76 research outputs found

    The Green Knowledge and Green Awareness Influences Analysis on Green Behavior and Its Impact on Green Lifestyle of Instant Noodles Consumer

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    Changing in the consumer' behavior because of the growing of the people nowadaysin era modernization makes the consumers become more time conscious and want everything to be practical. That is why food such as instant noodles is become more and more popular these days because of its practical. Unfortunately, this instant noodles made by packaging product's plastic material which have many negative impact to the environment. The purpose of this research is to improve the quality of human and environmental value by proposing green strategy for instant noodles companies in Indonesia. The research in this thesis was made to get to know if the knowledge and awareness of instant noodles' consumer about global warming will have impact to their behavior which will lead to a green lifestyle. The finding of this research then can be use to plan the instant noodles company to apllying green business strategy on their company.Keywords: Green, Knowledge, Awareness, Behavior, Lifestyle

    Online Learning Models in The Era and Post-Pandemic COVID-19

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    Pandemic COVID-19 has shifted education from face-to-face teaching to online-based distance learning. Educators must prepare strategic steps in responding to this transition to achieve learning objectives. To implement an online learning system, learning strategies and models that meet online learning demands must be made. For this reason, this study aims to analyze the online learning model in the era and post-pandemic COVID-19. Literature research methods are used in this study. Data sources were obtained by collecting relevant literature such as books, journals or scientific articles related to the topic: (i) Pandemic COVID-19; (ii) learning model; and (iii) online learning—analysis technique using content analysis. The results showed four appropriate learning models used in the online learning process: ICT -based learning models, problem-based learning models, blended learning models, and module-based learning models. The four learning models can support a distance learning system, increase student independence, improve digitalization skills and discipline, and increase student collaboration


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    This study aims to determine the effect of the variables (1) leadership knowledge on the effectiveness of the principal's work, (2) managerial competence on the effectiveness of the principal's work, (3) leadership knowledge and managerial competence together on the effectiveness of the principal's work. Research respondents were principals of public elementary schools in Rokan Hilir Regency, totaling 305 people with a sample of 173. Data was collected through questionnaires as a research instrument. The data analysis used is descriptive analysis and inferential statistical analysis. The instrument reliability coefficient was calculated using the Cronbach alpha formula. The results showed that there was a positive and significant influence of leadership knowledge on the work effectiveness of the principal of 0.707, and there was a positive and significant influence of managerial competence on the work effectiveness of the principal of 0.603. Meanwhile, together there is an effect of leadership knowledge and managerial competence on the effectiveness of the principal's work of 0.553


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    The development of information and communication technology has influenced the current leadership style. Leadership not only can be implemented face-to-face, but can also be done through the use of electronic devices and the internet, which is called e-leadership. This study aims to obtain an empirical picture about the influence of digital literacy and digital workplace on e-leadership of educators and education staff of State Vocational Schools 5 Pekanbaru – Riau, either partially or simultaneously. This research was conducted from January to June 2022, but the data was collected in March 2022. The research instrument was a questionnaire given to 95 educators and education staff selected as the samples. The obtained data then analyzed through descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The results of data analysis show that digital literacy has a significant influence as many as 30% on e-leadership and the digital workplace has a significant influence as many as 47.1% on e-leadership. Simultaneously digital literacy and digital workplace influence as many as 32%. on e-leadership. This implies that  it is necessary to improve the digital literacy and digital workplace skills of educators and education staff of State Vocational Schools 5 Pekanbaru – Riau to improve their e-leadership skill

    Keefektifan Permainan “Find the Difference” Terhadap Kemampuan Bebrbicara Siswa Tahun Kedua SMP Babussalam Pekanbaru

