821 research outputs found

    10 Jahre Women's Health Initiative (WHI): Was haben wir gelernt?

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    Die im Jahre 2002 erschienene erste Publikation von Daten aus der WHI-Studie hat zu einer unbegründeten Angst vor der postmenopausalen ERT/HRT geführt. Die seither gerade auch aus der WHI veröffentlichte neuere Evidenz zur ERT/ HRT zeigt dagegen, dass bei frühem Beginn nach der Menopause der Nutzen einer ERT/HRT klar die allfälligen Risiken überwiegt. Es ist unbestritten, dass die ERT/HRT die wirksamste Methode zur Behandlung von klimakterischen Beschwerden bleibt. Zudem ist innerhalb des so genannten „günstigen Fensters“ (Beginn der Hormongabe innert der ersten 10 Jahre nach der Menopause oder vor dem Alter von 60 Jahren) eine ERT/HRT die Methode der Wahl zur primären Osteoporoseprävention. Innerhalb dieser Altersgruppe sind die kardiovaskuläre Morbidität und Mortalität ebenso wie die totale Mortalität bei Frauen unter einer Östrogengabe signifikant geringer als bei nichtsubstituierten Frauen. Unter Östrogenen allein ist das Brustkrebsrisiko in der WHI-Studie im Vergleich zu Placebo bis zu einer medianen Beobachtungsdauer von 11,8 Jahren auch bei Frauen mit einem BMI < 25 reduziert, in der Nurses’ Health Study steigt es bis zu einer Einnahmedauer von 19,9 Jahren nicht an. Auch unter kombinierter Östrogen-Gestagen-Gabe erhöht sich in der WHI-Studie das Mammakarzinom-Risiko bis zu einer Einnahmedauer von 5,6 Jahren nicht. Danach besteht gemäß der WHI-Studie ein Trend zu einer Risikozunahme (< 1,0 per 1000 Frauen pro Einnahmejahr). SERMs eignen sich vor allem zum Einsatz bei asymptomatischen Frauen mit erhöhtem vertebralem Fraktur- und vermehrtem Brustkrebsrisiko. Nach verschiedenen Daten könnten die einzelnen Gestagene ein unterschiedliches Risikoprofil besitzen. Auch die dänische DOPS-Studie kommt nach 10 Jahren einer randomisierten Behandlung mit ERT/HRT zum Schluss, dass Frauen mit frühem Beginn der Hormoneinnahme nach der Menopause ein signifikant reduziertes Risiko für Mortalität, Herztod oder Myokardinfarkt besitzen, ohne dass die erkennbaren Risiken für Krebs, VTE oder CVI ansteigen. Ab 1–2 Jahren nach der Menopause kann auch Tibolon verwendet werden. Unter transdermaler Östrogengabe ist im Gegensatz zur peroralen Einnahme kein Anstieg des venösen thromboembolischen (VTE) Risikos zu erwarten, das Risiko für zerebrovaskuläre Insulte (CVI) ist gering oder nicht vorhanden. Da therapiebedürftige klimakterische Symptome über Jahre auftreten können, gibt es keine fixe obere Grenze der Einnahmedauer, wobei die Indikation für eine ERT oder HRT (inklusive SERM) regelmäßig reevaluiert werden soll. Dabei ist die niedrigste noch wirksame Hormondosierung zu verwenden und insbesondere bei Risikopatientinnen für VTE und CVI das Östrogen transdermal zu verabreichen

    Influence of denosumab on bone mineral density in a severe case of pregnancy-associated osteoporosis

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    Pregnancy and lactation-associated osteoporosis (PLO) with predominantly subsequent vertebral fracture is a rare but severe disease with an estimated incidence of 0.4 in 100,000. In the past, patients with PLO have been predominantly treated with oral and i.v. bisphosphonates to reduce subsequent fracture risk. Hereby, the use of bisphosphonates in premenopausal women is controversial, as bisphosphonates know to persist in bone for many years and can be exposed and circulate in maternal serum and subsequently pass the placenta barrier and may have a detrimental effect on fetal bone health. Here we report the effects of denosumab on the bone mineral density (BMD) and subsequent fracture risk in PLO. In this case presentation, denosumab was administered postpartum with 3000 IE vitamin D and 1000 mg of calcium daily in a patient with PLO and vertebral fracture of L1 and L4. After 18 months of treatment with denosumab, we could demonstrate a clinical significant increase of BMD at the lumbar spine, femoral neck, and total hip of 32.2%, 13.0%, and 11.5% respectively with no further subsequent fractures. As the patient had regular menstrual cycles and considered a further pregnancy, denosumab treatment was terminated and soon a second pregnancy occurred. After the second pregnancy, BMD decreased at the lumbar spine, femur neck, and total hip by -8.8%, -6.9%, and -7.0% respectively compared to the maximum values during treatment with denosumab, but was still significantly higher compared to baseline levels with no further fractures

