3,589 research outputs found


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    Fungi is an organism whitout chlorophyl, therefore it can not prepare their own food and saphrophytic (decomposer of organic compounds). The objective of the research were to determined the properly dosage and the best frequency of watering with coconut water for the best growing and the best product of “white oyster” fungi. The research have been conducted from April to August 2013, at the Fungi House, on Jalan Garuda Sakti KM 2, Jalan Perumahan UNRI Simpang Baru, Kecamatan Tampan, Pekanbaru. The experiment have been conducted by using Fully Randomized Design, with 2 factors and 5 replications. The first factor were the dosages of coconut water that were consist of: 6 ml/baglog (D1), 12 ml/baglog (D2), and 18 ml/baglog (D3). The second factor were the frequency of the watering with coconut water, that were consist of: one watering along the plantation (F1), two times watering along the plantation (F2), and three times watering with coconut water (F3). The parameters that will be observed were: the growth of the miselium; the time for the pinhead ecxsistance, the harvest time and the total of the body’s fruit in each baglog. The result of the experiment indicated that there were the effect of the watering with coconut water with different dosages on the production of “white oyster” fungi. The treatment with the dosage 6 ml/baglog (D1) resulted with significantly different on the number of the body fruit in each baglog and the weight of fresh fruit ineach baglog, compared with the D2 and D3. There were no significantly diffrencies in the parameter of the growth rate of miselium, the time for the growth of pinhead and the harvest time. For the coconut watering treatments, the treatment with one watering for one plantation season (F1) resulted in significantly on the weight of the fresh fruit in each baglog, compared with treatments F2 and F3. As for the growth rate parameter of the miselium, the rate for the pinhead attendance, the harvest time, and the number the fresh fruit body in each baglog, there were no significantly differencies. The interaction between the coconut water watering with the different in dosages and frequencies, there were no significantly affect on the all parameters observed. It is suggested to contibue the experiment with the old coconut water watering on the medium after the first harvesting, for the availabilities of the nutrition for fungi, and to fermented the coconut water before the application for the growth medium

    Artificial Intelligence for Solar Energy Harvesting in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Solar cells have been extensively investigated for wireless sensor networks (WSN). In comparison to other energy harvesting techniques, solar cells are capable of harnessing the highest amount of power density. Furthermore, the energy conversion process does not involve any moving parts and does not require any intermediate energy conversion steps. Their main drawback is the inconsistent amount of energy harvested due to the intermittency and variability of the incoming solar radiation [1]. Consequently, being able to predict the amount of solar radiation is important for making necessary decisions regarding the amount of energy that can be utilized at the sensor node. We demonstrate that artificial intelligence (AI) can be used as an effective technique for predicting the amount of incoming solar radiation at these sensor nodes. We show that a Support Vector Machine (SVM) regression technique can effectively predict the amount of solar radiation for the next 24 hours based on weather data from previous days. We reveal that this technique outperforms other state of the art prediction methods for WSNs. To assess the performance of our proposed solution, we use experimental measurements that were collected for a period of two years from a weather station installed by Beijing Sunda Solar Energy Technology Company [2]. We also demonstrate how the harvested energy can be regulated using an innovative Power Management Unit [3]

    Meninjau Tafsir Al-Jami’ Li Ahkami Al-Qur’an Karya Imam Al-Qurthubi: Manhaj dan Rasionalitas

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    One of the hardest things apart from a mufassir when interpreting the Qur'an is mazhab's fanaticism, but al-Qurtubi can point out that it can be overcome. This led to the study's being done, the purpose of the study was to uncover public methodology and typical methodology (manhaj) al-Imam al-Qurtubi in his interpretation. Besides, it was also meant to look at a correlation of his written interpretation of al-Qurtubi with manhaj tafsir that it did. The study is also trying to describe the effect of philosophical thinking on the interpretation of al-Qurtubi, since fiqh is an Islamic science based on proper and rational thinking. To achieve these objectives, the methods used are descriptive analysis and book research, so the study counts as qualitative research. The data used is qualitative, either primary or secondary data. The study resulted in several findings, i.e., al-Qurtubi applied a precise interpretation methodology, both types of interpretive source, the tahlili interpretation method, and the fiqh approach in each text considered; at least five manhaj interpretations indicated by al-Qurtubi; and  al-Qurtubi also employed a method of rational thought in its interpretation, which is shown by the results of induced thinking and the similarity of the objectives between manhaj tafsir and philosophy


