1,699 research outputs found

    Measuring snow cover using satellite imagery during 1973 and 1974 melt season: North Santiam, Boise, and Upper Snake Basins, phase 1

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    Measurements are examined of snow coverage during the snow-melt season in 1973 and 1974 from LANDSAT imagery for the three Columbia River Subbasins. Satellite derived snow cover inventories for the three test basins were obtained as an alternative to inventories performed with the current operational practice of using small aircraft flights over selected snow fields. The accuracy and precision versus cost for several different interactive image analysis procedures was investigated using a display device, the Electronic Satellite Image Analysis Console. Single-band radiance thresholding was the principal technique employed in the snow detection, although this technique was supplemented by an editing procedure involving reference to hand-generated elevation contours. For each data and view measured, a binary thematic map or "mask" depicting the snow cover was generated by a combination of objective and subjective procedures. Photographs of data analysis equipment (displays) are shown

    Advanced single permanent magnet axipolar ironless stator ac motor for electric passenger vehicles

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    A program was conducted to design and develop an advanced-concept motor specifically created for propulsion of electric vehicles with increased range, reduced energy consumption, and reduced life-cycle costs in comparison with conventional systems. The motor developed is a brushless, dc, rare-earth cobalt, permanent magnet, axial air gap inductor machine that uses an ironless stator. Air cooling is inherent provided by the centrifugal-fan action of the rotor poles. An extensive design phase was conducted, which included analysis of the system performance versus the SAE J227a(D) driving cycle. A proof-of-principle model was developed and tested, and a functional model was developed and tested. Full generator-level testing was conducted on the functional model, recording electromagnetic, thermal, aerodynamic, and acoustic noise data. The machine demonstrated 20.3 kW output at 1466 rad/s and 160 dc. The novel ironless stator demonstated the capability to continuously operate at peak current. The projected system performance based on the use of a transistor inverter is 23.6 kW output power at 1466 rad/s and 83.3 percent efficiency. Design areas of concern regarding electric vehicle applications include the inherently high windage loss and rotor inertia

    Expression of PEG11 and PEG11AS transcripts in normal and callipyge sheep

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    BACKGROUND: The callipyge mutation is located within an imprinted gene cluster on ovine chromosome 18. The callipyge trait exhibits polar overdominant inheritance due to the fact that only heterozygotes inheriting a mutant paternal allele (paternal heterozygotes) have a phenotype of muscle hypertrophy, reduced fat and a more compact skeleton. The mutation is a single A to G transition in an intergenic region that results in the increased expression of several genes within the imprinted cluster without changing their parent-of-origin allele-specific expression. RESULTS: There was a significant effect of genotype (p < 0.0001) on the transcript abundance of DLK1, PEG11, and MEG8 in the muscles of lambs with the callipyge allele. DLK1 and PEG11 transcript levels were elevated in the hypertrophied muscles of paternal heterozygous animals relative to animals of the other three genotypes. The PEG11 locus produces a single 6.5 kb transcript and two smaller antisense strand transcripts, referred to as PEG11AS, in skeletal muscle. PEG11AS transcripts were detectable over a 5.5 kb region beginning 1.2 kb upstream of the PEG11 start codon and spanning the entire open reading frame. Analysis of PEG11 expression by quantitative PCR shows a 200-fold induction in the hypertrophied muscles of paternal heterozygous animals and a 13-fold induction in homozygous callipyge animals. PEG11 transcripts were 14-fold more abundant than PEG11AS transcripts in the gluteus medius of paternal heterozygous animals. PEG11AS transcripts were expressed at higher levels than PEG11 transcripts in the gluteus medius of animals of the other three genotypes. CONCLUSIONS: The effect of the callipyge mutation has been to alter the expression of DLK1, GTL2, PEG11 and MEG8 in the hypertrophied skeletal muscles. Transcript abundance of DLK1 and PEG11 was highest in paternal heterozygous animals and exhibited polar overdominant gene expression patterns; therefore, both genes are candidates for causing skeletal muscle hypertrophy. There was unique relationship of PEG11 and PEG11AS transcript abundance in the paternal heterozygous animals that suggests a RNA interference mechanism may have a role in PEG11 gene regulation and polar overdominance in callipyge sheep