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    This pre-experimental research aimed to know the effectiveness of “find the difference” game on speaking ability of the second year students of SMP Babussalam Pekanbaru. This research was conducted toward the second year students of SMP Babussalam Pekanbaru from October to November 2015. The researcher used cluster random sampling technique to determine the sample. The sample was class VIII.4 which consisted of 23 students. The data was collected by giving a pre-test and a post-test to students in the form of picture describing. The data was assessed by three raters and analyzed by using SPSS 18. The result of the reserch showed the different score in the pre-test and the post-test was 27.42. The score of the pre-test was 45.62 and the score of the post test increased to 73.04. Moreover, from statistical analysis, it was found out that the t-test 23.320 was bigger than t-table 2.074 at level significance of 0.05. It means that there was a significant effect of “Find the Difference” game on the students\u27 speaking ability. Therefore, it can be concluded that applying “Find the Difference” game is effective to improve students\u27 speaking ability


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    This study aims to determine the effect of variables (1) workload on teacher work stress levels, (2) dual role conflict on teacher work stress levels, (3) workload and dual role conflict together on teacher work stress levels. The research respondents were principals of public elementary schools in Tanjung Medan District, Rokan Hilir Regency, totaling 148 people with a sample of 108. The data was collected through the distribution of questionnaires as research instruments. The data analysis used is descriptive analysis and inferential statistical analysis. The instrument reliability coefficient was calculated using the Cronbach alpha formula. The results showed that there was a positive and significant effect of workload on the teacher's work stress level of 0.517, there was a positive and significant influence of dual role conflict on the teacher's work stress level of 0.458. Meanwhile, together there is an effect of workload and dual role conflict on the teacher's work stress level of 0.54

    Respons Peserta Didik terhadap Pembelajaran Online, Blended Learning dan Tatap Muka pada Pembelajaran Matematika

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    Proses membelajaran matematika mulai pada akhir tahun 2019 sampai pada awal tahun 2022 mengalami banyak perubahan. Adapun proses pembelajaran yang di alami peserta didik pada proses pembelajaran matematika yaitu proses pembelajaran secara online atau daring, proses pembelajaran campuran atau blended learning dan proses pembelajaran tatap muka. Pada penelitian ini fokus untuk mengetahui respons peserta didik terhadap proses pembelajaran matematika. Penelitian yang dilakukan merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif  dengan tipe penelitian studi kasus intrisik. Subjek dalam penelitian ini yaitu peserta didik SMP dengan jumlah sampelnya 120 orang. Instrument pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan angket. Analisis data dalam penilitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa pembelajaran online atau daring berada pada kategori yang kurang positif dengan nilai 54,5%.  Respons peserta didik pada pembelajaran blended learning atau campuran pada kategori yang kurang positif dengan nilai rata-rata 64,5%. Pembelajaran tatap muka mendapatkan respon dari peserta didik pada kategori positif dengan nilai rata-rata 79,4 %. Dari data yang diperoleh bahwa peserta didik pada proses pembelajaran matematika lebih menyukai proses pembelajaran tatap muka. Dengan pembelajaran tatap muka dapat membantu peserta didik lebih memahami materi yang disampaika

    An Analysis Of Students' Intonation Ability In Reading English Short Story Text

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    This research was descriptive analysis research. There were one variable used in this research. The variable X was the students' intonation ability in reading English story text. The subject of this research was the second semester of of English Study Program at FKIP Universitas Riau Pekanbaru, while the object of this research was Intonation Ability in Reading English Story Text. The instruments used in this research were reading story text. The population of the research was 60 students. Then, in taking the sample, the writer employed random sampling technique. To find out pronunciation ability the writer used formula through Wayan and P. P. N Arientina in Kunarsih for analyzing the data. The result of this research shows that the students in pronounciation 5 sentences got 10% category in very good level, 20% category in good level, 20% category in enough level, 40% category in less level, 10% category in fail level. Based on the analysis above, the students'intonation is in enough level, because most of the students were almost in the enough level. In conclusion, the students' ability in reading English story text of English Study Program of FKIP Universitas Riau is in the level of enough
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