86 research outputs found

    Relationship between the use of drugs and changes in body weight among patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Purpose: To investigate the impact of drugs on the body weight of patients.Methods: All the randomized controlled trials that evaluated the impact of medications on the body weight of patients were searched in various databases. Studies quantifying the impact of drugs on body weight when compared to placebo or any other treatment were considered for this review. Moreover, the quantitative synthesis of evidence was also performed by generating the forest plot.Results: A total of 20 studies involving 18,547 participants were included in the current review. Weight gains ranging from 0.5 to 2.6 kg were associated with the use of pioglitazone, espindolol, brexpiprazole, glimepiride and ezogabine while weight loss ranging from 1.1 to 12 kg was linked with the use of betahistine, naltrexone, bupropion, liraglutide, phentermine, topiramate, orlistat, zonisamide, duloxetine, semaglutide, metformin and linagliptin. The quantitative synthesis suggested that drugs can significantly reduce body weight by -0.53 kg (CI 95 % -1.01, -0.04, p < 0.04) when compared to standard treatment.Conclusion: The findings of this review suggest substantial association of drugs and weight change during pharmacotherapy. Pioglitzone, brexpiprazole, espindolol, ezogabine and glimepiride cause weight gain while naltrexone, bupropion, betahistine, topiramate, phentermine, zonisamide, semaglutide, linagliptin, liraglutide, orlistat, duloxetine and metformin were associated with weight loss. Drug-induced changes in body weight might cause serious consequences and should be addressed before initiating treatment

    Particulate Fillers in Thermoplastics

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    The characteristics of particulate filled thermoplastics are determined by four factors: component properties, composition, structure and interfacial interactions. The most important filler characteristics are particle size, size distribution, specific surface area and particle shape, while the main matrix property is stiffness. Segregation, aggregation and the orientation of anisotropic particles determine structure. Interfacial interactions lead to the formation of a stiff interphase considerably influencing properties. Interactions are changed by surface modification, which must be always system specific and selected according to its goal. Under the effect of external load inhomogeneous stress distribution develops around heterogeneities, which initiate local micromechanical deformation processes determining the macroscopic properties of the composites

    Supervisi akademik kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran di SMA Negeri 1 Ladongi Kabupeten Kolaka Timur

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    ABSTRACT Academic supervision is a series of activities to help the teachers in developing their ability to manage the learning process in order to achieve the learning targets. Supervision which was conducted by SMAN 1 Ladongi was an aid that guides the teacher in planning the learning, implementing the learning process, evaluating the students’ learning outcome, and following up the supervision’s results in order to improve the quality of learning in SMA Negeri 1 Ladongi. This study aims to: 1) describe and analyze the principal academic supervision of SMAN 1 Ladongi in improving the quality of learning, 2) describe the implementation strategy of principal academic supervision of SMAN 1 Ladongi in improving the quality of learning, 3) describe and analyze the implication of the principal academic supervision of SMAN 1 Ladongi in improving the quality of learning. This study applied descriptive qualitative approach. The source of the data were principal, vice principal of curriculum, vice principal of quality guarantor, teachers of SMAN 1 Ladongi. The data collection techniques used observation, interview, and documentation. As for the validity test using triangulation techniques data and sources, while the data analysis using interactive analysis techniques. Based on the research findings, it could be concluded as follows: (1) the principal’s of SMAN 1 Ladongi academic supervision programs were prepared based on the supervision analysis results and the previous monitoring results of the learning process; the principal’s academic supervision programs were arranged at the beginning of the school year by identifying the problems, setting the goals, and determining the implementation time in advance. Those activities engaged the roles of vice principal of curriculum, vice principal of quality guarantor, and teachers that were done systematically, (2) the implementation strategy of the principal’s academic supervision included: indirect and direct supervision, classroom visit supervision, and observation of the teachers’ activity inside as well as outside the classroom, and the following-up implementation of academic supervision result in the form of personal and group coaching. (3) The implication of principal’s academic supervision were: (a) the improvement in the teachers’ ability in designing learning sets (b) the improvement in the teachers’ ability in implementing the learning process, (c) the improvement in the teachers’ ability in evaluating the students’ learning outcomes. ABSTRAK Supervisi akademik yang dilakukan oleh kepala SMAN 1 Ladongi merupakan usaha untuk meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran melalui pembinaan, serta bimbingan kepada para guru dalam merencanakan pembelajaran, pelaksanaan proses pembelajaran, serta evaluasi hasil belajar siswa dalam rangka pencapaian tujuan yang telah ditetapkan. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan; 1) Mendeskripsikan perencanaan supervisi akademik yang dilakukan oleh kepala SMAN 1 Ladongi, 2) Mendeskripsikan strategi pelaksanaan supervisi akademik kepala SMAN 1 Ladongi, dan 3) mendeskripsikan implikasi supervisi akademik kepala SMAN 1 Ladongi dalam meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran di SMAN 1 Ladongi. Penelitian ini mengunakan pendekatan kualitatif yang bersifat deskriptif, yaitu peneliti hanya mendeskripsikan, menganalisis fenomena, peristiwa dan aktivitas yang dilakukan berkaitan dengan supervisi akademik yang dilakukan oleh kepala SMAN 1 Ladongi dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui: (1) Observasi (2) Wawancara Mendalam, dan (3) Studi Dokumentasi. Adapun pemilihan informan penelitian, menggunakan teknik purposif dipadukan dengan Snowball Sampling. Data yang terkumpul melalui ketiga teknik tadi kemudian dicek keabsahannya dengan cara triangulasi. Kemudian dianalisis dengan cara : (1) reduksi data, (2) penyajian data dan (3) penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan temuan sebagai berikut: (1) Program supervisi akademik kepala SMAN 1 Ladongi disusun berdasarkan hasil analisis supervisi dan pemantauan proses pembelajaran sebelumnya; Program supervisi akademik kepala sekolah disusun pada awal tahun pelajaran, dengan terlebih dahulu mengidentifikasi masalah, menentukan tujuan dan menentukan waktu pelaksanaannya, melibatkan wakasek kurikulum, wakasek penjamin mutu, dan guru; dan dilakukan secara sistimatis, (2) Strategi pelaksanaan supervisi akademik kepala sekolah meliputi: melakukan supervisi perangkat pembelajaran, Supervisi dengan tehnik kunjungan kelas, dan pengamatan terhadap kegiatan guru di kelas, dan Pelaksanaan tindak lanjut terhadap hasil supervisi akademik dengan bentuk pembinaan personal dan kelompok. (3) Implikasi supervisi akademik kepala sekolah yaitu: (a) Meningkatnya kemampuan guru dalam menyusun perangkat pembelajaran (b) Meningkatnya Kemampuan guru dalam melaksanakan proses pembelajaran,(c) Meningkatnya kemampuan guru dalam mengevaluasi hasil belajar siswa. Kesimpulan: supervisi akademik merupakan salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan profesionalisme guru dalam merencanakan, melaksanakan proses pembelajaran serta evaluasi terhadap hasil belajar siswa dalam rangka meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran sehingga tujuan pendidikan baik lokal maupun nasional dapat tercapai baik