    Demographic Studies on Hawaii's Endangered Tree Snails: Partulina proxima

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    Populations of the tree snail Partulina proxima, endemic to higher elevations of Molokai, Hawaiian Islands, were studied for 3 years. Analyses of the data derived from 17bimonthly mark-recapture events determined that each tree harbors a small, mostly nonmigratory population of 8-26 snails of which 2-4 are adults; the snails average 4.2 mm long at birth and 21.3 mm long when growth stops; growth is slow, with maturity reached in 5-7 years; annual fecundity averages 6.2 offspring per adult; and mortality is about 98% over the first 4 years of life. Given the high rate of juvenile mortality, adult snails must reproduce for at least 12 years to replace themselves. From this we calculate a minimum maximal life-span of 18-19 years. We conclude that the current high rate of unexplained juvenile mortality, combined with lat e age at first reproduction and low fecundity, place this species at very high risk to any sort of perturbation, particularly any selective predation on adults

    Analysis of ATS photographs using a specially designed electronic console, phase 1 Final report, 8 Oct. 1969 - 8 Oct. 1970

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    Evaluation of capabilities of electronic display system used in analysis of ATS cloud photograph

    Solid immersion lens applications for nanophotonic devices

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    Solid immersion lens (SIL) microscopy combines the advantages of conventional microscopy with those of near-field techniques, and is being increasingly adopted across a diverse range of technologies and applications. A comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art in this rapidly expanding subject is therefore increasingly relevant. Important benefits are enabled by SIL-focusing, including an improved lateral and axial spatial profiling resolution when a SIL is used in laser-scanning microscopy or excitation, and an improved collection efficiency when a SIL is used in a light-collection mode, for example in fluorescence micro-spectroscopy. These advantages arise from the increase in numerical aperture (NA) that is provided by a SIL. Other SIL-enhanced improvements, for example spherical-aberration-free sub-surface imaging, are a fundamental consequence of the aplanatic imaging condition that results from the spherical geometry of the SIL. Beginning with an introduction to the theory of SIL imaging, the unique properties of SILs are exposed to provide advantages in applications involving the interrogation of photonic and electronic nanostructures. Such applications range from the sub-surface examination of the complex three-dimensional microstructures fabricated in silicon integrated circuits, to quantum photoluminescence and transmission measurements in semiconductor quantum dot nanostructures

    Material Characterization and Real-Time Wear Evaluation of Pistons and Cylinder Liners of the Tiger 131 Military Tank

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    Material characterisation and wear evaluation of the original and replacement pistons and cylinder-liners of Tiger 131 is reported. Original piston and cylinder-liner were operative in the Tigers’ engine during WWII. The replacement piston and cylinder-liner were used as substitutes and were obtained after failure in two hours of operation in the actual engine. Material characterisation revealed that the original piston was aluminium silicon hypereutectic alloy whereas the replacement piston was aluminium copper alloy with very low silicon content. Both original and replacement cylinder-liners consisted of mostly iron which is indicative of cast iron, a common material for this application. The replacement piston average surface roughness was found to be 9.09 μm while for replacement cylinder-liner it was 5.78 μm

    Sex and Asex: A clonal lexicon

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    This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in Journal of Heredity following peer review. The version of record--Maria E Orive, Stacy A Krueger-Hadfield, Sex and Asex: A clonal lexicon, Journal of Heredity, 2020;, esaa058, https://doi.org/10.1093/jhered/esaa058--is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1093/jhered/esaa058Organisms across the tree of life have complex life cycles that include both sexual and asexual reproduction or that are obligately asexual. These organisms include ecologically dominant species that structure many terrestrial and marine ecosystems, as well as many pathogens, pests, and invasive species. We must consider both the evolution and maintenance of these various reproductive modes and how these modes shape the genetic diversity, adaptive evolution, and ability to persist of the species that exhibit them. Thus, having a common framework is a key aspect of understanding the biodiversity that shapes our planet. In the 2019 AGA President’s Symposium, Sex and Asex: The genetics of complex life cycles, researchers investigating a wide range of taxonomic models and using a variety of modes of investigation coalesced around a common theme – understanding not only how such complex life cycles may evolve, but how they are shaped by the evolutionary and ecological forces around them. In this introduction to the Special Issue from the symposium, we give an overview of some of the key ideas and areas of investigation (a common clonal lexicon, we might say) and introduce the breadth of work submitted by symposium participants