    ‘Get in touch with yourself’: The Structure of Relationship Advice in Women’s Magazines

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    This study investigates the way sex and relationship advice articles are structured in four English language women’s magazines. Cosmopolitan and Marie Claire were selected from the US, and Female and Her World from Malaysia. Forty articles were selected for the analysis. The study adopts Machin and Van Leeuwen’s (2003) problem-solution structure, besides using discourse pragmatic analysis. By studying this genre in the two different contexts, one of the main things that emerged is that this particular genre is more complex and diverse than what other researchers have found. The writers of the advice resort to various strategies and techniques to attract women to read these articles. They also have to balance social and cultural sensitivities with their message of freedom and liberation for women as appeared in the Malaysian data. Thus, studying this genre gives useful insights on how culture affects the texts and vice-versa

    Étude de la dynamique stationnelle des populations des culicidés dans la province de Sidi Slimane (Maroc)

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    La province de Sidi Slimane (Maroc) par son climat et sa position dans la plaine du Gharb en tant qu’une zone d’inondation, engendre une grande variété de gîtes larvaires culicidiens. Les autorités sanitaires de la province adoptent la stratégie nationale qui vise essentiellement le maintien de l’élimination des maladies parasitaires à transmission vectorielle et notamment le paludisme autochtone qui repose en grande partie sur la lutte contre le vecteur. Cette lutte ne peut être efficace sans la bonne connaissance de la répartition de ce vecteur dans l’espace et dans le temps. Dans ce travail nous avons suivi l’évolution spatiotemporelle de 06 espèces de la famille de culicidae (1 espèce d’Anophèles, 5 espèces de Culex) dans huit (08) stations au cours d’un cycle hydrologique de l’année 2011 dans la province de Sidi Slimane (Maroc). Les différents peuplements étudiés sont largement dominés par Cx. pepiens aussi bien spatialement que temporellement. C’est une espèce ubiquiste et printano-automnale. CX.hortensis est une espèce printanière. Cx. theileri est une espèce qui enregistre son maximum d’abondance en printemps. CX. laticinctus évolue également dans un gîte permanent presque durant toute l’année, An. labranchiae, CX.medestus, espèces qui ont des exigences quant au type de gîtes à coloniser.Mots-clés : culicidae, spatio-temporel, anophèles, culex, Sidi Slimane, MarocStudy of the population dynamics of stational culicidées in the province of Sidi Slimane (Morocco)The province of Sidi Slimane (Morocco) by its climate and its geographical situation in the plain of Gharb,which is known as a zone of flood, engenders a big variety of mosquitos larvae breeding grounds. The sanitary authorities of the province adopt the national strategy That aims essentially at eliminating the parasitic diseases at vector transmission , particularly, the autochtonous malaria , That takes the largest part in the fight .However The fight against this vector cannot be effective without a good knowledge of distribution in space and time. In this work we followed the spatiotemporelle evolution of 06 culicidae family species (1 species of Anophèles, 5 species of Culex). In eight (08) stations during a hydrological cycle of the year 2011 in the province. The various studied settlements are largely dominated by Cx. pepiens spatially and temporally as well ubiquist and printano-autumnal. CX.hortensis is a spring species. Cx. theileri is a species which records its maximum of abundance in spring. CX.laticinctus also evolves in the permanent of breeding places almost during all the year. An. labranchiae, CX.medestus, is species which have certain requirements as for the type of breeding places with colonize.Keywords : culicidae, spatio-temporel, anophèles, culex, Sidi Slimane, Morocco