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    Misalkan A dan B aljabar-C* dan X ruang vektor kompleks. Modul-C* Hilbert kanan X_A (kiri (_B^)X) adalah modul yang dilengkapi dengan hasil kali dalam kanan ⟨∙,∙⟩_A (kiri (_B^)⟨∙,∙⟩ ) dan lengkap dalam norm modul kanan ‖∙‖_A(kiri (_B^)‖∙‖ ) sedangkan bimodul-C* Hilbert (_B^)X_A adalah bimodul yang dilengkapi dengan hasil kali dalam kanan dan kiri juga lengkap dalam norm modul kanan dan kiri. Tujuan dari penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana mengkonstruksi modul-C* Hilbert dan Bimodul-C* Hilbert, mempelajari sifat-sifat serta memberi contoh. Penelitian dilakukan dengan cara studi literatur, yaitu dengan mempelajari pokok bahasan yang berhubungan dengan modul-C* Hilbert. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, bimodul-C* Hilbert dapat dikonstruksi melalui modul dengan skalarnya adalah dua aljabar-C* yang dilengkapi dengan hasil kali dalam dan memenuhi sifat kelengkapan dalam norm modul. Selain itu, akan dijelaskan bagaimana cara mengaplikasikan modul-C* Hilbert melalui contoh. Kata kunci: Modul, bimodul, aljabar-C*, ruang Hilbert, ruang hasil kali dalam, modul-C* Hilbert, bimodul-C* Hilbert. Let A and B C*-algebras and X complex vector space. Right (left) Hilbert-C* module X_A ((_B^)X) is a module that completed with right (left) inner product ⟨∙,∙⟩_A ((_B^)⟨∙,∙⟩ ) and satisfied completeness on right (left) norm module ‖∙‖_A ((_B^)‖∙‖ ) whereas Hilbert-C* bimodule (_B^)X_A is bimodule that completed with right and left inner product and satisfied completeness on right and left norm module. Objectives of this final paper are to how to construct it, studied its properties along with its application by examples. Research was done by literatures study, that is studied its main themes that highly related with Hilbert-C* module and Hilbert-C* bimodule. As the result, Hilbert-C* bimodule can be constructed through module with two C*-algebras as scalar completed with inner product and satisfies completeness on norm module. Then, we will show its application by examples. Keyword: Module, bimodule, C*-algebra, Hilbert space, inner product space, Hilbert-C* module, Hilbert-C* bimodule

    Effect of calcium on yield and incidence of fruit disorders in three tomato cultivars

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    Greenhouse experiments were conducted in Fall 1995 (1 experiment) and Spring 1996 (2 experiments), which will be referred to as Experiment 1 , Experiment 2 , and Experiment 3 , respectively. Three levels of calcium (low = 20 ppm; medium = 220 ppm; and high = 1,020 ppm; that represented very deficient, normal, and near toxic levels of calcium) were applied to three cultivars of tomato (\u27Mountain Supreme\u27, \u27Celebrity\u27, and \u27Sunrise\u27; selected to represent genetic differences in susceptibility to blossom-end rot (BER)) grown in modified Hoagland solutions utilizing a greenhouse hydroponic system.The source of basic nutrients was a 5-11-26 soluble fertilizer containing micronutrients. The ratio of N-P- K was adjusted to 1.0 : 0.6 ; 2.5 by adding NH4NO3 (34% N). Calcium was added as CaCl2* 2H2O. In experiment 1 leaf samples were collected below the 1st, 3rd, and 5th flower Clusters. Leaf samples for experiments 2 and 3 were collected above the 1st and 5th flower cluster. Both leaf and fruit calcium contents were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma emission spectrophotometry (ICP). Tomato fruits were harvested 2 or 3 times a week at the breaker stage. Total yield was measured as fruit weight, and marketable fruits were determined based on fruit size and the absence of physiological disorders. Fruits with a diameter \u3e 6.3 cm and free from BER and cracking were categorized as marketable. Leaf and fruit calcium concentrations were increased by the medium calcium treatment. Leaf calcium concentration did not significantly differ among the tomato cultivars studied. Fruit calcium concentration responses of the three cultivars were different between Fall and Spring experiments. In experiment 1 (Fall 1995), across treatments \u27Mountain Supreme\u27 had a higher fruit calcium concentration than \u27Celebrity\u27. No significant differences in fruit calcium occurred in experiments 2 and 3 (Spring 1996). In all the experiments conducted, the medium calcium treatment reduced the incidence of BER. The total weight of marketable fruit was not affected by the medium calcium treatment in experiment 1, but it was increased by the medium calcium treatment in experiments 2 and 3. In all three experiments the high calcium treatment reduced the total fruit weight per plant, average fruit weight, total weight of marketable fruit per plant, and average marketable fruit weight. \u27Celebrity\u27, across treatments, was consistently more susceptible than \u27Mountain Supreme\u27 to incidence of fruit disorders

