing fatal neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the selective death of motor neurons (MN) in the spinal cord, and is associated with local neuroinflammation. Circulating CD4+ T cells are required for controlling the local detrimental inflammation in neurodegenerative diseases, and for supporting neuronal survival, including that of MN. T-cell deficiency increases neuronal loss, while boosting T cell levels reduces it. Here, we show that in the mutant superoxide dismutase 1 G93A (mSOD1) mouse model of ALS, the levels of natural killer T (NKT) cells increased dramatically, and T-cell distribution was altered both in lymphoid organs and in the spinal cord relative to wild-type mice. The most significant elevation of NKT cells was observed in the liver, concomitant with organ atrophy. Hepatic expression levels of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 decreased, while the expression of IGF binding protein (IGFBP)-1 was augmented by more than 20-fold in mSOD1 mice relative to wild-type animals. Moreover, hepatic lymphocytes of pre-symptomatic mSOD1 mice were found to secrete significantly higher levels of cytokines when stimulated with an NKT ligand, ex-vivo. Immunomodulation of NKT cells using an analogue of α-galactosyl ceramide (α-GalCer), in a specific regimen, diminished the number of these cells in the periphery, and induced recruitment of T cells into the affected spinal cord, leading to a modest but significant prolongation of life span of mSOD1 mice. These results identify NKT cells as potential players in ALS, and the liver as an additional site of major pathology in this disease, thereby emphasizing that ALS is not only a non-cell autonomous, but a non-tissue autonomous disease, as well. Moreover, the results suggest potential new therapeutic targets such as the liver for immunomodulatory intervention for modifying the disease, in addition to MN-based neuroprotection and systemic treatments aimed at reducing oxidative stress

    Musculotopic organization of the motor neurons supplying the mouse hindlimb muscles: a quantitative study using Fluoro-Gold retrograde tracing

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    We have mapped the motor neurons (MNs) supplying the major hindlimb muscles of transgenic (C57/BL6J-ChAT-EGFP) and wild-type (C57/BL6J) mice. The fluorescent retrograde tracer Fluoro-Gold was injected into 19 hindlimb muscles. Consecutive transverse spinal cord sections were harvested, the MNs counted, and the MN columns reconstructed in 3D. Three longitudinal MN columns were identified. The dorsolateral column extends from L4 to L6 and consists of MNs innervating the crural muscles and the foot. The ventrolateral column extends from L1 to L6 and accommodates MNs supplying the iliopsoas, gluteal, and quadriceps femoris muscles. The middle part of the ventral horn hosts the central MN column, which extends between L2–L6 and consists of MNs for the thigh adductor, hamstring, and quadratus femoris muscles. Within these longitudinal columns, the arrangement of the different MN groups reflects their somatotopic organization. MNs innervating muscles developing from the dorsal (e.g., quadriceps) and ventral muscle mass (e.g., hamstring) are situated in the lateral and medial part of the ventral gray, respectively.MN pools belonging to proximal muscles (e.g., quadratus femoris and iliopsoas) are situatedventral to those supplying more distal ones (e.g., plantar muscles). Finally, MNs innervatingflexors (e.g., posterior crural muscles) are more medial than those belonging to extensors ofthe same joint (e.g., anterior crural muscles). These data extend and modify the MN maps in the recently published atlas of the mouse spinal cord and may help when assessing neuronal loss associated with MN diseases

    Status of p53 in first-trimester cytotrophoblastic cells

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    Status of p53 in first-trimester cytotrophoblastic cells

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    p53 has been called the cellular gatekeeper of the genome because it can induce cell-cycle arrest in G1, apoptosis or affect DNA replication in response to DNA damage. As p53 has been observed in first-trimester cytotrophoblastic cells (CTB), but its expression in normal cells is generally not detectable because of its short half-life, p53 could play an important role in cellular differentiation and/or in the control of the invasion of trophoblastic cells; therefore, p53 status was investigated in these cells. Using different antibodies recognizing different epitopes of p53 protein, abundant p53 expression was observed both in nuclear and in cytoplasmic compartments of first-trimester CTB. Whereas p53 was detected in the nuclei of few trophoblastic cells with an antibody recognizing the N-terminal epitope of the protein, high expression level of p53 in the cytoplasm of CTB was detected with an antibody recognizing the middle part of p53. The lack of immunoreactivity of p53 with antibodies recognizing the epitopes located at the N-terminus of p53 and the high level of p53 protein observed in the cytoplasm of CTB suggest that the N-terminus of p53 is involved in the formation of complexes. These cytoplasmic complexes were detected under non-reducing conditions in western blot analysis and had apparent molecular weights (MW) of 195, 167 or 125 kDa. These complexes could prolong the half-life of p53 in the cytoplasm of CTBs. By contrast, in the nuclei of CTBs, p53 seems to be present as a tetramer