    Metallographic and Mechanical Studies of a Cast Heat-Resisting Alloy

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    A heat-resistant steel tube from an ammonia plant made of modified HP40 steel that failed after short-term service is studied for damage mechanism. The assessment of material degradation is carried out using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy in combination with energy dispersive spectroscopy analysis, x-ray diffraction analysis, and mechanical tests. Results show that precipitation of the chromium-rich carbides induces the coalescence of grain boundaries. Significant growth and poor distribution of secondary carbides are also noticed through the matrix, which lead to a reduction of material ductility even after a short-term service. The main cause of failure appears to be damaged catalyst. Such a problem can cause a rise in temperature leading to localized overheating in the lower part of the tube. Overheating is primarily responsible for significant degradation in microstructure, creep strength, and mechanical properties of the tube.Для установления механизма разрушения была изучена изготовленная из модифицированной жаропрочной стали НР40 труба с аммиачного завода, вышедшая из строя после кратковременного использования. Изучение деградации материала было проведено с помощью оптической и сканирующей электронной микроскопий в комбинации с энергодисперсионным спектроскопическим анализом, рентгенодифракционными исследованиями и механическими испытаниями. Установлено, что выделение насыщенных хромом карбидов вызывает коалесценцию границ зёрен. Также установлено существенное увеличение и разрежённое распределение вторичных карбидов в матрице, что приводит к снижению пластичности материала даже после кратковременного использования. Основной причиной выхода труб из строя является повреждённый катализатор. Эта проблема может вызвать повышение температуры, что приводит к локальному перегреву в нижней части трубы. Именно перегрев, в первую очередь, ответственен за существенные деградацию микроструктуры, ухудшение границы ползучести и механических свойств трубки.Для встановлення механізму руйнування було вивчено виготовлену з модифікованої жароміцної сталі НР40 трубу з аміячного заводу, що вийшла з ладу після короткотермінового використання. Вивчення деґрадації матеріялу було проведено за допомогою оптичної та сканівної електронної мікроскопій у комбінації з енергодисперсійною спектроскопічною аналізою, рентґенодифракційними дослідженнями та механічними випробуваннями. Встановлено, що виділення насичених Хромом карбідів викликає коалесценцію меж зерен. Також встановлено істотне зростання та розріджений розподіл у матриці вторинних карбідів, що приводить до зниження пластичности матеріялу навіть після короткотермінового використання. Основною причиною виходу труб з ладу є пошкоджений каталізатор. Ця проблема може спричинити підвищення температури, що призводить до локального перегріву в нижній частині труби. Саме перегрівання, перш за все, є відповідальним за значні деґрадацію мікроструктури, погіршення межі плазучости та механічних властивостей труб

    The geoenvironmental factors influencing slope failures in the Majerda basin, Algerian-Tunisian border

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    In mountainous regions globally, landslides pose severe threats to both human lives and infrastructure, with the Mediterranean region, in particular, being highly susceptible to these destructive events that result in substantial damage to settlements and infrastructure. In this study, we employ a GIS-based approach to comprehensively characterize terrain instabilities along the Algerian-Tunisian border, recognizing the critical need for effective land planning and disaster mitigation strategies in this context. Our methodology integrates geological, geophysical, and geotechnical reconnaissance techniques and multi-criteria analysis, with a particular focus on geotechnical parameters. Our findings reveal significant slope instability within the study area; it is particularly concentrated in the mid-altitude slopes of the eastern basin, with high and very high susceptibility zones covering 20.89% of the study area. Validation of our model through ROC analysis demonstrates its high accuracy, with an area under the curve (AUC) value of 0.92. Crucially, slope gradients and precipitation emerge as key contributors to landslide occurrence, alongside Triassic lithofacies, which is a significant geological factor influencing susceptibility. These results emphasize the necessity of identifying high-landslide-susceptibility regions for sustainable land management and risk reduction, which will ultimately enhance the resilience of the studied region and mitigate the associated natural hazard risks

    Spatial Effects of NAO on Temperature and Precipitation Anomalies in Italy

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    The NAO teleconnective pattern has a great influence on the European climate; however, the exact quantification of NAO pattern in the different areas is sometimes lacking, and at other times, highlights even large differences between the various studies. This motivation led to the identification of the aim of this research in the study of the relationship between the NAO index and temperature and precipitation anomalies over the period 1991-2020, through the analysis of 87 rain gauges and 86 thermometric stations distributed as homogeneously as possible over the Italian territory. The results were sometimes at odds with the scientific literature on the subject, as significance was also found outside the winter season, e.g., in the spring for temperatures and in the autumn for precipitation, and in some cases, correlations were found, especially in August, even in southern Italy, which is usually considered a poorly correlated area. In addition, the linear relationship between the NAO index and temperature and precipitation anomalies was verified, with many weather stations obtaining significant coefficients of determinations as high as 0.5-0.6 in December, with 29 degrees of freedom, and a p-value set at 95%. Finally, for both climatic parameters, the presence of clusters and outliers at seasonal and monthly levels was assessed, obtaining a spatial distribution using the local Moran index, and summarising them in maps. This analysis highlighted important clusters in Northern and Central Italy, while clusters in the summer months occur in the South. These results provide information that may further elucidate local atmospheric dynamics in relation to NAO phases, as well as encourage future studies that may link other teleconnective indices aimed at better explaining the variance of climate parameters

