197 research outputs found

    Driving factors of the potentially toxic and harmful species of Prorocentrum Ehrenberg in a semi-enclosed Mediterranean lagoon (Tunisia, SW Mediterranean)

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    We analysed the dynamics of the potentially toxic and harmful species of Prorocentrum Ehrenberg in Bizerte lagoon (important aquaculture area, Northern Tunisia), substantiating the possible driving forces (temperature, salinity and nutrients), based on a two years database. We revealed that Prorocentrum spp. blooms of high magnitude (104 - 105 cells l-1) occurred mostly during the period of late winter to early spring. We found five species of Prorocentrum, two of which, P. lima and P. cordatum, the most common during the field, are confirmed agents of Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning in various regions of the world ocean. Prorocentrum sp., P. micans, and P. gracile were however present only sporadically but with high cell abundances, exemplifying bloom densities. Canonical correspondence analysis revealed that P. minimum and P. lima were much more abundant in eutrophied waters characterized here by high Chl a biomass, while P. gracile species occurred principally in warm waters. Furthermore, Prorocentrum sp. and P. micans seemed more likely to proliferate in saline waters with high concentrations of inorganic nutrients (nitrate, ammonia and phosphate). Our study calls attention to a possible intensification of DSP events in the Bizerte lagoon, given the propensity of Prorocentrum spp. to proliferate in a eutrophied system

    Mental workload and driving

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    International audienceThe aim of this review is to identify the most representative measures of subjective and objective mental workload in driving, and to understand how the subjective and objective levels of mental workload influence the performance as a function of situation complexity and driving experience, i.e., to verify whether the increase of situation complexity and the lack of experience increase the subjective and physiological levels of mental workload and lead to driving performance impairments. This review will be useful to both researchers designing an experimental study of mental workload and to designers of drivers' training content. In the first part, we will broach the theoretical approach with two factors of mental workload and performance, i.e., situation complexity and driving experience. Indeed, a low complex situation (e.g., highways), or conversely a high complex situation (e.g., town) can provoke an overload. Additionally, performing the driving tasks implies producing a high effort for novice drivers who have not totally automated the driving activity. In the second part, we will focus on subjective measures of mental workload. A comparison of questionnaires usually used in driving will allow identifying the most appropriate ones as a function of different criteria. Moreover, we will review the empirical studies to verify if the subjective level of mental workload is high in simple and very complex situations, especially for novice drivers compared to the experienced ones. In the third part, we will focus on physiological measures. A comparison of physiological indicators will be realized in order to identify the most correlated to mental workload. An empirical review will also take the effect of situation complexity and experience on these physiological indicators into consideration. Finally, a more nuanced comparison between subjective and physiological measures will be established from the impact on situation complexity and experience

    Approche d’intégration de l’erreur humaine dans le retour d’expérience. Application au domaine de la sécurité des transports ferroviaires

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    International audienceToday, human error is a main factor of accident in several fields and in particular the rail transport field. Taking into account human factors has become a central concern in the process of development and assessment of rail transport safety. In spite of the technological risk control, occurred new accidents with their dramatics consequences, their height costs, this context leads to the implementation of the experience feedback system (REX) aiming at preventing the occurrence of the accidents and improving improve the safety level of the new transport systems. However, Rex encounters several difficulties due to a lack of a standardized comprehensive methodology and to the difficulty to take into account human factors. In this study, a new developed approach based on human factors is developed and described. After a literature review of human reliability and human error (main classification models) and of the existing approaches of rail Rex, this report presents our contribution to integrate human factors in the Rex process through an approach of human error analysis, focused on the accident process. Based on some application examples from the rail safety field, this approach is built on the three complementary levels of human error analysis : the context level (upstream of the accident), the cognitive conceptual level (during the accident) and the behavioural level (downstream of the accident).A ce jour, l'erreur humaine constitue un facteur causal majeur de l'émergence des accidents dans plusieurs domaines dont celui des transports ferroviaires. De ce fait, la prise en compte des facteurs humains est devenue un thème central dans le processus de construction et d évaluation de la sécurité des transports ferroviaires. D'autre part, la survenue de nouveaux accidents malgré la maîtrise du risque technologique, leurs conséquences dramatiques et leurs coûts terribles, sont à la base de la mise en œuvre d un système de retour d expérience (Rex) comme étant l'un des moyens indispensable de nature à prévenir l occurrence de ces accidents et à améliorer le niveau de sécurité des nouveaux systèmes de transports. Cependant, le Rex actuel se heurte à plusieurs obstacles relatifs notamment à l absence d une méthodologie globale standardisée et aux difficultés de prendre en compte les facteurs humains. Cette étude tente d apporter des éléments de réponses aux problèmes soulevés en proposant une nouvelle approche de Rex centrée sur les facteurs humains. Après une revue de littérature des facteurs humains en termes de fiabilité humaine et d erreur humaine (principaux modèles de classification) ainsi que des démarches existantes en matière de Rex ferroviaire, cet ouvrage présente notre contribution à l intégration des facteurs humains dans le processus du Rex à travers une approche d analyse de l erreur humaine centrée sur le déroulement d un accident. Soutenue par quelques exemples d application issus du domaine de la sécurité ferroviaire, cette approche s articule autour de trois niveaux complémentaires d analyse de l erreur humaine : le niveau contextuel (en amont de l accident), le niveau conceptuel cognitif (pendant l accident) et le niveau comportemental (en aval de l accident)