    The role of intravelar veloplasty in primary cleft palate repair

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    Background and objective: The presence of a cleft palate introduces feeding difficulties, problems in speech development, and the possibility of impaired facial growth. Intravelar veloplasty aids to gain functional repair of the palate. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of intravelar veloplasty on the function of velum in primarily repaired palates. Methods: A review study was done in Rizgary Teaching Hospital, Erbil. Clinical and nasopharyngeal endoscopic examination was done for patients who underwent primary palatal repair with intravelar veloplasty between 2009 to 2014. The study assessed the velopharyngeal port for adequacy of closure, hypernasality of speech, and oronasal fistula rate. Results: This study included 47 patients. The mean age of patients ± SD was 3.4±4 years (range 1- 20 years) at time of repair. Major improvement in intelligibility and production of pharyngeal sounds and velopharyngeal closure was noticed when using intravelar veloplasty in palatal repair. There was a significant association between defect type and degree of velopharyngeal port closure (P = 0.009), i.e., inadequate velopharyngeal closure was more common in the complete cleft palate. Conclusion: This study showed that intravelar veloplasty helps to improve the velopharyngeal closure and oropharyngeal sounds production. The poor velopharyngeal closure is more likely related to wide, complete cleft palate. Keywords: Cleft palate; Palatoplasty; Intravelar veloplasty; Velopharyngeal insufficiency

    La próblematica del nuevo ingreso a la UES

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    El problema de la educación superior en El Salvador, está vinculado estrechamente a las condiciones sociales y económicas predominantes en los distintos hogares Ello se refleja objetivamente, en las características que presentan los estudiantes de nuevo ingreso, en lo relativo a su preparación académica, y las disponibilidades financieras de cada hogar para hacer frente a los gastos mínimos que conlleva el estudiar en la Universidad de El Salvador, la cual pese a mantener las cuotas más bajas, existen numerosos estudiantes que se retiran o no ingresan por carecer de los más elementales medios de subsistenci

    The role of intravelar veloplasty in primary cleft palate repair

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    Background and objective: The presence of a cleft palate introduces feeding difficulties, problems in speech development, and the possibility of impaired facial growth. Intravelar veloplasty aids to gain functional repair of the palate. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of intravelar veloplasty on the function of velum in primarily repaired palates. Methods: A review study was done in Rizgary Teaching Hospital, Erbil. Clinical and nasopharyngeal endoscopic examination was done for patients who underwent primary palatal repair with intravelar veloplasty between 2009 to 2014. The study assessed the velopharyngeal port for adequacy of closure, hypernasality of speech, and oronasal fistula rate. Results: This study included 47 patients. The mean age of patients ± SD was 3.4±4 years (range 1- 20 years) at time of repair. Major improvement in intelligibility and production of pharyngeal sounds and velopharyngeal closure was noticed when using intravelar veloplasty in palatal repair. There was a significant association between defect type and degree of velopharyngeal port closure (P = 0.009), i.e., inadequate velopharyngeal closure was more common in the complete cleft palate. Conclusion: This study showed that intravelar veloplasty helps to improve the velopharyngeal closure and oropharyngeal sounds production. The poor velopharyngeal closure is more likely related to wide, complete cleft palate. Keywords: Cleft palate; Palatoplasty; Intravelar veloplasty; Velopharyngeal insufficiency

    El cambio curricular: un problema complejo no irrealizable

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    Através de todo el desarrollo histórico del país, se ha manifestado de diferentes formas o modalidades el sometimiento de una clase social a otra, la cual adquiere privilegios en todos los campos de acción, el campo educativo no escapa a este privilegio, y tradicionalmente la clase poderosa ha determinado las políticas de formación de los recursos humanos, condicionándola a su propio proyecto socioeconómico y político