    The Islamicity of Lanao Sultanate, Philippines in the 17th Century as a State

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    The Pat a Pangampong sa Ranao or Lanao Sultanate in the Philippines was founded in the early 17th century after its leaders seceded from the Magindanao Sultanate. The Lanao Sultanate had the traditional laws i.e. the taritib and igma or the Adat Laws, and Shari’ah (Islamic laws). The political structure of Lanao Sultanate consists of council of elders, house of board of advisers, house of bais (ladies), imāms (prayer leaders), kalis (judges), gurus (teachers), askars (army), pananalsilas (genealogy experts), defence units headed by a radia-laut (naval and war commander), and the forty-three sultans who ruled the pagawidan (supported) states and pagawid (supporting) states. The supported states had fifteen sultans who were the executive bodies of the fifteen royal houses of the Lanao Sultanate. The pagawid (supporting) states had twenty-eight governors called m’babaya ko taritib who were also the legislative bodies of the four states of Lanao: Bayabao, Masiu, Unayan, and Baloi. The Islamicity of the Lanao Sultanate in the 17th century as an Islamic state is not represented in literature. This explains why there is a huge research gap on this study. This paper will explore in-depth the Islamicity of Lanao Sultanate in the 17th century using the functions and the characteristics of an Islamic state as parameters according to contemporary Muslim scholars

    Croissance et capacité réproductive de Gymnogongrus patens (J. Agardh) (Rhodophyceae, Gigartinale) de la côte atlantique marocaine

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    L’algue carraghénophyte Gymnogongrus patens présente une large distribution sur le littoral marocain, sa valorisation et son exploitation ont été précédées par l’étude de sa biologie en milieu naturel. Le site étudié est la plage de Méhdia situé au nord de la côte atlantique marocaine. L’influence des facteurs environnementaux (température, salinité, nitrates et phosphates) sur l’évolution de la croissance a été étudiée par d’analyse en composantes principales (ACP). La croissance de l’espèce présente une variation saisonnière, ainsi deux périodes de croissance ont été déterminées : une période de forte croissance fin printemps et été et une période de faible croissance en automne et en hiver. L’ACP a confirmé cette saisonnalité de la croissance, en précisant que le gain en poids de thalles est principalement lié à l’augmentation de nombre de ramification total. La période active de croissance est caractérisée par l’élévation de la température, de la salinité et de l’intensité lumineuse principalement. L’étude de la capacité reproductive de G. patens a permis de montrer que l’espèce est fertile toute l’année avec une dominance de la génération tétrasporophytiques. Le maximum de fertilité a été obtenu en été.Mots-clés : Gymnogongrus patens, croissance, reproduction, ACP, Maroc.Growth and reproductuive capacity of Gymnogongrus patens (Rhodophyceae, Gigartinale) on the Morccan Atlantic coastGymnogongrus patens represent an important biomass along the Atlantic coast of Morocco, the first step befor exploitation is gather information about the biology and growth of this species in naturel environment. The studied site is the beach of Mehdia located at the north of the Moroccan Atlantic Coast. The influence of environmental parametres (temperature, salinty, nitrates and phosphates) on growth has been studied using Principal Components Analysis (ACP). The monthly survey of its growth did sow seasonal variations. G. Patens has 2 periods of growth: period’s active growth at the ending of spring and summer and period’s weak growth in automn and winter. ACP showed a seaonal variation of the species growth. The active growth periods of G. Patens are characterized by important temperature and salinty and light intensities. The species was fertil almost all along the year and tetrasporophyte pahse predominated. The maximum of fertility was obtained in summer.Keywords : gymnogongrus patens, growth, reproduction, ACP, Morocco

    Analyse des pigments de la rhodophycée Gymnogongrus patens (J. Agardh) de la côte atlantique marocaine

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    Les pigments du carraghénophyte, Gymnogongrus patens ont été analysés sur des échantillons d’algues récoltées mensuellement pendant un cycle annuel, d’avril 2002 à mars 2003, sur la plage de Méhdia (Nord-Ouest de la côte atlantique marocaine). Les analyses pigmentaires durant cette période d’étude, montrent que les pigments phycobiliprotéiques présentent des variations saisonnières très marquées pour les R-phycocyanines (R-PE) et les Allophycocyanines (A-PC) et nettement moins importantes pour les R-phycoérytrines (R-PC), avec une dominance des R-PE sur les A-PC et les R-PC. Par contre les teneurs en Chlorophylle a (Chl.a) varient peu. Les taux les plus élevés en R-PE sont obtenus en octobre (2,83mg/g de matière fraîche). L’influence des facteurs physico-chimiques (température (T), salinité (S), nitrates (N) et phosphates (P)) sur l’évolution de la composition pigmentaire a été étudiée par des analyses quantitatives en composantes principales (ACP). Cette analyse montre que l’algue est très riche en A-PC, R-PC et R-PE pendant la saison automnale et hivernale alors qu'elle s'atténue au printemps et en été.Mots-clés : gymnogongrus patens, pigments, facteurs physicochimiques, ACP, côte atlantique marocaine