12 research outputs found

    Dakwah K.H. Khoiron Zaini di kalangan remaja: studi metode dakwah persuasif Komunitas Majelis Pemuda Bersholawat (MPB) At Taufiq

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    Di zaman yang semakin canggih dan modern, timbul berbagai macam problematika kehidupan pada para remaja kabupaten Sampang khususnya di Kecamatan Karangpenang. Berbagai cara dan upaya untuk memberikan solusi islami terhadap berbagai berbagai problematika dalam kehidupan remaja tersebut. Problematika kehidupan yang dimaksud mencakup beberapa aspek seperti pergaulan bebas, dekadensi mural, geng motor dan bahkan pecandu narkoba. Adanya Problem tersebut mengharuskan K.H. Khoron Zaini dan komunitasnya (Majelis Pemuda Bersholawat (MPB) At-Taufiq) melakukan perubahan yang mendasar terhadap moralitas para remaja yang ada di Kecamatan Karang Penang kabupaten Sampang. Untuk itu dakwah harus dikemas dengan metode yang tepat dan pas, aktual, faktual dan kontekstual. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif naturalistik dan berdasar pada kerangka teori Komunikasi Persuasif, tesis ini meneliti Dakwah K.H. Khoiron Zaini di Kalangan Remaja “Studi Metode Dakwah Persuasif Komunitas Majelis Pemuda Bersholawat (MPB) At-Taufiq”.Penelitian ini berhasil mengungkap temuan sebagimana berikut: 1) Metode dakwah yang digunakan oleh K.H. Khoiron Zaini adalah bertemu langsung dengan mitra dakwah 2) Dakwah Melalui Komunitas Majelis Pemuda Bersholawat (MPB) At-Taufiq 3) Penyampain Dakwah Melalui Media Sosial “Facebook”. Adapun yang menjadi faktor pendukung dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) daya tarik komunikator 2) penyusunan pesan dakwah. Dan yang menjadi penghambat dalam penelitian ini adalah: 1) Posisi sosial 2) Faktor semantic. Sedangkan solusi yang dikembangkan adalah menjalin hubangan yang baik, mempererat hubungan kekerabatan dengan mitra dakwah, dan memaksimalkan metode dakwah yang dilakukan oleh da’i


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    The aim of this research was to investigate student’ motivation and teachers' motivational strategy in learning English at tenth graders MA Maarif Grabag and SMK Islam Sudirman. To evaluate students' motivation and teachers' motivational strategy in learning English, qualitative methodologies were employed. The subjects of the research were English teachers and the tenth grade students of MA Maarif Grabag and SMK Islam Sudirman. Observation, questionnaires, and interviews were utilized to collect the data. The questionnaire results showed that students' motivation of SMK Islam Sudirman were in Moderate (Tata Boga) and Low (TKR) and MA in Moderate. The Teachers' motivational strategy was in Enough level for SMK Islam and Good for MA Maarif. The analysis obtained showed that students have various motivations. Teachers' motivational strategy was conducted by the field rather than theories. Students' motivation majority was influenced by the intrinsic factors. Teachers did not fully applied theories, and did strategy as impacted by their characteristic, experience, knowledge, and condition of school which result on students' motivation as the extrinsic factors. The suggestion on this study was teachers should know and applied theories of motivation and how to motivate students to enhance their motivation in learning English


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    Pcnelirian ini bertujuan untuk mcngetabui potcnsi perasan bawang putih (Allium sativum) terhadap perlindungan kerusakan pam-pam mencit what pemberian asap rokok

    UPAYA MENCIPATAKAN MEDIA MASSA DAKWAH (Sebuah Kajian Teoantroposentris)

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    This paper discusses the inculcation of religious values ​​in the mass media, so that the news is preaching and can be an intermediary to build a society that is in accordance with the guidance of Islamic law. With qualitative analysis, the results of this paper are elaborated in the form of a translation based on existing literature and data based on the Theoantropocentric Theory. Media actors as a profession have taken shortcuts by referring to the principle of benefits prioritizing the principle of benefits in their coverage and reporting, which is at the same time paradoxical to the professional ethics they carry. Compounded by the lack of respect for the principle of presumption of innocence in the name of the public interest in obtaining information, will increasingly make mass media and media actors as dominant individuals in reconstructing and manipulating social reality