    Teaching Four Language Skills Using Project-Based Learning (PBL)

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    The article argues that project-based learning (PBL) has important implications to EFL/ESL instruction. Learning the English language needs not only focus on syntax accuracy and competence in communicative performance. More so, higher cognitive processing is equally important as reflected in problem-solving skills, creativity, and selfmanagement. Developing the aforementioned skills can be undertaken through the integration of project-based learning with EFL/ESL instruction. Hence, corresponding teaching and learning strategies need to be institutionalized in determining the extent to which students are able to exhibit the said skills that are not commonly associated to traditional English pedagogy. Drawing from experiences in ESL instruction, the article argues that educational institutions that provide EFL/ESL instruction can benefit by redirecting the curriculum from the traditional emphasis on standardized language  to approaches that attempt to teach fur language skills such as creativity, problem-solving, self-management, and teamwork. Project-based learning is centered on the learner and affords learners the opportunity for in-depth investigations of worthy topics. The learners are more autonomous as they construct personally-meaningful artifacts that are representations of their learning. This article examines the theoretical foundations of project-based learning, particularly constructivism and constructionism. Practical advice and recommendations for project-based learning are discussed, including beginning slowly with the implementation, teaching students to negotiate cooperative/collaborative groups and establishing multiple forms of performance assessments


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    Pembelajaran dapat berjalan efektif jika unsur-unsur pembelajaran dapat terpenuhi dalam proses pembelajaran. Factor pendukung keberhasilan itu juga tidak lepas dari penggunaan teknologi sebagai media pembelajaran yang lebih menarik dan memenuhi kebutuhan pendidik dan peserta didik. Oleh sebab itu untuk mempermudah kegiatan mengajar terutama dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI) seorang pendidik hendaknya mampu mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbasis teknologi. Aplikasi Whatshaap merupakan media komunikasi yang dapat dikembangkan sebagai media pembelajaran interaktif oleh mahasiswa PAI. Dengan mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbasis whatshaap, dosen dan mahasiswa dapat melakukan proses pembelajaran secara jarak jauh (Distance Learning). Methode penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development) yaitu dengan cara mengembangkan suatu produk kemudian dikembangkan dengan menguji keefektifan produk tersebut. Kemudian model penelitian menggunakan model CTL yaitu, model pembelajaran berbasis problematic, memanfaatkan lingkungan peserta didik untuk memperoleh kegiatan pembelajaran, memberikan aktivitas kelompok, membuat aktivitas belajar mandiri, membuat aktivitas belajar bersama masyarakat (Prihantoro, 2015). Tahapan yang perlu diperhatikan dalam mengembangkan aplikasi media pembelajaran adalah: 1.) menentukan konsep dan model pembelajaran, 2.) menentukan kompetensi dasar yang akan dicapai peserta didik, 3.) menentukan materi yang akan dimuat dalam media pembelajaran, 4.) menentukan evaluasi yang digunakan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana keberhasilan media pembelajaran yang digunakan

    Pola Pewarisan Budaya Syair Melayu di Lombok Timur (Kajian Sejarah Budaya)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini berusaha menggali dan mengnalisa peranan Syair Melayu Islam dalam budaya Sasak di Lombok Timur khususnya di desa Rumbuk. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah metode sejarah. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Proses masuknya Syair Melayu Islam bersamaan dengan proses masuknya Islam yang terus berkembang sampai saat ini; (2) Nilai yang terkandung dari beberapa kitab Syair Melayu Islam secara umum sangat berperan dan dapat mempengaruhi nilai keberagamaan masyarakat di desa Rumbuk; (3) Pewarisan budaya Syair Melayu Islam dilakukan melalui proses internalisasi, adapts, sosialisasi, serta enkulturasi atau pembudayaan

    Evoke emotion through typography / Muhammad Hadi Anuar

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    Typography, the design, or selection, of letter forms to be organized into words and sentences to be disposed of in blocks of type as printing upon a page, Typography and the typographer who practices it may also be concerned with other, related matters, the selection of paper, the choice of ink, the method of printing, the design of the binding if the product at hand is a book, but the word typography without modifier most usually denotes the activities and concerns of those most involved in and concerned with the determination of the appearance of the printed page (Warren E. Preece, 2019).A typeface is a collection of letters. While each letter is unique, certain shapes are shared across letters. A typeface represents shared patterns across a collection of letters. Typefaces that are selected for their style, legibility, and readability are most effective when following the fundamental principles of typographic design. A design for a set of characters. A font is the combination of typeface and other qualities, such assize, pitch, and spacing