    A Study of Students’ Difficulties in Structure and Written Expression on Paper-Based TOEFL

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    The aims of this study is to investigate student’ difficulties in Structure and Written Expression on Paper-Based TOEFL. The subjects of this study were ten students of English Department STKIP Al Hikmah Surabaya. This study used qualitative research method. The researcher used TOEFL test and interview in collecting the data. The study found the most students’ errors were from five item of TOEFL test, they were invert subject and verb. Multi clauses, reduced clause, form of the verb, and adjective and verb.  This research also showed that the main factor causing students’ difficulty in TOEFL was lack of grammar

    The Implementation of TED Talk Video (TTV) as a Media to Teach Listening for Al-Hikmah Students at CEFR Level B1

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    The major goal of this study is to investigate the implementation of TED Talk Video (TTV) as a media for teaching listening in the classroom and to explore the students’ response towards TTV in teaching listening. Listening skill, as one of the most important skills in English, needs excellent media as a great support to teach students about it, and TTV is assumed to be fascinating media to teach it. The common problem faced by the teachers in teaching listening is that they lack of alternative media to be used to teach it. Conventional way is the only way to teach them, such as by providing the audio sound which is not effective to teach listening. So, this research is considered to be important as a means to explore the implementation of TED Talk video. This qualitative research method involved a class of STKIP Al-Hikmah students who rich B1 level of English proficiency where most of them faced the similar problems in learning listening. The data were gathered through interview, observation, and questionnaires. The data collected by the researcher revealed that TED Talk Video is suitable and applicable to be implemented for students who are in B1 level of English proficiency. The data also proved that both teacher and students felt more comfortable to conduct teaching-learning process. Most students said that TTV gave more advantages than the disadvantages related to their listening skill. Thus, it can be assumed that TTV is pertinent media to be used for teaching listening

    Dakwah K.H. Khoiron Zaini di kalangan remaja: studi metode dakwah persuasif Komunitas Majelis Pemuda Bersholawat (MPB) At Taufiq

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    Di zaman yang semakin canggih dan modern, timbul berbagai macam problematika kehidupan pada para remaja kabupaten Sampang khususnya di Kecamatan Karangpenang. Berbagai cara dan upaya untuk memberikan solusi islami terhadap berbagai berbagai problematika dalam kehidupan remaja tersebut. Problematika kehidupan yang dimaksud mencakup beberapa aspek seperti pergaulan bebas, dekadensi mural, geng motor dan bahkan pecandu narkoba. Adanya Problem tersebut mengharuskan K.H. Khoron Zaini dan komunitasnya (Majelis Pemuda Bersholawat (MPB) At-Taufiq) melakukan perubahan yang mendasar terhadap moralitas para remaja yang ada di Kecamatan Karang Penang kabupaten Sampang. Untuk itu dakwah harus dikemas dengan metode yang tepat dan pas, aktual, faktual dan kontekstual. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif naturalistik dan berdasar pada kerangka teori Komunikasi Persuasif, tesis ini meneliti Dakwah K.H. Khoiron Zaini di Kalangan Remaja “Studi Metode Dakwah Persuasif Komunitas Majelis Pemuda Bersholawat (MPB) At-Taufiq”.Penelitian ini berhasil mengungkap temuan sebagimana berikut: 1) Metode dakwah yang digunakan oleh K.H. Khoiron Zaini adalah bertemu langsung dengan mitra dakwah 2) Dakwah Melalui Komunitas Majelis Pemuda Bersholawat (MPB) At-Taufiq 3) Penyampain Dakwah Melalui Media Sosial “Facebook”. Adapun yang menjadi faktor pendukung dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) daya tarik komunikator 2) penyusunan pesan dakwah. Dan yang menjadi penghambat dalam penelitian ini adalah: 1) Posisi sosial 2) Faktor semantic. Sedangkan solusi yang dikembangkan adalah menjalin hubangan yang baik, mempererat hubungan kekerabatan dengan mitra dakwah, dan memaksimalkan metode dakwah yang dilakukan oleh da’i

    Ratio Decidendi Hakim Pengadilan Agama Kab. Malang dalam putusan nomor 1877/Pdt.g/2019/Pa.Kab.Mlg tentang permohonan pembatalan perkawinan yang melampaui batas kedaluwarsa

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    مستخلص البحث يقوم الباحث بهذا البحث العلمي تحت الموضوع "سبب الحكم عند حاكم المحكمة الدينية بمحافظة مالانج في القرار بالرقم 1877/Pdt.G/2019/Pa.Kab.Mlg حول طلب إبطال الزواج الزائد على المنتهى". خلفية هذا الموضوع هي تقديم إبطال الزواج عند الامرأة إلى المحكمة الدينية بمحافظة مالانج حول زواج زوجها مع الزوجة الثانية، لأنه قد تزوج بدون الإذن من الزوجة الأولى والمحكمة الدينية. يوارب المشتكى أن تقديم ذلك الطلب زائد على المنتهى لأن مدى الوقت بين الزواج وتقديم الطلب زائد على ستة أشهر. إن في هذا البحث سؤالا البحث وهما: الأول, كيف سبب الحكم عند الحاكم لطلب إبطال الزواج الزائد على المنتهى في القرار بالرقم 1877/Pdt.G/2019/Pa.Kab.Mlg, ثانيا, وما هي طريقة التفسير التي يستخدمها الحاكم في القرار بالرقم 1877/Pdt.G/2019/Pa.Kab.Mlg إن هذا البحث هو البحث المقياسي أو البحث القانوني. ويُعَدّ هذا البحث بالبحث الكتابي. والمدخل المستخدم هو المدخل القضاوي المقياسي. ونوع المنهج المستخدم هو المدخل القانوني والحالي والمفهومي. وطريقة تحليل البيانات المستخدمة هي تحليل البيانات الكيفي. تدل نتائج هذا البحث على أن سبب الحكم المتضمن في القرار بالرقم 1877/Pdt.G/2019/Pa.Kab.Mlg مناسب بالقانون. يجيب مجلس الحاكم الطلب الذي قدمته الطالبة تماما وينزع اقتباس وثيقة الزواج المطلقة، ثم لا تملك الوثيقة القوة القانونية. إن في تلك الحالة يقوم الحاكم بكشف الحكم أو تفسير الحكم بطريقة التفسير القواعدي. إن في هذه الحالة يفسر الحاكم الفصل 27 في الآية 3 من القانون بالرقم 1 سنة 1974 بشأن الزواج لإجابة المشتكى. وذكر القاضي أن طلب إبطال الزواج يعتبر منتهي الصلاحية تحسب من معرفة العلاقة الزواج بين المدعى عليها وزوجها من قبل مقدم الطلب. ABSTRACT The choosing of the title of the thesis in this study, the writer investigates Ratio Decidendi of Religious Court’s judge of sub-province Malang in Verdict Number 1877/Pdt.G/2019/Pa.Kab.Mlg About the Petition to cancel a marriage that exceeds the expiration date. The title chosen motivated by there was a person who submitted a request for a marriage cancellation at Religious Court Sub-province of Malang towards her husband’s marriage to second wife. Because her husband had married without the permission of the first wife and permission of the religious court. The Respondent argued that the submission of the request had expired because there is distance between the marriage and the application for the cancellation of the marriage was more than 6 (six) months. In this study, there are formulation of the problem that is: first, how Ratio Decidendi of Religious Court’s judge to the request for a cancellation of a marriage that has expired in the verdict No. 1877/Pdt.G/2019/PA.Kab.Mlg., second, what interpretation method that used by the judge in verdict No: 1877/Pdt.G/2019/PA.Kab.Mlg., This research is normative legal research or legal research. This research is called library research. The approach used is analytical normative juridical approach. The type of approach used is the approach of legislation, case, and conceptual. In this research, the data analysis method used is qualitative data analysis. The result of this study indicate that Ratio Decidendi contained in the verdict of 1877/Pdt.G/2019/Pa.Kab.Mlg. is accordance with the law. The Panel of Judges granted the petition of the petitioner completely and revoked the marriage certificate that was issued then had no legal force. And in the case the judge made a legal discovery or legal interpretation using Grammatical Interpretation method. The legal interpretation is carried out to answer the exception of the respondent to Article 27 Paragraph (3) of Constitution Number 1 in 1974 concerning Marriage. The Panel of Judges stated that the submission of a request to cancel a marriage was considered to have expired since the marriage relationship between the respondent and her husband was known by the applicant. ABSTRAK Pemilihan judul skripsi pada penelitian ini, penulis mengangkat judul Ratio Decidendi Hakim Pengadilan Agama Kab. Malang Dalam Putusan Nomor 1877/Pdt.G/2019/Pa.Kab.Mlg Tentang Permohonan Pembatalan Perkawinan Yang Melampaui Batas Kedaluwarsa. Pilihan judul tersebut dilatar belakangi oleh adanya seorang yang mengajukan permohonan pembatalan perkawinan pada Pengadilan Agama Kabupaten Malang terhadap perkawinan suaminya dengan istri kedua. Dikarenakan suaminya telah melakukan perkawinan tanpa izin istri pertama serta izin pengadilan Agama. Termohon berdalih bahwa pengajuan permohonan tersebut sudah kedaluwarsa karena jarak antara perkawinan dengan pengajuan permohonan pembatalan perkawinan tersebut lebih dari 6 (enam) bulan. Dalam putusan ini, terdapat rumusan masalah yaitu: Pertama, bagaimana Ratio Decidendi hakim terhadap permohonan pembatalan perkawinan yang kedaluwarsa dalam putusan nomor: 1877/Pdt.G/2019/PA.Kab.Mlg., Kedua, Metode penafsiran apa yang digunakan oleh hakim dalam putusan nomor: 1877/Pdt.G/2019/PA.Kab.Mlg., penelitian ini adalah penelitian normative atau penelitian hukum. Penelitian ini disebut penelitian kepustakaan atau library research. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan yuridis normatif. Jenis pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan perundang-undangan, kasus, dan konseptual. Dalam penelitian ini metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Ratio Decidendi yang terdapat pada putusan 1877/Pdt.G/2019/Pa.Kab.Mlg sudah sesuai dengan Undang-undang. Majelis Hakim mengabulkan permohonan pemohon seluruhnya serta mencabut atau menarik kutipan Akta Nikah yang dikeluarkan selanjutnya tidak mempunyai kekuatan hukum. Dan dalam perkara tersebut hakim melakukan penemuan hukum atau penafsiran hukum menggunakan metode Interpretasi Gramatikal. Penafisran tersebut dilakukan untuk menjawab eksepsi termohon atas Pasal 27 Ayat (3) Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perkawinan. Majelis Hakim menyatakan bahwa pengajuan permohonan pembatalan perkawinan dianggap kedaluwarsa dihitung sejak diketahuinya adanya hubungan perkawinan antara termohon dengan suaminya oleh pemohon

    Senior High School Student’s Higher Order Thinking Skill (Hots) In Writing Analytical Exposition Text

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    The type of research is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The research subjects were students in XI MIPA 1 at SMAN 1 Purwosari. The stages of the research include preparation, data collection, data analysis, and report making. The aim of this research to describe student’s higher order thinking skill in writing analytical exposition text. The research instrument used were rubric score of HOTS in writing. The research instrument was a rubric score of HOTS in writing. It was appropriate with the government curriculum about K-13. The research instrument is also based on the real problem. It would help students solve the problem. Because in HOTS, they will try to analyzed the problem. Then, they able evaluate or assess the problem. After that, they able to create a solution. The result explained that subject 3 with high academic report in English lesson able to reach excellent level of HOTS and the others had good level of HOTS. According to this research, students from SMAN 1 Purwosari need appropriate strategies and teaching materials to improve their writing skill in higher order thinking skil

    The Implementation of Total Physical Response (TPR) in Teaching Speaking

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    Generally, speaking skill is one of the essential skills that must be acquired by students at school. The students are hoped to be able to communicate in English in their daily activities. Event though, student unrarely use it because feeling unconfident and absolutely need a way to solve the problem. This research would investigate the implementation of TPR in Teaching Speaking. To analyze how TPR is used by teacher and students’ response in learning English especially speaking skill, qualitatitive methodologies ar employed. Teacher and English learners from SMPN 1 Purwosari in the 8th grade served as the participants. Observation, questionnaires, and interviews were used to collect the data. The most students gave positive response toward the implemetation of TPR in learning speaking. It was proved from the result of the interview and questionnare. The students had fun to learn English in speaking by using many movements during learning activity and they were able to follow their teacher’s intruction well. However, few students did not interest toward TPR in learning English speaking lesoon. The suggestion for other researchers is to investigate the implementation TPR in teaching other languages aspect such as grammar. The researchers are also suggested to investigate the effectiveness of TPR teaching method to improve students’ particular English skill